How Liberals Use Science


So we're once again trying to tie Hitler to one "side" or other.

Silly. He was his own type of psychopathic evil, gang. Try as we might, he was neither a liberal nor a conservative.



Hitler was neither liberal nor conservative?

lol, that's how you proudly describe yourself, ad nauseum, isn't it?

So we're once again trying to tie Hitler to one "side" or other.

Silly. He was his own type of psychopathic evil, gang. Try as we might, he was neither a liberal nor a conservative.



The Nazis have been well established to have been right wing.

Only by Leftists panicking in the fear that their past will be recognized.

So we're once again trying to tie Hitler to one "side" or other.

Silly. He was his own type of psychopathic evil, gang. Try as we might, he was neither a liberal nor a conservative.



The Nazis have been well established to have been right wing.

Only by Leftists panicking in the fear that their past will be recognized.

You spend most of your time making up myths about liberalism in the past because you can't argue against modern day liberalism.

So we're once again trying to tie Hitler to one "side" or other.

Silly. He was his own type of psychopathic evil, gang. Try as we might, he was neither a liberal nor a conservative.



The Nazis have been well established to have been right wing.

Only by Leftists panicking in the fear that their past will be recognized.

Hitler was a National Socialist. Period. Not a Fascist. The two have similarities but also have significant differences.

During WWII, most Newspapers called Hitler what he was -- A National Socialist. But after he invaded Russia, Stalin asked the major Papers to please stop calling Hitler a 'National Socialist' because it cast the word 'socialist' in a bad light.

You could tell what papers/commentators were socialist and which ones were fair by what they called Hitler.

Hitler was a socialist. No worse than Stalin, no better than Mussolini and no different than any other socialist that ever lived.

They ALL want absolute power. And once they get it, they never let it go.

So we're once again trying to tie Hitler to one "side" or other.

Silly. He was his own type of psychopathic evil, gang. Try as we might, he was neither a liberal nor a conservative.



The Nazis have been well established to have been right wing.

Only by Leftists panicking in the fear that their past will be recognized.

Hitler was a National Socialist. Period. Not a Fascist. The two have similarities but also have significant differences.

During WWII, most Newspapers called Hitler what he was -- A National Socialist. But after he invaded Russia, Stalin asked the major Papers to please stop calling Hitler a 'National Socialist' because it cast the word 'socialist' in a bad light.

You could tell what papers/commentators were socialist and which ones were fair by what they called Hitler.

Hitler was a socialist. No worse than Stalin, no better than Mussolini and no different than any other socialist that ever lived.

They ALL want absolute power. And once they get it, they never let it go.

And Saddam Hussein had a Republican Guard.

Sometimes you have to use your head to get past simplistic mythologies that appeal to you.

So we're once again trying to tie Hitler to one "side" or other.

Silly. He was his own type of psychopathic evil, gang. Try as we might, he was neither a liberal nor a conservative.



The Nazis have been well established to have been right wing.

Only by Leftists panicking in the fear that their past will be recognized.

You spend most of your time making up myths about liberalism in the past because you can't argue against modern day liberalism.

So simple to prove you deserve your name, the NYLiar....

This was in post #101:

10."Last month, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accepted Planned Parenthood's Margaret Sanger Award, named after the founder of the American Birth Control League, which changed its name to Planned Parenthood in the 1940s.

In her remarks, Clinton singled out the namesake of the award for praise:

Now, I have to tell you that it was a great privilege when I was told that I would receive this award. I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision ... And when I think about what she did all those years ago in Brooklyn, taking on archetypes, taking on attitudes and accusations flowing from all directions, I am really in awe of her.

Clinton lamented that "Margaret Sanger's work here in the United States and certainly across our globe is not done."

Mrs. Sanger, of course, wasn't the benevolent advocate for human rights that Clinton's remarks make her out to be. In fact, Sanger's "vision" for birth control seems to be united to a eugenic vision. In the October 1921 issue of The Birth Control Review, Sanger wrote that "the campaign for Birth Control is not merely of eugenic value, but is practically identical in ideal with the final aim of Eugenics."

