How Long To Jail Democrats on Russian Collusion ?

Should Hillary, Obama, Clapper and Brennan be prohibited from leaving the US.

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Well, no, it does matter because you keep blaming Democrats and the media when it was actually Republicans who are responsible for Mueller’s investigation.
Oh yeah, and all the Republicans were just enjoying every day of it. A total Republican thing. :puhleeze: :icon_rolleyes:

See folks, this is why people are running away from the Democrat party. It is either get far away from them, or lose your mind. :rolleyes:
"See folks, this is why people are running away from the Democrat party. "

Hmm... that must explain why Democrats posted a record number of votes last November for a mid-term election when 60 million Americans voted Democrat.

All of those illegal votes and cheating and RINOS leaving and the false charges against Trump also. Don't forget that.
What illegal votes? You mean like that Mexican woman in Texas who voted for trump?
"See folks, this is why people are running away from the Democrat party. "

Hmm... that must explain why Democrats posted a record number of votes last November for a mid-term election when 60 million Americans voted Democrat.
Democrats keep claiming that 60 million AMERICANS voted Democrat, when they know damn well that about 30 million of those votes were from NON-American illegal aliens, many of whom voted repeatedly. Ho hum.
you know how when a basketball team is ahead and they spread the floor and start tossing the ball around to waste time? that's what Trump and Barr are doing right now!
Actually, they are now dealing with an entire new ball. Are you not aware of the TOPIC of this thread ? :rolleyes:
You can't even think up your own insults. The best you can muster is regurgitating others.

What a great reflection of just how brain-dead you are.
This is the first time I've done this in 3 years, and about 10,000 posts, but go ahead an act like I do it constantly. Liberals don't just lie. They love doing it.
As I pointed out earlier, RINO is merely code word for rightwing freaks who don't think such Republicans are as conservative as they are.

He's still a Republican.

So is the guy who appointed him.

So is the guy who appointed that Republican.
Doesn't matter what his voting card says. He was in ALL THE WAY with the dossier scam. He accepted the role to just go after Trump, pretending to be legitimate (with no crime having been committed), and his legal team was entirely made up of Hillary Democrats. Every bit as dirty as Adam Schitt, Jeff Fake Flake, Susan Collins, Lisa Mukowski, Bob Corker, and other fakes.
"See folks, this is why people are running away from the Democrat party. "

Hmm... that must explain why Democrats posted a record number of votes last November for a mid-term election when 60 million Americans voted Democrat.
Democrats keep claiming that 60 million AMERICANS voted Democrat, when they know damn well that about 30 million of those votes were from NON-American illegal aliens, many of whom voted repeatedly. Ho hum.

Poor crazy person, if only you could prove you weren’t hallucinating.

You can't even think up your own insults. The best you can muster is regurgitating others.

What a great reflection of just how brain-dead you are.
This is the first time I've done this in 3 years, and about 10,000 posts, but go ahead an act like I do it constantly. Liberals don't just lie. They love doing it.
I don’t read many of your posts; but you did it with me. Grow a fucking brain, gramps, and think for yourself. Or is your brain too old for that?
As I pointed out earlier, RINO is merely code word for rightwing freaks who don't think such Republicans are as conservative as they are.

He's still a Republican.

So is the guy who appointed him.

So is the guy who appointed that Republican.
Doesn't matter what his voting card says. He was in ALL THE WAY with the dossier scam. He accepted the role to just go after Trump, pretending to be legitimate (with no crime having been committed), and his legal team was entirely made up of Hillary Democrats. Every bit as dirty as Adam Schitt, Jeff Fake Flake, Susan Collins, Lisa Mukowski, Bob Corker, and other fakes.
So? He is still a Republican.

There will be no charges against any Democrats since Democrats had nothing to do with the investigation

Again.... Mueller is a
Republican. He was appointed by a Republican. That Republican was filling in for yet another Republican, both of whom, were appointed by a Republican.

All Democrats are guilty of is chomping on popcorn as we watching
Republicans eating their own.

Thanks for the show -- it was great.
Are you really THAT ignorant, or do you come in and pretend ?

An old ploy of the Democrats is accusing foes of the crimes they commit themselves. Now they are threatening more investigations costing the taxpayer who knows how much in order to distract and cover up the crimes committed by their counterparts. A few misdeeds committed by Hillary Clinton: Obstruction of justice by destroying subpoenaed emails on her illegal server, collecting money from Russia for her private foundation, selling our uranium to the Russians, and conspiring with a British foreign agent who made up the false report to get the FISA warrant.

Hillary and her ilk, with support from then FBI Director James Comey, instigated the investigation. The underhanded, biased news media took it as gospel and began badgering the president daily.

You know all this - couldn't be that stupid. And when the charges are placed, we will frame your words >> "There will be no charges against any Democrats"
I don’t read many of your posts; but you did it with me. Grow a fucking brain, gramps, and think for yourself. Or is your brain too old for that?
Shut up, asshole. You don't come close to reaching my level. I've handed you your ass more times than anyone can count, including these posts in this thread, in which you only disgrace yourself.

When the charges get placed against your traitor pals, we'll beat up on you some more. :badgrin:
I knew you couldn’t say. Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
HA HA. Oh no, I really COULD say. GEE, such a hard question. Here's a list just for starters (and this was all before the Steele dossier delivered to the FISA court) More crimes there.




Added to this is all the crimes involved in the attempt to unseat a duly elected president >> TREASON for starters. We can check Rep Nunes' list coming up soon for those.

Rudy Giuliani is senile.
I don’t read many of your posts; but you did it with me. Grow a fucking brain, gramps, and think for yourself. Or is your brain too old for that?
Shut up, asshole. You don't come close to reaching my level. I've handed you your ass more times than anyone can count, including these posts in this thread, in which you only disgrace yourself.

When the charges get placed against your traitor pals, we'll beat up on you some more. :badgrin:

Since that's not going to happen , tighten your ass cheeks chump because we are about to get knee deep in it.
While I find it adorable how you cultists have invented a term to describe people on your side who may not think exactly like the rest of your herd, he’s a Republican. How the fuck you turn that into blaming the left is beyond me.
Everything in this thread is "beyond" you.

Not you.
None of the things you said happened.
They ALL happened, and in a few days, you will see criminal referrals to the DOJ, followed by indictments.

We won't be seeing anything but Trump showing the country why he can't be given a second term. We will see that and we will be shown why republicans should not be the majority.
No, the Republicans and the Trump campaign did not carry on any collusion with the Russians. But the Democrats sure did. Not only that, but the Obama executive branch actively took steps to thwart the Trump campaign.

Is this the biggest political scandal in US history ? It might be. It's only been deflected from the public, due to media partisanship, if not complicity, by all the concentration on the FALSELY charged Russian collusion hoax, ascribed to the Trump campaign.

As often is the case, the truth rises to the surface. That's what's happening now. All the shady dealings of Obama, Hillary, DNC, Lorretta Lynch, et al are about to be investigated, and Democrats will under a very hot light for the next year or more. I just wonder how long it will be before they do jail time, as the crowd at last night's Trump rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan , were chanting "Lock them up, lock them up."

Sure, but how long will it take ?
Absent due process, of course – it’s the conservative way.

Like Trump his sycophants are the purveyors of an authoritarian dictatorship where political opponents are subject to unlawful arrest and unwarranted prosecution in an effort to intimidate and silence that opposition.

Welcome to the Trump Banana Republic – brought to you by the reprehensible, authoritarian right.
It is time for you to finally graduate grade school Bubba so you can finally learn what the word "irony" means.

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