How Long To Jail Democrats on Russian Collusion ?

Should Hillary, Obama, Clapper and Brennan be prohibited from leaving the US.

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While I find it adorable how you cultists have invented a term to describe people on your side who may not think exactly like the rest of your herd, he’s a Republican. How the fuck you turn that into blaming the left is beyond me.
Everything in this thread is "beyond" you.
“Nobody can be "exonerated" unless they are charged with a crime.”

Trump says he was exonerated. Was he just lying again?
Just a figure of speech that he borrowed from the media. A media word, not Trump's.
I knew you couldn’t say. Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
HA HA. Oh no, I really COULD say. GEE, such a hard question. Here's a list just for starters (and this was all before the Steele dossier delivered to the FISA court) More crimes there.




Added to this is all the crimes involved in the attempt to unseat a duly elected president >> TREASON for starters. We can check Rep Nunes' list coming up soon for those.
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you know how when a basketball team is ahead and they spread the floor and start tossing the ball around to waste time? that's what Trump and Barr are doing right now!
Well, no, it does matter because you keep blaming Democrats and the media when it was actually Republicans who are responsible for Mueller’s investigation.
Oh yeah, and all the Republicans were just enjoying every day of it. A total Republican thing. :puhleeze: :icon_rolleyes:

See folks, this is why people are running away from the Democrat party. It is either get far away from them, or lose your mind. :rolleyes:
"See folks, this is why people are running away from the Democrat party. "

Hmm... that must explain why Democrats posted a record number of votes last November for a mid-term election when 60 million Americans voted Democrat.

There was no Russian hoax. You’re a brainwashed con who is compelled to regurgitate the nonsense you’re spoon fed.
You’re a brainwashed liberal who is compelled to regurgitate the nonsense you’re spoon fed.

You can't even think up your own insults. The best you can muster is regurgitating others.

What a great reflection of just how brain-dead you are.

Great, then you agree Obama had the responsibility to investigate the matter. So what’s your beef?
The beef is that investigating Russian collusion isn't what was set up by Democrats. An attempt to disable a duly elected presidency is, and THAT is the beef. > for which Obama, Hillary, and their running dogs will spend years in prison.
Charges coming any day now.
There will be no charges against any Democrats since Democrats had nothing to do with the investigation

Again.... Mueller is a
Republican. He was appointed by a Republican. That Republican was filling in for yet another Republican, both of whom, were appointed by a Republican.

All Democrats are guilty of is chomping on popcorn as we watching
Republicans eating their own.

Thanks for the show -- it was great.

Mueller’s a Republican. He was appointed by a Republican; who was filling in for another Republican who recused himself; both of whom were appointed by a Republican; who was elected president by a Republican base.
He's a FAKE Republican (RINO) who has always been a leftist, ever since his collusion days with Muslim Brotherhood seditionists (20 years ago)
Leftist then...leftist now.
As I pointed out earlier, RINO is merely code word for rightwing freaks who don't think such Republicans are as conservative as they are.

He's still a Republican.

So is the guy who appointed him.

So is the guy who appointed that Republican.
While I find it adorable how you cultists have invented a term to describe people on your side who may not think exactly like the rest of your herd, he’s a Republican. How the fuck you turn that into blaming the left is beyond me.
Everything in this thread is "beyond" you.

Spits the old timer whose best insult was using mine.
“Nobody can be "exonerated" unless they are charged with a crime.”

Trump says he was exonerated. Was he just lying again?
Just a figure of speech that he borrowed from the media. A media word, not Trump's.

It appeared in trump's tweet. You're such an apologist, that he isn't even responsible for what he himself says??

I knew you couldn’t say. Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
HA HA. Oh no, I really COULD say. GEE, such a hard question. Here's a list just for starters (and this was all before the Steele dossier delivered to the FISA court) More crimes there.




Added to this is all the crimes involved in the attempt to unseat a duly elected president >> TREASON for starters. We can check Rep Nunes' list coming up soon for those.
What crimes for trying to unseat a duly elected president? That's what I asked you and you still have no idea.

It seems you have to wait until someone tells you what to say.
I knew you couldn’t say. Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
HA HA. Oh no, I really COULD say. GEE, such a hard question. Here's a list just for starters (and this was all before the Steele dossier delivered to the FISA court) More crimes there.




Added to this is all the crimes involved in the attempt to unseat a duly elected president >> TREASON for starters. We can check Rep Nunes' list coming up soon for those.
What crimes for trying to unseat a duly elected president? That's what I asked you and you still have no idea.

It seems you have to wait until someone tells you what to say.

Hint: FISA Court. Trumps gonna declassify the FISA Court applications ( 4 of them!) only when he is ready.
Well, no, it does matter because you keep blaming Democrats and the media when it was actually Republicans who are responsible for Mueller’s investigation.
Oh yeah, and all the Republicans were just enjoying every day of it. A total Republican thing. :puhleeze: :icon_rolleyes:

See folks, this is why people are running away from the Democrat party. It is either get far away from them, or lose your mind. :rolleyes:
"See folks, this is why people are running away from the Democrat party. "

Hmm... that must explain why Democrats posted a record number of votes last November for a mid-term election when 60 million Americans voted Democrat.

All of those illegal votes and cheating and RINOS leaving and the false charges against Trump also. Don't forget that.
I knew you couldn’t say. Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
HA HA. Oh no, I really COULD say. GEE, such a hard question. Here's a list just for starters (and this was all before the Steele dossier delivered to the FISA court) More crimes there.




Added to this is all the crimes involved in the attempt to unseat a duly elected president >> TREASON for starters. We can check Rep Nunes' list coming up soon for those.
What crimes for trying to unseat a duly elected president? That's what I asked you and you still have no idea.

It seems you have to wait until someone tells you what to say.

Hint: FISA Court. Trumps gonna declassify the FISA Court applications ( 4 of them!) only when he is ready.
Hillary had nothing to do with the FISA warrant. Thanks for tryin' though.
Wouldn't say they should be jailed, especially since their jail time would be more like a stay at a country clulb. They should be publicly shamed, perp walked through the streets of Washington.
Streets of Washington (black community) is mostly Democrats. So is northern Virginia. They would be hailed as heros by the deranged Democrat masses all present to see them at 2:00 in the afternoon, on a weekday. The unemployed welfare leeches would make it a love fest.

I say lock them up, chain gang, Florida keys in the summer. North coast of Alaska in the winter.

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