How isil is financing its war machine: Terror 2.0 – oped


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
piece!!! So this is what the civilized world has to look forward to in many places in the world.


By Catherine Shakdam

When ISIL – the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – announced its independence from Al Qaeda in February 2014, most analysts understood such a divorce within the Islamic radical family as a clear sign of the group disintegration along contradictory terror narratives.

More fundamental in its view than its sister group in Syria, Al Nusra, ISIL has advocated a harsher stance against those it labelled the “enemies of Islam”, seeking not to negotiate but to annihilate.

A breakaway, a splinter group of Al Qaeda, no analyst could have predicted that ISIL would, within months of its establishment, sweep across northern Iraq with the speed and military accuracy it demonstrated over the past few weeks. Strong of thousands of hardened jihadists ISIL has proven so far to be an unstoppable force, much more powerful and potent than Al Qaeda itself since it managed to establish its own caliphate, succeeding where Al Qaeda had failed.

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How ISIL Is Financing Its War Machine: Terror 2.0 - OpEd | Eurasia Review
The U.S. Funds ISIS. The NFL has "Revenue Sharing" it appears the DOD has it as well.

US secretly backs rebels to fight al-Qaeda in Syria - Telegraph
As Western leaders publicly push the Syrian regime and the opposition to the Geneva II peace conference that begins Wednesday Washington has also been quietly supporting moves by Saudi Arabia and Qatar to give weapons and cash to rebel groups to fight al-Qaeda's Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (ISIS) in Syria.
The U.S. Funds ISIS. The NFL has "Revenue Sharing" it appears the DOD has it as well.

US secretly backs rebels to fight al-Qaeda in Syria - Telegraph
As Western leaders publicly push the Syrian regime and the opposition to the Geneva II peace conference that begins Wednesday Washington has also been quietly supporting moves by Saudi Arabia and Qatar to give weapons and cash to rebel groups to fight al-Qaeda's Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (ISIS) in Syria.

Since the person who wrote the article has many more years than you have studying the Middle East, I think I will go with what she says. However, if it will make you happy, no one is stopping you from collecting funds for these rebels. I am sure you can find some extremist groups here in the U.S. who will be happy to funnel your contribution to them. One word of caution though. Don't let the FBI catch you. You wouldn't be happy with the outcome if they do, as the FBI is a very, very sharp organization who is keeping a careful eye out these days for good reason -- to keep Americans safe.

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