How long will Republicans be able to "hold back" the country?

Er, did you give Bush credit for the Iraq/Afghanistan wars? Didn't think so! :lol:

If Bush spent money, it's included in Bush's debt.

You're right, you didn't think.

Ha,ha, you're the one that isn't thinking. But, I'm not surprised, most conservatives just parrot what they hear and accept it as truth.

Sadly for Rep. Landry, the nation's mounting debt is largely attributable to wars, a recession and tax policies President Obama inherited from his predecessor. Worse still, the Ryan 2012 budget proposal backed by almost every Republican in both houses of Congress would not only drain another $4 trillion in tax revenue from the Treasury, but fail all of the spending and balanced budget targets they themselves propose. Nevertheless, Republicans who voted seven times to double the debt ceiling under George W. Bush would risk the national economic suicide they admit would come to pass if their demands are not met.

10 Inconvenient Truths About the Debt Ceiling | Crooks and Liars

It's awful! Bush borrowed trillions in his 8 years.
Obama borrowed more, in less than 5.
No it didn't. It was a blown out of proportion non-issue scandal just like the Benghazi scandal that went nowhere. If you can't win, be sour grapes and demean the other side, that's the conservative motto.

You're not concerned with Conservative Americans Constitutional Rights and nothing I say will convince you otherwise...soooooo why bother..:doubt:

Bush did the same thing to liberal groups, so why weren't you outraged, then? It's not like they didn't get their tax exemption, even though they are political and shouldn't have gotten tax exemptions to begin with. So what about breaking the rules? You're not concerned with conservatives lying and breaking rules?

You're better at "outrage" and assumptions...:thup:

I don't believe most have their tax exemptions, I suppose "better late than never" applies...:lol:

It would be nice if all politicians were held accountable and not given obvious excuses.
It depends on when the radical left quits whining about only controlling 2/3 of the government.
It depends on when the radical left quits whining about only controlling 2/3 of the government.

100% doomed when Democrats have 100% of the federal power..:lol:

Obama-care as an example...


obamacare= romneycare= individual mandate= heritage foundation. :eusa_whistle: :lol:

The Tortuous History of Conservatives and the Individual Mandate - Forbes
Mitt Romney, as we know, has been catching a lot of flak from conservatives for Romneycare, because Romney’s signature legislative achievement served as the model for Obamacare. But as Romney said in a debate in Las Vegas last October, “we got the idea of an individual mandate…from [Newt Gingrich], and [Newt] got it from the Heritage Foundation.”
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Democrats controlled 100% of the federal government and still pathetically failed the American people, it's a habit.

Now they control 66.6 % again and still whine like precocious spoiled children.

Then why the huge difference between Red States and Blue States. What happened under Bush and why did Republicans use reconciliation three times?

Let's talk bottom line increase in national debt..

Bush... 4.9 trillion in 8 years

Obama minimum... 11 trillion in 8 years

Hmmm, yea, let's look at that.

Bush started two wars costing at least three trillion.

Then there was the three trillion lost in revenue from the Bush Tax Cuts Republicans used reconciliation twice to pass and Blackmailed Obama into extending them by threatening to cut off unemployment for all those Americans who lost jobs when Republicans ruined the economy.

So far that's 6.

Then there was the "drugs for votes bill" costing at least another couple of trillion Republicans used reconciliation a third time to pass.

See? There is a pattern here. It's called you may be a drooling idiot.

Should we stop?



Then there were the thirty or forty thousands Americans maimed for life from the Iraq fiasco.

The money Republicans spent to rebuild Iraq.

The money lost from the Republican recession.

The millions of jobs lost from 2001 to 2008 and the more than 40,000 factories shut down.

And you want to blame this all on Obama. He hadn't even been sworn in. How many trillions are we up to?

Are these jokers really this fucking stupid from such recent history?
Then why the huge difference between Red States and Blue States. What happened under Bush and why did Republicans use reconciliation three times?

Let's talk bottom line increase in national debt..

Bush... 4.9 trillion in 8 years

Obama minimum... 11 trillion in 8 years

Hmmm, yea, let's look at that.

Bush started two wars costing at least three trillion.

Then there was the three trillion lost in revenue from the Bush Tax Cuts Republicans used reconciliation twice to pass and Blackmailed Obama into extending them by threatening to cut off unemployment for all those Americans who lost jobs when Republicans ruined the economy.

So far that's 6.

Then there was the "drugs for votes bill" costing at least another couple of trillion Republicans used reconciliation a third time to pass.

See? There is a pattern here. It's called you may be a drooling idiot.

Should we stop?



Then there were the thirty or forty thousands Americans maimed for life from the Iraq fiasco.

The money Republicans spent to rebuild Iraq.

The money lost from the Republican recession.

The millions of jobs lost from 2001 to 2008 and the more than 40,000 factories shut down.

And you want to blame this all on Obama. He hadn't even been sworn in. How many trillions are we up to?

Are these jokers really this fucking stupid from such recent history?

How many trillions are we up to?

