How Long To Jail Democrats on Russian Collusion ?

Should Hillary, Obama, Clapper and Brennan be prohibited from leaving the US.

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I asked you what crime she committed. You obviously can’t say. Hiring Fusion GPS is not a crime. If there’s any crime with the dossier, you’ll need to establish she was aware of the dossier — which you failed miserably to do.
One can only wonder WHY you now ask "what crime she committed", when about 50 posts earlier, I SPECIFIED what they were (15 of them)

Some people have to be told TWICE :biggrin: >>




None of which has anything to do with the dossier. Thanks for tryin’.
What I know is you’re a senile old curmudgeon who’s posting nonsense that will never materialize. Your idiotic rantings stem from the Nunes memo that was largely debunked and despite coming out more than a year ago amid claims that people would go to jail over its contents, no one ever did. No one was even shown to have committed any criminal offenses.
LOL. Like we are going to be impressed by a Democrat saying something was debunked ? The only thing debunked is your brain, and your emotional stability.

If you can release yourself from your tantrum long enough, you might realize that Trump and his administration have simply been waiting for the Mueller thing to run its course. You're getting your past tenses mixed up with your present and future tenses. Now the shoe is on the other foot. The investigation of the investigators is just about to begin.

Democrat conspirators are now under the hot light, and the burden is on them to escape blame. They won't. :biggrin:


Your empty denials remain ... empty.

Of course Nunes’ memo was debunked. Thoroughly. That’s why no one’s been charged with any criminal wrong doing despite his debunked claims.
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No, the Republicans and the Trump campaign did not carry on any collusion with the Russians. But the Democrats sure did. Not only that, but the Obama executive branch actively took steps to thwart the Trump campaign.

Is this the biggest political scandal in US history ? It might be. It's only been deflected from the public, due to media partisanship, if not complicity, by all the concentration on the FALSELY charged Russian collusion hoax, ascribed to the Trump campaign.

As often is the case, the truth rises to the surface. That's what's happening now. All the shady dealings of Obama, Hillary, DNC, Lorretta Lynch, et al are about to be investigated, and Democrats will under a very hot light for the next year or more. I just wonder how long it will be before they do jail time, as the crowd at last night's Trump rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan , were chanting "Lock them up, lock them up."

Sure, but how long will it take ?

No prison....I'd put most of them to the guillotine...hang the rest:


None of which has anything to do with the dossier. Thanks for tryin’.
1. You show nothing about that, but I'll take any way that HC fat ass can get stuffed into a small prison cell. :biggrin:

2. She financed the dossier. That's treason.

3. Since the dossier is loaded with lies, some of those laws DO have to do with the dossier. (371, 1001, 1341, 1349, 1505, 1621)
Your empty denials remain ... empty.

Of course Nunes’ memo was debunked. Thoroughly. That’s why no one’s been charged with any criminal wrong doing despite his debunked claims.
I just explained why no one's been charged (up to now). Everyone else here understood. :rolleyes:

None of which has anything to do with the dossier. Thanks for tryin’.
1. You show nothing about that, but I'll take any way that HC fat ass can get stuffed into a small prison cell. :biggrin:

2. She financed the dossier. That's treason.

3. Since the dossier is loaded with lies, some of those laws DO have to do with the dossier. (371, 1001, 1341, 1349, 1505, 1621)
You’re senile, gramps. You can’t even prove she knew about the dossier until it became public information.
Let’s see your proof she “set it up”...
You want proof that fish can swim ? You got any ?

Why do you ask for proof of what is commonly known knowledge ? Answer -You just want be a smartass scumbag.


The presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee paid for research that was included in a dossier made public in January that contained salacious claims about connections between Donald J. Trump, his associates and Russia. (Kenneth P. Vogel, New York Times)
A spokesperson for a law firm said on Tuesday that it had hired Washington-based researchers last year to gather damaging information about Mr. Trump on numerous subjects — including possible ties to Russia — on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the D.N.C.

The revelation, emerged from a letter filed in court, October 24. 2017 >> PerkinsCoie Fusion PrivelegeLetter 102417

Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier

You're getting an education.


As always, your senility is noted, laughed at, and summarily discarded.
Your laughing is a coverup of your fear, growing worse every day, that you're totally in the wrong side of this, and you will soon come to the realization that you're an idiot.

Let’s see your proof she “set it up”...
You want proof that fish can swim ? You got any ?

Why do you ask for proof of what is commonly known knowledge ? Answer -You just want be a smartass scumbag.


The presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee paid for research that was included in a dossier made public in January that contained salacious claims about connections between Donald J. Trump, his associates and Russia. (Kenneth P. Vogel, New York Times)
A spokesperson for a law firm said on Tuesday that it had hired Washington-based researchers last year to gather damaging information about Mr. Trump on numerous subjects — including possible ties to Russia — on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the D.N.C.

The revelation, emerged from a letter filed in court, October 24. 2017 >> PerkinsCoie Fusion PrivelegeLetter 102417

Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier

You're getting an education.

You dumbshit, not one of those links says she “set it up.” The worst you can find is that she paid a law firm... who paid a research firm... who paid Steele. That’s not “Hillary setting it up.” :eusa_doh:
if you dont indict, you cant incite....i know it sounds like Johnnie Cochran

but Mueller's sycophants have been leakin'!

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