How Long Before We Have Real Insurrections

He belongs in prison in the opinion of crazed Leftists because he dared to win the election and usurp Madam Hillary, who appears to have gone insane from the loss.

Right, we know. I mean look. You all are STILL obsessed.
Hillary lost by way of voter suppression.
I think Americans have the right to gather at the Capitol every single day of the year if they like. As for what you call "violence", near as I can tell, they broke into the building, moved some stuff around and snapped selfies. It's really difficult to take all this panting and hyperbole when YOUR people are violently looting stores night and day.

Americans see this and you are losing. I think you know it.
"Near as I can tell" are the key words here. With several million dollars worth of damage and criminal trespassing, proving these were federal crimes, your "near as I can tell" analogy, is worth teats on a bo hog.
Trump did not "orchestrate" the "mob violence", which really amounted to uptight neurotic 80 yo having their offices breached while the "insurrectionists" sat down and took pictures.

Wow, a whole year later and still crying about this night and day. It's not a great look. Meanwhile, every single Democrat issue is on fire. You know it, I know it, it's why Jan 6th is all you've got.
Of course he didn't orchestrate the attack. I mean, after telling the crowd you have to fight like hell if you want your country back, and telling this to a crowd wearing bullet proof vests, helmets, and backpacks, surely there was no orchestration going on there. :auiqs.jpg: 🤪 :auiqs.jpg: 🤪 :auiqs.jpg: 🤪 If you really believe that, then you would easily believe the cow jumped over the moon.
I was being a little bit facetious, if Trump runs and wins in 2024 there will no doubt be an enormous amount of angst on the Left and they will resist and obstruct every day of his presidency and no doubt file lawsuits aplenty to challenge the election results much like the repubs have done with the 2020 election. As is their right.

Would there be another Jan 6th type storming of the Capitol building? Riots in the streets of DC and around the country in democrat-held cities and states? Could be, it wouldn't surprise me at all. Would that be an insurrection? Absent weapons, probably not. There's a difference between a few hundred idiots and several thousand armed rebels, if that is the correct term. What exactly is 'full insurrection mode'?

Would I support martial law? I don't think Trump has that authority, much like he didn't when it came to the nightly riots during the summer of 2020 in our major cities. Maybe Congress could give the authority to declare martial law, but that would seem to be unlikely, and even that is uncertain. States can do it I think, and they can ask the federal gov't for troops to assist them in maintaining law and order, but if Trump was the president that would appear to be very unlikely. Ultimately, I think such a declaration would have to be under the direst of circumstances where a state governor basically has no other choice.

As far as the suspension of our constitutional rights, that's another story. Which rights are we talking about and for how long and how much? Within reason, yes I would comply. But if some fuckwad democrat governor wants to confiscate my guns under the guise of martial law then no, I would not support that. In the case of an insurrection, I'm not giving up my right to defend myself and my family and my home.
We live in clown world now. Expect the unexpected. Especially, if they already have protocols in place for it.

‘Continuity of Government’ Planning: War, Terror and the Supplanting of the U.S. Constitution​

Care to list the court proceedings that PROVED the evidence that was submitted was RULED on the merits? You can't. NONE of those cases were ever heard. They were summarily dismissed. No, I have no misgivings that that election is going to be overturned. I DO have every faith that if you bastards try it again, this country is going to BURN. That'd be ALL OF US, Cletus. Anyone who thinks that all they need to impose tyranny on a hundred plus million Americans is a media that backs your bullshit, is a delusional ass.

BTW, I could give a fuck whether you or any like you believe it. You've been convinced that those laws are for others, not yourself. TRY IT AGAIN in '24.

You are willing to take Trump's word on this? LOLOL.. He is a notorious liar his whole life.
When lies spring up about a fraudulent election.

Yea, talk about fraudulent. Trump ahead in every single swing state when the polling places closed and stopped counting for the night. The next morning they wake up to Trump being behind in every single one.

Yea, no fraud there. Totally on the up and up!

Let me ask you this, libfuckup. If it was so honest, why have 19 states passed voting laws after the 2020 election to try to prevent the fraud from happening again? This link says 17 but it's 19 now. A FULL THIRD of US States have passed voting laws to make it more difficult to cheat in elections. Why would they do that if no cheating happened? Many of their laws simply require actual identification to vote. Prove you have a right to vote. Why bother to do that if nobody voted without proper ID?

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We already had a real insurrection on 1/6 – a rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy and the will of the people.
If all you typed is true, many would vote for any Repub politicians involved again. There is nothing to lose anymore.
Yea, talk about fraudulent. Trump ahead in every single swing state when the polling places closed and stopped counting for the night. The next morning they wake up to Trump being behind in every single one.

Yea, no fraud there. Totally on the up and up!

Let me ask you this, libfuckup. If it was so honest, why have 19 states passed voting laws after the 2020 election to try to prevent the fraud from happening again? This link says 17 but it's 19 now. A FULL THIRD of US States have passed voting laws to make it more difficult to cheat in elections. Why would they do that if no cheating happened? Many of their laws simply require actual identification to vote. Prove you have a right to vote. Why bother to do that if nobody voted without proper ID?

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