How is this "storming the Capitol" and "insurrection?" Police hold doors for protesters on 1/6

These are not law abiding citizens peacefully entering the Capitol.

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Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears To Have Led The Very First 1/6 Attack On The U.S. Capitol. By Revolver.

Yep, it appears pretty certain now that the Jan 6 “insurrection” was instigated and led by the FBI.

Revolver’s summary of their long and detailed report:

Ray Epps appears to be among the primary orchestrators of the very first breach of the Capitol’s police barricades at 12:50pm on January 6. Epps appears to have led the “breach team” that committed the very first illegal acts on that fateful day. What’s more, Epps and his “breach team” did all their dirty work with 10 minutes still remaining in President Trump’s National Mall speech, and with the vast majority of Trump supporters still 30 minutes away from the Capitol. ..
The FBI stealthily removed Ray Epps from its Capitol Violence Most Wanted List on July 1, just one day after Revolver exposed the inexplicable and puzzlesome FBI protection of known Epps associate and Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes. July 1 was also just one day after separate New York Times report amplified a glaring, falsifiable lie about Epps’s role in the events of January 6.
Lastly, Ray Epps appears to have worked alongside several individuals — many of them suspiciously unindicted — to carry out a breach of the police barricades that induced a subsequent flood of unsuspecting MAGA protesters to unwittingly trespass on Capitol restricted grounds and place themselves in legal jeopardy.

Ray Epps, ex-Marine Sergeant:

Ray Epps is a free man. He has never been arrested or charged. Nearly 10 months after January 6, the FBI and Justice Department still refuse to comment on whether Epps has ever been served a search warrant.
But we do know that at least rank-and-file FBI investigators were intensely interested in Ray Epps in the immediate aftermath of January 6.
By January 8, the FBI Capitol Violence Most Wanted List featured a big fat friendly face shot of Ray Epps. The FBI’s Washington Field Office, in a tweet the same day, called for the public’s help in identifying Epps. Epps, dressed in full camo with a bright red “Trump” hat, is the FBI’s “Suspect 16” …


On January 8, the FBI begged the public’s help to identify the mysterious “Person #16.”
Then, a funny thing happened: the public actually delivered.
Initially, swarms of left-wing researcher accounts, Antifa groups, and partisan non-profits leapt into Crowdsourced Internet Detective mode. They assigned Epps’s identity various hashtags and tracked his movements throughout January 5-6. The primary three hashtags assigned to Epps were:
  • #CrowdControl, because of the way Epps was always controlling every crowd he was a part of on both January 5 and January 6;
  • #FedBoomer, because of the shocking video … of Epps being shouted down as a “Fed” by Trump supporters for proposing to enter the Capitol; and
  • #BigMagaCamo, which came to be Epps’s final, neutral descriptor name. It is under the #BigMagaCamo moniker that virtually all left-wing databases, shared Google spreadsheets and multimedia archives retain most of their Ray Epps information.
Within days of the riot at the Capitol, archives quickly swelled with videos and images of Epps.
Ray Epps played two roles in virtually every encounter during his Commando Capitol Tour on January 6.
First, Epps instructed his commandos and the crowds at his attention to rush into the Capitol and let nothing stop them. Second, Epps assiduously protected cops and law enforcement so no local or federal officers would be harmed during the precision breaches. …
Nearly two and a half hours after Epps and his “breach team” appeared to coordinate the toppling of the Capitol’s East-side police barricades … Epps’s mission magically switched to calming the crowd down, assuring them “We already made our point,” and ensuring that no more of his apparently fellow officers got hurt that afternoon. …
In less than three days, Ray Epps was identified as Suspect 16. … Then, for nearly six months, amidst the biggest manhunt in American history, the FBI did nothing with this information. As the FBI did nothing on Epps, it was simultaneously investigating, arresting, raiding and imprisoning hundreds of completely benign MAGA moms and social media trolls — mostly for minor misdemeanor trespassing charges.

