How is this "storming the Capitol" and "insurrection?" Police hold doors for protesters on 1/6

Some people who worked in the Capitol building were sympathetic with, and perhaps participating in, the insurrection.

Why is this so difficult to understand?
Dude. I think you know, in your heart of hearts, why that's difficult for a magaturd to understand. Their tribe's binary thinking doesn't cotton to any sort of critical logic. Not happening anytime soon, I fear. You will just be the foil to their lance until the brainwashing wears down. Maybe soon. Maybe never. :dunno:
Dude. I think you know, in your heart of hearts, why that's difficult for a magaturd to understand. Their tribe's binary thinking doesn't cotton to any sort of critical logic. Not happening anytime soon, I fear. You will just be the foil to their lance until the brainwashing wears down. Maybe soon. Maybe never. :dunno:
As much effort as I put into understanding this, sometimes I still hit a brick wall.

Do you ever see the interviews that the ultra-orange Right Side Broadcasting Network does at rallies? These are not gag interviews, they're dead serious. These people are literally no longer connected to reality. They believe things that are simply stunning.

And again, if this were just 5% of the populace, that would be one thing. This country is in real trouble. I never thought I'd say that.
Nope, zero credibility. It's based on research done by Gregg Phillips. Gregg Phillips, in 2016, claimed there were more than 3 million votes by non-citizens -- but then never offered an iota of evidence to support his claim.

Furthermore, aside from their claims of ballot harvesting, they also claim the ballots are fraudulent. But like Gregg Phillips' claim of 3 million illegal voters, they offer zero proof even one ballot was fraudulent.
The fbi said there was no collusion, but keep being ignorant. It's what you do best.
The fbi said there was no collusion, but keep being ignorant. It's what you do best.


What the fuck does the FBI have to do with Gregg Phillips getting caught lying about illegal votes?? Your whataboutism is a complete miss.
The picture at the top looks like police brutality to me.
In incontrovertible reality, the Trump goons who have been identified and apprehended are being prosecuted, being convicted, and confessing.

You can lash out and attack the police defending democracy, but where are the charges against them by hadcore Trumpers?

Just as there remain no evidence-based legal challenges to the 2020 presidential election by even the most rabid weird worshipers, all having fizzled, nor naming of any suspects in their delusional vast conspiracy to steal a mysterious, inexplicable "Landslide!", it is only Trump goons who are standing trial.
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No....liar. Every case that was thrown out wasn't due to lack of evidence but lack of merit. What that means is whatever evidence they had wasn't worthy of the consideration by the judge, simply in his or her opinion.
Apparently the Supreme Court had to rule that the case had merit before any judge in these states would rule accordingly.....and since the Supreme Court refused to render a decision.....none of these judges wanted to stick their necks out and risk their reputations.
The fix was in.
Apparently the same thing is happening to the Democrats who keep trying to keep Republicans off the ballot in various states. There seems to be more evidence that Biden stole the election than there is evidence that Republicans planned the Jan 6th riot.

Your weird-worship fantasy concerning why all states certified their votes after all recounts, audits, and dozens of frivolous court challenges failed to contrive any pretexts to deny them is a crackpot assault upon democracy as well as upon both political parties.

The Cry Baby Loser is still brooding and in denial of his defeat, but he has yet to explain how or by whom his airy-fairy "Landslide!" was so masterfully subverted without there ever being a single suspect in the vast caper.
In incontrovertible reality, the Trump goons who have been identified and apprehended are being prosecuted, being convicted, and confessing.

You can lash out and attack the police defending democracy, but where are the charges against them by hadcore Trumpers?

True that!

The Duped & Snookered MAGA Goonies..... ARE .........the only ones arrested, the only ones confessing, the only ones convicted by a jury, and the only ones being sentenced.
Where are all of the ANTIFA crisis actors?
Where are the Socialist Communist Democrats?
Where are the False-Flaggers that Gaetz & MTGreene screeched about?

And then for those who are now attacking the police for excessive force, for provoking, for inviting rioters inside....well, as we saw yesterday, the retired New York cop tried to use all of that, i.e., he was 'provoked', he was 'defending' himself.

The jury of his peers took less than 3hours to find him guilty of all charges.
MAGA-World: (Webster yelled at one of officers, "You f***ing piece of shit. You f***ing Commie motherf***ers, man." He then allegedly used the flagpole against the officer, swinging over the police line.*)

*What's so fun about this particular crime by this particular TDS'r is that it was ALL captured on multiple videos, some with audio recording. So there was no guessing what this Duped & Snookered MAGA-nutbar did, or what he said.

'Guilty as Charged' ----- Sentencing in September.
In incontrovertible reality, the Trump goons who have been identified and apprehended are being prosecuted, being convicted, and confessing.

You can lash out and attack the police defending democracy, but where are the charges against them by hadcore Trumpers?

Just as there remain no evidence-based legal challenges to the 2020 presidential election by even the most rabid weird worshipers, all having fizzled, nor naming of any suspects in their delusional vast conspiracy to steal a mysterious, inexplicable "Landslide!", it is only Trump goons who are standing trial.
Your weird-worship fantasy concerning why all states certified their votes after all recounts, audits, and dozens of frivolous court challenges failed to contrive any pretexts to deny them is a crackpot assault upon democracy as well as upon both political parties.

The Cry Baby Loser is still brooding and in denial of his defeat, but he has yet to explain how or by whom his airy-fairy "Landslide!" was so masterfully subverted without there ever being a single suspect in the vast caper.
Yep.....they got away with the steal.
Maybe in a year or two they will prove Biden stole the election......and then everyone who actually voted for him will admit they wish they hadn't.