$6.1 trillion more since Obama was sworn in.

Are these jokers really this fucking stupid from such recent history?

History? You fuckers can't even subtract. :lol:
you notice EVERYTHING a left call HOLDING the country BACK adds up to BILLIONS of our taxpayer monies..

but hey, how the hell do YOU DARE say WHERE IT GOES and WHAT you want it SPENT ON.

we already GAVE you idiot 800 BILLION DOLLAR of TAXPAYERS MONEY you all called a, stimulus and we have NO FRIGGEN ACCOUNT of where it went and it didn't do a damn that PROMISED it would..
You aren't trusting enough WITH OUR MONEY AND no more..... the people took those reins away from you when they elected to put in the Republicans in the house after two years of your parties outrageous spending

BUT let me PLAY THIS FOR YOU...:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:

Steffie, how many times do you need to be slapped with information?


You know that a third to half of the stimulus was tax cuts.

You know that over a hundred Republicans took stimulus money all across the US and created thousands of jobs.

114 Republican Lawmakers Block Recovery While Taking Credit For Its Success

Why do you continue to lie when you have been slapped again and again?????
Let's talk bottom line increase in national debt..

Bush... 4.9 trillion in 8 years

Obama minimum... 11 trillion in 8 years

Hmmm, yea, let's look at that.

Bush started two wars costing at least three trillion.

Then there was the three trillion lost in revenue from the Bush Tax Cuts Republicans used reconciliation twice to pass and Blackmailed Obama into extending them by threatening to cut off unemployment for all those Americans who lost jobs when Republicans ruined the economy.

So far that's 6.

Then there was the "drugs for votes bill" costing at least another couple of trillion Republicans used reconciliation a third time to pass.

See? There is a pattern here. It's called you may be a drooling idiot.

Should we stop?



Then there were the thirty or forty thousands Americans maimed for life from the Iraq fiasco.

The money Republicans spent to rebuild Iraq.

The money lost from the Republican recession.

The millions of jobs lost from 2001 to 2008 and the more than 40,000 factories shut down.

And you want to blame this all on Obama. He hadn't even been sworn in. How many trillions are we up to?

Are these jokers really this fucking stupid from such recent history?

How many trillions are we up to?

$6.1 trillion more since Obama was sworn in.

Are these jokers really this fucking stupid from such recent history?

History? You fuckers can't even subtract. :lol:



Oh, from 11 to 6. Should we continue?
Then why the huge difference between Red States and Blue States. What happened under Bush and why did Republicans use reconciliation three times?

Let's talk bottom line increase in national debt..

Bush... 4.9 trillion in 8 years

Obama minimum... 11 trillion in 8 years

Hmmm, yea, let's look at that.

Bush started two wars costing at least three trillion.

Then there was the three trillion lost in revenue from the Bush Tax Cuts Republicans used reconciliation twice to pass and Blackmailed Obama into extending them by threatening to cut off unemployment for all those Americans who lost jobs when Republicans ruined the economy.

So far that's 6.

Then there was the "drugs for votes bill" costing at least another couple of trillion Republicans used reconciliation a third time to pass.

See? There is a pattern here. It's called you may be a drooling idiot.

Should we stop?



Then there were the thirty or forty thousands Americans maimed for life from the Iraq fiasco.

The money Republicans spent to rebuild Iraq.

The money lost from the Republican recession.

The millions of jobs lost from 2001 to 2008 and the more than 40,000 factories shut down.

And you want to blame this all on Obama. He hadn't even been sworn in. How many trillions are we up to?

Are these jokers really this fucking stupid from such recent history?

You have to wonder how many less American soldiers would have been maimed and killed in Iraq if Democrat leaders would have been more concerned with them than re-election..
Hmmm, yea, let's look at that.

Bush started two wars costing at least three trillion.

Then there was the three trillion lost in revenue from the Bush Tax Cuts Republicans used reconciliation twice to pass and Blackmailed Obama into extending them by threatening to cut off unemployment for all those Americans who lost jobs when Republicans ruined the economy.

So far that's 6.

Then there was the "drugs for votes bill" costing at least another couple of trillion Republicans used reconciliation a third time to pass.

See? There is a pattern here. It's called you may be a drooling idiot.

Should we stop?



Then there were the thirty or forty thousands Americans maimed for life from the Iraq fiasco.

The money Republicans spent to rebuild Iraq.

The money lost from the Republican recession.

The millions of jobs lost from 2001 to 2008 and the more than 40,000 factories shut down.

And you want to blame this all on Obama. He hadn't even been sworn in. How many trillions are we up to?

Are these jokers really this fucking stupid from such recent history?

How many trillions are we up to?

$6.1 trillion more since Obama was sworn in.

Are these jokers really this fucking stupid from such recent history?

History? You fuckers can't even subtract. :lol:



Oh, from 11 to 6. Should we continue?

$16.7 trillion today.
$10.6 trillion Jan 20, 2009.
$5.7 trillion Jan 20, 2001.

Yes, please continue.
Let's talk bottom line increase in national debt..

