How long will Liberals demonize "the rich"?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I hate to refer to the wealthy as "the rich" as Liberals have made it a negative phrase. In the scope of a Liberal, somehow being wealthy has morphed into meaning your a greedy piece of shit.
Consider this; a Liberal will defend to no end the likes of illegals, gays and lesbians, transgender things, the poor, criminals, drug addicts...etc
Think about it, have you ever once heard a Liberal speak highly of "the rich"?
Is it a cheer for the under-dog sort of thing? Why does this seem to be the default point of view for Liberals?
So I ask respectfully; why demonize what should be congratulated while excuse making and sometimes even glamorizing what should be recognized as problematic?
I hate to refer to the wealthy as "the rich" as Liberals have made it a negative phrase. In the scope of a Liberal, somehow being wealthy has morphed into meaning your a greedy piece of shit.
Consider this; a Liberal will defend to no end the likes of illegals, gays and lesbians, transgender things, the poor, criminals, drug addicts...etc
Think about it, have you ever once heard a Liberal speak highly of "the rich"?
Is it a cheer for the under-dog sort of thing? Why does this seem to be the default point of view for Liberals?
So I ask respectfully; why demonize what should be congratulated while excuse making and sometimes even glamorizing what should be recognized as problematic?
liberals beating their own selves up?
Liberals do not demonize the rich. They just want them to pay their fair share of taxes. They also want fair pay for workers.

It isn't that some people get more money than others, it's the extremity of the difference.
I hate to refer to the wealthy as "the rich" as Liberals have made it a negative phrase. In the scope of a Liberal, somehow being wealthy has morphed into meaning your a greedy piece of shit.
Consider this; a Liberal will defend to no end the likes of illegals, gays and lesbians, transgender things, the poor, criminals, drug addicts...etc
Think about it, have you ever once heard a Liberal speak highly of "the rich"?
Is it a cheer for the under-dog sort of thing? Why does this seem to be the default point of view for Liberals?
So I ask respectfully; why demonize what should be congratulated while excuse making and sometimes even glamorizing what should be recognized as problematic?

The left has never gone after the rich even when they had the perfect chance.

They badmouth the rich while using their political positions to become the rich. Congress whines that they don't make enough money. They all come out millionaires even if they didn't go in rich.

It sounds good to the low info voters when the left promises to be their modern day Robin Hood. Never has gone that way but they manage to fool the gullible every election.

Middle class gets the bill for everything and that will never change. All the left has to do is keep pointing out that some have more than others and those at the bottom become green with envy. The left uses that class envy to talk people into voting for them so they can chip away at more of our freedoms.
We must worship them and allow them to continue to extract societal wealth and concentrate it into the hands of fewer and fewer. This is how we will grow as a society. Vote more Goldman Sachs operatives into the white house.
I hate to refer to the wealthy as "the rich" as Liberals have made it a negative phrase. In the scope of a Liberal, somehow being wealthy has morphed into meaning your a greedy piece of shit.
Consider this; a Liberal will defend to no end the likes of illegals, gays and lesbians, transgender things, the poor, criminals, drug addicts...etc
Think about it, have you ever once heard a Liberal speak highly of "the rich"?
Is it a cheer for the under-dog sort of thing? Why does this seem to be the default point of view for Liberals?
So I ask respectfully; why demonize what should be congratulated while excuse making and sometimes even glamorizing what should be recognized as problematic?
What Part of "Limousine Liberal" Don't You Understand?

The false-front Liberals are led by the children of the rich who hate their parents. They hate the rest of us, too. The only ones these bossy spoiled snobs like are other HeirHeads sharing that same Oedipus Complex.
The left gave up on the rich when Hillary started running for president. I noticed a couple months ago, a few of them already went back to the same disingenuous rhetoric.
They don't really give a fuck if people are rich or not. They just need the right letter next to their name.
I hate to refer to the wealthy as "the rich" as Liberals have made it a negative phrase. In the scope of a Liberal, somehow being wealthy has morphed into meaning your a greedy piece of shit.
Consider this; a Liberal will defend to no end the likes of illegals, gays and lesbians, transgender things, the poor, criminals, drug addicts...etc
Think about it, have you ever once heard a Liberal speak highly of "the rich"?
Is it a cheer for the under-dog sort of thing? Why does this seem to be the default point of view for Liberals?
So I ask respectfully; why demonize what should be congratulated while excuse making and sometimes even glamorizing what should be recognized as problematic?

The left has never gone after the rich even when they had the perfect chance.

They badmouth the rich while using their political positions to become the rich. Congress whines that they don't make enough money. They all come out millionaires even if they didn't go in rich.

It sounds good to the low info voters when the left promises to be their modern day Robin Hood. Never has gone that way but they manage to fool the gullible every election.

