How Liberals Use Science

And Hitler was damn sure no liberal...
Sure he was. You can't look at these people and tell me they are right wingers:

The ones in socks and sandals....
ROFLMNAO! Hysterical...

They're as ignorant as a stone.

Here's where you get to go fuck yourself:


"Women in all lands and all ages have instinctively desired family limitation. Usually this desire has been laid to economic pressure. Frequently the pressure has existed, but the driving force behind woman’s aspiration toward freedom has lain deeper. It has asserted itself among the rich and among the poor, among the intelligent and the unintelligent. It has been manifested in such horrors as infanticide, child abandonment and abortion."

'While there are cases where even the law recognizes an abortion as justifiable if recommended by a physician, I assert that the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization.'

'Human society must protect its children–yes, but prenatal care is most essential!
The child-to-be, as yet not called into being, has rights no less imperative."

"To each group we explained simply what contraception was; that abortion was the wrong way—no matter how early it was performed it was taking life; that contraception was the better way, the safer way—it took a little time, a little trouble, but was well worth while in the long run, because life had not begun."

And for your link, the CONSERVATIVE website redstate:

What Did Margaret Sanger Think about Abortion RedState

Now you can all go pretend I never posted this. By all means, do so. I like to make you look foolish.

Oh... Looky there... the great rationalization. Always good to see it.

Unfortunately, for your would-be argument, her strong sense that 'abortion is wrong', didn't stop her from building a system designed to perform abortions, which just since the early 1970s, has 'done wrong' more than 50 million times.

Maggy Sanger was a sociopath of the first order. And she singularly is responsible for more murders than any other single human being in human history.

Thanks for being predictable.

You have no idea how much I enjoy idiots like you denying the undeniable, do you?

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

The nineties called, they want your internet messageboard tactics back. You are really a nimrod.

OH! Thank you... FTR: once you have conceded to the standing points, you're not required to re-concede. But it's always nice when ya do! And don't think that I don't appreciate it.
Political Chic has wandered off, stunned, trying to get her senses together, while she searches desperately for just one piece of evidence to support her fantasy that Margaret Sanger was pro-abortion.
Here's where you get to go fuck yourself:


"Women in all lands and all ages have instinctively desired family limitation. Usually this desire has been laid to economic pressure. Frequently the pressure has existed, but the driving force behind woman’s aspiration toward freedom has lain deeper. It has asserted itself among the rich and among the poor, among the intelligent and the unintelligent. It has been manifested in such horrors as infanticide, child abandonment and abortion."

'While there are cases where even the law recognizes an abortion as justifiable if recommended by a physician, I assert that the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization.'

'Human society must protect its children–yes, but prenatal care is most essential!
The child-to-be, as yet not called into being, has rights no less imperative."

"To each group we explained simply what contraception was; that abortion was the wrong way—no matter how early it was performed it was taking life; that contraception was the better way, the safer way—it took a little time, a little trouble, but was well worth while in the long run, because life had not begun."

And for your link, the CONSERVATIVE website redstate:

What Did Margaret Sanger Think about Abortion RedState

Now you can all go pretend I never posted this. By all means, do so. I like to make you look foolish.

Oh... Looky there... the great rationalization. Always good to see it.

Unfortunately, for your would-be argument, her strong sense that 'abortion is wrong', didn't stop her from building a system designed to perform abortions, which just since the early 1970s, has 'done wrong' more than 50 million times.

Maggy Sanger was a sociopath of the first order. And she singularly is responsible for more murders than any other single human being in human history.

Thanks for being predictable.

You have no idea how much I enjoy idiots like you denying the undeniable, do you?

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

The nineties called, they want your internet messageboard tactics back. You are really a nimrod.

OH! Thank you... FTR: once you have conceded to the standing points, you're not required to re-concede. But it's always nice when ya do! And don't think that I don't appreciate it.

Your task is to prove that Margaret Sanger didn't say what I quoted her saying, or,

as a Plan B, you can go fuck yourself.
A day in the life of liberal Nazis:

"So, uh, Frank. I'm thinking maybe we should let some Jews and negroes into our club. Whattya think?"
Your task is to prove that Margaret Sanger didn't say what I quoted her saying

Wrong... My task is merely to point out that Sanger is the founder of planned Parenthood, which was built as a conduit for Abortions. That she admitted that what she was doing was wrong, only presents a better understanding of the depth of her sociopathy.
BLUE HITLER: I believe in affirmative action. I think blacks and Jews and gypsies and homosexuals should be proportionately represented in government and positions of authority and social status according to the percentage of the population they comprise.

RED HITLER: Right after I kill them all off.
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BLUE HITLER: I like mental defectives.

RED HITLER: They have convinced themselves I am a liberal. "Duhhh, he's a SOCIALIST and that makes him a liberal", they say. BWA-HA-HA-HA!
Your task is to prove that Margaret Sanger didn't say what I quoted her saying

Wrong... My task is merely to point out that Sanger is the founder of planned Parenthood, which was built as a conduit for Abortions. That she admitted that what she was doing was wrong, only presents a better understanding of the depth of her sociopathy.


Proving you wrong is the cake. Getting you to make a fool of yourself denying it is the icing.
A day in the life of liberal Nazis:

"So, uh, Frank. I'm thinking maybe we should let some Jews and negroes into our club. Whattya think?"


Yeah... the negroes have done SO well, under the tutelage of the "liberals". And the Jews... France, arguably the most 'liberal' place on earth, on that side of Berkeley, is presently 'enjoying' the most profound 'Jew Flight' since the day the Nazis came to Paris.

