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What will progressive attempt to blame their failed policies on?

  • On conservative policy at the federal level

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • On ā€œcorporate greedā€

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • On not implementing enough of the failed left-wing policy

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • On ā€œracismā€

    Votes: 6 66.7%

  • Total voters
  1. On conservative policy at the federal level
  2. On ā€œcorporate greedā€
  3. On not implementing enough of the failed left-wing policy
  4. On ā€œracismā€
all of the above
I love when they blame it on not enough of the failed left-wing policy. They did that with Obamaā€™s ā€œstimulusā€. When it took unemployment from 7.8% to over 10%, the left claimed it was because Obama didnā€™t spend enough. :eusa_doh:

leftists a a danger to freedom loving peoples anywhere in the world
Now California is going to provide ā€œfree incomeā€

Its welfare income, there's no such thing as free income. Its a government moocher hand out, paid for by working people.

weird-------do both husband and wife get 500 EACH MONTH? -------
how about groups? like 20 people living in a big tent in the woods
------5000 ???-------

Most likely, this idiot mayor is dumber than your average liberal. He's giving these people $500 to spend however they wish, and is convinced they will not blow it on drugs and alcohol. He says, "I want to demonstrate the people of Stockton will make good choices and the right choices for themselves and their families". Right, someone so screwed up they are flat broke will suddenly make good choices. :auiqs.jpg:
You are just pissed that you cant control their lives!
  1. On conservative policy at the federal level
  2. On ā€œcorporate greedā€
  3. On not implementing enough of the failed left-wing policy
  4. On ā€œracismā€
all of the above
I love when they blame it on not enough of the failed left-wing policy. They did that with Obamaā€™s ā€œstimulusā€. When it took unemployment from 7.8% to over 10%, the left claimed it was because Obama didnā€™t spend enough. :eusa_doh:
Just simply not true! Just look at when the stimulus actually got in to the hands of the marketplace, so it could take effect....once it did take effect, the unemployment which had risen to 10% BEFORE the stimulus hit the market, started to come down.
Now California is going to provide ā€œfree incomeā€

Its welfare income, there's no such thing as free income. Its a government moocher hand out, paid for by working people.

weird-------do both husband and wife get 500 EACH MONTH? -------
how about groups? like 20 people living in a big tent in the woods
------5000 ???-------

Most likely, this idiot mayor is dumber than your average liberal. He's giving these people $500 to spend however they wish, and is convinced they will not blow it on drugs and alcohol. He says, "I want to demonstrate the people of Stockton will make good choices and the right choices for themselves and their families". Right, someone so screwed up they are flat broke will suddenly make good choices. :auiqs.jpg:
You are just pissed that you cant control their lives!

My hourly rate is over $400 an hour, come here have one of these :itsok:
Now California is going to provide ā€œfree incomeā€

Its welfare income, there's no such thing as free income. Its a government moocher hand out, paid for by working people.

weird-------do both husband and wife get 500 EACH MONTH? -------
how about groups? like 20 people living in a big tent in the woods
------5000 ???-------

Most likely, this idiot mayor is dumber than your average liberal. He's giving these people $500 to spend however they wish, and is convinced they will not blow it on drugs and alcohol. He says, "I want to demonstrate the people of Stockton will make good choices and the right choices for themselves and their families". Right, someone so screwed up they are flat broke will suddenly make good choices. :auiqs.jpg:
You are just pissed that you cant control their lives!

My hourly rate is over $400 an hour, come here have one of these :itsok:
You can claim any hourly rate if no one is actually paying you for any hours. You spend all day posting bullshit. I'm happy with the $135/hr I get 8/hrs a day 5 days a week.
The debate has already been settled by history. Progressive nations, states, and cities collapse. Conservative nations, states, and cities thrive.

