how long will ukraine be able to fight?

On January 31, the International Court of Justice in The Hague issued a decision in the case of Ukraine versus Russia. Kyiv accused Moscow of violating international conventions on the fight against the financing of terrorism and the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination.
The court rejected most of the charges of terrorist financing that Ukraine brought in connection with its support for Donbass separatists, agreeing only that Russia did not provide a proper investigation into the alleged crimes against the leaders of the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR.

As European Pravda notes, the court found that financing of terrorism in the understanding of the relevant UN convention is only the transfer of funds. Thus, supplies of military equipment and weapons are not a violation of the convention.

The court also rejected most of Ukraine’s claims regarding discrimination against Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians in annexed Crimea. In particular, the court did not consider it proven that Russia violated international law when banning the activities of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people.

At the same time, the court found that Moscow had violated its obligations to non-discriminate against the Ukrainian minority in education, noting that in the first two years the number of students studying in Ukrainian decreased by 90%. (Because no one wants to learn a useless language)
That's why the MSM never mentioned the Hague hearing it didn't go the way Nato wanted, now Russia should launch a case for genocide and terrorism against those Nazi bitches in Kiev.
The USA gives money and weapons to the Ukrainian Nazis and thanks to this the killing of Ukrainians and Russians continues. Is this fine?
Maybe. But this war is a great failure of your diplomatic and secret services.
Until Zelensky and cronies stop receiving $millions a week of our tax dollars.
The war stops immediately at that point.
Or when they run out of soldiers, the Ukrainians have more than five thousand women on the front line, one captured by the Russians was pregnant, they also have disabled soldiers pushed into combat.
Or when they run out of soldiers, the Ukrainians have more than five thousand women on the front line, one captured by the Russians was pregnant, they also have disabled soldiers pushed into combat.
That is necessary to keep fighting so they can keep getting our tax dollars.

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