How Long To Jail Democrats on Russian Collusion ?

Should Hillary, Obama, Clapper and Brennan be prohibited from leaving the US.

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If every investigation that concluded there were no crimes related to the original investigation were committed were to resulted in jail time for the accusers there would be a lot of Republicans in jail....Whitewater, Benghazi (which dragged on longer than Mueller), clinton emails, and I am surethere are more....
Huh ?
You know, years ago we used to chuckle over the fickleness of Banana Republics, and now we have folks like you advocating for becoming like them. A nation where the winner gets to jail or 'sanction' the loser. All in the name of the Constitution and our Founding Fathers. And your god was NEVER charged. Also, if you watched Trump's Grand Rapids speech you'd know it is the usual dog whistle stab at the MSM that had the crowd shouting "Lock them up". If it weren't so disasterous, I'd wish you get everything you ask for...a compliant press, a President that supersedes that Constitution you claim to admire and jails by whim for daring to oppose him or try to check his excesses. Who will feed you lies daily like a mama bird feeds her constantly needy brood. And a President that admires and covers for tyrants that murder Americans up close and personal, as in Kashoggi and Warmbier.
I did not ask for ANY of the dopey things you mentioned > in a post hardly worth responding to.

And what you said about Trump, that's what Obama and the Clintons do. Lie, deceive, and kill people. And you're dumb enough to think they're the good guys.

You're in the wrong thread. This one is about Obama and Hillary going to prison, for all the things your CNN lords carefully make sure you don't know about.
Obama sanctioned Russia over their interference. Where'd you get the 'stand down' story, not that I can't make an educated guess. But I'd sure like you to show me.
Obama PARTICIPATED in the Russian collusion. Democrats were the only ones who did. Who do you think paid for the lying dossier ? How do you think the FISA warrant was obtained ? And for whom ?
I’ll tell ya, I always knew that American RW nutbags had no real desire for most of the things they said they wanted.

Fiscal conservatism...moral leadership...government and order.

But I never thought they’d throw the veneer away for the likes of a hapless con man like Trump.

This has been and will continue to be an excruciating time for you morons. You have chosen the worst possible person to be your top guy.
Correct words, but applied to the wrong guy. Those words apply exactly to Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Graham is working to get another special prosecutor to look into the whole thing.

I'd be willing to bet that will be one very, very interesting report.

Wonder just who will need to duck, cover or run like hell??
Answer is in the title of the thread. :biggrin:
Can we just point out the only thing we know is the guy Trump appointed says there is nothing wrong in a 4 page memo...

The report is actually 300 pages long and has yet to be released... Bit early for a victory lap..
We know there is no attempt by Mueller to indict anyone for anything. You lost that part, huh ?
That's the complete opposite of what we want. They need to be compelled to remain withIN the United States to face trial at the hands of American jurists.
Of course. If these scoundrels are allowed to go free, it will be the biggest blow to the American judicial system, ever.
unless they are charged with a crime officially no. we can't/shouldn't take away people's freedoms cause we "suspect" they may have done something. i also don't want to hear WELL THEY DID IT cause i'm not 4 years old and i don't care. we need to seriously get over the whole "they did it first" and "payback" mantra.

*if* they are charged with something and the normal procedure is to ban travel then yes. but i would not be in favor of doing it "just because".
Who's talking abut not charging someone with a crime ? The stinking Democrats are in crimes up to their hairlines. They need to be charged and convicted on all of them.
The top USA Intelligence and Security executives agreed that Russia hacked USA during 2016 election process. No hoax!
Why did Trump disagree with his own experts?
That isn't saying that Trump's campaign colluded with them.The hoax was about the alleged collusion (which never happened-at least not by the Trump side)
There was no Russian hoax. You’re a brainwashed con who is compelled to regurgitate the nonsense you’re spoon fed.
You’re a brainwashed liberal who is compelled to regurgitate the nonsense you’re spoon fed.
Great, then you agree Obama had the responsibility to investigate the matter. So what’s your beef?
The beef is that investigating Russian collusion isn't what was set up by Democrats. An attempt to disable a duly elected presidency is, and THAT is the beef. > for which Obama, Hillary, and their running dogs will spend years in prison.
Charges coming any day now.
And the answer is nobody
But a new special prosecutor to investigate the Democrats who set up this scam/hoax won't be indicting nobody. He'll have lots of people to indict.


I'll take Trump's words as fact unless proven otherwise. He and his family, and many others and their families, have been through a terrible ordeal because of you commiecrats.
They should have HELL TO PAY, and I suspect they will.

Hey, here's another question to add to the title of the thread >> Who should the new special prosecutor be ? Here's a few suggestions >>

1. Judge Jeanine Pirro

2. Rudy Guiliani

3. Greg Jarrett

4. Ken Starr

5. Alan Dershowitz

6. Trey Gowdy
His words have been shown to be lies over 9,000 times. And his family hasn't been put through anything. You're talking crazy since we have not seen the Mueller report.
You've been SCAMMED 9,000 times.

There was no coup no matter what President lie says.
The upcoming investigation of Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, et al will determine that.

Anybody wanna guess how much prison time they get ? (title of the thread)
Mueller’s a Republican. He was appointed by a Republican; who was filling in for another Republican who recused himself; both of whom were appointed by a Republican; who was elected president by a Republican base.
He's a FAKE Republican (RINO) who has always been a leftist, ever since his collusion days with Muslim Brotherhood seditionists (20 years ago)
Leftist then...leftist now.

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