Middle class gets the bill for everything and that will never change. All the left has to do is keep pointing out that some have more than others and those at the bottom become green with envy. The left uses that class envy to talk people into voting for them so they can chip away at more of our freedoms.

Robin hood robbed the government to give back to the people. He sure as heck wasn't progressive.
I don't know about anyone "demonizing" anyone, but I do know about RW's sucking off anyone thats wealthy.

Oh, you're rich, let me save you.
Could you provide some actual examples of what you are talking about?

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I don't want to make this too trivial...I'm pretty sure examples aren't required, this isn't really a revolutionary it?

Liberals do not demonize the rich. They just want them to pay their fair share of taxes. They also want fair pay for workers.

It isn't that some people get more money than others, it's the extremity of the difference.

Fair enough, so if the rich already pay the majority of ALL TAXES paid and they pay a higher effective rate when does enough become enough? This always seems a bit
It almost seems as though the rich are viewed as some sort of operating capital account by Liberals and the low / middle class'ers. When things aren't going so good for some and there's a bit of a financial shortcoming for X class let's just turn to the rich / the capital account. Help me understand.
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Could you provide some actual examples of what you are talking about?

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I don't want to make this too trivial...I'm pretty sure examples aren't required, this isn't really a revolutionary it?

Liberals do not demonize the rich. They just want them to pay their fair share of taxes. They also want fair pay for workers.

It isn't that some people get more money than others, it's the extremity of the difference.

Fair enough, so if the rich already pay the majority of ALL TAXES paid and they pay a higher effective rate when does enough become enough? This always seems a bit
It almost seems as though the rich are viewed as some sort of operating capital account by Liberals and the low / middle class'ers. When things aren't going so good for some and there's a bit of a financial shortcoming for X class let's just turn to the rich / the capital account. Help me understand.

First the wealthy make most of their money thru capital gains and are taxed at a much lower rate. The fact that the to 10% pay more of the total taxes is just a testament to how unfair wealth distribution is.

However, I do not demonize the wealthy. They are no more or less greedy than everyone else, they're just smarter (except for all the trust fund babies).

The people who are primarily to blame are the American workers. They, as a whole, are obsessive consumers, do not know or care about the difference between appreciable and non-appreciable assets, live beyond their means no matter how much they are paid, and are addicted to excessive credit.

In short the American working class are a bunch of dumb asses that not only do not stand up for themselves collectively, but allow themselves to be screwed over and over again by business. They don't know how to handle their own finances. They are drunk on credit. This is the real cause of the huge disparity in income in this country.
More like the general populace isn't willing to put in the short term hurt for long term goals, or to risk everything on a long shot. It's a completely different mentality from "normal" people.

I got rich through self-control. Instead of wasting my cash on cassette tapes and other bullshit frivolities I put every penny into my personal instinct that personal computers were going to be huge. Even so I don't trust that I'll always be rich, I've continued to live within my means, I don't have a mansion or buy a new car every five years, the whole "if it's not broke, don't fix it" thing. Even if I lost everything on the market, we would still have the same lifestyle. I've worked two jobs at times when I wanted to buy something. My husband right now is at his second job; I've been trying to get him to go down to one job for like ten years (damned work-a-holic) There's a drive in us so we end up with all the money, it's not about money so much as it is about... accomplishment, which is a personal gratification for us. We don't really stop either because there's something else we could do, or want to do, there's always something. My husband can't stand having only one job, he gets bored and restless, feels unfocused and "useless" if he's not working most of the day.

Drives me nuts at times, like yesterday I couldn't get the stupid mayonnaise open, what good are husbands for if they're not around to open stupid jars? I had to skip having a turkey sandwich until he got home from work - like 6 hours later by which time I wasn't even hungry. :/
'How long will Liberals demonize "the rich"?'

As long as 'the rich' have long as 'the rich' have their money and Liberals don't...
Liberals do not demonize the rich. They just want them to pay their fair share of taxes. They also want fair pay for workers.

It isn't that some people get more money than others, it's the extremity of the difference.
You poor, dumb idiot. What is "fair" is where the debate BEGINS, not ends!
We must worship them and allow them to continue to extract societal wealth and concentrate it into the hands of fewer and fewer. This is how we will grow as a society. Vote more Goldman Sachs operatives into the white house.
Society does not own the wealth. The person who created the wealth owns it in our nation of laws and private property. Why do you post such silly shit?
We must worship them and allow them to continue to extract societal wealth and concentrate it into the hands of fewer and fewer. This is how we will grow as a society. Vote more Goldman Sachs operatives into the white house.
Society does not own the wealth. The person who created the wealth owns it in our nation of laws and private property. Why do you post such silly shit?

Wealth is created by the working class. Hording wealth is not creating wealth.

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