How long will Republicans be able to "hold back" the country?

Deanie just can't quite wrap his tiny little brain around the FACT that Barack Obama and the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party are incapable of governing.

Care to take a crack at explaining why Barry and the "Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight" came up with a new economic statistic "Jobs created or saved". Deanie? Why would anyone DO that unless they'd just spent a trillion dollars on a so called stimulus plan that didn't create jobs? Duh?

When you've finished explaining that...then you can explain what would have happened to the unemployment rate if Barry and the GTCSS hadn't been prevented by those "awful" Republicans from passing Cap & Trade and Card Check legislation. Duh?

Once you've done that, little Deanie...then you can explain how the Republicans are responsible for scandals like Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the IRS targeting conservatives and the NIS illegally spying on journalists! Duh...Duh...Duh...& Duh?

Then to finish can try to explain what the Obama foreign policy "is" because right now it's a tattered, confused, cluster fuck that has us about to shoot Cruise missiles into a country not to harm anything because we're scared to death we might cause the person we're shooting them at to be overthrown? How did Barry and his clueless minions arrive at THAT point? DUH?
Deanie just can't quite wrap his tiny little brain around the FACT that Barack Obama and the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party are incapable of governing.

Care to take a crack at explaining why Barry and the "Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight" came up with a new economic statistic "Jobs created or saved". Deanie? Why would anyone DO that unless they'd just spent a trillion dollars on a so called stimulus plan that didn't create jobs? Duh?

When you've finished explaining that...then you can explain what would have happened to the unemployment rate if Barry and the GTCSS hadn't been prevented by those "awful" Republicans from passing Cap & Trade and Card Check legislation. Duh?

Once you've done that, little Deanie...then you can explain how the Republicans are responsible for scandals like Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the IRS targeting conservatives and the NIS illegally spying on journalists! Duh...Duh...Duh...& Duh?

Then to finish can try to explain what the Obama foreign policy "is" because right now it's a tattered, confused, cluster fuck that has us about to shoot Cruise missiles into a country not to harm anything because we're scared to death we might cause the person we're shooting them at to be overthrown? How did Barry and his clueless minions arrive at THAT point? DUH?

So much "made up" shit. Nothing is new here. But I can't resist debunking a couple even though they've all been debunked before.

Have you read the "Fast and Furious" expose by Fortune Magazine? You should. Here is a link:

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal - Fortune


GOP Sources Altered Benghazi Emails to Suggest Cover-Up, Confirmed

I know that you know ACORN wasn't a "conservative" group. ACORN liked to help people, not fuck them over. We leave that to your kind.

IRS Nonprofit Scrutiny Included Look for ACORN Successors

And about the stimulus THAT WORKED, how come so many Republicans took millions to create thousands of jobs. Why won't your "ilk" explain that?

Stimulus-Hating GOP Rep. Frank Guinta Cuts Ribbon For Stimulus Project


Rep. Frank Guinta (R-NH) kicked it old school on Thursday by cutting the ribbon on a new road that received millions from the same spending bill he opposed.

Stimulus: 114 Lawmakers Block Recovery While Taking Credit For Its Success

Mike Castle pictured next to a nice big stimulus check that he voted against:

The Cedartown Standard snapped a picture of Phil Gingrey presenting stimulus funds which he once decried as the “trillion dollar debt” bill:


This is why I think you Republicans are dirty fuckers. You lie. You know you do. And you could find out the same information I find out but you want to lie and smear instead. Now I can go on with over another hundred Republicans who took credit for stimulus funding.

Do a search and find out the truth. Here, let me do it for you:

republicans at stimulus ribbon cutting

See all those hundreds of pictures of Republicans at ribbon cuttings from projects started by Stimulus money they voted against??? And they have the nerve to take credit for those projects???

And still, fuckers like you keep calling it a lie??? What makes your kind such dirty lying fuckers? This unnatural determination to be as stupid as possible. Even though I post picture after picture, your kind will refuse to see them. Why do you want to live in your paranoid and awful bubble of batshit crazy?
Oh, I think the totalitarian National Security State will have unravelled by the early 2020's -- if not before.

After all, the old Czarist Empire in Russia was even more unworkable and corrupt and paralysed than the present rickety American Empire, and it only took 12 years -- between the Winter Palace Massacre and the collapse of czarist rule -- for the political incompetents to be thrown into the garbage cans of history.

Twelve years from the financial collapse of 2008 will be 2020, and things are collapsing faster in the USA than they did in czarist Russia.
So let's see if I've got this straight, Deanie...

