How Long Before We Have Real Insurrections

We already had a real insurrection on 1/6 – a rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy and the will of the people.
If the will of the people is to go Communist, I am not in favor of it. Only sad uneducated fools and those fools who believe they are educated would vote that in. Those authoritarian dictums can go both ways and will.
We already had a real insurrection on 1/6 – a rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy and the will of the people.


Where Was the Left's Outrage During the 400+ ANTIFA, BLM Riots?

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Yea, talk about fraudulent. Trump ahead in every single swing state when the polling places closed and stopped counting for the night. The next morning they wake up to Trump being behind in every single one.

Yea, no fraud there. Totally on the up and up!

Let me ask you this, libfuckup. If it was so honest, why have 19 states passed voting laws after the 2020 election to try to prevent the fraud from happening again? This link says 17 but it's 19 now. A FULL THIRD of US States have passed voting laws to make it more difficult to cheat in elections. Why would they do that if no cheating happened? Many of their laws simply require actual identification to vote. Prove you have a right to vote. Why bother to do that if nobody voted without proper ID?

Whovever thought western republics could devolve like this.

Some months, not longer as six or eights.
The large-scale extinction of inoculated YES-morons will start in 1 - or 1.5 years after taking the 'jab'
Both vaxxed and non-vaxxed will completely eradicate any politician, cop, security, grocery owner, presstitute who supported the Scamdemic
Vaxxed will know they all are gonna die, unvaxxed will mourn about losing of loved ones and fascist dscrimination.
It's difficult to believe that any member of any involved party can survive the anger of humanity which gonna lose more as 70% of population
You Trumpies still threatening civil war?

Only idiots believe it will be a civil war.
Nope, it will be much terrible.
Can you imagine billions of peoples who know they're gonna die within few time.
And their friends, relatives, family members, collegues.
It will be a chaos, a broken society, where murderous mob will hunt remained members of in the scam involved political parties, tabloids, police departments etc.
It will be more terrible as in the 'Walking Dead' because peoples will have nothing to lose and all states get broken
You will be lucky if you don't be swallowed by cannibals or murdered by rivaled gangs

Yea, talk about fraudulent. Trump ahead in every single swing state when the polling places closed and stopped counting for the night. The next morning they wake up to Trump being behind in every single one.

Yea, no fraud there. Totally on the up and up!

Let me ask you this, libfuckup. If it was so honest, why have 19 states passed voting laws after the 2020 election to try to prevent the fraud from happening again? This link says 17 but it's 19 now. A FULL THIRD of US States have passed voting laws to make it more difficult to cheat in elections. Why would they do that if no cheating happened? Many of their laws simply require actual identification to vote. Prove you have a right to vote. Why bother to do that if nobody voted without proper ID?

They didn't pass laws to prevent fraud, they passed laws to prevent minorities from voting. Republicans closed 1200 polling places in minority areas in the 2016 election. How did that prevent fraud? They purged over a million minority voters through illegal purges. How did that prevent fraud? They are passing laws to curtail early voting, absentee voting, limiting drop boxes, bands all out of pre-cinct voting, restricts hours of operation, and others. Show me there "shit for brains", how that prevents fraud?

And one other thing you pos liar, these laws have nothing to do with voter ID. So fuck you and your lies.
If the will of the people is to go Communist, I am not in favor of it. Only sad uneducated fools and those fools who believe they are educated would vote that in. Those authoritarian dictums can go both ways and will.
"If the will of the people is to go communist?" Name someone who is? That's right, you can't. That's made up bs by liars like you.
Only idiots believe it will be a civil war.
Nope, it will be much terrible.
Can you imagine billions of peoples who know they're gonna die within few time.
And their friends, relatives, family members, collegues.
It will be a chaos, a broken society, where murderous mob will hunt remained members of in the scam involved political parties, tabloids, police departments etc.
It will be more terrible as in the 'Walking Dead' because peoples will have nothing to lose and all states get broken
You will be lucky if you don't be swallowed by cannibals or murdered by rivaled gangs

Sounds like Covid already hit your neighborhood hard?

Where Was the Left's Outrage During the 400+ ANTIFA, BLM Riots?

ANTIFA is an idea, not an organization. Get a clue. And by the way, if you are a real American, all of us should be embracing that idea.

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