Sanger laid out the "principles and aims" of the American Birth Control League in an appendix to her 1922 work,The Pivot of Civilization. Two and a half pages are devoted to the principles of the American Birth Control league, which begins:

Those least fit to carry on the race are increasing most rapidly. ....The burden of supporting these unwanted types has to be borne by the healthy elements of the nation. Funds that should be used to raise the standard of our civilization are diverted to the maintenance of those who should never have been born.

When asked for clarification about Clinton's admiration of Sanger's "vision" and whether the secretary wished she had mitigated her praise with a mention of the more seedy aspects of Sanger's legacy, a State Department spokesman told The Weekly Standard yesterday that Clinton's speechwriters said Clinton's words "stand on their own."

New Jersey representative Chris Smith, the co-chair of the congressional pro-life caucus, said that he doesn't think it's possible to separate Sanger's eugenicist aims from a greater vision.
"If you read the books--I've read the books--[eugenics] is absolutely the pillar of everything Sanger did," said Smith. "Look at what movement she spawned in terms of getting rid of the 'undesirables,' and that could be the disabled, African Americans, and just about every other group of people. I mean, Catholics, Italians, and Irish. I mean, that is a very pathetic and sick perspective towards the human race, and yet she's idolized by, of all people, our secretary of state." Sec. Clinton Stands By Her Praise of Eugenicist Margaret Sanger The Weekly Standard seems that Progressives still carry on the campaign to better the 'human race' by slaughter of 'undesirables.'
dimocrap scum don't care about facts or truth.

They lie. It's an autonomic function with dimocrap scum. It's what they do.

Babies cry, dogs bark, pigs oink, ducks quack.......

And dimocraps lie.

They get busted in one lie? They don't care. They have no honor, no code, no conscience, no morality, no caring, no empathy or sympathy and they GODDAM sure don't care about the harm their lies might cause.

They are the scum of the earth.

Which is why I refused to try to get along with them decades ago.

There's no point. You think you've reached an agreement with a dimocrap and they'll stab you on the back the second you turn around.

I shit you not. They are not worthy of consideration
Liberalism or socialism had nothing to do with the Nazi's.

False. Nazis were the NATIONAL SOCIALIST Party... meaning that they were SOCIALISTS, of the nationalist variety.

That National Socialism is 'To the Right' of international socialism, does not make it less socialist... and it sure as hell, doesn't make it 'right'.

Nazism is ALL YOUR'S sweety... Just as Mao was yours... Murdered 100 million people in the name of Humanism... and Stalin was yours... Murdered 25 million in the name of Humanism. And you and your own cult are responsible for the 50 million of humanities MOST innocent and MOST DEFENSELESS that you MURDERED... with your shame being that it was YOU who those humans depended upon to defend them. And you failed... and ya did so WILLFULLY and wantonly... .

You people are a menace to the species, without regard to the names you make up to hide your trail.

What you did was us an ad hominem deflection which demonstrates a failure to understand that atheism is simply a lack of belief in god(s), with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage, and thus no line can be drawn from it to the aforementioned ideologies. In the same vein, democracy could be called atheistic because we live in a secular society.

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism.

Stalinism and Communism exercised gosateizm (state atheism) based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism.

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler
dimocrap scum don't care about facts or truth.

They lie. It's an autonomic function with dimocrap scum. It's what they do.

Babies cry, dogs bark, pigs oink, ducks quack.......

And dimocraps lie.

They get busted in one lie? They don't care. They have no honor, no code, no conscience, no morality, no caring, no empathy or sympathy and they GODDAM sure don't care about the harm their lies might cause.

They are the scum of the earth.

Which is why I refused to try to get along with them decades ago.

There's no point. You think you've reached an agreement with a dimocrap and they'll stab you on the back the second you turn around.

I shit you not. They are not worthy of consideration

Fox News proves that it is Republicans who are doing the most lying. Its why their viewers are the most under and ill informed on the subjects the GOP doesn't want them to know the facts about. Like global warming. But ask them about the keystone pipeline or how much vacation time the Obama's have taken and they'll know all the facts.
1. It's been noted before that all one need do to herd Liberals in any direction is the phrase "studies show...."
Seems that this is the overcompensation by the less intelligent, yearning to be able to claim that science backs up their beliefs.

Let's take the Progressive/socialist love for eugenics.

