How many Dems would support Gavin Newsom as an alternative to Biden?

Newsom appeared on Hannity and held his own showing himself to be informed on the issues and willing to mix it up with the right.

How many Democrats would be willing to dump Biden for Newsom?

Within the last week you were here telling us Joe was Go and for Dems there was NO GO EXCEPT FOR JOE....


Now it is a Newsom trial balloon.


Newsom is a big FAIL.

The witch from Michigan would be much more ENTERTAINING....


While I no longer consider myself a member of either party, though I was a registered Republican from the time I turned 18 until the day George Jr. drove into Iraq (mind you I didn't necessarily vote the party line, in fact I was proud to vote for Tom Bradley for governor of California), I lived in California for 34 years or so and keep an eye on the state since all of my kids live there.

Based on what I've seen of Newsome, I wouldn't vote for him. Not a fan of many of his positions and policies.

But I don't think he will run. I'm not convinced he has the testicular fortitude to primary Biden. If he does and fails, it could set his aspirations back more than four years.

Remember what Emerson said, "when you strike at a king, you must kill him."

This is also why they had better get a conviction on Trump. If they don't, he will be emboldened and stronger.
I thought Biden was the best thing since sliced bread .. from the many conversations you've been engaged... Imagine Biden or Harris having this same, unscripted conversation ?

Problem for Newsom .. actions speak louder than words, and many things he discussed, like on illegal immigration, doesn't align with his narrative that he SUPPORTS in California. Newsom has demonstrated he's not against illegal immigration.
You are right. How can you go wrong with someone who got 81 million votes?
Newsome would have a hard time selling his record in California on a national level. He like all politicians would try and go to the middle but that would be a tough sell with his record.
Nobody so, why use the term in the first place troll-boi?
Because there were still Liberals and Conservatives
They look at the challenges of their era ….Liberals look to improve their society, conservatives look to maintain the status quo
Madison and Jefferson were the biggest liberal thinkers of their day

One thing is certain……they weren’t Conservatives
Okay .. awesome. It still doesn't make it synonymous, especially when you compare and contrasts the politics on the social, economic and the role of government.

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