How Long?

How long will democrats respond to every political question or criticism with "Trump! Trump! January 6!"? How long will the dopes believe that amounts to a serious response to anything and everything?
While I can certainly understand not wanting to be reminded of the right's fatal mistake you will not be allowed to sweep it under the rug like it never happened.
So you think you can just keep repeating that instead of actually thinking or even attempting to defend the absurd and failed ideology of the left?
Since you people refuse to deal in fact I am inclined to just let you wallow in ignorance. It must really suck for you that any possible criticism you might have of a "leftist" Trump did it bigger and bolder.
How long will democrats respond to every political question or criticism with "Trump! Trump! January 6!"? How long will the dopes believe that amounts to a serious response to anything and everything?

As long as it takes? :dunno: I, for one, am enjoying the fallout between the wings. More, please.
How long will democrats respond to every political question or criticism with "Trump! Trump! January 6!"? How long will the dopes believe that amounts to a serious response to anything and everything?
While I can certainly understand not wanting to be reminded of the right's fatal mistake you will not be allowed to sweep it under the rug like it never happened.
Consider this. What if Trump rubs for CONGRESS in 2022? Who would be SPEAKER? (snicker)
How long will democrats respond to every political question or criticism with "Trump! Trump! January 6!"? How long will the dopes believe that amounts to a serious response to anything and everything?
While I can certainly understand not wanting to be reminded of the right's fatal mistake you will not be allowed to sweep it under the rug like it never happened.
Consider this. What if Trump rubs for CONGRESS in 2022? Who would be SPEAKER? (snicker)
Quit thinking the best politicians are the ones who piss off the most people. That's like choosing a new boyfriend for his prodigious farting ability.
Let's put it this way. Have you read 1984? Orwell described Fascism by Big Brother as a boot stomping you in the face - for eternity.

That long.
Good for you admitting you’re the fascist.
You can't read.
Pretty sure I got it right. Do you remember what question you were answering?
He asked how long will the Left stay mad at Trump being elected to the highest office. I said eternity.

And you started squawking about some bullshit or other, I dunno really. *smokes weed*
Squawking about some bullshit you wrote? Your Junior High online classes and weed smoking aren’t doing you any good.
How long will democrats respond to every political question or criticism with "Trump! Trump! January 6!"? How long will the dopes believe that amounts to a serious response to anything and everything?
most likely, till the end of time - or at least for as long as republicans continue to worship trump as their god.
A lot longer than it took them to credit Biden with vaccine and economic numbers...
... you people refuse to deal in fact ....

Who, and in what way?
Half of the debate on this board is trying to get you cultists to accept any piece of information that does not come from inside your bubble.
Nope. 75% is double and triple topics by easyt, marvin martian, and BasqueBromance. 20% is Weatherman2020 posts.

And 5% is liberals trying to explain reality to these whackjobs.
How long will democrats respond to every political question or criticism with "Trump! Trump! January 6!"? How long will the dopes believe that amounts to a serious response to anything and everything?
While I can certainly understand not wanting to be reminded of the right's fatal mistake you will not be allowed to sweep it under the rug like it never happened.
Consider this. What if Trump rubs for CONGRESS in 2022? Who would be SPEAKER? (snicker)
Quit thinking the best politicians are the ones who piss off the most people. That's like choosing a new boyfriend for his prodigious farting ability.
What ARE the best? Senile old men who take orders from Bezos? Dirty hores who sleep their way into politics? (Camel-La)
When Democrats, and their loyal constituents, admit that Russian collusion was a hoax in an attempt to disqualify the 2016 election as a fraudulent election.

What are you talking about? People on Trump's team were convicted of colluding with Russia, some went to jail for it, and our intelligence agencies confirmed it.

But that doesn't mean the 2016 election was fraudulent. There was no evidence of fraud. Trump was the rightfully elected President.

The fact that Orange Jesus whined that the election was rigged in 2016 and won anyways, then did the exact same thing in 2020 seems to go over the heads of the Trump cult.
... you people refuse to deal in fact ....

Who, and in what way?
Half of the debate on this board is trying to get you cultists to accept any piece of information that does not come from inside your bubble.
Nope. 75% is double and triple topics by easyt, marvin martian, and BasqueBromance. 20% is Weatherman2020 posts.

And 5% is liberals trying to explain reality to these whackjobs.
Reality? Like changing our language? Changing men into Pseudo-Women? Locking everyone down? Spending money we DON'T have? Letting thugs burn down our cities?
... you people refuse to deal in fact ....

Who, and in what way?
Half of the debate on this board is trying to get you cultists to accept any piece of information that does not come from inside your bubble.
Nope. 75% is double and triple topics by easyt, marvin martian, and BasqueBromance. 20% is Weatherman2020 posts.

And 5% is liberals trying to explain reality to these whackjobs.
Reality? Like changing our language?
Changing men into Pseudo-Women?
Locking everyone down?
Spending money we DON'T have?
Letting thugs burn down our cities?
Nobody is changing your language.

No idea what a pseudo-woman is.

Lockdowns happened under a Republican President.

We have plenty of money, we're the richest country in the history of Earth.

Nobody is burning down cities.
I suspect they'll be crying "Obstructionism!" on the Senate GOP soon enough. Manchin has come out and said he won't vote for the Infrastructure Bill as it is now, and they can't blame that on Trump.

The Democrats will be having bigger problems by the time 2022 rolls around. It's already starting: Murkowski in Alaska is trailing a primary challenger by double digits.

Lisa Murkowski trails GOP challenger: Poll
How long will democrats respond to every political question or criticism with "Trump! Trump! January 6!"? How long will the dopes believe that amounts to a serious response to anything and everything?
As soon as the trump stain is removed from the GOP and our right wing politicians stop saying the election was stolen. He is still running your party. He will be discussed.
How long will democrats respond to every political question or criticism with "Trump! Trump! January 6!"? How long will the dopes believe that amounts to a serious response to anything and everything?
While I can certainly understand not wanting to be reminded of the right's fatal mistake you will not be allowed to sweep it under the rug like it never happened.
Consider this. What if Trump rubs for CONGRESS in 2022? Who would be SPEAKER? (snicker)
Quit thinking the best politicians are the ones who piss off the most people. That's like choosing a new boyfriend for his prodigious farting ability.
What ARE the best? Senile old men who take orders from Bezos? Dirty hores who sleep their way into politics? (Camel-La)
Certainly not the collection of ball kickers and sucker punchers you seem to like. Hint: Mean people despise the people who like them more than anyone.
When will republicans come to terms with the fact that 45 lost the election?

Never. Because we KNOW the vote was stolen from us.
You also knew Obama was born in Kenya, our military was attacking Texas, there was a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza place, and Kanye would cause all the black folk to vote for Trump. You seem to know a lot of crazy shit.
... you people refuse to deal in fact ....

Who, and in what way?
Half of the debate on this board is trying to get you cultists to accept any piece of information that does not come from inside your bubble.
Nope. 75% is double and triple topics by easyt, marvin martian, and BasqueBromance. 20% is Weatherman2020 posts.

And 5% is liberals trying to explain reality to these whackjobs.
Yet your version of reality never takes. Ever think maybe it’s because you’re wrong?

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