How long will Republicans be able to "hold back" the country?

You have a lot of nerve claiming the stimulus didn't work when on the same page, I posted links to over a hundred Republican congressmen taking billions in stimulus they voted against, creating thousands of jobs and then taking credit for creating the jobs they said were never created. It makes you look as stupid as they look.

If the stimulus REALLY worked, Deanie...then why did the Obama White House have to use "jobs saved" instead of simply giving us the numbers of jobs that they created? The person that looks stupid here is you for falling for such an obvious manipulation of statistics.

I guess Republicans are manipulating the stats, too? :lol:

A report commissioned by a prominent Florida Republican isn’t taking the usual GOP line on the Obama administration’s stimulus package.
A newly-released audit from the office of Republican Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, a Mitt Romney supporter and former member of the U.S. House Republican leadership, says that the 2009 stimulus bill did benefit the state of Florida.

Report From Ex-House GOP Leader Says Stimulus Helped Florida -


They will refuse to read that report or anything that disturbs their disturbed view of reality.
well that gives us a full account of where nearly a trillion of our TAXPAYERS monies went..
some article saying the stimulus helped Florida

good gawd

Actually DB, from a third to half were "tax cuts". But you knew that.

DB - Dumb bitch
The only thing that makes any sense at all is that those in the Obama White House that want gun control legislation so bad they can taste it, thought that if they flooded Mexico with weapons that the Mexican government would demand that we tighten up our gun laws. It's a akin to a college administration springing for massive "Keggers" every weekend so they can then point to increased student drinking and ask for a ban on alcohol on campus! I don't KNOW what the Obama Justice Department was thinking with Fast & Furious, Deanie! It's such a stupid program and was such a cluster fuck from the git go that you would have thought anyone with half a brain would have stopped it LONG before it leaked to the Press and became a scandal. You tell me what you think they were doing! You're about as stupid as Barry and Eric Holder...perhaps you have insights into their "thought process". :cuckoo:

OMG, I thought you were going to say something really stupid and sure enough, you did. How do these right wingers come up with these complicated and ridiculous plots.

Let me make sure I understand. Obama wants to run guns to Mexico so Mexican's can shoot "somebody" and the country would be so outraged guns would be outlawed????

Fuck, if a crazy right winger can walk into an elementary school and kill 20 babies, then why would Obama need such a complicated plot? If Republicans can get away with protecting the rights of mass murderers, then how would this bizarre Mexican plot work?

See what happens when you repeat such stupid bullshit? It make you look batshit crazy. It really does.

The ball is in YOUR court to try and explain what Holder and Obama were trying to do with Fast & Furious, Deanie! You're asking me to explain how two men could possibly be that stupid and my reply is that I don't know WHAT they were thinking.

And your contention that Adam Lanza was a "crazy right winger" isn't backed up by a single shred of evidence, Deanie. It's the kind of despicable attack that you perpetuate on conservatives on this board daily. The right to bear arms is something that ALL law abiding Americans have and THAT is what Republicans were protecting.

end it, shut it down

Which is why the "scandal" has gone away.
Holding back Obama/Democrats from driving the economy over the cliff..hopefully for at least the next 3 1/2 years.
Hey rdean, have you been banished to the Conspiracy Theories forum, or are you posting here of your own free will?
If the stimulus REALLY worked, Deanie...then why did the Obama White House have to use "jobs saved" instead of simply giving us the numbers of jobs that they created? The person that looks stupid here is you for falling for such an obvious manipulation of statistics.

I guess Republicans are manipulating the stats, too? :lol:

A report commissioned by a prominent Florida Republican isn’t taking the usual GOP line on the Obama administration’s stimulus package.
A newly-released audit from the office of Republican Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, a Mitt Romney supporter and former member of the U.S. House Republican leadership, says that the 2009 stimulus bill did benefit the state of Florida.

Report From Ex-House GOP Leader Says Stimulus Helped Florida -


They will refuse to read that report or anything that disturbs their disturbed view of reality.

but, but, that doesn't comport w/ Oldstyle's rw talking-points :shock: :lol:
Hey rdean, have you been banished to the Conspiracy Theories forum, or are you posting here of your own free will?

I put it here on purpose. What Republicans are doing to the country is a conspiracy. The voter suppression. The tax cuts during a time of war. Refusal to invest in infrastructure. The attempt to take credit for taking down Bin Laden. The refusal to take responsibility for any of their disasters.

Just once, you want to hear them say, "Yea, letting thousands of young Americans die in Iraq and the tens of thousands maimed for life. We are sorry America for what we did".


"Cutting taxes when we are supporting wars in two countries was a terrible mistake. The debt we created is awful".

But instead of taking even a shred of responsibility for their debacles, they want to blame those disasters on Obama.
Hey rdean, have you been banished to the Conspiracy Theories forum, or are you posting here of your own free will?

you people have 5X the amount of "out there" threads. At least rdean supplies sources/links. Your people? Not so much.

Not to go off on a total tangent, but I'm always a little confused by the pre-occupation with 'sources/links' as a means of establishing credibility for a post. What we're usually talking about is matters of opinion and differences in relative values. When we're disputing matters of fact, it makes sense to cite references that backup your claim - but usually we're not. Usually we're just explaining why we do, or don't, want government to adopt a given policy. Linking to other people who also happen to share my opinion doesn't really mean much. I don't really see the value in it.

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