Zone1 How long before you think people will rise up against the government?

How long do you think it will take for people to actually rise up against corrupt government?

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well, the right has the military, the police, and all the guns, the left has hollyloonies, trannies, perverts, and cannot determine which restroom to use, so it would be a very short war.
"the right has the military" think
"the police" think
"and all the guns".....wrongo
its amazing how none of you libs understand humor and sarcasm. I guess your tiny brains are just not capable.
It's amazing how MAGAt cultists claim they like the old fat Florida man because he tells it like it is....................and then they spend tons of time telling us he didn't mean what he said. :heehee:
I've said before, this is the biggest pile of kindling in human history and will light of its own accord.
I don't think so ----- I've given up supposing people will rise up and stop all the terrible things going on now. Usually in history there is a 15-year period of friction, at least, before the dam breaks. Like all Europe knew they were on the point of war with Germany as early as before 1900 --- but it didn't happen till Aug. 4, 1914.

Suddenly. It's always sudden, sudden, sudden if it happens at all. Suddenly the shot rings out at Sarajevo, a month later the Germans goosestep into Belgium by the millions. Suddenly Lincoln is elected and seven states secede before he is inaugurated. Suddenly the Berlin Wall is breached by thousands and thousands of running East Germans, and the Soviet Union falls entirely apart in a weekend the next year.

So watch for big things happening suddenly and irrevocably, and then there is no turning back. That's what I am watching for, but nothing is happening now. It could easily be years, or never. Look at the Soviet Union: 77 years of soul-deadening poverty and communism before finally it changed.
So were the rest of the 50 percent you claim don’t pay federal taxes
probably, but the question is; is that fair and equitable? should half the population enjoy govt benefits without paying anything for them?
probably, but the question is; is that fair and equitable? should half the population enjoy govt benefits without paying anything for them?

Good point
Is it fair that the ultra wealthy who write the tax code pay such a low percentage of their income while working Americans have so few deductions?
Not sure if you got the memo, but Republicans aren't the ones trying to get us in a war in Ukraine.

That would be you neo-con liberals and Democrats.
Who do you think you are shooting at in your insurrection Rambo fantasies?
probably, but the question is; is that fair and equitable? should half the population enjoy govt benefits without paying anything for them?
No. The blacks get all the tax benefits ------- so they should pay for them. Everyone should be taxed --- flat. Per person, same amount for everyone.
Good point
Is it fair that the ultra wealthy who write the tax code pay such a low percentage of their income while working Americans have so few deductions?
NO, and that is rarely the reality. Warren Buffet pays more taxes than his secretary and Trump pays more than his employees. The % paid is controlled by the tax code, if you don't like that tell your dem congressperson to change it. he/she will laugh at you.
No. The blacks get all the tax benefits ------- so they should pay for them. Everyone should be taxed --- flat. Per person, same amount for everyone.
I agree on a flat % for everyone, but not the same $ amount.
NO, and that is rarely the reality. Warren Buffet pays more taxes than his secretary and Trump pays more than his employees. The % paid is controlled by the tax code, if you don't like that tell your dem congressperson to change it. he/she will laugh at you.
Democrats want the wealthy to pay a higher percentage
Oh that's different, somehow to you, I guess. Scumbag.
who besides that one capital cops killed anyone on jan 6? while you are working on that, why did the capital cops encourage the people to enter the building, why did they do nothing to stop them? why were many jan 6 people held in solitary in DC for over a year? if you don't think the 2020 election was a political coup, you are very ignorant and deluded.
Democrats want the wealthy to pay a higher percentage
why, wouldn't it be more fair if everyone paid the same per centage? But I get it, punish success and reward failure, its the lib way of life. you are really a socialist aren't you?
Kissing Putin's ass in Helzinki, did not help this country! Claiming covid was a "hoax" for almost two months, did not help this country! Charging the Secret Service 5 times the rates for hotel rooms, did not help this country! Overseeing the largest deficit the country has ever had, did not help this country! Weaponizing the DOJ and FBI, did not help this country!
  • Charging secret service for hotel accommodations over the recommended rate: for a total of $1.4 million, which is nothing in today's money .. Texas alone pays $600 - $700 million a year to support illegal aliens. $1.4 isn't going to hurt anything... you'll be fine.
  • The largest deficit due to the COVID lockdowns, shutting down of the economy and overpaying workers unemployment even after they could go back to work, screwing landlords from rent payments ...
  • Weaponizing the DOJ and FBI like with Mara la go?
I would think an American would be more concerned with .. oh .. I don't know .. Illegal aliens coming across the border in record numbers, fentanyl at all time highs, sex trafficking, inflation at all time highs ..

$1.4 million dollars .. lol
Americans are fat and lazy

They all need to slink off to Florida and Texas and secede.

Look at these posts by these USMB maggots.

sissy Girly Men

this is the biggest pile of kindling in human history and will light of its own accord.

maybe one of the Kochs will adopt you

You stupid POS.

And the armed forces at that time will have no stomach to stop them.

Fuck you, asshole


senile joe

Suddenly. It's always sudden, sudden, sudden if it happens at all

Is it fair

insurrection Rambo fantasies?

why were many jan 6 people held in solitary in DC for over a year?

A failed nation always has it's signs & symptoms......~S~
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