How Long To Jail Democrats on Russian Collusion ?

Should Hillary, Obama, Clapper and Brennan be prohibited from leaving the US.

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You rightards are absolutely batshit insane.

Mueller exonerated trump of colluding with Russian hackers. And here you numbnuts are, calling him a traitor.
He's BEEN a traitor for 20 years, ever since his first shenanigans with the Muslim Brotherhood boys, long before he conspired with them to purge truthful words out of FBI training manuals, at the direction of jihadists.

Only an information-deprived, liberal airhead would walk around completely oblivious of all this. Instead of posting in here and displaying your pitiful ignorance, you should be hunkering down with informative books, that could bring you up to speed, to make up for all your time of being subjected to liberal OMISSION media, and misdirection from the US MISeducation system.

You are to now start that, and then come back and report back to me 6 months from now. Here is your first deprogramming, reading assignment. >>

1. They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel

2. Steal Jihad by Robert Spencer

3. Muslim Mafia by P.David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry

4. The Grand Jihad by Andrew McCarthy

5. Mugged by Ann Coulter
We’re talking about Mueller’s part in this investigation; not what he did 20 years ago.

To recap, Mueller exonerated trump of any involvement with colluding with Russian hackers — and you flaming imbeciles are calling him a traitor for that.
I am tired of right wing extremism and the first thing to do is take out Trump. He is a symptom of it and the message needs to be sent we are tired of it.
"take out Trump" See? This is the conspiracy among Democrats that we've been seeing all along. To unseat a duly-elected president, based on false accusations, without a shred of evidence, thereby destroying American democracy.

Oh yes, we get the "message" all right. And that same "message" is going to land Obama and Hillary, and others, in prison for a long time (from the White House to the Big house)
I am?

What did I say about trump’s participation in collusion with Russians,

As far as capitalizing his name, that would require me to respect him. A lying dildo like him deserves no respect.

Then you should have no respect for the entirety of the Democrats of Congress and CNN and MSNBC, for barraging you with lies about Russian collusion.
If they told lies, it’s only because they believed what Republicans were telling them.

Spin it how you want, doesn't matter if someone is a Democrat, Republican, Thorn or a Rose. They lied, knowingly, in an attempt to usurp United States President Donald Trump.
Well, no, it does matter because you keep blaming Democrats and the media when it was actually Republicans who are responsible for Mueller’s investigation.
how do you figure?
Repeating myself...

Mueller’s a Republican. He was appointed by a Republican; who was filling in for another Republican who recused himself; both of whom were appointed by a Republican; who was elected president by a Republican base.
I am tired of right wing extremism and the first thing to do is take out Trump. He is a symptom of it and the message needs to be sent we are tired of it.
"take out Trump" See? This is the conspiracy among Democrats that we've been seeing all along. To unseat a duly-elected president, based on false accusations, without a shred of evidence, thereby destroying American democracy.

Oh yes, we get the "message" all right. And that same "message" is going to land Obama and Hillary, and others, in prison for a long time (from the White House to the Big house)
Again, because I can’t get a straight answer from rightards... what did Hillary in regards to this investigation that you delude yourself into believing will land her in jail?
Then you should have no respect for the entirety of the Democrats of Congress and CNN and MSNBC, for barraging you with lies about Russian collusion.
If they told lies, it’s only because they believed what Republicans were telling them.

Spin it how you want, doesn't matter if someone is a Democrat, Republican, Thorn or a Rose. They lied, knowingly, in an attempt to usurp United States President Donald Trump.
Well, no, it does matter because you keep blaming Democrats and the media when it was actually Republicans who are responsible for Mueller’s investigation.
how do you figure?
Repeating myself...

Mueller’s a Republican. He was appointed by a Republican; who was filling in for another Republican who recused himself; both of whom were appointed by a Republican; who was elected president by a Republican base.
Mueller is a Republican? you mean like Comey? didn't Comey just endorse democrats? how is that being a Republican?

Look man, Jeb Bush is a Republican, so is Rick Wilson and Bill Kristol.....guess what, everyone of them would side with the democrats over Trump......they are opportunists......not republicans......

