How Low Can An American Political Party Sink?

Uh.....without Obama, Eric Holder, and Al Sharpton.....this wouldn't be national news.

They set this silly shit in motion.

This is what I mean about dimocrap scum...... They take a worthy cause -- Police punks and bullies that need to be stopped and prosecuted -- And radicalize it to the point that no self-respecting citizen can side with them.

I don't like Cops that much. I know several of them. And most of them are what I said -- Punks and bullies.

I can tell you stories but just take me for my word when I tell you that.

Cops need to be brought to heel. They need to obey the same laws as the rest of us. They can't go around killing people for selling loosies and beating men to death because -- Whatever.

If dimocrap scum didn't radicalize this, they would get support from every day, average Americans.


That isn't what the scum of the earth dimocrap filth party wants --

They really don't want to solve a problem. They want to divide us. They want to motivate their base, they want to criticize Republicans (for what, I have no clue but they'll find a way -- BELIEVE IT), they want to get their people angry and violent and ready to kill and rob and rape and burn and destroy and most importantly --


THINK about what I'm saying. I'm right and you all know it.

dimocrap scum needn't bother. You're too stupid to live much less understand complex thought processes
Another tea partier infatuated with President Obama's rectal orifice.
WOW! Who would have thought.
Yes, you america first fellow.!!!:dig:

Further than you might imagine.

Meanwhile, the democrat party has its professional anarchist protesters in the street causing damage, starting fights, fires, hurting people, destroying property and --

And our residents will defend them.


Media Vultures And Activists Descend Upon Freddie Gray’s Funeral, Some Shooting Pictures With Body

Disgusting media circus taking photos every 3 seconds of a casket for a 25 year old kid.

Russia Today is even reportedly live streaming the funeral. RT has made it their cause to promote Occupy, Anonymous and Black Lives Matter as a way of attacking the U.S.

People are taking pictures as they come up to the coffin. I don’t even want to post that here, because it’s just offensive. If you need proof you can find it here and here.

HT: Polititainment

1 1 0

Nickarama | April 27, 2015 11:57 am | 15 Comments

Obama Sends Representation To #FreddieGray Funeral

Chris Kyle, an American hero, family still waiting. Family of James Foley, beheaded because he was American still waiting…

Via The Hill:

The White House is sending a delegation to the funeral of Freddie Gray, a black man who died of a spinal cord injury while in police custody in Baltimore.

Broderick Johnson, a White House Cabinet secretary and chair of the My Brother’s Keeper Task Force, will represent the Obama administration. Broderick, a native of Baltimore, will be joined by Heather Foster, an adviser in the White House Office of Public Engagement, and Elias Alcantara, with the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.
Gray, 25, died one week after sustaining a spinal injury while he was detained by police in West Baltimore on April 12. His death set off a wave of protests around the city, which turned violent over the weekend.

Gray’s funeral will take place Monday in Baltimore. Thousands are expected to attend, including relatives of Eric Garner, a black man who died in July, after police in New York City placed him in a chokehold.

6 6 0

Nickarama | April 27, 2015 11:38 am | 71 Comments

Clown Show: Vile Race Baiter Al Sharpton Heading To Baltimore Over Freddie Gray Protests, Will Lead March To DC…

My favorite part is where Sharpton claims he “resisted personal involvement” in the case.

Sharpton press release:

“I have been asked by many in the Baltimore area since day one to get involved in the justice for Freddie Gray movement. Though I have discussed it on my daily radio and TV shows and been in touch with our NAN Baltimore chapter, I resisted personal involvement until we saw what the promised May 1 investigation report would bring.

I am saddened and disappointed that there now may not be a report released on May 1. It is concerning to me that a deadline that the police themselves had set and announced they have now conveniently changed. Therefore, I will come to Baltimore this week at the invitation or Rev. Westley West, who has led vigils daily there, along with local clergy, and morning radio show host Larry Young who has headed our Baltimore chapter of NAN for the last decade.

