CDZ How long the USA will last?

Teddy Pollins

Senior Member
Feb 26, 2015
History perfectly knows that those once dominant empires and countries do fall. So I'm wondering in general, how long do you think the United States of America will last as a country.
It is called the pass of time. Every empire tends to die one day...
What will be USA's downfall?
What will happen to the country and it's people
How will it affect the world and the economy
And why do you think America will fall?
Just debate not insult.
Well, it certainly doesn't help that the right sides consistently against their own country or that Repubs fight against creating US jobs while fighting FOR foreign jobs.

But, that's all pretty short term. The thing that will bring us down is the same as will bring down the planet - climate change, over population, poisoning our oceans, constantly shitting in our own nest.

IOW, its all about the money.

Not with a bang but with a whimper.
If America goes down then likely the rest of the world will go with it. Whether humans turn the planet to glass or the Yellowstone volcano goes off or some other catastrophe...

Though I suppose the nutters could finally snap, rise up against the government, and destroy us and leave the rest of the world alone. Though after that it's a roll of the dice whether we'll all be speaking Chinese, Russian, or Spanish shortly afterwards.
Collapse of the dollar. We have done the dancing and leave it to our kids to pay the band. So far the band keeps playing, but eventually they will pack up their instruments and present the mother of all bills. When our children have neither the resources nor the inclination to pay, the money stream that finances our deficit spending dries up. There will be nothing left to prop up the dance hall, and it will collapse under it's own weight.
Millions believe in an ever-lasting American future.
But in reality the US will collapse from income inequality and the loss of the middle class followed by the collapse of the US economy.
We are not an export country and if the middle class losses the ability to buy things then who will? There are only so many pairs of jeans and iPhone's a millionaire or billionaire will buy.
History perfectly knows that those once dominant empires and countries do fall. So I'm wondering in general, how long do you think the United States of America will last as a country.
It is called the pass of time. Every empire tends to die one day...
What will be USA's downfall?
What will happen to the country and it's people
How will it affect the world and the economy
And why do you think America will fall?
Just debate not insult.
Yes, we will fall, but not in the sense of total collapse. There will come a time when we're no longer the dominant super power, nor will our currency be the benchmark currency. We're living in an age where countries are gaining technology and economic freedom. The world doesn't depend on us on the same level as 40 or 50 years ago. There are more countries now with strong militaries, strong economies, and gaining in other areas of modernization. Our influence doesn't carry the same weight as it once did. We're seeing the effects in foreign policy, diplomatic stalemates, and wars.

Global debt will be a partial equalizer, along with a heightened economic dependency one nation to another. The U.S. will join other nations in a more widespread co-dependency, where dominance will basically be a thing of the past. Currencies may merge so as to form a common exchange rate in order to facilitate better trade without anyone having the upper hand.

Socially and economically, our population will become so diverse, in ways that make the people more equal. In other words, technology and innovation will create never before seen opportunities which will provide means to level the playing field for everyone. This will be accomplished mainly through a very diverse mixture of what we now call immigrants. But, these people will be highly educated and innovative. They'll be citizens, freely and easily integrating into this country. We'll have open borders, and people will migrate freely seeking new opportunities.

Our government will be much different also. The U.S. Congress will consist of members from several countries, and our president will be appointed by the new Congress. International law will govern commerce, and the new Congress will legislate laws concerning the new citizenry. Militaries will share technology on a larger scale than we see today. We'll be a lot better off in many ways. The world is coming together.
4.67 years.

Then, it will be absorbed by Canada.
That will never happen, you people don't even do bacon right.

You haven't eaten until you've eaten poutine, topped with ... bacon!

History perfectly knows that those once dominant empires and countries do fall. So I'm wondering in general, how long do you think the United States of America will last as a country.
It is called the pass of time. Every empire tends to die one day...
What will be USA's downfall?
What will happen to the country and it's people
How will it affect the world and the economy
And why do you think America will fall?
Just debate not insult.

I believe we are on the verge of authoritarian rule, akin to the fall of the Roman Republic in 44 B.C., as our Legislative Branch surrenders its Constitutional powers to the Executive Branch. This will lead to increased pandering to the general public ("bread and circuses") at the expense of fiscal responsibility. Eventually, we will sell off our assets to our creditors until we are left as tenant farmers in our own country, with agriculture and raw materials as our only exports.

I believe this will happen within the next 100 years, unless hastened by cataclysmic events such as another world war.
History perfectly knows that those once dominant empires and countries do fall. So I'm wondering in general, how long do you think the United States of America will last as a country.
It is called the pass of time. Every empire tends to die one day...
What will be USA's downfall?
What will happen to the country and it's people
How will it affect the world and the economy
And why do you think America will fall?
Just debate not insult.

Though Rome fell, and the British Empire too, both still exist. So I expect the USA will for quite a while even though it's eventually going to default on its' debt, entire economy collapses, or someone lobs a nuke our way. It'll change, but not vanish.
Though Rome fell, and the British Empire too, both still exist. So I expect the USA will for quite a while even though it's eventually going to default on its' debt, entire economy collapses, or someone lobs a nuke our way. It'll change, but not vanish.
Roman empire and British empire still exist?
Western Roman empire ended in 476, Eastern Roman empire ended in 1453. British empire ended in 1997.
History perfectly knows that those once dominant empires and countries do fall. So I'm wondering in general, how long do you think the United States of America will last as a country.
It is called the pass of time. Every empire tends to die one day...
What will be USA's downfall?
What will happen to the country and it's people
How will it affect the world and the economy
And why do you think America will fall?
Just debate not insult.

Though Rome fell, and the British Empire too, both still exist. So I expect the USA will for quite a while even though it's eventually going to default on its' debt, entire economy collapses, or someone lobs a nuke our way. It'll change, but not vanish.
Though Rome fell, and the British Empire too, both still exist. So I expect the USA will for quite a while even though it's eventually going to default on its' debt, entire economy collapses, or someone lobs a nuke our way. It'll change, but not vanish.
Roman empire and British empire still exist?
Western Roman empire ended in 476, Eastern Roman empire ended in 1453. British empire ended in 1997.
maybe not united but the States will last until people live here and know where is their home
By destroying our manufacturing base we have seriously compromised our ability to defend ourselves.

China could fight a protracted war. But I doubt we could fight a serious war for very long before we'd be out of war material.

And I believe our capital would flee as soon as it looked bad. The millionaires who have been busy screwing up America for short term profits probably have their off shore havens stocked for the time this country is uninhabitable.
History perfectly knows that those once dominant empires and countries do fall. So I'm wondering in general, how long do you think the United States of America will last as a country.
It is called the pass of time. Every empire tends to die one day...
What will be USA's downfall?
What will happen to the country and it's people
How will it affect the world and the economy
And why do you think America will fall?
Just debate not insult.
The decline has already begun, both as a result of our own cultural decay and the intensifying of economic competition from other countries.

Time frame is tough to call. Now that profitable business and/or personal success are viewed as suspect and corrupt, and now that we decrease standards and expectations as naturally as we breathe, I'd think we'll be at the economic level of countries like France and Greece within two generations.

Which, of course, is the goal of those who feel that America must pay for its indiscretions.

I am not sure it will last forever. It will be a sudden fall down. I think America will eventually fall prey to a leader who promises peace and prosperity but instead nukes everything everywhere. We may destroy ourselves in future.

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