How is this "storming the Capitol" and "insurrection?" Police hold doors for protesters on 1/6

Oath Keepers are no more Trump's people than ISIS is Obama's people.
They may have ideologies that are similar.....but if you're trying to blame Trump for every idiot who starts some radical group then you're about as dishonest as they come.
No, but I blame trump and the anti-American idiots he invited to Washington, to his stop the steal rally before sending them to the Capital to fight. He invited. These idiots answered his call. They went and attacked. Pretty simple, to me, badda bing, badda bang, next case.
Was this after they broke the windows and climbing in the broken windows.

Or was it after they scaled the walls at the capital to attack.

Because you know walls are such great defense.
No, but I blame trump and the anti-American idiots he invited to Washington, to his stop the steal rally before sending them to the Capital to fight. He invited. These idiots answered his call. They went and attacked. Pretty simple, to me, badda bing, badda bang, next case.
Sure....because you're simple-minded.
Anyone with half a brain knows you cannot blame someone for the actions of another, by law. But I guess you libs don't believe in the law or using common-sense.
This will go down as one of the greatest crimes in America, hundreds of 99% peaceful protesters being beaten and tortured for exercising their right of peaceful protest. To this day.

Yeah, so peaceful...

Sure....because you're simple-minded.
Anyone with half a brain knows you cannot blame someone for the actions of another, by law. But I guess you libs don't believe in the law or using common-sense.
You a fine one to talk. You aren't exactly Mr SATs. Spock probably wouldn't like you even using his likeness. I am pretty sure those people they have tried, convicted or who personally pleaded guilt, (many expressing regret for their action and involvement in the attack were primarily responsible for their actions, no matter how irresponsible those actions were. Key Republicans have said Donny bears responsibility and there is a committee looking into it.
You a fine one to talk. You aren't exactly Mr SATs. Spock probably wouldn't like you even using his likeness. I am pretty sure those people they have tried, convicted or who personally pleaded guilt, (many expressing regret for their action and involvement in the attack were primarily responsible for their actions, no matter how irresponsible those actions were. Key Republicans have said Donny bears responsibility and there is a committee looking into it.
Leave Leonard Nemoy out of this.
The problem here is you people have destructive policies that are costing the lives of hundreds of thousands of people....and is causing hardship for everyone in America.
Their only skill is creating one fraud after another....and a base that is so gullible that they can't use their f**king common-sense anymore.
Leave Leonard Nemoy out of this.
The problem here is you people have destructive policies that are costing the lives of hundreds of thousands of people....and is causing hardship for everyone in America.
Their only skill is creating one fraud after another....and a base that is so gullible that they can't use their f**king common-sense anymore.
Yeah? Which policy is that? Just tell us all about how West Tennesseans are ruining your life.:9:
Alinsky's Rule #4: "Make the enemy live up to his own book of rules."

Jan 6 is just projection by the left: It diverts attention away from their whole year of protests, riots, looting, arson, assault, and murder.
Lie. Jan 6 was a gaggle of magaturds behaving like BLM/Antifa extremists.
Yeah? Which policy is that? Just tell us all about how West Tennesseans are ruining your life.:9:
Build Back Better is just runaway inflation. Intentionally jacking up the costs of food and energy costing us at this point an extra $5200/yr in groceries and gas.
Eventually they plan on making air-conditioning a thing of the past.
And they're also trying to cause starvation by not letting farmers grow crops. They cut off their water supply and their access to fertilizers.
Build Back Better is just runaway inflation. Intentionally jacking up the costs of food and energy costing us at this point an extra $5200/yr in groceries and gas.
Eventually they plan on making air-conditioning a thing of the past.
And they're also trying to cause starvation by not letting farmers grow crops. They cut off their water supply and their access to fertilizers.
Don't you read or watch any news at all.
They're still doing it. This is also their plan to completely change the demographics of the voting base by flying millions of illegals all over the country and turning Red-States into 3rd World Shitholes.
Are you on Crack? They can't vote in Representative, Senatorial or Presidential elections, even if some cities let them have a voice on school boards, but no not constitutional offices.
Go ahead. Give us some numbers of how many illegals voted in each of the 50 states with even the dumbass republicans catching on and prosecuting. Go ahead. Show your sources. We are dying to see it.
Yeah, so peaceful...

Yep....two murders. The top video the cops beat a woman to death and caused a riot. You better believe that caused people to get upset.

The bottom video I've never seen before....but it wasn't the same video that showed a cop shooting another woman.

Witnesses said that security brought in several vans filled with ANTIFA and BLM during the protest. They escorted them to the back and some of them ended up being involved in the shooting and beatings that took place in the tunnel.

But none of this held a candle to the riots that took place in 2020 that Democrats funded. They delivered pallets filled with rocks and bricks to the site before the riots....then started the violence.
Are you on Crack? They can't vote in Representative, Senatorial or Presidential elections, even if some cities let them have a voice on school boards, but no not constitutional offices.
Go ahead. Give us some numbers of how many illegals voted in each of the 50 states with even the dumbass republicans catching on and prosecuting. Go ahead. Show your sources. We are dying to see it.
They can vote any time they want with Mail-in ballots. Nobody checks their citizenship.

And stop being an asshole. Everyone knows that if you have no chain of custody they can't tell who voted....and elections are supposed be a secret except to the folks counting the votes.....and I'm not counting them.
They can vote any time they want with Mail-in ballots. Nobody checks their citizenship.

And stop being an asshole. Everyone knows that if you have no chain of custody they can't tell who voted....and elections are supposed be a secret except to the folks counting the votes.....and I'm not counting them.
Fella, your nuts. That isn't the way that works.
Fella, your nuts. That isn't the way that works.
Yes it is. Biden said it doesn't matter who votes for who if you control the people counting the votes.
And when it comes to Mail-in votes....they don't have a chain of custody because of their ballot collection points aren't they set up plenty of opportunities to cheat.
They can vote any time they want with Mail-in ballots. Nobody checks their citizenship.

Well, good poster 'mudwhistle' we feel your frustration in that you have some doubts about 'fly-in' immigrants', and their voting in our Presidential elections.

We get it.
We know you carry pain.

However, perhaps the best way to alleviate that pain would be to volunteer with your local election official and serve at the polls during next election. You can be the one at the first table that verifies identification and validates registrations.

That way you can be better assured that things are being done right.
Because you are the one doing it.
You are the 'hands-on', 'eyes-on' man-on-the-street who can bear witness.

I offer the above suggestion because......well, because I too have worked the polls on election day.
Several times.

And to be totally frank, it gave me a much greater appreciation on how seriously those folks take their responsibility to do all things right.

I found it a great experience. Made me respect citizenship much more. A very worthwhile experience. A very 'American' experience.
You will likely come away with the same sense of citizenship.

Good luck.
Yes it is. Biden said it doesn't matter who votes for who if you control the people counting the votes.
And when it comes to Mail-in votes....they don't have a chain of custody because of their ballot collection points aren't they set up plenty of opportunities to cheat.
Most of the cheating turned out to be Republics using their dead mother-in- law and similar circumstances. You really don't keep up. It's now about what you conspiracy nuts think is possible. It is about reality and what happened. That proof stuff to put in front of a court, must gall the heck out you.
Most of the cheating turned out to be Republics using their dead mother-in- law and similar circumstances. You really don't keep up. It's now about what you conspiracy nuts think is possible. It is about reality and what happened. That proof stuff to put in front of a court, must gall the heck out you.
You are full of projection. You actually believe every lie the MSM puts out.

And when it comes to your rhetoric. All talk and no substance.

I'm done wasting my time on your ignorant ass.

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