It is my intention to come and have a meeting with grassroots activists and faith leaders to schedule a two-day march in May from Baltimore to Washington. The march will bring the case of Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Eric Harris to the new Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. Ms. Lynch, in her new role that we all supported, must look and intervene in these cases. Justice delayed is justice denied.”

Reverend Al Sharpton, President, National Action Network
Dimwits and obuthole are a disgrace to this country.
Further than you might imagine.

Meanwhile, the democrat party has its professional anarchist protesters in the street causing damage, starting fights, fires, hurting people, destroying property and --

And our residents will defend them.


Media Vultures And Activists Descend Upon Freddie Gray’s Funeral, Some Shooting Pictures With Body

Disgusting media circus taking photos every 3 seconds of a casket for a 25 year old kid.

Russia Today is even reportedly live streaming the funeral. RT has made it their cause to promote Occupy, Anonymous and Black Lives Matter as a way of attacking the U.S.

People are taking pictures as they come up to the coffin. I don’t even want to post that here, because it’s just offensive. If you need proof you can find it here and here.

HT: Polititainment

1 1 0

Nickarama | April 27, 2015 11:57 am | 15 Comments

Obama Sends Representation To #FreddieGray Funeral

Chris Kyle, an American hero, family still waiting. Family of James Foley, beheaded because he was American still waiting…

Via The Hill:

The White House is sending a delegation to the funeral of Freddie Gray, a black man who died of a spinal cord injury while in police custody in Baltimore.

Broderick Johnson, a White House Cabinet secretary and chair of the My Brother’s Keeper Task Force, will represent the Obama administration. Broderick, a native of Baltimore, will be joined by Heather Foster, an adviser in the White House Office of Public Engagement, and Elias Alcantara, with the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.
Gray, 25, died one week after sustaining a spinal injury while he was detained by police in West Baltimore on April 12. His death set off a wave of protests around the city, which turned violent over the weekend.

Gray’s funeral will take place Monday in Baltimore. Thousands are expected to attend, including relatives of Eric Garner, a black man who died in July, after police in New York City placed him in a chokehold.

6 6 0

Nickarama | April 27, 2015 11:38 am | 71 Comments

Clown Show: Vile Race Baiter Al Sharpton Heading To Baltimore Over Freddie Gray Protests, Will Lead March To DC…

My favorite part is where Sharpton claims he “resisted personal involvement” in the case.

Sharpton press release:

“I have been asked by many in the Baltimore area since day one to get involved in the justice for Freddie Gray movement. Though I have discussed it on my daily radio and TV shows and been in touch with our NAN Baltimore chapter, I resisted personal involvement until we saw what the promised May 1 investigation report would bring.

I am saddened and disappointed that there now may not be a report released on May 1. It is concerning to me that a deadline that the police themselves had set and announced they have now conveniently changed. Therefore, I will come to Baltimore this week at the invitation or Rev. Westley West, who has led vigils daily there, along with local clergy, and morning radio show host Larry Young who has headed our Baltimore chapter of NAN for the last decade.

It is my intention to come and have a meeting with grassroots activists and faith leaders to schedule a two-day march in May from Baltimore to Washington. The march will bring the case of Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Eric Harris to the new Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. Ms. Lynch, in her new role that we all supported, must look and intervene in these cases. Justice delayed is justice denied.”

Reverend Al Sharpton, President, National Action Network
Dimwits and obuthole are a disgrace to this country.
Further than you might imagine.

Meanwhile, the democrat party has its professional anarchist protesters in the street causing damage, starting fights, fires, hurting people, destroying property and --

And our residents will defend them.


Media Vultures And Activists Descend Upon Freddie Gray’s Funeral, Some Shooting Pictures With Body

Disgusting media circus taking photos every 3 seconds of a casket for a 25 year old kid.

Russia Today is even reportedly live streaming the funeral. RT has made it their cause to promote Occupy, Anonymous and Black Lives Matter as a way of attacking the U.S.

People are taking pictures as they come up to the coffin. I don’t even want to post that here, because it’s just offensive. If you need proof you can find it here and here.

