How long will Liberals demonize "the rich"?

I hate to refer to the wealthy as "the rich" as Liberals have made it a negative phrase. In the scope of a Liberal, somehow being wealthy has morphed into meaning your a greedy piece of shit.
Consider this; a Liberal will defend to no end the likes of illegals, gays and lesbians, transgender things, the poor, criminals, drug addicts...etc
Think about it, have you ever once heard a Liberal speak highly of "the rich"?
Is it a cheer for the under-dog sort of thing? Why does this seem to be the default point of view for Liberals?
So I ask respectfully; why demonize what should be congratulated while excuse making and sometimes even glamorizing what should be recognized as problematic?
There's you problem. You see the poor, the LGBT community, drug users and undocumented immigrants as "problematic". Liberals see them as human beings who are marginalized by heartless policies.

Meanwhile, the rich have been getting richer, taking more of the pie than deserved. The middle class is floundering while the rich exploit them. Hardly noble, admirable traits to be celebrated.

Has your pay reflected your effort? Has the pay of the rich?

There's your problem....In the real world that you don't live in that exists just outside of your anus.
The poor, the LGBT community, drug users and illegals are in fact problematic.
Ever heard the phrase; "You are either part of the problem or you are part of the solution"?
Well, no one in the right state of mind views any of the aforementioned as part of the solution. Guess what that means?
We must worship them and allow them to continue to extract societal wealth and concentrate it into the hands of fewer and fewer. This is how we will grow as a society. Vote more Goldman Sachs operatives into the white house.
Society does not own the wealth. The person who created the wealth owns it in our nation of laws and private property. Why do you post such silly shit?

Wealth is created by the working class. Hording wealth is not creating wealth.

Stir on this for a minute and find the correlation:
"What came first, the chicken or the egg?"

Hunter gathering and bartering.
I hate to refer to the wealthy as "the rich" as Liberals have made it a negative phrase. In the scope of a Liberal, somehow being wealthy has morphed into meaning your a greedy piece of shit.
Consider this; a Liberal will defend to no end the likes of illegals, gays and lesbians, transgender things, the poor, criminals, drug addicts...etc
Think about it, have you ever once heard a Liberal speak highly of "the rich"?
Is it a cheer for the under-dog sort of thing? Why does this seem to be the default point of view for Liberals?
So I ask respectfully; why demonize what should be congratulated while excuse making and sometimes even glamorizing what should be recognized as problematic?
There's you problem. You see the poor, the LGBT community, drug users and undocumented immigrants as "problematic". Liberals see them as human beings who are marginalized by heartless policies.

Meanwhile, the rich have been getting richer, taking more of the pie than deserved. The middle class is floundering while the rich exploit them. Hardly noble, admirable traits to be celebrated.

Has your pay reflected your effort? Has the pay of the rich?

There's your problem....In the real world that you don't live in that exists just outside of your anus.
The poor, the LGBT community, drug users and illegals are in fact problematic.
Ever heard the phrase; "You are either part of the problem or you are part of the solution"?
Well, no one in the right state of mind views any of the aforementioned as part of the solution. Guess what that means?

It means there have always been people like you who hate, and nothing more. Your need to control others reveals an empty soul and no spiritual path.
I hate to refer to the wealthy as "the rich" as Liberals have made it a negative phrase. In the scope of a Liberal, somehow being wealthy has morphed into meaning your a greedy piece of shit.
Consider this; a Liberal will defend to no end the likes of illegals, gays and lesbians, transgender things, the poor, criminals, drug addicts...etc
Think about it, have you ever once heard a Liberal speak highly of "the rich"?
Is it a cheer for the under-dog sort of thing? Why does this seem to be the default point of view for Liberals?
So I ask respectfully; why demonize what should be congratulated while excuse making and sometimes even glamorizing what should be recognized as problematic?
There's you problem. You see the poor, the LGBT community, drug users and undocumented immigrants as "problematic". Liberals see them as human beings who are marginalized by heartless policies.

Meanwhile, the rich have been getting richer, taking more of the pie than deserved. The middle class is floundering while the rich exploit them. Hardly noble, admirable traits to be celebrated.