The Obama Justice Department revives an old Bush ATF program called "Gun Runner" in which agents attempted to trace weapons sold in the US then smuggled into Mexico for use by the drug cartels...a program that was halted by the Bushies because they found that they couldn't track the guns even with the help of Mexican authorities. So the Holder ATF brings back this failed program under a new name "Fast & Furious" only this time they don't even tell the Mexican's that it's going on.

They encourage gun sales to be made even though they know they can't trace them and (as your puff piece from CNN so clearly points out) their own prosecutors continually tell them that merely buying and selling the guns is not against the law and they can't convict the straw buyers of any crime. So kindly explain to me what genius it was that decided to restart something that had already failed once and what their goal was seeing how they couldn't prosecute the buyers and couldn't track the guns!!!

That CNN piece you quoted did it's level best to paint a picture of "Fast & Furious" being simply a problem of disgruntled "rogue" agents (Gee, where have we heard THAT before!!!) using this to get back at supervisors they didn't like. What CNN's article doesn't explain is what the ATF thought they were going to accomplish by running that program and why it was STILL going on even after Brian Terry was killed by one of the guns that they allowed to be sold and didn't even attempt to trace!
Then you totally ignore the lies and cover-ups that the Obama Administration resorted to as soon as the Benghazi terror attack took place and it became OBVIOUS that they'd fucked the pooch on both keeping our diplomats safe in Libya and in responding to the attack once it occurred. But you don't want to talk about THOSE repeated lies by this Administration or their continued stonewalling of the investigation that would make Richard Nixon beam with approval.
And rather than admit that Democrats used the IRS to target conservative groups...something that Lois Lerner ADMITTED to in her attempt to diffuse what she knew was about to be revealed in the Inspector General's try and pretend that there was equal treatment of liberal and conservative groups by the IRS group led by Lerner. That's a JOKE and you know it!
Then you try and put the failures of the stimulus on both Parties backs because Republicans dipped their snouts into the trough along with the Democrats. Well, shame on them for doing so, Deanie but that doesn't change the fact that the Obama Stimulus was a monumental failure...spending nearly a trillion dollars to create jobs but then creating so FEW jobs that they had to invent the whole "jobs saved" statistic to hide behind.
Then you try and put the failures of the stimulus on both Parties backs because Republicans dipped their snouts into the trough along with the Democrats. Well, shame on them for doing so, Deanie but that doesn't change the fact that the Obama Stimulus was a monumental failure...spending nearly a trillion dollars to create jobs but then creating so FEW jobs that they had to invent the whole "jobs saved" statistic to hide behind.

What about TARP?
Bushisms - Funny George Bush Quotes Updated Frequently
"One of the very difficult parts of the decision I made on the financial crisis was to use hardworking people's money to help prevent there to be a crisis." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 12, 2009
"So I analyzed that and decided I didn't want to be the president during a depression greater than the Great Depression, or the beginning of a depression greater than the Great Depression." --George W. Bush, Washington D.C., Dec. 18, 2008
So let's see if I've got this straight, Deanie...

The Obama Justice Department revives an old Bush ATF program called "Gun Runner" in which agents attempted to trace weapons sold in the US then smuggled into Mexico for use by the drug cartels...a program that was halted by the Bushies because they found that they couldn't track the guns even with the help of Mexican authorities. So the Holder ATF brings back this failed program under a new name "Fast & Furious" only this time they don't even tell the Mexican's that it's going on.

They encourage gun sales to be made even though they know they can't trace them and (as your puff piece from CNN so clearly points out) their own prosecutors continually tell them that merely buying and selling the guns is not against the law and they can't convict the straw buyers of any crime. So kindly explain to me what genius it was that decided to restart something that had already failed once and what their goal was seeing how they couldn't prosecute the buyers and couldn't track the guns!!!

That CNN piece you quoted did it's level best to paint a picture of "Fast & Furious" being simply a problem of disgruntled "rogue" agents (Gee, where have we heard THAT before!!!) using this to get back at supervisors they didn't like. What CNN's article doesn't explain is what the ATF thought they were going to accomplish by running that program and why it was STILL going on even after Brian Terry was killed by one of the guns that they allowed to be sold and didn't even attempt to trace!

So tell us, what was the "goal" of the Obama administration with this program? And please, don't tell us that bullshit that Obama wants to outlaw guns in the US after he expanded gun rights more than any president in decades.