HT: Polititainment

1 1 0

Nickarama | April 27, 2015 11:57 am | 15 Comments

Obama Sends Representation To #FreddieGray Funeral

Chris Kyle, an American hero, family still waiting. Family of James Foley, beheaded because he was American still waiting…

Via The Hill:

The White House is sending a delegation to the funeral of Freddie Gray, a black man who died of a spinal cord injury while in police custody in Baltimore.

Broderick Johnson, a White House Cabinet secretary and chair of the My Brother’s Keeper Task Force, will represent the Obama administration. Broderick, a native of Baltimore, will be joined by Heather Foster, an adviser in the White House Office of Public Engagement, and Elias Alcantara, with the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.
Gray, 25, died one week after sustaining a spinal injury while he was detained by police in West Baltimore on April 12. His death set off a wave of protests around the city, which turned violent over the weekend.

Gray’s funeral will take place Monday in Baltimore. Thousands are expected to attend, including relatives of Eric Garner, a black man who died in July, after police in New York City placed him in a chokehold.

6 6 0

Nickarama | April 27, 2015 11:38 am | 71 Comments

Clown Show: Vile Race Baiter Al Sharpton Heading To Baltimore Over Freddie Gray Protests, Will Lead March To DC…

My favorite part is where Sharpton claims he “resisted personal involvement” in the case.

Sharpton press release:

“I have been asked by many in the Baltimore area since day one to get involved in the justice for Freddie Gray movement. Though I have discussed it on my daily radio and TV shows and been in touch with our NAN Baltimore chapter, I resisted personal involvement until we saw what the promised May 1 investigation report would bring.

I am saddened and disappointed that there now may not be a report released on May 1. It is concerning to me that a deadline that the police themselves had set and announced they have now conveniently changed. Therefore, I will come to Baltimore this week at the invitation or Rev. Westley West, who has led vigils daily there, along with local clergy, and morning radio show host Larry Young who has headed our Baltimore chapter of NAN for the last decade.

It is my intention to come and have a meeting with grassroots activists and faith leaders to schedule a two-day march in May from Baltimore to Washington. The march will bring the case of Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Eric Harris to the new Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. Ms. Lynch, in her new role that we all supported, must look and intervene in these cases. Justice delayed is justice denied.”

Reverend Al Sharpton, President, National Action Network
Dimwits and obuthole are a disgrace to this country.
Another stupid buttkissing libtard.
How low can the democrooks go?

How low did the bolsheviks, nazis, khmer rouge, chi-coms, viet cong et al go?

Ridiculous, simply ridiculous.... and yes, I'm serious.

You're seriously in need of a reality check.

Your pseudo intellectual rebukes are obviously not being taken seriously.
I see and experience reality every single day, and have been for many years now. Ask me if I care what's taken seriously or not taken seriously.

Looks like we both don't give a shit what either of us take seriously.

You have your reality, I refuse to embrace the politics of envy and hate that lead to mass murder and that's my reality.

“If you love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”

Samuel Adams

Rest assured that I reject you as a countryman.

Ridiculous, simply ridiculous.... and yes, I'm serious.

You're seriously in need of a reality check.

Your pseudo intellectual rebukes are obviously not being taken seriously.
I see and experience reality every single day, and have been for many years now. Ask me if I care what's taken seriously or not taken seriously.

Looks like we both don't give a shit what either of us take seriously.

You have your reality, I refuse to embrace the politics of envy and hate that lead to mass murder and that's my reality.

“If you love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”

Samuel Adams

Rest assured that I reject you as a countryman.

So be it. You're entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it.
Further than you might imagine.

Meanwhile, the democrat party has its professional anarchist protesters in the street causing damage, starting fights, fires, hurting people, destroying property and --

And our residents will defend them.


Media Vultures And Activists Descend Upon Freddie Gray’s Funeral, Some Shooting Pictures With Body

Disgusting media circus taking photos every 3 seconds of a casket for a 25 year old kid.

Russia Today is even reportedly live streaming the funeral. RT has made it their cause to promote Occupy, Anonymous and Black Lives Matter as a way of attacking the U.S.

People are taking pictures as they come up to the coffin. I don’t even want to post that here, because it’s just offensive. If you need proof you can find it
here and here.


