How Long?

Are you calling me a hedonist as an attack?

Living life in the pursuit of pleasure is all that should matter to anyone. Sex, drugs and rock and roll.
Yes. Sure worked. Now we have Beavis and Butt-head running the country. Or Butt-Head-ESS.
Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan are not running the country

We are more and more going to be charged with heinous crimes using sedition or insurrection as a base. It will not end up one way. We saw riots all over the place and they treated differently as compared to Jan. 6. You guys do being vengeance. You are evening the tote board for all the years of inequalities. The deal with the devil is that we all will lose most of our freedoms when it is done.
Could this fool ^^^^ possibly be too young to remember the obama administration?
^^^^^ Could this fool be so blinded by his own dislike for Obama that he is not seeing clearly.

You are a fool to believe shit from your propaganda sources. here's a few

Wow three times. I did not write that Obama never mentioned Bush, only that he barely or seldom mentioned W. That is a true statement.
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Could this fool ^^^^ possibly be too young to remember the obama administration?
^^^^^ Could this fool be so blinded by his own dislike for Obama that he is not seeing clearly.

You are a fool to believe shit from your propaganda sources. here's a few

Wow three times. I did not write that Obama never mentioned Bush, only that he barely or seldom mentioned W. That is a true statement.

Actually, it's four, so you clearly can't count either, and that is just a few of the dozens and dozens, and DOZENS of video's out there.

But thanks for illustrating your innate dishonesty.
Never. Because we KNOW the vote was stolen from us.

LOL. Yes, you folks "know" a lot of things

Compare inaugurations dumbfuck. You're Fillipino, this inauguration was just like a Marcos one. Lots of pretty flags and a few handpicked guests surrounded by tens of thousands of troops. Maybe it reminds you of home? I have met ATF agents from the PI and they were little tin pot tyrants too. Joon Tokay was a real winner. He liked to threaten people. Sadly for him I figured out his brother was in possession of a gun, illegally in the PI. He shut up real fast.

You might be a moron, but I'm not.

Don't sell yourself short. :itsok: I believe you're a proper moron.

Oh, I have miles to get to your level, sport.

The level of not saying stupid shit 24/7? Not possible, I'm afraid. :itsok:
Never. Because we KNOW the vote was stolen from us.

LOL. Yes, you folks "know" a lot of things

Compare inaugurations dumbfuck. You're Fillipino, this inauguration was just like a Marcos one. Lots of pretty flags and a few handpicked guests surrounded by tens of thousands of troops. Maybe it reminds you of home? I have met ATF agents from the PI and they were little tin pot tyrants too. Joon Tokay was a real winner. He liked to threaten people. Sadly for him I figured out his brother was in possession of a gun, illegally in the PI. He shut up real fast.

You might be a moron, but I'm not.

Don't sell yourself short. :itsok: I believe you're a proper moron.

Oh, I have miles to get to your level, sport.

The level of not saying stupid shit 24/7? Not possible, I'm afraid. :itsok:

I agree. I don't think I have ever seen you post anything even remotely intelligent. You are a serious waste of organic material.
Could this fool ^^^^ possibly be too young to remember the obama administration?
^^^^^ Could this fool be so blinded by his own dislike for Obama that he is not seeing clearly.

You are a fool to believe shit from your propaganda sources. here's a few

Wow three times. I did not write that Obama never mentioned Bush, only that he barely or seldom mentioned W. That is a true statement.

Could this fool ^^^^ possibly be too young to remember the obama administration?
^^^^^ Could this fool be so blinded by his own dislike for Obama that he is not seeing clearly.

You are a fool to believe shit from your propaganda sources. here's a few

Wow three times. I did not write that Obama never mentioned Bush, only that he barely or seldom mentioned W. That is a true statement.

No.It is a LIE.
Are you calling me a hedonist as an attack?

Living life in the pursuit of pleasure is all that should matter to anyone. Sex, drugs and rock and roll.
Yes. Sure worked. Now we have Beavis and Butt-head running the country. Or Butt-Head-ESS.
Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan are not running the country

We are more and more going to be charged with heinous crimes using sedition or insurrection as a base. It will not end up one way. We saw riots all over the place and they treated differently as compared to Jan. 6. You guys do being vengeance. You are evening the tote board for all the years of inequalities. The deal with the devil is that we all will lose most of our freedoms when it is done.
Kinda like ThoughtCrime? Probably.
Never. Because we KNOW the vote was stolen from us.

LOL. Yes, you folks "know" a lot of things

Compare inaugurations dumbfuck. You're Fillipino, this inauguration was just like a Marcos one. Lots of pretty flags and a few handpicked guests surrounded by tens of thousands of troops. Maybe it reminds you of home? I have met ATF agents from the PI and they were little tin pot tyrants too. Joon Tokay was a real winner. He liked to threaten people. Sadly for him I figured out his brother was in possession of a gun, illegally in the PI. He shut up real fast.

You might be a moron, but I'm not.

Don't sell yourself short. :itsok: I believe you're a proper moron.

Oh, I have miles to get to your level, sport.

The level of not saying stupid shit 24/7? Not possible, I'm afraid. :itsok:

I agree. I don't think I have ever seen you post anything even remotely intelligent. You are a serious waste of organic material.

MegaDildos, Sport. :fu:
When will republicans come to terms with the fact that 45 lost the election?