2. In the novel "Ceremony of Innocence," BBC far east expert Humphrey Hawksley provides a reminder of the Progressive/socialist policies that led to the atrocities of the Holocaust.

Hawksley give a sense of the motives, and the aims, of the eugenics movement. Here, a few passages from the book:

"...Harry H. Laughlin, superintendent of the Eugenics Records Office, USA.

'He was the right-hand man for Albert Johnson, head of the House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization,...who created a politically acceptable environment to stop defective immigrants coming into your country, mainly from Eastern and Southern Europe, the Balkans and Russia...

The bill was passed after Laughlin cited IQ and prison statistics....these immigrants were the dregs of humanity, mentally deficient and unable to assimilate....It was a perfect combination of science and politics.

...defining what a human being is....that a human being can be genetically altered animal which possesses the ability to reason, argue facts, arrive at a conclusion and so on."

The character speaking goes on to place the blame for eugenics just where it belongs:

"....the ideas all came from [America]. You were the pioneers in this science until Germany damaged it irrevocably with the Holocaust....We've devised a universal IQ test which we use on children of all if we use [the ability to reason, argue facts, arrive at a conclusion and so on] we are blurring the line between human and animal life.

I know, I know. We are in a battle between religion and science."
p. 232-234.

Everything Hawksley has his character say is true.

3. And Hawkley spoke the truth when he had the character say " We are in a battle between religion and science."
Here, Oliver Wendell Holmes for Progressive science, and Pierce Butler for religion:

a. The most revered of liberal icons, Oliver Wendell Holmes, concurred with eugenics, to the extent that he attempted to write it into the Constitution. In 1927, a young unwed mother named Carrie Buck was sterilized against her will by order of the Supreme Court, decision (Buck v. Bell) written by Oliver Wendell Holmes, who said : ”The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.” It turned out that she was not retarded, as the state had contended. Based on the Buck Decision, more than 60 thousand were operated on across the U.S. as late as the 1970’s. And the opinion was adopted in Germany, where, within a year, some 56 thousand German ‘patients’ had been sterilized.

b. Everyone is aware of the Liberal/Progressive distain for religion. The only vote against the state, in an 8-1 decision was the archconservative and only Catholic on the court, Pierce Butler. “Butler was a Roman Catholic and a Democrat, but was also, most importantly, a political conservative.” Pierce Butler

Liberalism or socialism had nothing to do with the Nazi's. The German people were Catholics being led like sheep. This is the problem with religion. Remember it was Plato and Christianity that suppressed scientific facts from the masses because they didn't think we could handle it. They pushed a slavery society but made you all feel good about yourselves with your religion. You were the chosen ones

Showing you to be an ignorant dolt is akin to gilding the lily.
You do so all by yourself.
."Liberalism or socialism had nothing to do with the Nazi's", is the sort of statement one generally expects from the're bitin' on his line.

So.....'eugenics' is alive and well, and resides in the Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party.

And.... it was intimately intertwined with the polices of Adolph Hitler and his National Socialists.

11. The American and German eugenics movements were one in 'the identification of human beings as valuable, worthless, or of inferior value in supposedly hereditary terms.' As one authority has noted, this 'was the common denominator of all forms of Nazi racism.'

Eugenics was synonymous with 'race hygiene,' and its most fundamental program was to purify the 'race' of 'low grade' and 'degenerate' groups. Thus, American and European eugenicists created a generic racism and sexism - the genetically inferior.

Not surprisingly, the victims always turned out to be the traditional victims of racism - Jews, Blacks, women, and the poor."
Giesela Bock, 'Racism and Sexism in Nazi Germany,'Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society,Vol. 8, no. 3, Spring 1983. Reprinted in Renate Bridenthal et. al.,When Biology Became Destiny:Women in Weimar and Nazi Germany(New York, 1984), p. 276.

12. American and German eugenicists were particularly close in ideology. Germans and Americans regularly translated each other's literature, and the German movement was closely followed in the American eugenics press.

In June of 1936, Heidelberg University planned a celebration in honor of its 550th anniversary. Harry Laughlin, the authorof Eugenical Sterilization in the United States,was offered an honorary degree in recognition of his services to eugenics.