1 1 0

Nickarama | April 27, 2015 11:57 am |
Obama Sends Representation To #FreddieGray Funeral

Chris Kyle, an American hero, family still waiting. Family of James Foley, beheaded because he was American still waiting…

The Hill:

The White House is sending a delegation to the funeral of Freddie Gray, a black man who died of a spinal cord injury while in police custody in Baltimore.

Broderick Johnson, a White House Cabinet secretary and chair of the My Brother’s Keeper Task Force, will represent the Obama administration. Broderick, a native of Baltimore, will be joined by Heather Foster, an adviser in the White House Office of Public Engagement, and Elias Alcantara, with the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.
Gray, 25, died one week after sustaining a spinal injury while he was detained by police in West Baltimore on April 12. His death set off a wave of protests around the city, which turned violent over the weekend.

Gray’s funeral will take place Monday in Baltimore. Thousands are expected to attend, including relatives of Eric Garner, a black man who died in July, after police in New York City placed him in a chokehold.

6 6 0

Nickarama | April 27, 2015 11:38 am |
Clown Show: Vile Race Baiter Al Sharpton Heading To Baltimore Over Freddie Gray Protests, Will Lead March To DC…

My favorite part is where Sharpton claims he “resisted personal involvement” in the case.

press release:

“I have been asked by many in the Baltimore area since day one to get involved in the justice for Freddie Gray movement. Though I have discussed it on my daily radio and TV shows and been in touch with our NAN Baltimore chapter, I resisted personal involvement until we saw what the promised May 1 investigation report would bring.

I am saddened and disappointed that there now may not be a report released on May 1. It is concerning to me that a deadline that the police themselves had set and announced they have now conveniently changed. Therefore, I will come to Baltimore this week at the invitation or Rev. Westley West, who has led vigils daily there, along with local clergy, and morning radio show host Larry Young who has headed our Baltimore chapter of NAN for the last decade.

It is my intention to come and have a meeting with grassroots activists and faith leaders to schedule a two-day march in May from Baltimore to Washington. The march will bring the case of Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Eric Harris to the new Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. Ms. Lynch, in her new role that we all supported, must look and intervene in these cases. Justice delayed is justice denied.”

Reverend Al Sharpton, President, National Action Network
Exactly what does this have to do with a political party? This was a tragedy, a funeral, and a public damn tired of police misconduct. Please show a connection between what happened and a political party.

You can't be serious.....

If I had a son
National Action Network
The police acted stupidly
The people in question vote almost in lockstep for the democrats & the image they peddle to the ignorant

Russia Today has done about a zillion hit pieces on the Obama Administration.
Further than you might imagine.

Meanwhile, the democrat party has its professional anarchist protesters in the street causing damage, starting fights, fires, hurting people, destroying property and --

And our residents will defend them.


Media Vultures And Activists Descend Upon Freddie Gray’s Funeral, Some Shooting Pictures With Body

Disgusting media circus taking photos every 3 seconds of a casket for a 25 year old kid.

Russia Today is even reportedly live streaming the funeral. RT has made it their cause to promote Occupy, Anonymous and Black Lives Matter as a way of attacking the U.S.

People are taking pictures as they come up to the coffin. I don’t even want to post that here, because it’s just offensive. If you need proof you can find it
here and here.


1 1 0

Nickarama | April 27, 2015 11:57 am |
Obama Sends Representation To #FreddieGray Funeral

Chris Kyle, an American hero, family still waiting. Family of James Foley, beheaded because he was American still waiting…

The Hill:

The White House is sending a delegation to the funeral of Freddie Gray, a black man who died of a spinal cord injury while in police custody in Baltimore.

Broderick Johnson, a White House Cabinet secretary and chair of the My Brother’s Keeper Task Force, will represent the Obama administration. Broderick, a native of Baltimore, will be joined by Heather Foster, an adviser in the White House Office of Public Engagement, and Elias Alcantara, with the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.
Gray, 25, died one week after sustaining a spinal injury while he was detained by police in West Baltimore on April 12. His death set off a wave of protests around the city, which turned violent over the weekend.

