How Long To Jail Democrats on Russian Collusion ?

Should Hillary, Obama, Clapper and Brennan be prohibited from leaving the US.

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Protectionist, the only source I read was the 2015 article "13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote", but when I read the author is Hans von Spasovsky, I did a small snicker. Then when I read a further quote by John Fund, I laughed out loud. These are the folks Alex Jones learned from. Evidently, according to the author, poll-takers called up people who talked about their votes and 13% admitted they voted and were illegal. So it looks like California at least has been using this excuse for years, and since Trump it has gone national..sparked by the popular vote count legibility Trumpbots keep trying to deny.

Give it up. Trump got the EC and the Oval Office and even the people who know he lost the popular vote never tried to stop him. So this is either an attempt to divert from the well known Russian connection in our elections we are doing nothing about, or another pre-emptive excuse to stall or challenge a loss in 2020.

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