Laughlin wrote that he would be glad to accept 'not only as a personal honor, but as evidence of the common understanding of German and American scientists of the nature of eugenics as research in and the practical application of those fundamental biological and social principles which determine racial endowments and the racial health... of future generations.'
Randy Bird and Garland Allen, 'Archival Sources in the History of Eugenics,'Journal of the History of Biology,'Vol. 14, no. 2, Fall 1981, p. 351.

The most popular German eugenics text,Menschliche Erblichkeitslehre,was translated into English and widely read in the United States. Many American eugenics texts, including Madison Grant's Classic,The Passing of the Great Race, were translated into German.

The above based on chapter five of Dr. Mehler's dissertation, 'A History of the American Eugenics Society,' (University of Illinois, 1988) which can be obtained from University Microfilm (Ann Arbor, MI). Eliminating the Inferior American and Nazi Sterilization Programs Institute for the Study of Academic Racism - Ferris State University

This is probably way over your head, as you are a moron....but perhaps some third grader will explain it to you.
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What you did was us an ad hominem deflection which demonstrates a failure to understand that atheism is simply a lack of belief in god(s), with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage, and thus no line can be drawn from it to the aforementioned ideologies. In the same vein, democracy could be called atheistic because we live in a secular society.

NOoo... What I did was to point out the irrefutable FACT Mao, Stalin, Lenin and Histler were all Humanists... and while it is theoretically possible for a humanist to be fiscally conservative, they can never be truly conservative as that requires the recognition, respect, defense and adherence to, the laws of nature which govern human behavior... and to be THAT, one must first recognize the Creator of the Universe... thus precluding the participation of those who REJECT such.

Therefore we can recognize that Lenin, Stalin and Mao were Communists of the first order... Histler was a pragmatic Progressive... not at all distinct from you, except he has power and you have none.

And FTR: One does not seek to annihilate an entire race of people, who's fundamental trait is the unapologetic recognition of the Creator and the laws which govern human behavior... and reasonably claim them self an adherent to such. And that Histler was raised Catholic, with a Jewish Parent, does not a "Religious" Histler make.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
1. It's been noted before that all one need do to herd Liberals in any direction is the phrase "studies show...."
Seems that this is the overcompensation by the less intelligent, yearning to be able to claim that science backs up their beliefs.

Let's take the Progressive/socialist love for eugenics.

2. In the novel "Ceremony of Innocence," BBC far east expert Humphrey Hawksley provides a reminder of the Progressive/socialist policies that led to the atrocities of the Holocaust.

Hawksley give a sense of the motives, and the aims, of the eugenics movement. Here, a few passages from the book:

"...Harry H. Laughlin, superintendent of the Eugenics Records Office, USA.

'He was the right-hand man for Albert Johnson, head of the House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization,...who created a politically acceptable environment to stop defective immigrants coming into your country, mainly from Eastern and Southern Europe, the Balkans and Russia...

The bill was passed after Laughlin cited IQ and prison statistics....these immigrants were the dregs of humanity, mentally deficient and unable to assimilate....It was a perfect combination of science and politics.

...defining what a human being is....that a human being can be genetically altered animal which possesses the ability to reason, argue facts, arrive at a conclusion and so on."

The character speaking goes on to place the blame for eugenics just where it belongs:

"....the ideas all came from [America]. You were the pioneers in this science until Germany damaged it irrevocably with the Holocaust....We've devised a universal IQ test which we use on children of all if we use [the ability to reason, argue facts, arrive at a conclusion and so on] we are blurring the line between human and animal life.

I know, I know. We are in a battle between religion and science."
p. 232-234.

Everything Hawksley has his character say is true.

3. And Hawkley spoke the truth when he had the character say " We are in a battle between religion and science."
Here, Oliver Wendell Holmes for Progressive science, and Pierce Butler for religion:

a. The most revered of liberal icons, Oliver Wendell Holmes, concurred with eugenics, to the extent that he attempted to write it into the Constitution. In 1927, a young unwed mother named Carrie Buck was sterilized against her will by order of the Supreme Court, decision (Buck v. Bell) written by Oliver Wendell Holmes, who said : ”The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.” It turned out that she was not retarded, as the state had contended. Based on the Buck Decision, more than 60 thousand were operated on across the U.S. as late as the 1970’s. And the opinion was adopted in Germany, where, within a year, some 56 thousand German ‘patients’ had been sterilized.