Yep.....they got away with the steal.
Wow! That pervasive, airy-fairy "they", legions of incredibly capable, unidentifiable, nefarious entities whose undetectable machinations manipulate reality, is quite the formidable power festering in your noggin! They must be everywhere!

"Maybe in a year or two they will prove Biden stole the election..."

Well, maybe. Or not.
You gotta admit, good poster mudwhistle, that cake has baked now for 18-months.
Patience wears thin. On both sides of the issue.

Meaning, that either, there was no 'steal' as the TDS'rs allege.......or.....those TDS'rs who are proselytizing for 'the steal' have gotta be awfully incompetent.
18 friggin' months! With a hundred thousand (?) potential suspects and/or cheaters?

I mean, they had an elite strike-force of crack lawyers (their words, not mine), and they haven't uncovered any of the thousands of folks who had to be in on 'the steal' as co-conspirators, or, at minimum, accomplices.
No one who may be pissed at their spouse and then drops a dime on him or her?
No one who gets in a snit with a sister-in-law and then runs to the cops on her?
No petulant daughter angry at Mom ..... calls the FBI?

So far, we haven't seen a wave of snitches coming outta those 230,000+ American polling places?

Seems to me, and I ain't no cop, but it seems to me that outta 230,000+ potential crime scenes the TDS'rs shoulda been able to develop a compelling case to take before a grand jury. No?

Help us understand better, good poster Mudwhistle.
As much effort as I put into understanding this, sometimes I still hit a brick wall.

Do you ever see the interviews that the ultra-orange Right Side Broadcasting Network does at rallies? These are not gag interviews, they're dead serious. These people are literally no longer connected to reality. They believe things that are simply stunning.

And again, if this were just 5% of the populace, that would be one thing. This country is in real trouble. I never thought I'd say that.
The kooks are among us. We've always had a politically radicalized fringe in this country. The Orange populist got many of them together with the help of evangelism, Fox/OANN and social media.
The kooks are among us. We've always had a politically radicalized fringe in this country. The Orange populist got many of them together with the help of evangelism, Fox/OANN and social media.
No, the Democrat party has been taken over by Marxist, leftist, radical kooks for decades. Those kooks are now doing what Marxists do, blame others for the shit they themselves are doing.
".....blame others for the shit they themselves are doing."

Ah, poor poster "leo", you seemingly are uninformed, misinformed, or ill-informed.

T'wasn't jackasses wearing Vote Joe sweatshirts, hats....or waving Biden 2020 banners who were beating the crap outta our Capitol police on January 6th. (And being abundantly video'd actually doing it.)

And, importantly, it ain't card-carrying Democrats (Marxist, Free-Soilers, Agnostics, Rastafarians, or otherwise) that are pleading guilty, or being convicted by juries for their shenanigans on January 6th at the Capitol of the United States of America.

Noper. It is the TDS'rs --Trump's Duped & Snookered --- who got nabbed for assault, tresspass, sedition, MACE-ing in the face our police.

Please see Captain Obvious' TED Talk on "
Patriotism Doesn't Mean Smearing Your Poo on the Capitol".
Ah, poor poster "leo", you seemingly are uninformed, misinformed, or ill-informed.

T'wasn't jackasses wearing Vote Joe sweatshirts, hats....or waving Biden 2020 banners who were beating the crap outta our Capitol police on January 6th. (And being abundantly video'd actually doing it.)

And, importantly, it ain't card-carrying Democrats (Marxist, Free-Soilers, Agnostics, Rastafarians, or otherwise) that are pleading guilty, or being convicted by juries for their shenanigans on January 6th at the Capitol of the United States of America.

Noper. It is the TDS'rs --Trump's Duped & Snookered --- who got nabbed for assault, tresspass, sedition, MACE-ing in the face our police.

Please see Captain Obvious' TED Talk on "
Patriotism Doesn't Mean Smearing Your Poo on the Capitol".
No Chili, the Capitol police shot and killed an unarmed woman vet. No police were killed. No one has been charged with insurrection.
"....the Capitol police shot and killed an unarmed woman vet. No police were killed. No one has been charged with insurrection."

Well, not exactly.

The DOA Babbitt disobeyed commands to stop and back away, instead she charged forward towards the armed policeman....who, it appears, rightfully feared for his safety, the safety of his fellow officers, and the legislators they took an oath to protect.
Babbitt is dead because of Babbitt.
May her family find peace.

"No one has been charged with insurrection".......I think that is true.
But I'm willing to speculate that those Patriot Jackasses who have been charged with Seditious Conspiracy wish they had only been charged with Insurrection.

Insurrection gets you 10yrs in the Federal pen.
Sedition get you 20.

ps.....regarding "No police were killed". Well, that depends. Depends if one views that one death as a criminal prosecutor; or views it as a personal injury plaintiff's attorney.

I mean by that, there may not be enough evidence to persuade a prosecutor he or she can get a conviction ---beyond a reasonable doubt....from a unanimous jury.
And we should be OK with that. We haven't seen all of the evidence, or heard testimony from the miscreants who assaulted the uniformed officer. So, we need accept the DOJ's judgment about bringing criminal charges.

On the other hand. We have the family, heirs, survivors of the dead policeman. And they may very well have a cause of action against the 2 or 3 Jackass Patriots who were filmed spraying the officer directly in the face with Bear-strength Mace, after which the officer became distressed in breathing and vital signs.

That Mace?
The Jackass's actions?
I think a competent PI attorney could make a case on a 'preponderance of evidence' basis.

But, maybe the Jackass's Home Owners Policy can cover their liability.
Time will tell.

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