Never. Because we KNOW the vote was stolen from us.
You also knew Obama was born in Kenya, our military was attacking Texas, there was a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza place, and Kanye would cause all the black folk to vote for Trump. You seem to know a lot of crazy shit.

No, that was a bunch of drivel that you asshats tried to use to say all Trump supporters were loons, like you. But THIS, is all you need to know the vote was stolen. Just like every other tin pot dictatorship in the world. Thousands of pretty flags, two thousand hand picked political elite, surrounded by tens of thousands of troops. Every dictatorship in the world looks Just. Like. This.

Really? It wasn't liberals that brought all those absurd accusations to light and insisted they be discussed. If you don't want your side to be associated with batshit crazy conspiracy theories, then tell your stupid politicians to quit spouting them.
How long will democrats respond to every political question or criticism with "Trump! Trump! January 6!"?
I suppose it will keep happening for you, as long as you keep imagining it. But as long as the orange slob maintains his control of the GOP, we are going to hear his name.
When will republicans come to terms with the fact that 45 lost the election?

Never. Because we KNOW the vote was stolen from us.
You also knew Obama was born in Kenya, our military was attacking Texas, there was a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza place, and Kanye would cause all the black folk to vote for Trump. You seem to know a lot of crazy shit.

No, that was a bunch of drivel that you asshats tried to use to say all Trump supporters were loons, like you. But THIS, is all you need to know the vote was stolen. Just like every other tin pot dictatorship in the world. Thousands of pretty flags, two thousand hand picked political elite, surrounded by tens of thousands of troops. Every dictatorship in the world looks Just. Like. This.

Really? It wasn't liberals that brought all those absurd accusations to light and insisted they be discussed. If you don't want your side to be associated with batshit crazy conspiracy theories, then tell your stupid politicians to quit spouting them.

Oooooo. Best of luck. That's a tall order for a congresscritter.
When will republicans come to terms with the fact that 45 lost the election?

Never. Because we KNOW the vote was stolen from us.
You also knew Obama was born in Kenya, our military was attacking Texas, there was a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza place, and Kanye would cause all the black folk to vote for Trump. You seem to know a lot of crazy shit.

No, that was a bunch of drivel that you asshats tried to use to say all Trump supporters were loons, like you. But THIS, is all you need to know the vote was stolen. Just like every other tin pot dictatorship in the world. Thousands of pretty flags, two thousand hand picked political elite, surrounded by tens of thousands of troops. Every dictatorship in the world looks Just. Like. This.

Really? It wasn't liberals that brought all those absurd accusations to light and insisted they be discussed. If you don't want your side to be associated with batshit crazy conspiracy theories, then tell your stupid politicians to quit spouting them.

Oooooo. Best of luck. That's a tall order for a congresscritter.
Not all spread conspiracy theories, but more jump on board, even knowing that it is bullshit, depending on their political goals.
How long will democrats respond to every political question or criticism with "Trump! Trump! January 6!"?
I suppose it will keep happening for you, as long as you keep imagining it. But as long as the orange slob maintains his control of the GOP, we are going to hear his name.
Like I said. Hope he runs for Congress and replaces Pig Pelosi.
I know you do. But Trump is poison. Probably not a good idea for the party.
How long will democrats respond to every political question or criticism with "Trump! Trump! January 6!"?
I suppose it will keep happening for you, as long as you keep imagining it. But as long as the orange slob maintains his control of the GOP, we are going to hear his name.
Like I said. Hope he runs for Congress and replaces Pig Pelosi.
I know you do. But Trump is poison. Probably not a good idea for the party.
But great for the country.
When will republicans come to terms with the fact that 45 lost the election?

Never. Because we KNOW the vote was stolen from us.
You also knew Obama was born in Kenya, our military was attacking Texas, there was a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza place, and Kanye would cause all the black folk to vote for Trump. You seem to know a lot of crazy shit.

No, that was a bunch of drivel that you asshats tried to use to say all Trump supporters were loons, like you. But THIS, is all you need to know the vote was stolen. Just like every other tin pot dictatorship in the world. Thousands of pretty flags, two thousand hand picked political elite, surrounded by tens of thousands of troops. Every dictatorship in the world looks Just. Like. This.

Really? It wasn't liberals that brought all those absurd accusations to light and insisted they be discussed. If you don't want your side to be associated with batshit crazy conspiracy theories, then tell your stupid politicians to quit spouting them.

Oooooo. Best of luck. That's a tall order for a congresscritter.
Not all spread conspiracy theories, but more jump on board, even knowing that it is bullshit, depending on their political goals.

Correct. Most don't spread conspiracy theories at the moment. It's the fringe yahoos in the Qult that have successfully sat their own 'Skwad' into congress that we should be keeping an eye on.
How long will democrats respond to every political question or criticism with "Trump! Trump! January 6!"? How long will the dopes believe that amounts to a serious response to anything and everything?

LOL Well they can't answer why the stuttering fuck they voted for is doing what he does so, so lets bring up Trump to deflect from the idiot they voted into office.
How long will democrats respond to every political question or criticism with "Trump! Trump! January 6!"? How long will the dopes believe that amounts to a serious response to anything and everything?

LOL Well they can't answer why the stuttering fuck they voted for is doing what he does so, so lets bring up Trump to deflect from the idiot they voted into office.

We as a nation must keep traditions like that going...

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