How Jeffery Dahmer's atheism let him to rape and murder young men

I'd feel more dignified identifying as a rapist than I would an atheist, no joke.

Even an atheist who values his own vitality would be stupid enough to openly identify as one, given the filth such a term is associated with.

Do we need to kill all the atheists?

Or will a few million be enough to force the rest to profess their faith?
I'd favor just socially marginalizing them, and making atheists put on the same level as Nazis, rapists, pedophiles, and sorts, hopefully turned into the new deplorable class for generations to come.

Or perhaps eventually reaffirming the Christian and religious values inherent in the Common Law of the US and Britain, and banning any and all atheistic worldviews at odds with the Common Law from our public schools and universities.

As of right now, I'd sooner give amnesty to Muslims than I would atheists.

I'd favor just socially marginalizing them

But what if they outnumber you?
No idea; but the major world religions have millions of adherants; perhaps they could come together against their common enemy, rather than fight among themselves; once atheism is purged from Western, and Eastern lands, then world religions can continue to squabble among themselves.

In the meantime, they should unite in their common goal of destroying all atheistic or "secularistic" worldviews, philosophies, ideologies, and the entire history of atheism and its infectiousness into the cultures of East and West; its role in the roots of both Nazism and Communism; its infectiousness into the archaic intellectual movement known as the Enlightenment, and so forth.

I hope that I live to witness their eradication from history, from academia, from the public spheres of America, Europe, Britain, China, Russia, and so forth.

You should put that on a sign and carry it in public.

Get a friend to film it.....well, maybe hire someone to film it.
I'd love to see your success posted here.

you just reminded me of that scene in diehard where he goes to harlem........
Then they should acknowledge God,

And if they don't, string them up!!!

It's the godly thing to do.
I'd feel more dignified identifying as a rapist than I would an atheist, no joke.

Even an atheist who values his own vitality would be stupid enough to openly identify as one, given the filth such a term is associated with.

Do we need to kill all the atheists?

Or will a few million be enough to force the rest to profess their faith?
I'd favor just socially marginalizing them, and making atheists put on the same level as Nazis, rapists, pedophiles, and sorts, hopefully turned into the new deplorable class for generations to come.

Or perhaps eventually reaffirming the Christian and religious values inherent in the Common Law of the US and Britain, and banning any and all atheistic worldviews at odds with the Common Law from our public schools and universities.

As of right now, I'd sooner give amnesty to Muslims than I would atheists.

I'd favor just socially marginalizing them

But what if they outnumber you?
No idea; but the major world religions have millions of adherants; perhaps they could come together against their common enemy, rather than fight among themselves; once atheism is purged from Western, and Eastern lands, then world religions can continue to squabble among themselves.

In the meantime, they should unite in their common goal of destroying all atheistic or "secularistic" worldviews, philosophies, ideologies, and the entire history of atheism and its infectiousness into the cultures of East and West; its role in the roots of both Nazism and Communism; its infectiousness into the archaic intellectual movement known as the Enlightenment, and so forth.

I hope that I live to witness their eradication from history, from academia, from the public spheres of America, Europe, Britain, China, Russia, and so forth.

You talk like a religious nut who is personifying your anger on others, due to realizing there are millions and millions who are not like you, hateful, threatening and advocating violence against people who don't want involvement in religion.

Most Atheists wants to be left alone.
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Adolph Hitler was a Christian
He was an atheist using Christian propaganda to suit his audience:

"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed."

Telling lies repeatedly is straight out of the Trump playbook.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” ~ joseph goebbels

Joseph Goebbels On the "Big Lie"
Do we need to kill all the atheists?

Or will a few million be enough to force the rest to profess their faith?
I'd favor just socially marginalizing them, and making atheists put on the same level as Nazis, rapists, pedophiles, and sorts, hopefully turned into the new deplorable class for generations to come.

Or perhaps eventually reaffirming the Christian and religious values inherent in the Common Law of the US and Britain, and banning any and all atheistic worldviews at odds with the Common Law from our public schools and universities.

As of right now, I'd sooner give amnesty to Muslims than I would atheists.

I'd favor just socially marginalizing them

But what if they outnumber you?
No idea; but the major world religions have millions of adherants; perhaps they could come together against their common enemy, rather than fight among themselves; once atheism is purged from Western, and Eastern lands, then world religions can continue to squabble among themselves.

In the meantime, they should unite in their common goal of destroying all atheistic or "secularistic" worldviews, philosophies, ideologies, and the entire history of atheism and its infectiousness into the cultures of East and West; its role in the roots of both Nazism and Communism; its infectiousness into the archaic intellectual movement known as the Enlightenment, and so forth.

I hope that I live to witness their eradication from history, from academia, from the public spheres of America, Europe, Britain, China, Russia, and so forth.

You should put that on a sign and carry it in public.

Get a friend to film it.....well, maybe hire someone to film it.
I'd love to see your success posted here.

you just reminded me of that scene in diehard where he goes to harlem........

That was a blank sandwich board, they added the writing later.
Didn't want Bruce to get killed during filming.
I'd favor just socially marginalizing them, and making atheists put on the same level as Nazis, rapists, pedophiles, and sorts, hopefully turned into the new deplorable class for generations to come.

Or perhaps eventually reaffirming the Christian and religious values inherent in the Common Law of the US and Britain, and banning any and all atheistic worldviews at odds with the Common Law from our public schools and universities.

As of right now, I'd sooner give amnesty to Muslims than I would atheists.

I'd favor just socially marginalizing them

But what if they outnumber you?
No idea; but the major world religions have millions of adherants; perhaps they could come together against their common enemy, rather than fight among themselves; once atheism is purged from Western, and Eastern lands, then world religions can continue to squabble among themselves.