b. Everyone is aware of the Liberal/Progressive distain for religion. The only vote against the state, in an 8-1 decision was the archconservative and only Catholic on the court, Pierce Butler. “Butler was a Roman Catholic and a Democrat, but was also, most importantly, a political conservative.” Pierce Butler

Liberalism or socialism had nothing to do with the Nazi's. The German people were Catholics being led like sheep. This is the problem with religion. Remember it was Plato and Christianity that suppressed scientific facts from the masses because they didn't think we could handle it. They pushed a slavery society but made you all feel good about yourselves with your religion. You were the chosen ones

Showing you to be an ignorant dolt is akin to gilding the lily.
You do so all by yourself.
."Liberalism or socialism had nothing to do with the Nazi's", is the sort of statement one generally expects from the're bitin' on is line.

So.....'eugenics' is alive and well, and resides in the Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party.

And.... it was intimately intertwined with the polices of Adolph Hitler and his National Socialists.

11. The American and German eugenics movements were one in 'the identification of human beings as valuable, worthless, or of inferior value in supposedly hereditary terms.' As one authority has noted, this 'was the common denominator of all forms of Nazi racism.'

Eugenics was synonymous with 'race hygiene,' and its most fundamental program was to purify the 'race' of 'low grade' and 'degenerate' groups. Thus, American and European eugenicists created a generic racism and sexism - the genetically inferior.

Not surprisingly, the victims always turned out to be the traditional victims of racism - Jews, Blacks, women, and the poor."
Giesela Bock, 'Racism and Sexism in Nazi Germany,'Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society,Vol. 8, no. 3, Spring 1983. Reprinted in Renate Bridenthal et. al.,When Biology Became Destiny:Women in Weimar and Nazi Germany(New York, 1984), p. 276.

12. American and German eugenicists were particularly close in ideology. Germans and Americans regularly translated each other's literature, and the German movement was closely followed in the American eugenics press.

In June of 1936, Heidelberg University planned a celebration in honor of its 550th anniversary. Harry Laughlin, the authorof Eugenical Sterilization in the United States,was offered an honorary degree in recognition of his services to eugenics.

Laughlin wrote that he would be glad to accept 'not only as a personal honor, but as evidence of the common understanding of German and American scientists of the nature of eugenics as research in and the practical application of those fundamental biological and social principles which determine racial endowments and the racial health... of future generations.'
Randy Bird and Garland Allen, 'Archival Sources in the History of Eugenics,'Journal of the History of Biology,'Vol. 14, no. 2, Fall 1981, p. 351.

The most popular German eugenics text,Menschliche Erblichkeitslehre,was translated into English and widely read in the United States. Many American eugenics texts, including Madison Grant's Classic,The Passing of the Great Race, were translated into German.

The above based on chapter five of Dr. Mehler's dissertation, 'A History of the American Eugenics Society,' (University of Illinois, 1988) which can be obtained from University Microfilm (Ann Arbor, MI). Eliminating the Inferior American and Nazi Sterilization Programs Institute for the Study of Academic Racism - Ferris State University

This is probably way over your head, as you are a moron....but perhaps some third grader will explain it to you.

You theists are so dumb. One day they're going to be able to do a test on a couple. We now know that some couples are not a good match for having babies. Putting 2 particular parents together means, for example, that a child will be born with a 80% chance of getting breast cancer or Alzheimers. Angalena Jolie for example. In the future they'll be able to run a test on a couple having a baby and eliminate that cancer gene so the child will grow up to be an old woman or man and not get cancer. Eventually no human will have that cancer gene.

Except you stupid! You I hope refuse the test and procedure and put your kids health in gods hands. I beg of you not to get the procedure!!!

And all this trying to link us to Nazi's and socialists is nonsense. I will give you this though. The great minds of the past in Dutch Holland and Greece did say out of control wealth "capitalism" is a problem for Democracy. And boy are they proving to be right on that one. Look at how the rich own our government today. Will humans ever learn? I think we are learning and getting better, but not fast enough. People like you are holding us back. House slaves. Ignorant, lazy and greedy.

