How many democrats own guns?

You seem like a bright guy, it puzzles me that you can't understand the logic. It's like metal detectors in the airport... A simple preventative measure to limit access the legal sale of weapons to risky individuals. Yes criminals can still get guns in the black market... some will and some won't. Not everybody is connected with illegal arms dealers...

Yet you still can't say what type of background check a thief that STOLE my gun by entering a LOCKED vehicle on PRIVATE PROPERTY where he/she didn't belong will go through for having that gun.
I did answer that... No kind of background check. bg checks have no effect on criminals that illegally buy or steal arms. Do you claim that 100% of criminals steal or illegally obtain guns and 0% are detoured from not being able to easily buy one from a store?

The laws you support won't keep criminals from getting guns because they're criminals. They will find a way to get them. The laws you support will make it harder for those that wouldn't do the things for which you use to put those laws in place.
Making somebody go through a bg check could be an instant thing, it doesn't need to be a process that makes the purchase of a gun any harder. And it definitely could prevent SOME criminals from getting weapons... Not all criminals but some. That's the point

criminals typically use other "routes" to obtain firearms

rather then going through a system they know they would fail

If it saves one life, it's worth it. If it doesn't, I hope it's you.
[. I was just making a point that logically it makes sense on a law enforcement and safety level.


I acknowledge that criminals obtain guns around the law.

Good. Now explain to us how imposing strict gun control regulation on law abiding citizens will ever change that.
What strict gun controls. All we ask is that every weapon sold legally have a background check done on the person buying it.
All you ask, huh?
How do you enforce the law that demands this be done?

My point is that when it comes to the safety of our citizens Our government has a right and responsibility to regulate.

It doesn't have the responsibility to take away our Liberties, does it?

The government ain't worth shit.

It is run by corrupt stupid shitheads elected by greedy special interest groups.

The Second Amendment was specifically designed to protect us from the oppression of government.

By the way, this is the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Athens where the people used arms to overthrow a corrupt local government.

[. I was just making a point that logically it makes sense on a law enforcement and safety level.


I acknowledge that criminals obtain guns around the law.

Good. Now explain to us how imposing strict gun control regulation on law abiding citizens will ever change that.
What strict gun controls. All we ask is that every weapon sold legally have a background check done on the person buying it.
All you ask, huh?
How do you enforce the law that demands this be done?

It's against the law to speed. How do we enforce that law? Gun shows, legal private sales, gun shops. Gun Shows and Shops are easily enforced. But it's a bit harder on private sales. Now, make it a felony to illegally sell guns. You would be surprised on how many illegal arms sales will get caught up in that. It gives the cops a tool to get those bastards behind bars. It was done with the Thompson in the late 20s. Within a decade, only gun collectors that had them legally owned them.

Now, require the AR and AK to have to have special licensing. It doesn't stop the sales since anyone that can pass a background check can get a class 4 or
D firearms license. But if that weapon is transferred illegally, then it would be a felony if it is used for a crime. Part of the licensing is securing the weapons. It's a bit more than leaning it up near the back door. It requires a gun safe that can't be easily stolen. I know a few people with SKSs, AKs and ARs that do have gun safes. This would have saved almost 100 lives in mass shootings.

My point is that when it comes to the safety of our citizens Our government has a right and responsibility to regulate.

It doesn't have the responsibility to take away our Liberties, does it?

The government ain't worth shit.

It is run by corrupt stupid shitheads elected by greedy special interest groups.

The Second Amendment was specifically designed to protect us from the oppression of government.

By the way, this is the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Athens where the people used arms to overthrow a corrupt local government.

Regulation doesn't have to mean that you don't have the right to own any gun including LAWs, full Auto AKs and M-16s, Uzis, Mac-9s, and even RPGs. Again, almost anyone can get the Firearms licenses to possess and fire these as long as they have the ability to secure the weapons. Securing an Automatic Rifle is not leaving on top of the freezer in the back porch.

My point is that when it comes to the safety of our citizens Our government has a right and responsibility to regulate.

It doesn't have the responsibility to take away our Liberties, does it?

The government ain't worth shit.

It is run by corrupt stupid shitheads elected by greedy special interest groups.

The Second Amendment was specifically designed to protect us from the oppression of government.

By the way, this is the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Athens where the people used arms to overthrow a corrupt local government.

