How is this "storming the Capitol" and "insurrection?" Police hold doors for protesters on 1/6

You are full of projection. You actually believe every lie the MSM puts out.

And when it comes to your rhetoric. All talk and no substance.

I'm done wasting my time on your ignorant ass.
You are full of projection. You actually believe every lie the MSM puts out.

And when it comes to your rhetoric. All talk and no substance.

I'm done wasting my time on your ignorant ass.
voter fraud is easy to find

voter fraud is easy to find

Sure....the MSM is only going to publish stories about a few so-called Trump supporters.....and totally ignore all of the massive fraud that took place in AZ, PA, GA, MI, IL, WI, CA, OR, WA, CO, NY, NJ, and Virginia.
Yep....two murders. The top video the cops beat a woman to death and caused a riot. You better believe that caused people to get upset.

The bottom video I've never seen before....but it wasn't the same video that showed a cop shooting another woman.

Witnesses said that security brought in several vans filled with ANTIFA and BLM during the protest. They escorted them to the back and some of them ended up being involved in the shooting and beatings that took place in the tunnel.

But none of this held a candle to the riots that took place in 2020 that Democrats funded. They delivered pallets filled with rocks and bricks to the site before the riots....then started the violence.

You're truly out of your fucking mind, mud. :cuckoo:
Sure....the MSM is only going to publish stories about a few so-called Trump supporters.....and totally ignore all of the massive fraud that took place in AZ, PA, GA, MI, IL, WI, CA, OR, WA, CO, NY, NJ, and Virginia.
Fraud is proven in court and Trump and the Republicans lost all those battles. 😂
You're truly out of your fucking mind, mud. :cuckoo:
Yeah.....and you're a gullible fuck.
I saw this story in the mainstream media over a month ago.....and witnesses at the Capital said they saw them do it.
That's why they arrested many of them without bringing charges.....they were collecting witnesses and threatening them.

Fraud is proven in court and Trump and the Republicans lost all those battles. 😂
Nope. They never got to that point. They simply had their cases thrown out because of lack of merit.
Democrats know the law and how slow the wheels of justice work.
They had to conduct full audits in these states and report their results to have a basis for a lawsuit.
Their primary hope was that the Supreme Court address the issue...but Justice Roberts refused.
Later, for some reason every audit has been met with resistance from Democrats. What do they have to hide? If there is no evidence of fraud why fight the audit process in court? Clearly they were acting like they had something to hide. What are they hiding?
Well.....plenty. They lost their records and destroyed evidence....and took the audits to court.....even went so far as to infect the auditors with COVID. Several states found boxes of blank ballots. Several states found unsigned ballots or mail-in ballots that weren't even mailed but were counted as actual votes. And the company that provided the counting machines took the auditors to court over control of their access codes. How can you see what was done on these machines during an audit if you can't access it's programing?
Nope. They never got to that point. They simply had their cases thrown out because of lack of merit.
Democrats know the law and how slow the wheels of justice work.
They had to conduct full audits in these states and report their results to have a basis for a lawsuit.
Their primary hope was that the Supreme Court address the issue...but Justice Roberts refused.
Later, for some reason every audit has been met with resistance from Democrats. What do they have to hide? If there is no evidence of fraud why fight the audit process in court? Clearly they were acting like they had something to hide. What are they hiding?
Well.....plenty. They lost their records and destroyed evidence....and took the audits to court.....even went so far as to infect the auditors with COVID. Several states found boxes of blank ballots. Several states found unsigned ballots or mail-in ballots that weren't even mailed but were counted as actual votes. And the company that provided the counting machines took the auditors to court over control of their access codes. How can you see what was done on these machines during an audit if you can't access it's programing?

Deleted Dominion logs in Arizona and Georgia should alone have thrown those states out.
This will go down as one of the greatest crimes in America, hundreds of 99% peaceful protesters being beaten and tortured for exercising their right of peaceful protest. To this day.