I believe most atheists would agree that capitalism is the best ISM, but needs to be regulated. Of course the rich are going to want to be less regulated and the masses will want them regulated appropriately. Why you side with the rich I'll never know, other than they clearly have you bamboozled with god. A typical wedge issue they use.

Now as for prisons and k-12 schools? Those things need to stay socialist. Although they too have been recently defunded and privatized more than ever. No doubt this is a move by the rich to dumb down the masses, just like Plato and his people did 2500 years ago. And it wasn't until 1600 ad that science, knowledge and reason took off again. Way to go false religions!
dimocrap scum don't care about facts or truth.

They lie. It's an autonomic function with dimocrap scum. It's what they do.

Babies cry, dogs bark, pigs oink, ducks quack.......

And dimocraps lie.

They get busted in one lie? They don't care. They have no honor, no code, no conscience, no morality, no caring, no empathy or sympathy and they GODDAM sure don't care about the harm their lies might cause.

They are the scum of the earth.

Which is why I refused to try to get along with them decades ago.

There's no point. You think you've reached an agreement with a dimocrap and they'll stab you on the back the second you turn around.

I shit you not. They are not worthy of consideration

Fox News proves that it is Republicans who are doing the most lying. Its why their viewers are the most under and ill informed on the subjects the GOP doesn't want them to know the facts about. Like global warming. But ask them about the keystone pipeline or how much vacation time the Obama's have taken and they'll know all the facts.

Again, you prove my point about how dimocraps are not only liars, but stupid as well.....

"Who are the most consistently misinformed media viewers? … Fox viewers, consistently, every poll."
Jon Stewart on Sunday, June 19th, 2011 in an interview on Fox News Sunday

EDITOR'S NOTE: On the June 21, 2011, edition of The Daily Show, Jon Stewartaccepted our False verdict and apologized, saying, "I defer to (PolitiFact's) judgment and apologize for my mistake. To not do so would be irresponsible."

Jon Stewart says those who watch Fox News are the most consistently misinformed media viewers PolitiFact

dimocraps lie. It's what they do

So we're once again trying to tie Hitler to one "side" or other.

Silly. He was his own type of psychopathic evil, gang. Try as we might, he was neither a liberal nor a conservative.



I was just refuting someone's attempt to tie Hitler's psychopathy to Christianity. The Wikipedia article I linked does a balanced job of describing Hitler's relationship with religion. Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And here we have again a post (#180) claiming that Hitler was obviously 'right wing'. What does that even mean? I went to college, and I know that's always been the mantra. Often it seems, unrefined college kids equate right wing with racism. Of course, Marx and Darwin were also racists, as was Stalin.

On the one hand, Hitler wanted to revive nationalistic fervor and pride in German traditions. He espoused traditional roles for men and women in society. You could call that right wing, I suppose. As part of his effort to preserve German heritage, he espoused environmentalism (saving pristine lands and habitat for native species). Is that a conservative view or a progressive view? It could be considered either.

The type of socialism that Hitler fought against during his rise to power was grassroots socialism. These were 'power to the people' protesters who were into unionization and wielding the threat of the national strike. These were not Statists that Hitler scapegoated and crushed. They were champions of individual liberty. They were anti-bankster. They were anti-war. They were similar in many ways to the Ron Paul Revolution. What Hitler ultimately yielded was the Supremacy of the State.

Eugenics was a product of progressiveness, and remains so today. Only today, we don't use that dirty word. We call it bio-engineering, and if you're too critical of it we say that you are an enemy of scientific advancement.

So we're once again trying to tie Hitler to one "side" or other.

Silly. He was his own type of psychopathic evil, gang. Try as we might, he was neither a liberal nor a conservative.



I was just refuting someone's attempt to tie Hitler's psychopathy to Christianity. The Wikipedia article I linked does a balanced job of describing Hitler's relationship with religion. Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And here we have again a post (#180) claiming that Hitler was obviously 'right wing'. What does that even mean? I went to college, and I know that's always been the mantra. Often it seems, unrefined college kids equate right wing with racism. Of course, Marx and Darwin were also racists, as was Stalin.

On the one hand, Hitler wanted to revive nationalistic fervor and pride in German traditions. He espoused traditional roles for men and women in society. You could call that right wing, I suppose. As part of his effort to preserve German heritage, he espoused environmentalism (saving pristine lands and habitat for native species). Is that a conservative view or a progressive view? It could be considered either.