Thats your opinion and you have every right to express it. I on the other hand am a gun owner but also see the benefits to some gun control... I don't think some psycho stalker who just got a retraining order against him should be able to walk into a store and buy a gun. Let him seek one out on the black market, maybe he will get one and use it... maybe he wont. I don't think people should be driving around with machine guns in their trucks and possess the ability to spray a crowd and kill dozens of people in a matter of seconds... Thats my two cents.
Gun registration does not make sense on a law enforcement or safety level......

I have used this before...

If I put on a gun and carry long as I do not break any laws there is no cause to arrest me....and no need to register me.

If I am stopped by police they will run my name anyway for warrants...if they see I have a gun they can run my name and birthday for felonies....they can do that right now without my registering my gun.

If I am a law abiding gun owner and I take my gun and rob a store or commit a murder...they can already arrest me without having to register my gun.

If I am a felon...I cannot legally buy, own or carry a gun...and if I am stopped by police I can already be arrested on the spot for having the gun........

If I have my gun stolen, I can already go and fill out a report with the police and give them my serial numbers...

So no....gun registration is not necessary for safety or law enforcement...
I agree it isn't necessary but it would be effective, you painted around the effective points. It's off topic though so let get back to the Vegas situation.

Refresh Vega...I don't know what you are talking about....

Vegas refresh...

I'll give you one simple example. A young man was arrested for trying to murder Trump at one of his rallies in Vegas a few weeks ago. The kid flew to Vegas, took some shots at a gun range, went to the rally and tried to steal a gun from a guard at the rally where he was then arrested. I trust you are familiar with the incident?

Now take away gun control and play out the scenario... The kid goes to a gun store and buys a gun, kid is allowed to carry the gun to the rally (a point trump and gun advocates make would have saved lives in Paris and Orlando if people were carrying)... You have any doubt that trump would be dead right now without the restrictions that took the gun out of this kids hand at this event?

Thank you...I missed that post.......before I this the English kid?

In that one was allowed into that area with a gun, American or English........even if he bought a gun he wouldn't have been able to get near trump...that is why he tried to steal the cops gun....and any other person there could have done the same thing....

Your point has no merit.......

There were people at Dallas, the Giffords shooting and at the NRA convention and the Republican convention and guns were allowed.........your scenario could have happened anyway......and it didn't.......

What strict gun controls. All we ask is that every weapon sold legally have a background check done on the person buying it. You have to admit that it just might save at least ONE life. and even one life is priceless.

Put the NRA and the Gun Nutters crede aside and do what is right for a change.

Why does a person have to get a background check when there is a Bill of Rights that says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed?

Why do we need permission form the filthy ass government to enjoy an individual right enumerated in the Bill of Rights?

How come the the assumption is that a person is guilty until proven innocent? Proven innocent by a government run by filthy ass dumbass corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

If we just want to save one life then why don't we prevent driving, swimming pools, knifes, pesticides, Big Macs and everything else in our society that is a danger?

If you just want to save one life then how about preventing abortion on demand for the sake of convenience? That would save about a million children's lives each year.
Why don't we give guns to 5 year olds?

They aren't old enough. We don't even allow 20 year olds to buy hand guns...

So we do, in fact, control who owns guns...thanks for pointing that out......

My point is that when it comes to the safety of our citizens Our government has a right and responsibility to regulate.

It doesn't have the responsibility to take away our Liberties, does it?

The government ain't worth shit.

It is run by corrupt stupid shitheads elected by greedy special interest groups.

The Second Amendment was specifically designed to protect us from the oppression of government.

By the way, this is the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Athens where the people used arms to overthrow a corrupt local government.

Thats your opinion and you have every right to express it. I on the other hand am a gun owner but also see the benefits to some gun control... I don't think some psycho stalker who just got a retraining order against him should be able to walk into a store and buy a gun. Let him seek one out on the black market, maybe he will get one and use it... maybe he wont. I don't think people should be driving around with machine guns in their trucks and possess the ability to spray a crowd and kill dozens of people in a matter of seconds... Thats my two cents.

They can buy machine guns now...they just pay more...but the can get them if they want them......and machine guns are completely illegal in France and Germany...and Britain...and their criminals get them easily...
I agree it isn't necessary but it would be effective, you painted around the effective points. It's off topic though so let get back to the Vegas situation.