This from right winger Major Garrett:

Major Garrett: Obama has expanded, not reduced gun rights - CBS News
Then you try and put the failures of the stimulus on both Parties backs because Republicans dipped their snouts into the trough along with the Democrats. Well, shame on them for doing so, Deanie but that doesn't change the fact that the Obama Stimulus was a monumental failure...spending nearly a trillion dollars to create jobs but then creating so FEW jobs that they had to invent the whole "jobs saved" statistic to hide behind.

What about TARP?
Bushisms - Funny George Bush Quotes Updated Frequently
"One of the very difficult parts of the decision I made on the financial crisis was to use hardworking people's money to help prevent there to be a crisis." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 12, 2009
"So I analyzed that and decided I didn't want to be the president during a depression greater than the Great Depression, or the beginning of a depression greater than the Great Depression." --George W. Bush, Washington D.C., Dec. 18, 2008

Let's look at how two Presidents handled TARP...shall we? George W. Bush used it to bail out financial institutions that were teetering on the brink of collapse...a collapse that very well could have triggered another world wide Depression. Those loans were repaid in full by those financial institutions. Not only repaid in full but we actually turned a profit on the deal. Now contrast that with how Barry used HIS TARP money! He bailed out GM and Chrysler so they wouldn't declare bankruptcy and his buddies over at the UAW would lose their nice union contracts. That money hasn't been repaid yet and the US taxpayer is still out billions of dollars on that deal.

What's amusing is that Barry tried to take the money that was paid back to the Federal Government from the Bush TARP bailouts and use it for a second stimulus after his first failed so miserably and he couldn't get Congress to give him more billions to try a "do over". He was angry because that notion was squashed by the Congress who informed him the money wasn't HIS to do what he pleased with.
So let's see if I've got this straight, Deanie...

The Obama Justice Department revives an old Bush ATF program called "Gun Runner" in which agents attempted to trace weapons sold in the US then smuggled into Mexico for use by the drug cartels...a program that was halted by the Bushies because they found that they couldn't track the guns even with the help of Mexican authorities. So the Holder ATF brings back this failed program under a new name "Fast & Furious" only this time they don't even tell the Mexican's that it's going on.

They encourage gun sales to be made even though they know they can't trace them and (as your puff piece from CNN so clearly points out) their own prosecutors continually tell them that merely buying and selling the guns is not against the law and they can't convict the straw buyers of any crime. So kindly explain to me what genius it was that decided to restart something that had already failed once and what their goal was seeing how they couldn't prosecute the buyers and couldn't track the guns!!!

That CNN piece you quoted did it's level best to paint a picture of "Fast & Furious" being simply a problem of disgruntled "rogue" agents (Gee, where have we heard THAT before!!!) using this to get back at supervisors they didn't like. What CNN's article doesn't explain is what the ATF thought they were going to accomplish by running that program and why it was STILL going on even after Brian Terry was killed by one of the guns that they allowed to be sold and didn't even attempt to trace!

So tell us, what was the "goal" of the Obama administration with this program? And please, don't tell us that bullshit that Obama wants to outlaw guns in the US after he expanded gun rights more than any president in decades.

This from right winger Major Garrett:

Major Garrett: Obama has expanded, not reduced gun rights - CBS News

The only thing that makes any sense at all is that those in the Obama White House that want gun control legislation so bad they can taste it, thought that if they flooded Mexico with weapons that the Mexican government would demand that we tighten up our gun laws. It's a akin to a college administration springing for massive "Keggers" every weekend so they can then point to increased student drinking and ask for a ban on alcohol on campus! I don't KNOW what the Obama Justice Department was thinking with Fast & Furious, Deanie! It's such a stupid program and was such a cluster fuck from the git go that you would have thought anyone with half a brain would have stopped it LONG before it leaked to the Press and became a scandal. You tell me what you think they were doing! You're about as stupid as Barry and Eric Holder...perhaps you have insights into their "thought process". :cuckoo:
So let's see if I've got this straight, Deanie...

The Obama Justice Department revives an old Bush ATF program called "Gun Runner" in which agents attempted to trace weapons sold in the US then smuggled into Mexico for use by the drug cartels...a program that was halted by the Bushies because they found that they couldn't track the guns even with the help of Mexican authorities. So the Holder ATF brings back this failed program under a new name "Fast & Furious" only this time they don't even tell the Mexican's that it's going on.

They encourage gun sales to be made even though they know they can't trace them and (as your puff piece from CNN so clearly points out) their own prosecutors continually tell them that merely buying and selling the guns is not against the law and they can't convict the straw buyers of any crime. So kindly explain to me what genius it was that decided to restart something that had already failed once and what their goal was seeing how they couldn't prosecute the buyers and couldn't track the guns!!!