In the meantime, they should unite in their common goal of destroying all atheistic or "secularistic" worldviews, philosophies, ideologies, and the entire history of atheism and its infectiousness into the cultures of East and West; its role in the roots of both Nazism and Communism; its infectiousness into the archaic intellectual movement known as the Enlightenment, and so forth.

I hope that I live to witness their eradication from history, from academia, from the public spheres of America, Europe, Britain, China, Russia, and so forth.

You should put that on a sign and carry it in public.

Get a friend to film it.....well, maybe hire someone to film it.
I'd love to see your success posted here.

you just reminded me of that scene in diehard where he goes to harlem........

That was a blank sandwich board, they added the writing later.
Didn't want Bruce to get killed during filming.

i can see why...
This is atheism,

WRONG, Ace. I'm no defender of atheism, but you obviously lack a basic understanding of psychology as well. Dahmer's problem was that of a sociopathic nature. there was something organically wrong with his brain where he utterly failed the ability to distinguish right from wrong, moral values, a total lack of feeling, empathy, and compassion. Worse, he has some unmet need that led to cruelty, and the desire to inflict pain and totally dominate his victims, to the point of consuming them.

Atheism had nothing to do with it.
Just pointing out once again that Questioner is a troll.
But that is all he has

Another version of Political Chic

He is just here to piss people off. Only problem is that he is not that good at it
The effects of being raised Christian

  • Ed Gein - raised by his mother Augusta Wilhelmine, who was a strict, uncaring and violent Lutheran, which is where many of Ed's sexual peculiarities stem from -
  • Gary Ridgway - became a devout Baptist (during his second marriage), proselytising door-to-door, reading the Bible aloud at work/home and insisting his family followed the strict teachings, often crying whilst reading the Bible, was regarded as a religious fanatic -
  • H H Holmes - devoutly and strict religious parents, his mother would often lock her children in the attic without food as a means of punishment for even the smallest of "sins" -
jeffery dahmer was fucking evil in a human body & being an atheist had nothing to do with it.
Dahmer didn’t believe in evil. You don’t believe in evil either, right? That would require you to believe in absolute right and absolute wrong.
some atheists i know have more of a soul than those that claim to be christian.

Of course that is correct, but it intentionally misses the point of how different the two categories are.

There are wonderful atheists and there are millions of evil Christians. Part of this dichotomy is the fact that Christians outnumber atheists by an order or two of magnitude.

It is undeniable that Christians are, as a group, happier, more generous, more giving, commit less suicide, are less likely to be clinically depressed, and live longer than atheists.

Many people don’t realize that science basically involves assumptions and faith. Wonderful things in both science and religion come from our efforts based on observations, thoughtful assumptions, faith and logic. (With the findings of modern physics, it) seems extremely unlikely (that the existence of life and humanity are ) just accidental.” – Charles Townes, Nobel Laureate and Professor of Physics at UC Berkeley

“It seems to me that when confronted with the marvels of life and the universe, one must ask why and not just how. The only possible answers are religious…. I find a need for God in the universe and in my own life.” - Arthur L. Schawlow, Professor of Physics at Stanford University, winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, believes that new scientific discoveries provide compelling evidence for a personal God.

“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind.” ― Max Planck

"Only a rookie who knows nothing about science would say science takes away from faith. If you really study science, it will bring you closer to God." - James Tour, Professor of Biochemistry, Rice University

There is a kind of religion in science; it is the religion of a person who believes there is order and harmony in the Universe…This religious faith of the scientist is violated by the discovery that the world had a beginning under conditions in which the known laws of physics are not valid, and as a product of forces or circumstances we cannot discover. When that happens, the scientist has lost control. If he really examined the implications, he would be traumatized. - Robert Jastrow
Christians are more evil than atheists

The atheist Jeffery Dahmer himself admitted that his rapes, murders, and cannibalism were a direct result of his atheistic or nihilistic beliefs; essentially he concluded that 'life is meaningless', man is 'no different' than any other animal, and therefore it doesn't matter what you do, such as raping, murdering, torturing, and whatnot.

This is atheism, as a whole is inherently evil, and should be wiped out; sure, a pedophile Priest may rape boys, but he can't justify it with his Christianity, whereas a nihilistic atheist, such as Dahmer, De Sade, and many others most definitely can justify it via their atheism, and even promote it as a good thing.

Religion/ethics – an oxymoron if there ever was one; and this thread premise is further proof of that.
I have been an ATHEIST for 30 years now, yet not a single time have I committed violent crimes, not even petty stuff.

They are not anymore evil than religionists are, just different and for the most part don't give a shit about religion, I simply stay away from it.
Commies fear punishment, so laws help keep them from doing bad things. Laws help make up for the conscience that atheists do not have.
jeffery dahmer was fucking evil in a human body & being an atheist had nothing to do with it.
Dahmer didn’t believe in evil. You don’t believe in evil either, right? That would require you to believe in absolute right and absolute wrong.

I don't think the concept of evil or good, etc., even enters into the mind of a person like that. JD lived on a very basic primal level of urges and needs all part of the vestigial lizard brain in the center of his skull.
jeffery dahmer was fucking evil in a human body & being an atheist had nothing to do with it.
Dahmer didn’t believe in evil. You don’t believe in evil either, right? That would require you to believe in absolute right and absolute wrong.

I don't think the concept of evil or good, etc., even enters into the mind of a person like that. JD lived on a very basic primal level of urges and needs all part of the vestigial lizard brain in the center of his skull.
Exactly. To him good and evil don’t exist.

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