How many children under age 18 have died specifically from COVID, i.e. no comorbidity symptoms... ZERO! So why the mask mandates?

The fact is that the Delta variant of COVID has proved to be much more contagious among children.
I can’t imagine ant parent encouraging their child to catch COVID just because they will probably survive.

Vaccinate your children and encourage them to wear masks in school

What if it turns out that these vaccines that teach your immune system to only attack spike proteins and not viruses, are all fatal?
Our body produces and uses these same spike proteins as well. That is why cells have ACE2 receptors for spike proteins, and that is how our exosomes are allowed cell entry.
The fact we have not all died yet does not mean we won't.
It may require something like an HIV infection to get it started.
But playing around with out immune system with artificial synthetic agents, is a horrendously bad idea.
Nor is there any reason to do it.
If we had not "flattened the curve", the epidemic would have been over in a month, 17 months ago.
Do we have a vaccine for that?
We have car seats, fences; we can cut up hot dogs; we can home school our children.

But they're STILL not safe!

All pregnancies must be aborted henceforth - anything less is child abuse.
and the do help mitigate the spread.
Post the peer-reviewed study that proves masks are significant in stopping the spread. The efficacy is minimal, at best. At worst, they cause people to sicken from other pathogens that collect in reusable masks. They are valuable if a person is actively sneezing or coughing but as a daily regimen, they are damned near USELESS. If you want to wear them and have your kids wear them, NOTHING IS STOPPING YOU. Not in TX, FLA, not in ANY STATE. The truth is that this is about government compulsion and those who agree to bend over for it and those who refuse.
Make YOUR choice, leave MINE to me.
Concur; the treasonous Democrat terrorism must come to an end, or lead to civil war.

Incredibly ridiculous; impressively so.

Cars, food and water are all dangerous; children must NOT be exposed to them!

Those who disagree are child-murdering psychopaths.

Swastikas, yellow stars and pink triangles don't hurt anyone!

It must stop, yes.

Absolutely - Democrats are the most dangerous death cult since Nazi Germany.
Wow, you're completely insane.
How many people have died FROM the vaccine?

Why arent these numbers on the CNN screen 24/7, updated in real time?
VAERS is a totally voluntary reporting mechanism of the Federal government and even IT claims around 11 thousand deaths have occurred post-vaccine. A doc that I see on a monthly schedule swore to me that only SIX deaths had occurred due to the vaccine. He further claimed that all six were women who shared some kind of clotting disorder. THIS was an MD talking this ridiculous crap.
Yea … listen to the nutjobs

There is no pandemic
Oh, there is certainly a pandemic disease abroad in the world. For about 1 in 100, it has proven fatal. The part the media fearmongers refuse to say is that nearly all of them were quite elderly, morbidly obese, or had some other form of immune-compromised issue. Why do you suppose they take such pains to keep that info quiet? If you want to spend your life in fear and willing to HATE other people who disagree with you then that's a far worse virus than Covid.
Get the vaccine. Wear the masks, hell, buy some REAL protection and wear a gas-mask type respirator system. Use your own judgment and agency but when you begin to demand that others obey you, you've taken on a role that is not yours to take and you can expect push-back.
Oh, there is certainly a pandemic disease abroad in the world. For about 1 in 100, it has proven fatal. The part the media fearmongers refuse to say is that nearly all of them were quite elderly, morbidly obese, or had some other form of immune-compromised issue. Why do you suppose they take such pains to keep that info quiet? If you want to spend your life in fear and willing to HATE other people who disagree with you then that's a far worse virus than Covid.
Get the vaccine. Wear the masks, hell, buy some REAL protection and wear a gas-mask type respirator system. Use your own judgment and agency but when you begin to demand that others obey you, you've taken on a role that is not yours to take and you can expect push-back.
Wait. There is a pandemic but not here?

Too bad we lead the world in deaths
I understand that. How do you explain then CDC reporting a total of 335 children (NOTE: almost ALL had comorbidity conditions) ages 17 and under have died of COVID-19, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
That is my point which I guess you missed. The total deaths 335 out of 74 million children under age 18.
The original strain, Beta?, that was dominant in the USA did not infect and spread with children at a high rate.

The Delta strain, which is dominant in the USA now, infects many more children, the more infected, the greater the chance of children getting real sick and dying from it.... Children are filling our hospitals now....a doctor on the news last night said 40% to 50% of those with covid and really sick in his hospital are children....18 years to newborns.

This could be from Delta spreading to a lot more children than previous versions and not because it is more deadly but because more children are being exposed to the delta variant,

or it could be, because most adults are vaccinated, not getting really sick, but our children are not vaccinated, so they are getting really sick at a greater rate as the percentage of infectious spread, go up?
My research team at Johns Hopkins worked with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze approximately
48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020.
Our report found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia. ...

In Switzerland in the third wave the patients were in average 5 years younger than in wave 1+2. And now starts the 4th wave (special problem "Delta"). It will need some time to find out what will be the characteristics of this wave.

As far as I know were about 50% of all hospitalized patients here in Germany under 48 years. About 1.5% of the hospitalized patients were younger than 18. Our experts suggest teens and adults to make a vaccination. And no one should forget that people are able to get covid although they are vaccinated - but the course of the disease is much more harmless if someone is vaccinated.

And masks help not to get an infection and help also not to infect others: both is important.
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No child has died of COVID....Stop trolling.

Makayla Robinson, Mississipi, 13 years - felt bad the one day - the other day she died. The two days were 13th and 14th of August 2021. Reason she died: Covid-19.
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My research team at Johns Hopkins worked with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze approximately
48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020.
Our report found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia. If that trend holds, it has significant implications for healthy kids and whether they need two vaccine doses. The National Education Associationhas been debatingwhether to urge schools to require vaccination before returning to school in person. How can they or anyone debate the issue without the right data?

And these children have had enough! If they want to wear a mask...let them... but don't force them especially when not one kid has died directly from COVID!
Your data is over a year old, which means it is useless. Another health myth?
It is elementary, my dear Watson. School boards across the nation receive special COVID funding but only if they force children to wear masks and social distance, and only if teachers and janitors are forced to get the jab. Now for the why of it. Why force children to wear masks? There are many reasons—each one no less evil than the other. Humiliation. To stunt our children's physical growth and lung capacity. To ruin our children's self-image and teach them unflinching loyalty to the State. And finally, to make mask wearing as normal as possible for them so they teach their future children masks are okay and necessary.
I have one serious problem with the anti-vaxxers and that is their calling the vaccine a jab. You apparently don't know how the shot is given. Pardon me, but your immaturity is showing.

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