We have a term it's called RINO....look it up and we can discuss
We’re talking about Mueller’s part in this investigation; not what he did 20 years ago.

To recap, Mueller exonerated trump of any involvement with colluding with Russian hackers — and you flaming imbeciles are calling him a traitor for that.
We're talking about Mueller being a traitor. Now, 20 years ago, 10 years ago.etc.

And no, cloudy brain. We are NOT talking about Mueller being a traitor for exonerating Trump. Nobody can be "exonerated" unless they are charged with a crime. Mueller did not ever charge Trump with anything. Thus, there is nothing to be exonerated from. "Exonerated" is an incorrect word in all this. We just witnessed an incredibly stupid bunch of political bungling, that's all.

But Mueller could be deemed traitorous for just having participated in this moronic fiasco, which no self-respecting, decent American would ever do.

Now back to the investigation of the criminals (Hillary, Obama, etc) who really DID collude with Russians, and really DID commit treason. And there should also be an investigation into their collusion with al Baghdadi (ISIS) too.
Again, because I can’t get a straight answer from rightards... what did Hillary in regards to this investigation that you delude yourself into believing will land her in jail?
Gosh, they never mentioned it on CNN ? HA HA HA HA!

Got a flashlight ? Candle ? :rolleyes:
If they told lies, it’s only because they believed what Republicans were telling them.

Spin it how you want, doesn't matter if someone is a Democrat, Republican, Thorn or a Rose. They lied, knowingly, in an attempt to usurp United States President Donald Trump.
Well, no, it does matter because you keep blaming Democrats and the media when it was actually Republicans who are responsible for Mueller’s investigation.
how do you figure?
Repeating myself...

Mueller’s a Republican. He was appointed by a Republican; who was filling in for another Republican who recused himself; both of whom were appointed by a Republican; who was elected president by a Republican base.
Mueller is a Republican? you mean like Comey? didn't Comey just endorse democrats? how is that being a Republican?

Look man, Jeb Bush is a Republican, so is Rick Wilson and Bill Kristol.....guess what, everyone of them would side with the democrats over Trump......they are opportunists......not republicans......

We have a term it's called RINO....look it up and we can discuss
While I find it adorable how you cultists have invented a term to describe people on your side who may not think exactly like the rest of your herd, he’s a Republican. How the fuck you turn that into blaming the left is beyond me.
We’re talking about Mueller’s part in this investigation; not what he did 20 years ago.

To recap, Mueller exonerated trump of any involvement with colluding with Russian hackers — and you flaming imbeciles are calling him a traitor for that.
We're talking about Mueller being a traitor. Now, 20 years ago, 10 years ago.etc.

And no, cloudy brain. We are NOT talking about Mueller being a traitor for exonerating Trump. Nobody can be "exonerated" unless they are charged with a crime. Mueller did not ever charge Trump with anything. Thus, there is nothing to be exonerated from. "Exonerated" is an incorrect word in all this. We just witnessed an incredibly stupid bunch of political bungling, that's all.

But Mueller could be deemed traitorous for just having participated in this moronic fiasco, which no self-respecting, decent American would ever do.

Now back to the investigation of the criminals (Hillary, Obama, etc) who really DID collude with Russians, and really DID commit treason. And there should also be an investigation into their collusion with al Baghdadi (ISIS) too.
“Nobody can be "exonerated" unless they are charged with a crime.”

Trump says he was exonerated. Was he just lying again?
Again, because I can’t get a straight answer from rightards... what did Hillary in regards to this investigation that you delude yourself into believing will land her in jail?
Gosh, they never mentioned it on CNN ? HA HA HA HA!

Got a flashlight ? Candle ? :rolleyes:
I knew you couldn’t say. Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
Bill Barr might be called a racist after 2024.. when he arrest mike Obama and Barry lol

He has to.. you can’t spy on a political opponent
No, the Republicans and the Trump campaign did not carry on any collusion with the Russians. But the Democrats sure did. Not only that, but the Obama executive branch actively took steps to thwart the Trump campaign.