Gray’s funeral will take place Monday in Baltimore. Thousands are expected to attend, including relatives of Eric Garner, a black man who died in July, after police in New York City placed him in a chokehold.

6 6 0

Nickarama | April 27, 2015 11:38 am |
Clown Show: Vile Race Baiter Al Sharpton Heading To Baltimore Over Freddie Gray Protests, Will Lead March To DC…

My favorite part is where Sharpton claims he “resisted personal involvement” in the case.

press release:

“I have been asked by many in the Baltimore area since day one to get involved in the justice for Freddie Gray movement. Though I have discussed it on my daily radio and TV shows and been in touch with our NAN Baltimore chapter, I resisted personal involvement until we saw what the promised May 1 investigation report would bring.

I am saddened and disappointed that there now may not be a report released on May 1. It is concerning to me that a deadline that the police themselves had set and announced they have now conveniently changed. Therefore, I will come to Baltimore this week at the invitation or Rev. Westley West, who has led vigils daily there, along with local clergy, and morning radio show host Larry Young who has headed our Baltimore chapter of NAN for the last decade.

It is my intention to come and have a meeting with grassroots activists and faith leaders to schedule a two-day march in May from Baltimore to Washington. The march will bring the case of Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Eric Harris to the new Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. Ms. Lynch, in her new role that we all supported, must look and intervene in these cases. Justice delayed is justice denied.”

Reverend Al Sharpton, President, National Action Network
Exactly what does this have to do with a political party? This was a tragedy, a funeral, and a public damn tired of police misconduct. Please show a connection between what happened and a political party.

You can't be serious.....

If I had a son
National Action Network
The police acted stupidly
The people in question vote almost in lockstep for the democrats & the image they peddle to the ignorant

Russia Today has done about a zillion hit pieces on the Obama Administration.
And ??? Meaning ???
Maybe it's time for Cops to stop murdering Citizens so often. American Police are among the most violent deadly Police in the world. They rank right up there with awful Police States like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Burma, North Korea, and so on. Their tactics need to change. And they need to be held accountable for their actions.
"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. Unsuccessful rebellions, indeed, generally establish the encroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions as not to discourage them too much. It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government."
-- Thomas Jefferson; from letter to James Madison (January 30, 1787)

You know full well what I posted was true!
Another tea partier infatuated with President Obama's rectal orifice.
WOW! Who would have thought.
Yes, you america first fellow.!!!:dig:

Further than you might imagine.

Meanwhile, the democrat party has its professional anarchist protesters in the street causing damage, starting fights, fires, hurting people, destroying property and --

And our residents will defend them.


Media Vultures And Activists Descend Upon Freddie Gray’s Funeral, Some Shooting Pictures With Body

Disgusting media circus taking photos every 3 seconds of a casket for a 25 year old kid.

Russia Today is even reportedly live streaming the funeral. RT has made it their cause to promote Occupy, Anonymous and Black Lives Matter as a way of attacking the U.S.

People are taking pictures as they come up to the coffin. I don’t even want to post that here, because it’s just offensive. If you need proof you can find it here and here.

HT: Polititainment

1 1 0

Nickarama | April 27, 2015 11:57 am | 15 Comments

Obama Sends Representation To #FreddieGray Funeral

Chris Kyle, an American hero, family still waiting. Family of James Foley, beheaded because he was American still waiting…

Via The Hill:

The White House is sending a delegation to the funeral of Freddie Gray, a black man who died of a spinal cord injury while in police custody in Baltimore.

Broderick Johnson, a White House Cabinet secretary and chair of the My Brother’s Keeper Task Force, will represent the Obama administration. Broderick, a native of Baltimore, will be joined by Heather Foster, an adviser in the White House Office of Public Engagement, and Elias Alcantara, with the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.
Gray, 25, died one week after sustaining a spinal injury while he was detained by police in West Baltimore on April 12. His death set off a wave of protests around the city, which turned violent over the weekend.

Gray’s funeral will take place Monday in Baltimore. Thousands are expected to attend, including relatives of Eric Garner, a black man who died in July, after police in New York City placed him in a chokehold.

