How Long Before We Have Real Insurrections

You Trumpies still threatening civil war?
I don't make threats, assho... all that's required to burn your ideology down is a refusal to obey any laws that YOU lot disobey. Civil disobedience will bring this nation to its knees and it will royally eff you up, just like the rest of us.
Whovever thought western republics could devolve like this.


After almost a century of people reminding us of the horrors of Nazi Germany as a historical fluke to be avoided and a mistake never to be repeated again, I find it rather amazing how quickly and eagerly so many have happily reverted back to the exact same behavior and with the slightest of provocation! All that is missing are the gas chambers.

And while the officials there tout the low figure of only 0.004% dead at this point and the claim that it would be higher without these draconian actions, I can only think that their "cure" has been far worse than the actual disease! Like throwing the baby out with the proverbial bathwater, I will never travel to nor do business with or in Australia again and I expect many others feel the same way as well.

And I bet a lot of Aussies sorely regret now their giving up their guns.
I don't make threats, assho... all that's required to burn your ideology down is a refusal to obey any laws that YOU lot disobey. Civil disobedience will bring this nation to its knees and it will royally eff you up, just like the rest of us.

Why are you making threats? Our form of government works until you put a criminal like Donald Trump in office who wants to overthrow the government.

You ever hear of another preesident refuse a peaceful transition or concede an election he lost?
Care to list the court proceedings that PROVED the evidence that was submitted was RULED on the merits? You can't. NONE of those cases were ever heard. They were summarily dismissed. No, I have no misgivings that that election is going to be overturned. I DO have every faith that if you bastards try it again, this country is going to BURN. That'd be ALL OF US, Cletus. Anyone who thinks that all they need to impose tyranny on a hundred plus million Americans is a media that backs your bullshit, is a delusional ass.

BTW, I could give a fuck whether you or any like you believe it. You've been convinced that those laws are for others, not yourself. TRY IT AGAIN in '24.
You fucking idiot, there was no evidence for there to be any merits to rule on. :auiqs.jpg:
To be fair ... violent protests have been a hallmark of democratic countries for over 100 years. Particularly in Europe and Commonwealth countries.
Protest? What is there to protest with the democrat party being in power with all their social justice and all?
Riots are not protest, as soon as your protest march exhibits individuals, and groups, tossing Molotov's, urine, rocks, pipe bombs, or wielding clubs, knives, and setting fires, or any other assorted mob violence and intimidation tactics, including verbal threats of violence against lawful citizens, you are now rioting, and rioting is not protest, its the most violent expression of human behavior short of open war!

Riots are insurrection, democrats in DC have been openly supporting them for the last 5-years, including the illegally seated president and vice president, both of whom bragged of bailing out of jail, violent democratic party street thugs. The democratic party controlled media, has openly incited such insurrection, and in almost every instance of such breaking out, deliberately disseminated lies and propaganda as mechanisms for both encouraging them, and to cover for them(mostly peaceful)!

You are gonna start seeing many many more democrats shot dead as they carry out their mob-centric political violence, all of which are insurrections!
Whovever thought western republics could devolve like this.

After nearly thirty years in the US Army, in hindsight, seems like a part of me always knew these days would come—the days when (the rest of) civilization would collapse. I saw chaos consume many places around the world. What haunted my mind most, again in hindsight, was how so many nations could crumble while people back home and in other Western First World nations went right on eating their Big Macs and fries, slurping Coca Colas and overdosing on television shows and all the thousand brand variety shopping sprees they could desire, as if so many apocalypses of their fellow men could never be their own. Well folks, looks like apocalypse for the rest of the "free" world has finally arrived. People aren't the ones infected by a global pandemic, no—it is the very spirit of nations and the nations themselves who are terminally ill, almost as if our civilization has already died and we are like so many flies buzzing around inside a bloated, reeking carcass.
Why are you making threats? Our form of government works until you put a criminal like Donald Trump in office who wants to overthrow the government.

You ever hear of another preesident refuse a peaceful transition or concede an election he lost?
How come, in none of those CONTESTED STATES, the folks that were contesting the election, were allowed to see the source code from Dominion?

If you are so sure the elections were straight up, and no ballots were scanned twice, why not just prove it?
How long before we have a real insurrection? 2024, if Trump wins.
If he wins, and ANTIFA goes full insurrection mode. . . will you support martial law?


Will you support suspension of YOUR constitutional rights?
Prove to us the existence of a Nazi police state from the Left. You can't can you?
What do you call this force bullshit?

Yes, you are an idiot.

I don't think anybody has ever questioned that, have they?

Trump orchestrated the mob attack on the Capitol.. That's not part of any Republic's democratic process. Are you going to turn to violence every time you lose?
How come, in none of those CONTESTED STATES, the folks that were contesting the election, were allowed to see the source code from Dominion?

If you are so sure the elections were straight up, and no ballots were scanned twice, why not just prove it?

That's not how things work.. You have accused the states of election fraud so you have to prove their guilt. You all have had a year to come up with some evidence.

Are you going to turn to violence everytime you lose an eleection?

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