Fortunately, many of the Trump goons who attacked the Capitol and savaged outnumbered police defending democracy self-incriminated via selfies. Thus, the hundreds of arrests, and the convictions and confessions. And the ongoing desperate attempts to hide evidence of complicity is failing:

The Republican National Committee must turn over internal communications that were sent to supporters in the weeks leading up to the Jan. 6 riot after a federal judge rejected its lawsuit seeking to block access.
Screen Shot 2021-05-14 at 4.39.31 PM.png
The subpoena requires the RNC to produce email documents that falsely suggested the election was stolen and insisted that “Congress needed to be pressured to overturn the results to keep Trump in power,” court filings said. These emails could help explain how several people who were charged with crimes in connection to the Capitol attack were motivated by “false claims about the election,” the committee argued.
The latest cases adjudicated:

Fortunately, many of the Trump goons who attacked the Capitol and savaged outnumbered police defending democracy self-incriminated via selfies. Thus, the hundreds of arrests, and the convictions and confessions. And the ongoing desperate attempts to hide evidence of complicity is failing:

The Republican National Committee must turn over internal communications that were sent to supporters in the weeks leading up to the Jan. 6 riot after a federal judge rejected its lawsuit seeking to block access.
The subpoena requires the RNC to produce email documents that falsely suggested the election was stolen and insisted that “Congress needed to be pressured to overturn the results to keep Trump in power,” court filings said. These emails could help explain how several people who were charged with crimes in connection to the Capitol attack were motivated by “false claims about the election,” the committee argued.
The latest cases adjudicated:

There are no "Trump Goons".
There are Democrat Goons....ANTIFA & BLM.

If any of you motherfuckers were to talk this shit to me in person I'd jack you up.....because you're ignorant and full of shit.
Yeah.....and you're a gullible fuck.
I saw this story in the mainstream media over a month ago.....and witnesses at the Capital said they saw them do it.
That's why they arrested many of them without bringing charges.....they were collecting witnesses and threatening them.

Sure, nut. :icon_rolleyes: File that under 'G' for GIGO

Screenshot_20220502-164930_Samsung Internet.jpg
There are no "Trump Goons".
There are Democrat Goons....ANTIFA & BLM.

If any of you motherfuckers were to talk this shit to me in person I'd jack you up.....because you're ignorant and full of shit.

Nope. They never got to that point. They simply had their cases thrown out because of lack of merit.
This of course is simply wrong. There were numerous cases where Republicans had opportunity to produce evidence of voter fraud and failed to do so.
There are no "Trump Goons".
If any of you motherfuckers were to talk this shit to me in person I'd jack you up...
Profiles in Courage
Another prolific but potty-mouth avatar flexing his laptop muscles by threatening any that disparage his Duped & Snookered goons.
And...importantly....doing it anonymously using a fake name on an internet gossipboard.
Courage like that won WWII for the allies.
Courage like that saved untold folks from burning buildings.
Courage like that made Yosemite Sam a cartoon favorite.
If you know what I mean.
This of course is simply wrong. There were numerous cases where Republicans had opportunity to produce evidence of voter fraud and failed to do so.
No....liar. Every case that was thrown out wasn't due to lack of evidence but lack of merit. What that means is whatever evidence they had wasn't worthy of the consideration by the judge, simply in his or her opinion.
Apparently the Supreme Court had to rule that the case had merit before any judge in these states would rule accordingly.....and since the Supreme Court refused to render a decision.....none of these judges wanted to stick their necks out and risk their reputations.
The fix was in.
Apparently the same thing is happening to the Democrats who keep trying to keep Republicans off the ballot in various states. There seems to be more evidence that Biden stole the election than there is evidence that Republicans planned the Jan 6th riot.

The picture at the top looks like police brutality to me.
I saw a video last month that showed these goons beating and kicking a woman to death.....the protesters where trying to get her body away from the goons in riot gear. Note that nobody in this picture is armed other than the goons in riot gear.
The cops escorted several Trump supporters inside the Capital and then start beating people up and causing a panic shoving them thru a small doorway.


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