6 6 0

Nickarama | April 27, 2015 11:38 am | 71 Comments

Clown Show: Vile Race Baiter Al Sharpton Heading To Baltimore Over Freddie Gray Protests, Will Lead March To DC…

My favorite part is where Sharpton claims he “resisted personal involvement” in the case.

Sharpton press release:

“I have been asked by many in the Baltimore area since day one to get involved in the justice for Freddie Gray movement. Though I have discussed it on my daily radio and TV shows and been in touch with our NAN Baltimore chapter, I resisted personal involvement until we saw what the promised May 1 investigation report would bring.

I am saddened and disappointed that there now may not be a report released on May 1. It is concerning to me that a deadline that the police themselves had set and announced they have now conveniently changed. Therefore, I will come to Baltimore this week at the invitation or Rev. Westley West, who has led vigils daily there, along with local clergy, and morning radio show host Larry Young who has headed our Baltimore chapter of NAN for the last decade.

It is my intention to come and have a meeting with grassroots activists and faith leaders to schedule a two-day march in May from Baltimore to Washington. The march will bring the case of Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Eric Harris to the new Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. Ms. Lynch, in her new role that we all supported, must look and intervene in these cases. Justice delayed is justice denied.”

Reverend Al Sharpton, President, National Action Network
Dimwits and obuthole are a disgrace to this country.
Further than you might imagine.

Meanwhile, the democrat party has its professional anarchist protesters in the street causing damage, starting fights, fires, hurting people, destroying property and --

And our residents will defend them.


Media Vultures And Activists Descend Upon Freddie Gray’s Funeral, Some Shooting Pictures With Body

Disgusting media circus taking photos every 3 seconds of a casket for a 25 year old kid.

Russia Today is even reportedly live streaming the funeral. RT has made it their cause to promote Occupy, Anonymous and Black Lives Matter as a way of attacking the U.S.

People are taking pictures as they come up to the coffin. I don’t even want to post that here, because it’s just offensive. If you need proof you can find it here and here.

HT: Polititainment

1 1 0

Nickarama | April 27, 2015 11:57 am | 15 Comments

Obama Sends Representation To #FreddieGray Funeral

Chris Kyle, an American hero, family still waiting. Family of James Foley, beheaded because he was American still waiting…

Via The Hill:

The White House is sending a delegation to the funeral of Freddie Gray, a black man who died of a spinal cord injury while in police custody in Baltimore.

Broderick Johnson, a White House Cabinet secretary and chair of the My Brother’s Keeper Task Force, will represent the Obama administration. Broderick, a native of Baltimore, will be joined by Heather Foster, an adviser in the White House Office of Public Engagement, and Elias Alcantara, with the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.
Gray, 25, died one week after sustaining a spinal injury while he was detained by police in West Baltimore on April 12. His death set off a wave of protests around the city, which turned violent over the weekend.

Gray’s funeral will take place Monday in Baltimore. Thousands are expected to attend, including relatives of Eric Garner, a black man who died in July, after police in New York City placed him in a chokehold.

6 6 0

Nickarama | April 27, 2015 11:38 am | 71 Comments

Clown Show: Vile Race Baiter Al Sharpton Heading To Baltimore Over Freddie Gray Protests, Will Lead March To DC…

My favorite part is where Sharpton claims he “resisted personal involvement” in the case.

Sharpton press release:

“I have been asked by many in the Baltimore area since day one to get involved in the justice for Freddie Gray movement. Though I have discussed it on my daily radio and TV shows and been in touch with our NAN Baltimore chapter, I resisted personal involvement until we saw what the promised May 1 investigation report would bring.

I am saddened and disappointed that there now may not be a report released on May 1. It is concerning to me that a deadline that the police themselves had set and announced they have now conveniently changed. Therefore, I will come to Baltimore this week at the invitation or Rev. Westley West, who has led vigils daily there, along with local clergy, and morning radio show host Larry Young who has headed our Baltimore chapter of NAN for the last decade.