The type of socialism that Hitler fought against during his rise to power was grassroots socialism. These were 'power to the people' protesters who were into unionization and wielding the threat of the national strike. These were not Statists that Hitler scapegoated and crushed. They were champions of individual liberty. They were anti-bankster. They were anti-war. They were similar in many ways to the Ron Paul Revolution. What Hitler ultimately yielded was the Supremacy of the State.

Eugenics was a product of progressiveness, and remains so today. Only today, we don't use that dirty word. We call it bio-engineering, and if you're too critical of it we say that you are an enemy of scientific advancement.

The Left prefers to use the linear graph to define Ideology... Histler was to the right of Stalin... and they know this, because Stalin said so....

Of course Stalin also routinely claimed that Leon Trotsky was a fascist, thus to the right of Stalin and to this day, I've never found a Leftist who wants to argue that Trotsky, a life long Communist and a peer competitor of Stalin... was in fact, a 'Right-winger'. The hysterical nature of which is amplified by their consistent insistence that Mussolini was a right winger, despite his life having been entirely and otherwise irrefutably devoted to Socialism.

But hey... such deceit is the nature of evil. So by their fruit, we shall know them.
What you did was us an ad hominem deflection which demonstrates a failure to understand that atheism is simply a lack of belief in god(s), with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage, and thus no line can be drawn from it to the aforementioned ideologies. In the same vein, democracy could be called atheistic because we live in a secular society.

NOoo... What I did was to point out the irrefutable FACT Mao, Stalin, Lenin and Histler were all Humanists... and while it is theoretically possible for a humanist to be fiscally conservative, they can never be truly conservative as that requires the recognition, respect, defense and adherence to, the laws of nature which govern human behavior... and to be THAT, one must first recognize the Creator of the Universe... thus precluding the participation of those who REJECT such.

Therefore we can recognize that Lenin, Stalin and Mao were Communists of the first order... Histler was a pragmatic Progressive... not at all distinct from you, except he has power and you have none.

And FTR: One does not seek to annihilate an entire race of people, who's fundamental trait is the unapologetic recognition of the Creator and the laws which govern human behavior... and reasonably claim them self an adherent to such. And that Histler was raised Catholic, with a Jewish Parent, does not a "Religious" Histler make.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Who are you Nostrodumbass?

This is just your failure to understand that atheism is simply a lack of belief in god(s), with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage, and thus no line can be drawn from it to the aforementioned ideologies.

Humanism generally prefers critical thinking and evidence over established doctrine or faith. Don't you? Then you can't be that smart.
What you did was us an ad hominem deflection which demonstrates a failure to understand that atheism is simply a lack of belief in god(s), with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage, and thus no line can be drawn from it to the aforementioned ideologies. In the same vein, democracy could be called atheistic because we live in a secular society.

NOoo... What I did was to point out the irrefutable FACT Mao, Stalin, Lenin and Histler were all Humanists... and while it is theoretically possible for a humanist to be fiscally conservative, they can never be truly conservative as that requires the recognition, respect, defense and adherence to, the laws of nature which govern human behavior... and to be THAT, one must first recognize the Creator of the Universe... thus precluding the participation of those who REJECT such.

Therefore we can recognize that Lenin, Stalin and Mao were Communists of the first order... Histler was a pragmatic Progressive... not at all distinct from you, except he has power and you have none.

And FTR: One does not seek to annihilate an entire race of people, who's fundamental trait is the unapologetic recognition of the Creator and the laws which govern human behavior... and reasonably claim them self an adherent to such. And that Histler was raised Catholic, with a Jewish Parent, does not a "Religious" Histler make.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Who are you Nostrodumbass?

This is just your failure to understand that atheism is simply a lack of belief in god(s), with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage, and thus no line can be drawn from it to the aforementioned ideologies.

Humanism generally prefers critical thinking and evidence over established doctrine or faith. Don't you? Then you can't be that smart.

LOL! yet, humanism is never found engaging in critical thinking and eschews all evidential doctrine and faith.

