How many D members of Congress will get rolled over on due to the memo?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
There are not enough members of the Obama Administration and Hillary campaign members to keep the deep state coupists out of jail. They will have to dig into their blackmail files to hand over big enough fish to stay out of jail. That is because Comey, Sztrok et al left so many highly useful notes in the files. This could get really exciting.
Absolutely none. The losers in this will be Republicans. Abusing their authority will not go over well in the midterms.
Absolutely none. The losers in this will be Republicans. Abusing their authority will not go over well in the midterms.

Abusing their authority....LOL, that's rich. Especially since the Democrats appear to have been abusing their authority.
no real reason...\

535 seats, slight less than half democrats, say, 200-250?

1/10 will be get busted.

(mostly older ones)
The SOTU is a better place to publish the memo. The president can declassify anything.

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