Refresh Vega...I don't know what you are talking about....

Vegas refresh...

I'll give you one simple example. A young man was arrested for trying to murder Trump at one of his rallies in Vegas a few weeks ago. The kid flew to Vegas, took some shots at a gun range, went to the rally and tried to steal a gun from a guard at the rally where he was then arrested. I trust you are familiar with the incident?

Now take away gun control and play out the scenario... The kid goes to a gun store and buys a gun, kid is allowed to carry the gun to the rally (a point trump and gun advocates make would have saved lives in Paris and Orlando if people were carrying)... You have any doubt that trump would be dead right now without the restrictions that took the gun out of this kids hand at this event?

Thank you...I missed that post.......before I this the English kid?

In that one was allowed into that area with a gun, American or English........even if he bought a gun he wouldn't have been able to get near trump...that is why he tried to steal the cops gun....and any other person there could have done the same thing....

Your point has no merit.......

There were people at Dallas, the Giffords shooting and at the NRA convention and the Republican convention and guns were allowed.........your scenario could have happened anyway......and it didn't.......
Isn't your point that there shouldn't be gun control so in a 2guy world the attendees of the rally would be able to carry?

What strict gun controls. All we ask is that every weapon sold legally have a background check done on the person buying it. You have to admit that it just might save at least ONE life. and even one life is priceless.

Put the NRA and the Gun Nutters crede aside and do what is right for a change.

Why does a person have to get a background check when there is a Bill of Rights that says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed?

Why do we need permission form the filthy ass government to enjoy an individual right enumerated in the Bill of Rights?

How come the the assumption is that a person is guilty until proven innocent? Proven innocent by a government run by filthy ass dumbass corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

If we just want to save one life then why don't we prevent driving, swimming pools, knifes, pesticides, Big Macs and everything else in our society that is a danger?

If you just want to save one life then how about preventing abortion on demand for the sake of convenience? That would save about a million children's lives each year.
Why don't we give guns to 5 year olds?

They aren't old enough. We don't even allow 20 year olds to buy hand guns...

So we do, in fact, control who owns guns...thanks for pointing that out......
yes, are you ok with that? if so, why?
[. I was just making a point that logically it makes sense on a law enforcement and safety level.


I acknowledge that criminals obtain guns around the law.

Good. Now explain to us how imposing strict gun control regulation on law abiding citizens will ever change that.
What strict gun controls. All we ask is that every weapon sold legally have a background check done on the person buying it.
All you ask, huh?
How do you enforce the law that demands this be done?

It's against the law to speed. How do we enforce that law? Gun shows, legal private sales, gun shops. Gun Shows and Shops are easily enforced. But it's a bit harder on private sales. Now, make it a felony to illegally sell guns. You would be surprised on how many illegal arms sales will get caught up in that. It gives the cops a tool to get those bastards behind bars. It was done with the Thompson in the late 20s. Within a decade, only gun collectors that had them legally owned them.

Now, require the AR and AK to have to have special licensing. It doesn't stop the sales since anyone that can pass a background check can get a class 4 or
D firearms license. But if that weapon is transferred illegally, then it would be a felony if it is used for a crime. Part of the licensing is securing the weapons. It's a bit more than leaning it up near the back door. It requires a gun safe that can't be easily stolen. I know a few people with SKSs, AKs and ARs that do have gun safes. This would have saved almost 100 lives in mass shootings.

It's against the law to speed. How do we enforce that law? Gun shows, legal private sales, gun shops. Gun Shows and Shops are easily enforced. But it's a bit harder on private sales.

Really...that point again....?

We have speed limits...if you go over break the are stopped and punished...we do not give you a ticket before you break the law....

We already have gun laws that are enforced the same way....if you use a gun to commit a crime you are arrested........we do that already.....

You guys want to be Tom Cruise on a Zip Line, arresting people before they commit a crime like the movie Minority Report...did all of you guys see that movie together or what?

And private sales....are not the problem...and can put universal background checks on them and the criminal will get someone with a clean record to buy the gun.....

We already deal with private sellers....we catch criminals who use guns and they tell us who gave them the gun....then they go do a sting and arrest that person...I have linked to these stories in other threads......

If you want to address that...put more undercover cops at gun more undercover stings....just like every other crime

so how do the poor secure their weapons....who is going to pay for you want a racist law that unfairly impacts minorities and the poor? Are you a racist?