FTR: A-theism rests entirely in Relativism... which axiomatically rejects objectivity... thus rejects the essential element of truth, thus precluding trust, morality and the service to justice. As a result, it is quite literally impossible for an A-theist to consistently recognize the tenets of a soundly reasoned morality, therefore, the A-theist bears intrinsic a-moral, thus immoral baggage.

Which is why, I think... critically... that Humanism's history is one which demonstrates that it is the single most lethal; human threat, to humanity, in the history of humanity.

So we're once again trying to tie Hitler to one "side" or other.

Silly. He was his own type of psychopathic evil, gang. Try as we might, he was neither a liberal nor a conservative.



I was just refuting someone's attempt to tie Hitler's psychopathy to Christianity. The Wikipedia article I linked does a balanced job of describing Hitler's relationship with religion. Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And here we have again a post (#180) claiming that Hitler was obviously 'right wing'. What does that even mean? I went to college, and I know that's always been the mantra. Often it seems, unrefined college kids equate right wing with racism. Of course, Marx and Darwin were also racists, as was Stalin.

On the one hand, Hitler wanted to revive nationalistic fervor and pride in German traditions. He espoused traditional roles for men and women in society. You could call that right wing, I suppose. As part of his effort to preserve German heritage, he espoused environmentalism (saving pristine lands and habitat for native species). Is that a conservative view or a progressive view? It could be considered either.

The type of socialism that Hitler fought against during his rise to power was grassroots socialism. These were 'power to the people' protesters who were into unionization and wielding the threat of the national strike. These were not Statists that Hitler scapegoated and crushed. They were champions of individual liberty. They were anti-bankster. They were anti-war. They were similar in many ways to the Ron Paul Revolution. What Hitler ultimately yielded was the Supremacy of the State.

Eugenics was a product of progressiveness, and remains so today. Only today, we don't use that dirty word. We call it bio-engineering, and if you're too critical of it we say that you are an enemy of scientific advancement.

I think the point I'm trying to make is how easily the German Catholics went along with the Nazi movement. And look how easily the stupid American Christians in 2003 were lied into Iraq. Speak the truth against Bush like the Dixie Chicks did and look at how Christian America treated them.

Pol Pot targeted not just different religions, but education, science and medicine in his quest for total domination. Now, let’s take a head count of atheists who are against education, science and medicine. Thought so…

Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge were composed of Buddhists and Pol Pot was a Theravada Buddhist. He studied at a Buddhist monastery and then at a Catholic school for 8 years.

Liberalism or socialism had nothing to do with the Nazi's.

False. Nazis were the NATIONAL SOCIALIST Party... meaning that they were SOCIALISTS, of the nationalist variety.

That National Socialism is 'To the Right' of international socialism, does not make it less socialist... and it sure as hell, doesn't make it 'right'.

Nazism is ALL YOUR'S sweety... Just as Mao was yours... Murdered 100 million people in the name of Humanism... and Stalin was yours... Murdered 25 million in the name of Humanism. And you and your own cult are responsible for the 50 million of humanities MOST innocent and MOST DEFENSELESS that you MURDERED... with your shame being that it was YOU who those humans depended upon to defend them. And you failed... and ya did so WILLFULLY and wantonly... .

You people are a menace to the species, without regard to the names you make up to hide your trail.

What you did was us an ad hominem deflection which demonstrates a failure to understand that atheism is simply a lack of belief in god(s), with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage, and thus no line can be drawn from it to the aforementioned ideologies. In the same vein, democracy could be called atheistic because we live in a secular society.

Hitler was religious and publicly decried atheism.

Stalinism and Communism exercised gosateizm (state atheism) based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism.

“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.” – Adolf Hitler

I don't know if you've heard, and this may come as a shock to you, but Hitler's public statements were propaganda. Of course he publicly supported the faith of the German majority.

"Hitler had been brought up a Catholic and was impressed by the organization and power of the Church. For Protestant clergy he felt only contempt: 'They are insignificant little people, submissive as dogs...[-] They have neither a religion you can take seriously nor a great position to defend like Rome'. It was the 'great position' of the Church that he respected; towards its teaching he showed only the sharpest hostility. In Hitler's eyes, Christianity was a religion fit only for slaves; he detested its ethics in particular. Its teaching, he declared, was a rebellion against the natural law of selection by struggle and the survival of the fittest."- Hitler a Study in Tyranny; Alan Bullock

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