Bush... 4.9 trillion in 8 years

Obama minimum... 11 trillion in 8 years

Hmmm, yea, let's look at that.

Bush started two wars costing at least three trillion.

Then there was the three trillion lost in revenue from the Bush Tax Cuts Republicans used reconciliation twice to pass and Blackmailed Obama into extending them by threatening to cut off unemployment for all those Americans who lost jobs when Republicans ruined the economy.

So far that's 6.

Then there was the "drugs for votes bill" costing at least another couple of trillion Republicans used reconciliation a third time to pass.

See? There is a pattern here. It's called you may be a drooling idiot.

Should we stop?



Then there were the thirty or forty thousands Americans maimed for life from the Iraq fiasco.

The money Republicans spent to rebuild Iraq.

The money lost from the Republican recession.

The millions of jobs lost from 2001 to 2008 and the more than 40,000 factories shut down.

And you want to blame this all on Obama. He hadn't even been sworn in. How many trillions are we up to?

Are these jokers really this fucking stupid from such recent history?

You have to wonder how many less American soldiers would have been maimed and killed in Iraq if Democrat leaders would have been more concerned with them than re-election..

That doesn't even make sense. Soldiers died in Iraq because of the Democrats?

Do you know what "reconciliation" is and why Republicans were able to use it three times?
How many trillions are we up to?

$6.1 trillion more since Obama was sworn in.

Are these jokers really this fucking stupid from such recent history?

History? You fuckers can't even subtract. :lol:



Oh, from 11 to 6. Should we continue?

$16.7 trillion today.
$10.6 trillion Jan 20, 2009.
$5.7 trillion Jan 20, 2001.

Yes, please continue.


How much worse would it have been if we let the auto industry die like Republicans wanted? Not just the auto industry would be gone, all the collateral industries that support the auto industry. Steel, textiles, plastic, engineering, heavy equipment and so on.

How much more money was lost when the Bush tax cuts were extended?
Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Should I stop? Or do you still want more?
Anybody on the left ever heard of the "US Senate"? How about Harry Reid? Is there any sense left in the radical left or are they going down the drain trying to avoid talking about the hundred scandals facing the Obama administration.


Oh, from 11 to 6. Should we continue?

$16.7 trillion today.
$10.6 trillion Jan 20, 2009.
$5.7 trillion Jan 20, 2001.

Yes, please continue.


How much worse would it have been if we let the auto industry die like Republicans wanted? Not just the auto industry would be gone, all the collateral industries that support the auto industry. Steel, textiles, plastic, engineering, heavy equipment and so on.

How much more money was lost when the Bush tax cuts were extended?
Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Should I stop? Or do you still want more?

In other words...

OH FUCK!! I'm "busted" Time to "change" the "subject"



Oh, from 11 to 6. Should we continue?

$16.7 trillion today.
$10.6 trillion Jan 20, 2009.
$5.7 trillion Jan 20, 2001.

Yes, please continue.


How much worse would it have been if we let the auto industry die like Republicans wanted? Not just the auto industry would be gone, all the collateral industries that support the auto industry. Steel, textiles, plastic, engineering, heavy equipment and so on.

How much more money was lost when the Bush tax cuts were extended?
Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Should I stop? Or do you still want more?

How much worse would it have been if .........

How much worse would it be if the House hadn't blocked more wasteful Obama spending?
Please, continue, your poor math skills are amusing.
Hmmm, yea, let's look at that.

Bush started two wars costing at least three trillion.

Then there was the three trillion lost in revenue from the Bush Tax Cuts Republicans used reconciliation twice to pass and Blackmailed Obama into extending them by threatening to cut off unemployment for all those Americans who lost jobs when Republicans ruined the economy.

So far that's 6.

Then there was the "drugs for votes bill" costing at least another couple of trillion Republicans used reconciliation a third time to pass.

See? There is a pattern here. It's called you may be a drooling idiot.

Should we stop?



Then there were the thirty or forty thousands Americans maimed for life from the Iraq fiasco.

The money Republicans spent to rebuild Iraq.

The money lost from the Republican recession.

The millions of jobs lost from 2001 to 2008 and the more than 40,000 factories shut down.

And you want to blame this all on Obama. He hadn't even been sworn in. How many trillions are we up to?

Are these jokers really this fucking stupid from such recent history?

You have to wonder how many less American soldiers would have been maimed and killed in Iraq if Democrat leaders would have been more concerned with them than re-election..

That doesn't even make sense. Soldiers died in Iraq because of the Democrats?

Do you know what "reconciliation" is and why Republicans were able to use it three times?

Your getting a big so-what from me on "reconciliation" or haven't you noticed.

....You deny that Democrats have any responsibility for anything including the war in Iraq, does that about sum it up?
AS long as they have enough people in Congress to mess with the DEMS.
That doesn't even make sense. Soldiers died in Iraq because of the Democrats?

Yes they did,the reprehensible actions by many immoral dems,prolonged and encouraged the enemy.

Harry Ried " We have lost the war"

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