FBI coverup:

Then, on July 1, … the FBI finally took action on Ray Epps. … Someone at the FBI quietly and stealthily purged every trace of Ray Epps from the Capitol Riots Most Wanted database. …
Ray Epps was not purged because he was arrested. If Epps was arrested, the FBI Wanted List would have the caption “ARRESTED” affixed to his picture, as you can plainly see is done for all other arrested suspects in the database itself. Further, the searchable Justive.Gov Capitol Breach Cases database confirms there are no case dockets or filings for any “Epps” at all. …

Epp’s actions on the evening of Jan 5:

We will now review a series of clips which run from approximately 10:30 p.m.- midnight on the evening of January 5. The scenes depicted in the following clips all occurred in the newly named Black Lives Matter Plaza at 16th St NW in DC — just blocks from the White House.
There, Trump supporters from around the country who had flown in for the protest gathered together. They had just been separated from Antifa/BLM counter-protesters, some of whom had been violently attacking Trump supporters that strayed from the main crowd. Some Trump supporters, including isolated women, were beaten senseless and bloody on the street, and the crowd was particularly agitated as a result. You’ll hear the forthcoming clip begin with a Trump supporter saying “They’re not Americans, they’re terrorists,” referring to the Antifa/BLM group that attacked them.
There was a very West Side Story feel to the two gangs being separated by a police line. But on the Trump side, Ray Epps held court, and he instructed the Trump crowd to redirect their energies away from counter-protesters, and join his plot to go inside the Capitol the next day instead.
The picture at the top looks like police brutality to me.
I saw a video last month that showed these goons beating and kicking a woman to death.....the protesters where trying to get her body away from the goons in riot gear. Note that nobody in this picture is armed other than the goons in riot gear.
The cops escorted several Trump supporters inside the Capital and then start beating people up and causing a panic shoving them thru a small doorway.

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No, but I blame trump and the anti-American idiots he invited to Washington, to his stop the steal rally before sending them to the Capital to fight. He invited. These idiots answered his call. They went and attacked. Pretty simple, to me, badda bing, badda bang, next case.
I bet you support blm?

Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears To Have Led The Very First 1/6 Attack On The U.S. Capitol. By Revolver.

Yep, it appears pretty certain now that the Jan 6 “insurrection” was instigated and led by the FBI.

Revolver’s summary of their long and detailed report:

Ray Epps, ex-Marine Sergeant:


FBI coverup:

Epp’s actions on the evening of Jan 5:

Nutcase, there's no proof Epps is with the FBI. :cuckoo:
Yeap.....the only evidence you'll believe comes from the Communist News Network...or PMSNBC.

Slobbers an idiot who falls for National Inquireresque tabloids. :cuckoo:

Oh, and moron, no, I don't look at CNN or MSNBC. You're just wrong as always because you're so demented.
Yeah....and there's not proof of anything that Trump was impeached on.....yet they impeached him anyway.


Your whataboutism is noted and laughed at. And yes, there was proof. Trump's "perfect" phone call where he solicited a foreign national to contribute to his campaign.
Slobbers an idiot who falls for National Inquireresque tabloids. :cuckoo:

Oh, and moron, no, I don't look at CNN or MSNBC. You're just wrong as always because you're so demented. just buy CNN and MSNBC's rhetoric hook, line & sinker.
The source of all of the left's lies is CNN, MSNBC, the NY Slimes, and the Washington Compost.

Your whataboutism is noted and laughed at. And yes, there was proof. Trump's "perfect" phone call where he solicited a foreign national to contribute to his campaign.
WTF are you talking about?
The issue was a claim by Democrats that in performance of his duties he withheld aide to Ukraine.
It actually does, more than Russian collusion. It has video and records.

Nope, zero credibility. It's based on research done by Gregg Phillips. Gregg Phillips, in 2016, claimed there were more than 3 million votes by non-citizens -- but then never offered an iota of evidence to support his claim.

Furthermore, aside from their claims of ballot harvesting, they also claim the ballots are fraudulent. But like Gregg Phillips' claim of 3 million illegal voters, they offer zero proof even one ballot was fraudulent. just buy CNN and MSNBC's rhetoric hook, line & sinker.
The source of all of the left's lies is CNN, MSNBC, the NY Slimes, and the Washington Compost.


Did you really think the forum needed more evidence you're batshit insane? I just said I don't watch CNN or MSNBC; yet here you are, still listening to your delusions.

WTF are you talking about?
The issue was a claim by Democrats that in performance of his duties he withheld aide to Ukraine.

Moron, that was not the only claim. The other claim was for soliciting a foreign national to contribute to his campaign.

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