And what is it with you guys and uneccessary paperwork....what does a license do?

No one can explain the magic that a license works....other than to put a normal, law abiding gun owner in legal jepordy if they fail to get it.....then you guys can nail his ass, ruin his life........which is the real goal anyway....
Refresh Vega...I don't know what you are talking about....

Vegas refresh...

I'll give you one simple example. A young man was arrested for trying to murder Trump at one of his rallies in Vegas a few weeks ago. The kid flew to Vegas, took some shots at a gun range, went to the rally and tried to steal a gun from a guard at the rally where he was then arrested. I trust you are familiar with the incident?

Now take away gun control and play out the scenario... The kid goes to a gun store and buys a gun, kid is allowed to carry the gun to the rally (a point trump and gun advocates make would have saved lives in Paris and Orlando if people were carrying)... You have any doubt that trump would be dead right now without the restrictions that took the gun out of this kids hand at this event?

Thank you...I missed that post.......before I this the English kid?

In that one was allowed into that area with a gun, American or English........even if he bought a gun he wouldn't have been able to get near trump...that is why he tried to steal the cops gun....and any other person there could have done the same thing....

Your point has no merit.......

There were people at Dallas, the Giffords shooting and at the NRA convention and the Republican convention and guns were allowed.........your scenario could have happened anyway......and it didn't.......
Isn't your point that there shouldn't be gun control so in a 2guy world the attendees of the rally would be able to carry?

I believe in gun control...always guys say we don't because you want gun control laws that don't work....and the morons in the movement want to punish normal gun owners.

If you commit a crime with a gun, you go to jail...if you are a felon with a gun, you go to jail.......that is what we need...and to enforce it....

The Republican convention had concealed and open carry.......nothing happened......

Allowing people to carry guns at Dallas, the Giffords Rally and at the NRA and Republican conventions.......they did nothing to cause trouble......

What strict gun controls. All we ask is that every weapon sold legally have a background check done on the person buying it. You have to admit that it just might save at least ONE life. and even one life is priceless.

Put the NRA and the Gun Nutters crede aside and do what is right for a change.

Why does a person have to get a background check when there is a Bill of Rights that says that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed?

Why do we need permission form the filthy ass government to enjoy an individual right enumerated in the Bill of Rights?

How come the the assumption is that a person is guilty until proven innocent? Proven innocent by a government run by filthy ass dumbass corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

If we just want to save one life then why don't we prevent driving, swimming pools, knifes, pesticides, Big Macs and everything else in our society that is a danger?

If you just want to save one life then how about preventing abortion on demand for the sake of convenience? That would save about a million children's lives each year.
Why don't we give guns to 5 year olds?

They aren't old enough. We don't even allow 20 year olds to buy hand guns...

So we do, in fact, control who owns guns...thanks for pointing that out......
yes, are you ok with that? if so, why?

I actually think if you serve in the military you get to carry a gun off duty...even at 17.....

I don't mind having people wait for a certain age, it isn't long as at midnight they get to buy a gun on their birthday......

We can haggle over the right age......

We punish the crime, not the gun owner.....

Vegas refresh...

Thank you...I missed that post.......before I this the English kid?

In that one was allowed into that area with a gun, American or English........even if he bought a gun he wouldn't have been able to get near trump...that is why he tried to steal the cops gun....and any other person there could have done the same thing....

Your point has no merit.......

There were people at Dallas, the Giffords shooting and at the NRA convention and the Republican convention and guns were allowed.........your scenario could have happened anyway......and it didn't.......
Isn't your point that there shouldn't be gun control so in a 2guy world the attendees of the rally would be able to carry?
I believe in gun control...always guys say we don't because you want gun control laws that don't work....and the morons in the movement want to punish normal gun owners.

If you commit a crime with a gun, you go to jail...if you are a felon with a gun, you go to jail.......that is what we need...and to enforce it....

The Republican convention had concealed and open carry.......nothing happened......

Allowing people to carry guns at Dallas, the Giffords Rally and at the NRA and Republican conventions.......they did nothing to cause trouble......
Yeah, the majority of the time I would suspect that nothing would happen, but I just pointed out an example where something would have happened and Trump would be donzo right now... Kinda crazy if you think about it.

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