That CNN piece you quoted did it's level best to paint a picture of "Fast & Furious" being simply a problem of disgruntled "rogue" agents (Gee, where have we heard THAT before!!!) using this to get back at supervisors they didn't like. What CNN's article doesn't explain is what the ATF thought they were going to accomplish by running that program and why it was STILL going on even after Brian Terry was killed by one of the guns that they allowed to be sold and didn't even attempt to trace!

So tell us, what was the "goal" of the Obama administration with this program? And please, don't tell us that bullshit that Obama wants to outlaw guns in the US after he expanded gun rights more than any president in decades.

This from right winger Major Garrett:

Major Garrett: Obama has expanded, not reduced gun rights - CBS News

The only thing that makes any sense at all is that those in the Obama White House that want gun control legislation so bad they can taste it, thought that if they flooded Mexico with weapons that the Mexican government would demand that we tighten up our gun laws. It's a akin to a college administration springing for massive "Keggers" every weekend so they can then point to increased student drinking and ask for a ban on alcohol on campus! I don't KNOW what the Obama Justice Department was thinking with Fast & Furious, Deanie! It's such a stupid program and was such a cluster fuck from the git go that you would have thought anyone with half a brain would have stopped it LONG before it leaked to the Press and became a scandal. You tell me what you think they were doing! You're about as stupid as Barry and Eric Holder...perhaps you have insights into their "thought process". :cuckoo:

OMG, I thought you were going to say something really stupid and sure enough, you did. How do these right wingers come up with these complicated and ridiculous plots.

Let me make sure I understand. Obama wants to run guns to Mexico so Mexican's can shoot "somebody" and the country would be so outraged guns would be outlawed????

Fuck, if a crazy right winger can walk into an elementary school and kill 20 babies, then why would Obama need such a complicated plot? If Republicans can get away with protecting the rights of mass murderers, then how would this bizarre Mexican plot work?

See what happens when you repeat such stupid bullshit? It make you look batshit crazy. It really does.
Then you try and put the failures of the stimulus on both Parties backs because Republicans dipped their snouts into the trough along with the Democrats. Well, shame on them for doing so, Deanie but that doesn't change the fact that the Obama Stimulus was a monumental failure...spending nearly a trillion dollars to create jobs but then creating so FEW jobs that they had to invent the whole "jobs saved" statistic to hide behind.

What about TARP?
Bushisms - Funny George Bush Quotes Updated Frequently

"So I analyzed that and decided I didn't want to be the president during a depression greater than the Great Depression, or the beginning of a depression greater than the Great Depression." --George W. Bush, Washington D.C., Dec. 18, 2008

Let's look at how two Presidents handled TARP...shall we? George W. Bush used it to bail out financial institutions that were teetering on the brink of collapse...a collapse that very well could have triggered another world wide Depression. Those loans were repaid in full by those financial institutions. Not only repaid in full but we actually turned a profit on the deal. Now contrast that with how Barry used HIS TARP money! He bailed out GM and Chrysler so they wouldn't declare bankruptcy and his buddies over at the UAW would lose their nice union contracts. That money hasn't been repaid yet and the US taxpayer is still out billions of dollars on that deal.

What's amusing is that Barry tried to take the money that was paid back to the Federal Government from the Bush TARP bailouts and use it for a second stimulus after his first failed so miserably and he couldn't get Congress to give him more billions to try a "do over". He was angry because that notion was squashed by the Congress who informed him the money wasn't HIS to do what he pleased with.

You have a lot of nerve claiming the stimulus didn't work when on the same page, I posted links to over a hundred Republican congressmen taking billions in stimulus they voted against, creating thousands of jobs and then taking credit for creating the jobs they said were never created. It makes you look as stupid as they look.
So tell us, what was the "goal" of the Obama administration with this program? And please, don't tell us that bullshit that Obama wants to outlaw guns in the US after he expanded gun rights more than any president in decades.

This from right winger Major Garrett:

Major Garrett: Obama has expanded, not reduced gun rights - CBS News

The only thing that makes any sense at all is that those in the Obama White House that want gun control legislation so bad they can taste it, thought that if they flooded Mexico with weapons that the Mexican government would demand that we tighten up our gun laws. It's a akin to a college administration springing for massive "Keggers" every weekend so they can then point to increased student drinking and ask for a ban on alcohol on campus! I don't KNOW what the Obama Justice Department was thinking with Fast & Furious, Deanie! It's such a stupid program and was such a cluster fuck from the git go that you would have thought anyone with half a brain would have stopped it LONG before it leaked to the Press and became a scandal. You tell me what you think they were doing! You're about as stupid as Barry and Eric Holder...perhaps you have insights into their "thought process". :cuckoo:

OMG, I thought you were going to say something really stupid and sure enough, you did. How do these right wingers come up with these complicated and ridiculous plots.