Now... I wonder why the Black culture has suffered so with all the support of the Liberals and why it is that Liberal Mecca has Jews who've lived their since the late 1940s, fleeing for their lives?

Maybe... it's the consequences of the soft bigotry of low expectations and the ever present anti-semitism, common to the Ideological Left?

Ya think
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Your task is to prove that Margaret Sanger didn't say what I quoted her saying

Wrong... My task is merely to point out that Sanger is the founder of planned Parenthood, which was built as a conduit for Abortions. That she admitted that what she was doing was wrong, only presents a better understanding of the depth of her sociopathy.


Proving you wrong is the cake. Getting you to make a fool of yourself denying it is the icing.

So you're saying that Sanger is not the founder of Planned Parenthood? Or that Planned Parenthood has not murdered 50 million of humanities most innocent and defenseless?

Because those are the standing points to which you've no thrice conceded.

Your third concession to the same standing points, is duly noted and summarily accepted.
A day in the life of liberal Nazis:

"So, uh, Frank. I'm thinking maybe we should let some Jews and negroes into our club. Whattya think?"


Yeah... the negroes have done SO well, under the tutelage of the "liberals". And the Jews... France, arguably the most 'liberal' place on earth, on that side of Berkeley, is presently 'enjoying' the most profound 'Jew Flight' since the day the Nazis came to Paris.

Now... I wonder why the Black culture has suffered so with all the support of the Liberals and why it is that Liberal Mecca has Jews who've lived their since the late 1940s, fleeing for their life?

Maybe... it's the consequences of the soft bigotry of low expectations and the ever present anti-semitism, common to the Ideological Left?

Ya think
And this proves Hitler was a
1. It's been noted before that all one need do to herd Liberals in any direction is the phrase "studies show...."
Seems that this is the overcompensation by the less intelligent, yearning to be able to claim that science backs up their beliefs.

Let's take the Progressive/socialist love for eugenics.

2. In the novel "Ceremony of Innocence," BBC far east expert Humphrey Hawksley provides a reminder of the Progressive/socialist policies that led to the atrocities of the Holocaust.

Hawksley give a sense of the motives, and the aims, of the eugenics movement. Here, a few passages from the book:

"...Harry H. Laughlin, superintendent of the Eugenics Records Office, USA.

'He was the right-hand man for Albert Johnson, head of the House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization,...who created a politically acceptable environment to stop defective immigrants coming into your country, mainly from Eastern and Southern Europe, the Balkans and Russia...

The bill was passed after Laughlin cited IQ and prison statistics....these immigrants were the dregs of humanity, mentally deficient and unable to assimilate....It was a perfect combination of science and politics.

...defining what a human being is....that a human being can be genetically altered animal which possesses the ability to reason, argue facts, arrive at a conclusion and so on."

The character speaking goes on to place the blame for eugenics just where it belongs:

"....the ideas all came from [America]. You were the pioneers in this science until Germany damaged it irrevocably with the Holocaust....We've devised a universal IQ test which we use on children of all if we use [the ability to reason, argue facts, arrive at a conclusion and so on] we are blurring the line between human and animal life.

I know, I know. We are in a battle between religion and science."
p. 232-234.

Everything Hawksley has his character say is true.

3. And Hawkley spoke the truth when he had the character say " We are in a battle between religion and science."
Here, Oliver Wendell Holmes for Progressive science, and Pierce Butler for religion:

a. The most revered of liberal icons, Oliver Wendell Holmes, concurred with eugenics, to the extent that he attempted to write it into the Constitution. In 1927, a young unwed mother named Carrie Buck was sterilized against her will by order of the Supreme Court, decision (Buck v. Bell) written by Oliver Wendell Holmes, who said : ”The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.” It turned out that she was not retarded, as the state had contended. Based on the Buck Decision, more than 60 thousand were operated on across the U.S. as late as the 1970’s. And the opinion was adopted in Germany, where, within a year, some 56 thousand German ‘patients’ had been sterilized.

b. Everyone is aware of the Liberal/Progressive distain for religion. The only vote against the state, in an 8-1 decision was the archconservative and only Catholic on the court, Pierce Butler. “Butler was a Roman Catholic and a Democrat, but was also, most importantly, a political conservative.” Pierce Butler
"Ceremony of Innocence," BBC far east expert Humphrey Hawksley

Mike McKillop was once a respected Hong Kong policeman. But now, living alone after his Chinese wife disappeared to the mainland with their two children, he is a pen-pusher, wallowing in alcoholic self-pity.


Gee, that sounds just like every progressive I ever met.
BLUE HITLER: I like mental defectives.

RED HITLER: They have convinced themselves I am a liberal. "Duhhh, he's a SOCIALIST and that makes him a liberal", they say. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

LOL! Look... Conservative Histler is 'Strict!'.

Now the reader should understand that the Left NEEDS to separate themselves from their Nazis, because the Nazis chewed through all sense of 'reason'; given their mass-murderin' tendencies. Just like they need to distance themselves from Mao... and Stalin and Pol Pot... . And pretty much every notable Leftists of the 20th century.

Because, if they don't... then when they sue you into bankruptcy because you refused to participate in the celebration of one of their sacred cows, or when you are a black man, who they claim to support... who is appointed to the SCOTUS, they rake you over the coals painting you as a sexual predator... or when you're invited to speak at a college event and hundreds of "liberals" storm the stage, threatening your life... you might recognize that the "Liberals" are in no way distinct from the Humanists who came before them and that the only difference between today's Liberal Humanist and the other, is that the other managed to lie their way into sufficient power for them to become what their perverse reasoning required they must.

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