Is this the biggest political scandal in US history ? It might be. It's only been deflected from the public, due to media partisanship, if not complicity, by all the concentration on the FALSELY charged Russian collusion hoax, ascribed to the Trump campaign.

As often is the case, the truth rises to the surface. That's what's happening now. All the shady dealings of Obama, Hillary, DNC, Lorretta Lynch, et al are about to be investigated, and Democrats will under a very hot light for the next year or more. I just wonder how long it will be before they do jail time, as the crowd at last night's Trump rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan , were chanting "Lock them up, lock them up."

Sure, but how long will it take ?
They should be executed for treason.
No, the Republicans and the Trump campaign did not carry on any collusion with the Russians. But the Democrats sure did. Not only that, but the Obama executive branch actively took steps to thwart the Trump campaign.

Is this the biggest political scandal in US history ? It might be. It's only been deflected from the public, due to media partisanship, if not complicity, by all the concentration on the FALSELY charged Russian collusion hoax, ascribed to the Trump campaign.

As often is the case, the truth rises to the surface. That's what's happening now. All the shady dealings of Obama, Hillary, DNC, Lorretta Lynch, et al are about to be investigated, and Democrats will under a very hot light for the next year or more. I just wonder how long it will be before they do jail time, as the crowd at last night's Trump rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan , were chanting "Lock them up, lock them up."

Sure, but how long will it take ?

Wouldn't say they should be jailed, especially since their jail time would be more like a stay at a country clulb. They should be publicly shamed, perp walked through the streets of Washington.
If every investigation that concluded there were no crimes related to the original investigation were committed were to resulted in jail time for the accusers there would be a lot of Republicans in jail....Whitewater, Benghazi (which dragged on longer than Mueller), clinton emails, and I am surethere are more....
This thread should be under the COMEDY category.
It is so stupid that no one with half a brain can take the OP seriously!

Are you saying those who perpetrated the Russia hoax for the past two years should walk away unscathed?
The top USA Intelligence and Security executives agreed that Russia hacked USA during 2016 election process. No hoax!
Why did Trump disagree with his own experts?
Why did obama tell his intelligence services to stand down thats the real question
Obama sanctioned Russia over their interference. Where'd you get the 'stand down' story, not that I can't make an educated guess. But I'd sure like you to show me.
Well, no, it does matter because you keep blaming Democrats and the media when it was actually Republicans who are responsible for Mueller’s investigation.
Oh yeah, and all the Republicans were just enjoying every day of it. A total Republican thing. :puhleeze: :icon_rolleyes:

See folks, this is why people are running away from the Democrat party. It is either get far away from them, or lose your mind. :rolleyes:
The Kavanaugh hearings were not a judicial process so they were RIGHT to say that due process does not matter. Republicans didn't care about Merrick Garland's due process as they refused to vote on his nomination. FACT.

Dr Ford is not a proven liar. She knew that Kavanaugh was with Judge that day without looking at Kavanaugh's calendar. Several people CONTRADICTED what Kavanaugh said at the hearings.

Suburban women in states like Michigan and Pennsylvania buried Republicans in 2018 and will do so in 2020. Healthcare will bury Trump in 2020. Then you have his attempts to cut welfare and increase defense spending. Cut special Oltympics. That is going to play well in 2020.
Due process ALWAYS matters, judicial activity or not. It is a fundamental principle of our nation. To say due process does not matter, shows how far astray Democrats are, from what makes this country great.

And Trump hasn't attempted to increase defense spending. He's done it, as the AMERICAN voters put him in office to do.

As for 2018, lots of people were scammed by the Russian collusion hoax. Democrats won't have that angle to play in 2020 + they will have lots of people now pissed off at them for scamming us (like all the ones who have left CNN & MSNBC, this past week.

And welfare SHOULD be cut, as long as illegal foreigners keep coming to grab it, and Democrats willingly give it to them. When welfare can be shown to be strictly for AMERICANS, then it would be OK to increase it some.

White women voted 47% for Trump, 43% for Clinton.


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