Has your pay reflected your effort? Has the pay of the rich?

There's your problem....In the real world that you don't live in that exists just outside of your anus.
The poor, the LGBT community, drug users and illegals are in fact problematic.
Ever heard the phrase; "You are either part of the problem or you are part of the solution"?
Well, no one in the right state of mind views any of the aforementioned as part of the solution. Guess what that means?

It means there have always been people like you who hate, and nothing more. Your need to control others reveals an empty soul and no spiritual path.

Please note: I said; "no one in the right state of mind" this exempts you Fenton. You're not suppose to understand.
There's you problem. You see the poor, the LGBT community, drug users and undocumented immigrants as "problematic". Liberals see them as human beings who are marginalized by heartless policies.

In other words, it's not their never is.
We must worship them and allow them to continue to extract societal wealth and concentrate it into the hands of fewer and fewer. This is how we will grow as a society. Vote more Goldman Sachs operatives into the white house.
Society does not own the wealth. The person who created the wealth owns it in our nation of laws and private property. Why do you post such silly shit?

Wealth is created by the working class. Hording wealth is not creating wealth.

Wealth is created by selling a product or service at a profit. Workers only work, they do not sell anything. Workers make money for themselves only.
I hate to refer to the wealthy as "the rich" as Liberals have made it a negative phrase. In the scope of a Liberal, somehow being wealthy has morphed into meaning your a greedy piece of shit.
Consider this; a Liberal will defend to no end the likes of illegals, gays and lesbians, transgender things, the poor, criminals, drug addicts...etc
Think about it, have you ever once heard a Liberal speak highly of "the rich"?
Is it a cheer for the under-dog sort of thing? Why does this seem to be the default point of view for Liberals?
So I ask respectfully; why demonize what should be congratulated while excuse making and sometimes even glamorizing what should be recognized as problematic?

/---- Ironically many of the libs who bash the rich are often Rich themselves.
When will conservatives stop demonizing the poor, the sick, the disabled as lazy welfare recipients?

The only people we demonize are those who are perfectly capable of working, and don't, and those who make countless irresponsible decisions when it comes to money.

Nobody on the right is against the truly sick and disabled.
We must worship them and allow them to continue to extract societal wealth and concentrate it into the hands of fewer and fewer. This is how we will grow as a society. Vote more Goldman Sachs operatives into the white house.

So please explain, who is doing this concentrating that you speak of?
We must worship them and allow them to continue to extract societal wealth and concentrate it into the hands of fewer and fewer. This is how we will grow as a society. Vote more Goldman Sachs operatives into the white house.
Society does not own the wealth. The person who created the wealth owns it in our nation of laws and private property. Why do you post such silly shit?

Wealth is created by the working class. Hording wealth is not creating wealth.

Wealth is created by selling a product or service at a profit. Workers only work, they do not sell anything. Workers make money for themselves only.

Workers, the working class and labor in our current paradigm are nothing more than sharecroppers scratching out a hand to mouth subsistence existence and capital is essentially nothing more than a colonial wealth extraction enterprise economically cannibalizing society. It is intuitively obvious to even the most casual of observers that you have no issues with this arrangement. It is however unsustainable and ridiculous to assume that humanity will withstand this type of oppression forever; the system will collapse, the only remaining questions are when, how, and after how much more brutality from the corporate state.
Liberals do not demonize the rich. They just want them to pay their fair share of taxes. They also want fair pay for workers.

It isn't that some people get more money than others, it's the extremity of the difference.

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay 70% of all collected income taxes. If the top 10% are paying most of the income taxes and that's not their "fair share" then what is their fair share?

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
We must worship them and allow them to continue to extract societal wealth and concentrate it into the hands of fewer and fewer. This is how we will grow as a society. Vote more Goldman Sachs operatives into the white house.

So please explain, who is doing this concentrating that you speak of?