Let me make sure I understand. Obama wants to run guns to Mexico so Mexican's can shoot "somebody" and the country would be so outraged guns would be outlawed????

Fuck, if a crazy right winger can walk into an elementary school and kill 20 babies, then why would Obama need such a complicated plot? If Republicans can get away with protecting the rights of mass murderers, then how would this bizarre Mexican plot work?

See what happens when you repeat such stupid bullshit? It make you look batshit crazy. It really does.

The ball is in YOUR court to try and explain what Holder and Obama were trying to do with Fast & Furious, Deanie! You're asking me to explain how two men could possibly be that stupid and my reply is that I don't know WHAT they were thinking.

And your contention that Adam Lanza was a "crazy right winger" isn't backed up by a single shred of evidence, Deanie. It's the kind of despicable attack that you perpetuate on conservatives on this board daily. The right to bear arms is something that ALL law abiding Americans have and THAT is what Republicans were protecting.

Let's look at how two Presidents handled TARP...shall we? George W. Bush used it to bail out financial institutions that were teetering on the brink of collapse...a collapse that very well could have triggered another world wide Depression. Those loans were repaid in full by those financial institutions. Not only repaid in full but we actually turned a profit on the deal. Now contrast that with how Barry used HIS TARP money! He bailed out GM and Chrysler so they wouldn't declare bankruptcy and his buddies over at the UAW would lose their nice union contracts. That money hasn't been repaid yet and the US taxpayer is still out billions of dollars on that deal.

What's amusing is that Barry tried to take the money that was paid back to the Federal Government from the Bush TARP bailouts and use it for a second stimulus after his first failed so miserably and he couldn't get Congress to give him more billions to try a "do over". He was angry because that notion was squashed by the Congress who informed him the money wasn't HIS to do what he pleased with.

You have a lot of nerve claiming the stimulus didn't work when on the same page, I posted links to over a hundred Republican congressmen taking billions in stimulus they voted against, creating thousands of jobs and then taking credit for creating the jobs they said were never created. It makes you look as stupid as they look.

If the stimulus REALLY worked, Deanie...then why did the Obama White House have to use "jobs saved" instead of simply giving us the numbers of jobs that they created? The person that looks stupid here is you for falling for such an obvious manipulation of statistics.
Let's look at how two Presidents handled TARP...shall we? George W. Bush used it to bail out financial institutions that were teetering on the brink of collapse...a collapse that very well could have triggered another world wide Depression. Those loans were repaid in full by those financial institutions. Not only repaid in full but we actually turned a profit on the deal. Now contrast that with how Barry used HIS TARP money! He bailed out GM and Chrysler so they wouldn't declare bankruptcy and his buddies over at the UAW would lose their nice union contracts. That money hasn't been repaid yet and the US taxpayer is still out billions of dollars on that deal.

What's amusing is that Barry tried to take the money that was paid back to the Federal Government from the Bush TARP bailouts and use it for a second stimulus after his first failed so miserably and he couldn't get Congress to give him more billions to try a "do over". He was angry because that notion was squashed by the Congress who informed him the money wasn't HIS to do what he pleased with.

You have a lot of nerve claiming the stimulus didn't work when on the same page, I posted links to over a hundred Republican congressmen taking billions in stimulus they voted against, creating thousands of jobs and then taking credit for creating the jobs they said were never created. It makes you look as stupid as they look.

If the stimulus REALLY worked, Deanie...then why did the Obama White House have to use "jobs saved" instead of simply giving us the numbers of jobs that they created? The person that looks stupid here is you for falling for such an obvious manipulation of statistics.

I guess Republicans are manipulating the stats, too? :lol:

A report commissioned by a prominent Florida Republican isn’t taking the usual GOP line on the Obama administration’s stimulus package.
A newly-released audit from the office of Republican Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, a Mitt Romney supporter and former member of the U.S. House Republican leadership, says that the 2009 stimulus bill did benefit the state of Florida.

Report From Ex-House GOP Leader Says Stimulus Helped Florida -

well that gives us a full account of where nearly a trillion of our TAXPAYERS monies went..
some article saying the stimulus helped Florida

good gawd

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