It is my intention to come and have a meeting with grassroots activists and faith leaders to schedule a two-day march in May from Baltimore to Washington. The march will bring the case of Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Eric Harris to the new Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. Ms. Lynch, in her new role that we all supported, must look and intervene in these cases. Justice delayed is justice denied.”

Reverend Al Sharpton, President, National Action Network
Dimwits and obuthole are a disgrace to this country.
Further than you might imagine.

Meanwhile, the democrat party has its professional anarchist protesters in the street causing damage, starting fights, fires, hurting people, destroying property and --

And our residents will defend them.


Media Vultures And Activists Descend Upon Freddie Gray’s Funeral, Some Shooting Pictures With Body

Disgusting media circus taking photos every 3 seconds of a casket for a 25 year old kid.

Russia Today is even reportedly live streaming the funeral. RT has made it their cause to promote Occupy, Anonymous and Black Lives Matter as a way of attacking the U.S.

People are taking pictures as they come up to the coffin. I don’t even want to post that here, because it’s just offensive. If you need proof you can find it here and here.

HT: Polititainment

1 1 0

Nickarama | April 27, 2015 11:57 am | 15 Comments

Obama Sends Representation To #FreddieGray Funeral

Chris Kyle, an American hero, family still waiting. Family of James Foley, beheaded because he was American still waiting…

Via The Hill:

The White House is sending a delegation to the funeral of Freddie Gray, a black man who died of a spinal cord injury while in police custody in Baltimore.

Broderick Johnson, a White House Cabinet secretary and chair of the My Brother’s Keeper Task Force, will represent the Obama administration. Broderick, a native of Baltimore, will be joined by Heather Foster, an adviser in the White House Office of Public Engagement, and Elias Alcantara, with the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.
Gray, 25, died one week after sustaining a spinal injury while he was detained by police in West Baltimore on April 12. His death set off a wave of protests around the city, which turned violent over the weekend.

Gray’s funeral will take place Monday in Baltimore. Thousands are expected to attend, including relatives of Eric Garner, a black man who died in July, after police in New York City placed him in a chokehold.

6 6 0

Nickarama | April 27, 2015 11:38 am | 71 Comments

Clown Show: Vile Race Baiter Al Sharpton Heading To Baltimore Over Freddie Gray Protests, Will Lead March To DC…

My favorite part is where Sharpton claims he “resisted personal involvement” in the case.

Sharpton press release:

“I have been asked by many in the Baltimore area since day one to get involved in the justice for Freddie Gray movement. Though I have discussed it on my daily radio and TV shows and been in touch with our NAN Baltimore chapter, I resisted personal involvement until we saw what the promised May 1 investigation report would bring.

I am saddened and disappointed that there now may not be a report released on May 1. It is concerning to me that a deadline that the police themselves had set and announced they have now conveniently changed. Therefore, I will come to Baltimore this week at the invitation or Rev. Westley West, who has led vigils daily there, along with local clergy, and morning radio show host Larry Young who has headed our Baltimore chapter of NAN for the last decade.

It is my intention to come and have a meeting with grassroots activists and faith leaders to schedule a two-day march in May from Baltimore to Washington. The march will bring the case of Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Eric Harris to the new Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. Ms. Lynch, in her new role that we all supported, must look and intervene in these cases. Justice delayed is justice denied.”

Reverend Al Sharpton, President, National Action Network
Dimwits and obuthole are a disgrace to this country.
Another stupid buttkissing libtard.
Cops have had the run of the streets since Reagan ordered them to..They have been doing unreasonable search and illegal seizures for decades, it's time for those progressive socialist they call law enforcement to do their job and stop thinking this is mid-evil era where bling and death are their SOP's..

I have been on the planet for over 50 years and have never been searched by law enforcement, but then I don't break the law.
Cops have had the run of the streets since Reagan ordered them to..They have been doing unreasonable search and illegal seizures for decades, it's time for those progressive socialist they call law enforcement to do their job and stop thinking this is mid-evil era where bling and death are their SOP's..

I have been on the planet for over 50 years and have never been searched by law enforcement, but then I don't break the law.
I am sure you have, it's just that you won't admit it...

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