Your entire system has set up the economic system to serve the system. Jeez pard, are you that remedial?
I hate to refer to the wealthy as "the rich" as Liberals have made it a negative phrase. In the scope of a Liberal, somehow being wealthy has morphed into meaning your a greedy piece of shit.
Consider this; a Liberal will defend to no end the likes of illegals, gays and lesbians, transgender things, the poor, criminals, drug addicts...etc
Think about it, have you ever once heard a Liberal speak highly of "the rich"?
Is it a cheer for the under-dog sort of thing? Why does this seem to be the default point of view for Liberals?
So I ask respectfully; why demonize what should be congratulated while excuse making and sometimes even glamorizing what should be recognized as problematic?
There's you problem. You see the poor, the LGBT community, drug users and undocumented immigrants as "problematic". Liberals see them as human beings who are marginalized by heartless policies.

Meanwhile, the rich have been getting richer, taking more of the pie than deserved. The middle class is floundering while the rich exploit them. Hardly noble, admirable traits to be celebrated.

Has your pay reflected your effort? Has the pay of the rich?

There's your problem....In the real world that you don't live in that exists just outside of your anus.
The poor, the LGBT community, drug users and illegals are in fact problematic.
Ever heard the phrase; "You are either part of the problem or you are part of the solution"?
Well, no one in the right state of mind views any of the aforementioned as part of the solution. Guess what that means?

It means there have always been people like you who hate, and nothing more. Your need to control others reveals an empty soul and no spiritual path.

Please note: I said; "no one in the right state of mind" this exempts you Fenton. You're not suppose to understand.

Thank you, seriously, I find it very affirming that we are not of like minds.
We must worship them and allow them to continue to extract societal wealth and concentrate it into the hands of fewer and fewer. This is how we will grow as a society. Vote more Goldman Sachs operatives into the white house.

So please explain, who is doing this concentrating that you speak of?

Your entire system has set up the economic system to serve the system. Jeez pard, are you that remedial?

So in other words, you can't answer the question. All you libs ever offer are insults when you have no answers which is most of the time.
We must worship them and allow them to continue to extract societal wealth and concentrate it into the hands of fewer and fewer. This is how we will grow as a society. Vote more Goldman Sachs operatives into the white house.
Society does not own the wealth. The person who created the wealth owns it in our nation of laws and private property. Why do you post such silly shit?

Wealth is created by the working class. Hording wealth is not creating wealth.

Wealth is created by selling a product or service at a profit. Workers only work, they do not sell anything. Workers make money for themselves only.

Workers, the working class and labor in our current paradigm are nothing more than sharecroppers scratching out a hand to mouth subsistence existence and capital is essentially nothing more than a colonial wealth extraction enterprise economically cannibalizing society. It is intuitively obvious to even the most casual of observers that you have no issues with this arrangement. It is however unsustainable and ridiculous to assume that humanity will withstand this type of oppression forever; the system will collapse, the only remaining questions are when, how, and after how much more brutality from the corporate state.

A prediction you on the left have been making for decades.
We must worship them and allow them to continue to extract societal wealth and concentrate it into the hands of fewer and fewer. This is how we will grow as a society. Vote more Goldman Sachs operatives into the white house.
Society does not own the wealth. The person who created the wealth owns it in our nation of laws and private property. Why do you post such silly shit?

Wealth is created by the working class. Hording wealth is not creating wealth.

Wealth is created by selling a product or service at a profit. Workers only work, they do not sell anything. Workers make money for themselves only.

Workers, the working class and labor in our current paradigm are nothing more than sharecroppers scratching out a hand to mouth subsistence existence and capital is essentially nothing more than a colonial wealth extraction enterprise economically cannibalizing society. It is intuitively obvious to even the most casual of observers that you have no issues with this arrangement. It is however unsustainable and ridiculous to assume that humanity will withstand this type of oppression forever; the system will collapse, the only remaining questions are when, how, and after how much more brutality from the corporate state.

A prediction you on the left have been making for decades.

I don't pay any attention to assignments of ideology. We all can see and feel this approach to how human beings organize themselves into societies has outlived its time period; the election of Don does nothing about this, no election will, no party answering to the corporate state will. But thinking upon an evolutionary time frame is very difficult within the perceptual reality of an american society built upon a make dominator god/capitalism is godliness theology. The “left” has no answer, the “right” has no answer, “capitalism” has no answer.

Humanity will evolve and move on as it has before. The only outstanding questions are when, how, and how much upheaval and violence will be involved in the process over time.

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