How many changes has Obama made to Obamacare?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Constituting America Blog Archive Guess How Many Changes President Obama Has Unilaterally Made To The Affordable Care Act A Running List Guest Essayists Tyler Hartsfield And Grace-Marie Turner

By our count at the Galen Institute, more than 49 significant changes already have been made to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: at least 30 that President Obama has made unilaterally, 17 that Congress has passed and the president has signed, and 2 by the Supreme Court - See more at: Constituting America Blog Archive Guess How Many Changes President Obama Has Unilaterally Made To The Affordable Care Act A Running List Guest Essayists Tyler Hartsfield And Grace-Marie Turner

Wouldn't it be great to be Obama. If you don't like a law, all you have to do is get out your pen.

Funny thing is, this was his law.
I'm glad he is working on spotting and correcting its flaws. As we've seen in the recent pass, sometimes it's really stupid to "stay the course."
How many changes have been made to Medicare/Medicaid?

Keep changing it until it works as well for everyone as it now works for millions.

To insist otherwise would be idiotic.
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By our count at the Galen Institute, more than 49 significant changes already have been made to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: at least 30 that President Obama has made unilaterally, 17 that Congress has passed and the president has signed, and 2 by the Supreme Court

No argument that the changes made by SCOTUS and Congress are major. But the administrative actions listed are mostly about shifting timing or revising a regulation. So insurance benefits started getting listed on W-2 forms in 2012 instead of 2011. That's a significant change to the law?
"How many changes has Obama made to Obamacare?"

too fucking many to keep count of.
...correcting its flaws.

the entire fucking thing is a flaw and illegal !

The fact of the matter is, you might be right. I think Obama care is and was deeply flawed from the get go. Taking a small potatoes program to nationwide is s recipe for disaster everytime.

But unless repubs come up with something better to replace it with, any talk of repealing Obama care won't amount to diddly squat.

Especially while we waste so much of our nations blood & treasure fighting endless bullshit wars. The legality of which is far more questionable than Obama care.
By our count at the Galen Institute, more than 49 significant changes already have been made to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: at least 30 that President Obama has made unilaterally, 17 that Congress has passed and the president has signed, and 2 by the Supreme Court

No argument that the changes made by SCOTUS and Congress are major. But the administrative actions listed are mostly about shifting timing or revising a regulation. So insurance benefits started getting listed on W-2 forms in 2012 instead of 2011. That's a significant change to the law?

The fact that Obama has personally changed it so many times in such a short time frame is evidence as to its lack of foresight. Obama made these changes in order to try and survive politically because the law that was passed was unworkle, but there are those who cannot make changes to the law that suffer in silence. It hardly seem fair.
How many changes have been made to Medicare/Medicaid?

Keep changing it until it works as well for everyone as it now works for millions.

To insist otherwise would be idiotic.

I think you will find that one solution pieces of legislation that include everyone usually has to undergo continuous change or bring the nation to ruin, which is why one should never pass all inclusive one time solutions for anything.

Instead of being treated like a herd of cattle, it would be nice to be treated as individual human beings with rights, and that means rights from corporate America to not buy their over priced insurance policies.
The thing was so unworkable it couldnt stand in the form it was passed. Now maybe the Supreme court will put Obamacare out of our misery next month and we can have some real reform.
The fact that Obama has personally changed it so many times in such a short time frame is evidence as to its lack of foresight.

Except the "changes" aren't really changes. The stuff listed as changed is actually in effect right now. The Medicare Advantage cuts: in effect. The W-2 reporting: in effect. The time-limited high-risk pool: discontinued as required. The single unified out-of-pocket max: now in effect. The Basic Health Option: now available. The employer mandate: now in effect. The SHOP exchange: now in effect.

And so on. You may not have gotten the memo, but at some point along the way the ACA was implemented. Surprise!
I worked for a company that made products that needed hundreds of design changes. Why? Because we'd rather fix the problem than to leave it at original design. Design changes are nothing new. Companies recall their products all the time. If you are saying that Obama should not fix "BAD" patches within the law, then you are the exception not the rule. We do repairs on our houses, cars, our lives, our techniques, we modify our recipes ALL the time. Every single day. We fix that which doesn't work. It's human nature and it's good for us all. Thanks.

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