How long until the Democrats shut them down because they are not getting "their" cut?

Police closed down a lemonade stand in Coralville last week, telling its 4-year-old operator and her dad that she didn't have a permit.
Girl's lemonade stand shut down -

Now, who's not reading? Afterall dude, that was your own link you posted. :eyeroll:

Terry Branstad
Former Lieutenant Governor of Iowa
Terry Edward Branstad is an American politician who is the 42nd and current governor of Iowa since January 2011. Branstad was the 39th governor of Iowa from 1983 to 1999 and President of Des Moines University from 2003 to 2009. Wikipedia
Born: November 17, 1946 (age 66), Leland, IA
Previous office: Lieutenant Governor of Iowa (1979–1983)
Spouse: Chris Branstad
Party: Republican Party
Education: Drake University, University of Iowa, Drake University Law School


Now it makes sense.
TakeAStepBack -

Have you ever heard of Salmonella? Hepatitis A? Helicobacter?

Would you be comfortable eating in restaurants that had NOT been inspected for risk of those?

Sure. I don't dine in NYC based on the inspection grade racket run by the city. I dine in areas I know to be popular, have an excellent reputation. Restaurants that maintain good standing with patrons aren't going to destroy their business by serving rotten food or by deliberately contaminating the food. it's a false question. Any dine that has been inspected for these conditions is just as likely to have contamination as one that doesn't.

it's just another false boogeyman from the Statists to try and show why we need the state to taste our food for us before we eat it. At a price of course, that is not negotiable.
it isn't 1910 any more, dumbass. I think wwe've overcome some medical technology failures since then. But excellent boogeyman, Shallow! You're becoming an award winning authority on boogeymen, false premise, logical fallacy, lying etc around here! Right up there with all time winners like TM!

Congrats, man!

We live in the same city.

Anytime you are game to get empanadas from one of those illegal sidewalk vendors..let me know. Or any other food they sell.
If the government is that concerned about children's lemonade stands spreading disease, they should shut them all down, even the ones collecting money for approved causes.

That makes the little girl running the lemonade stand across from Westboro church a disease carrier too.
it isn't 1910 any more, dumbass. I think wwe've overcome some medical technology failures since then. But excellent boogeyman, Shallow! You're becoming an award winning authority on boogeymen, false premise, logical fallacy, lying etc around here! Right up there with all time winners like TM!

Congrats, man!

We live in the same city.

Anytime you are game to get empanadas from one of those illegal sidewalk vendors..let me know. Or any other food they sell.

I've eaten from them before and lived to tell the tale! OMG the horror. There is no difference here. If this "illegal" vendor wants to maintain sales, this vendor will not poison their patrons. At least not deliberatley. And word of mouth is the best dining regulator there is, not an inspection guy that comes in and takes a $500 (or more) "tip off" to give a restaurant a good inspection while at the same time they are in "violation" of sanitary codes.

Which, living in NYC, you should be fully aware of this racket and its epic failure.

people dont need their hands held through life nearly as much as you scared to death folks make it out.
Rottie -

In principle, should all businesses selling food and beverages need health permits?

A yes or no answer might be easiest.

:lmao: Here is Euro-libtard desperately attempting to defend the indefensible.

No Saigon, a child with a lemonade stand should not need a permit (ever). Never. Never. Never, ever, never. Period. It's inexcusable and indefensible and only a government parasite like you would even attempt to defend it.

Serious question Saigon - have you ever denounced an action where government expands, tramples on rights, or otherwise overreaches? Seriously - ever?
Cut? Of 36 bucks??!?!?? :lol:

My my...we're really reaching now, aren't we?

Reaching? I'm not the one shutting down children's lemonade stands libtard. That is YOUR side of the aisle. Also, the greed of liberals is so outrageous, yes, they do want their cut out of $36.

Where is anyone's political affiliation mentioned?

If you were awake for the past 10 years (and clearly, you haven't been) you would know that libtards spearhead the efforts to shut down children's lemonade stands because they aren't getting a cut of the nominal "profits" (God forbid they can't tax $12).
Defiant -

I am sure you are right - just think how much cheaper restaurants would be if they had no compulsion to serve only fresh, safe food!

Cheap meals of week old fish prepared by a man with Hepatitis C!

Drinks in glasses washed only last week!

Yes please!

Yes! Good boogeyman, Cork! All businesses would serve rotten food from the dumpster to patrons and never wash the dishes if they didn't have to have permits and health inspections! Because nothing keeps a company in business like losing business or killing someone!

Fucking turds are way too stupid for words.

Saigon must work to convince people that life on planet Earth will cease to exist because once people realize the government is a joke and completely unnecessary outside of their specific enumerated Constitutional powers, his gravy-train will cease to exist (and he can't imagine having to provide for himself).
Defiant -

I am sure you are right - just think how much cheaper restaurants would be if they had no compulsion to serve only fresh, safe food!

Cheap meals of week old fish prepared by a man with Hepatitis C!

Drinks in glasses washed only last week!

Yes please!

Yes! Good boogeyman, Cork! All businesses would serve rotten food from the dumpster to patrons and never wash the dishes if they didn't have to have permits and health inspections! Because nothing keeps a company in business like losing business or killing someone!

Fucking turds are way too stupid for words.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
TakeAStepBack -

Have you ever heard of Salmonella? Hepatitis A? Helicobacter?

Would you be comfortable eating in restaurants that had NOT been inspected for risk of those?

Are you saying you seriously need the government to "protect" you from 5-year old children? :lmao:

Nobody is forcing you to buy lemonade or eat at a restaurant. If it's too "risky" for you, then choose not to do that (imagine that Mr. Communism - freedom of choice... what a concept, uh?).

And in this day & age of computers, cell phones, internet, social networking, etc. where things go "viral", no serious restaurant is going to risk their entire business by serving Hepatitis A...
Rottie -

We both know the lemonade stand is a red herring.

The issue here is whether or not cafes and restaurants should need to hold healt and safety permits to prevent poor hygeine.

By all means answer the question asked earlier, as to whether you do or do not support such licenses.
The issue should be whether reasaurants that are filthy should pay off inspectors so it looks like they meet health standards.

In the days before we has inspections and grades everyone knew which to avoid. Today everyone still knows which ones to avoid. The inspections are a joke. The inspectors get paid twice. Their salary and whatever they get from the owner for a grade A. Aside from paying people to do nothing, there is no change.

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