And yet - progressives always attempt to blame conservatives for their own failures. Take Detroit for instance. The ultimate progressive utopia. Over 60 years of a Democrat Mayor, over 60 years of a Democrat City Council. And the most powerful unions in the world. And what did that result in? A city that resembles a 3rd world hell-hole. A city that filed for bankruptcy. And the left desperately tries to pin it on Reagan or Bush (which fails miserably since tens of thousands of other cities all existed under the exact same laws and policies of Reagan and Bush and are thriving).

Now California is going to provide ā€œfree incomeā€ (which in itself is hysterical considering weā€™ve had that for 80 years now - itā€™s called ā€œwelfareā€). As the debt in California grows and the inevitable collapse occurs, how many different ways will the left attempt to pin the failure of their left-wing policies on the right?

California low-income residents will soon receive $500 per month, no-strings-attached income
People who confuse hatred with patriotism tend to make fools out of themselves.
Just simply not true! Just look at when the stimulus actually got in to the hands of the marketplace, so it could take effect....once it did take effect, the unemployment which had risen to 10% BEFORE the stimulus hit the market, started to come down.
Iā€™m glad you prefaced your post with ā€œjust simply not trueā€ because everything you just said is absolutely is not true.

Barack Insane Obama ā€œpromisedā€ that if the stimulus package was passed, unemployment would never reach 8%. Instead, it skyrocketed to over 10% after it was passed. That is an indisputable, undeniable fact. To the point that he actually had the audacity to joke ā€œit turns out those ā€˜shovel readyā€™ jobs werenā€™t as shovel ready as we thoughtā€. It was a catastrophic failure and even he acknowledged as much.

The turn around didnā€™t start until after the 2010 midterms when the entire nation was handed over to the Republicans. Once they started to implement conservative policy at the state and local level (such as Scott Walker in Wisconsin), things started to turn around.
You are just pissed that you cant control their lives!
Thatā€™s an idiotic thing to say. BluesLegend is not a progressive and it is only the left that wants to control everyoneā€™s lives. Stop accusing the right of the sins of the left.

You are clueless! The Right supports police state, worship government police & military. They demand people pledge allegiance to the government flag. They allowed 9/11 attacks to launch the Patriot Act to completely spy & control our lives. They conspire with globalist oligarchs to reduce wages & force hard working people on the government dole so they can control how they spend their money. That is exactly why BLUESLEGEND was pissed in that post about people getting money without strings attached.

Welfare exploded under Bush1 & Bush2, but fell under Clinton & Obama
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The Right supports police state
Uh...the left supports the police state. The right denounces it. It was Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats who expanded the Patriot Act. It was Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats who spied on reporters like Sharyl Attkisson.
worship government
Again...itā€™s the left that worships government. Itā€™s the left that feels they canā€™t survive a single day without government. Itā€™s the left that expands government. Itā€™s the left that demands more power and more money for government. The right is constantly trying to limit government to its constitutional responsibilities.
They demand people pledge allegiance to the government flag.
First of all, the right demands no such thing. They never have and they never will. Second, the flag does not belong to the government nor does it even represent the government. The flag belongs to the United States. A nation. Not a government.
They conspire with globalist oligarchs to reduce wages & force hard working people on the government dole so they can control how they spend their money.
Oh Lord...a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist. :eusa_doh:
The Right supports police state
Uh...the left supports the police state. The right denounces it. It was Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats who expanded the Patriot Act. It was Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats who spied on reporters like Sharyl Attkisson.
worship government
Again...itā€™s the left that worships government. Itā€™s the left that feels they canā€™t survive a single day without government. Itā€™s the left that expands government. Itā€™s the left that demands more power and more money for government. The right is constantly trying to limit government to its constitutional responsibilities.
They demand people pledge allegiance to the government flag.
First of all, the right demands no such thing. They never have and they never will. Second, the flag does not belong to the government nor does it even represent the government. The flag belongs to the United States. A nation. Not a government.
They conspire with globalist oligarchs to reduce wages & force hard working people on the government dole so they can control how they spend their money.
Oh Lord...a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist. :eusa_doh:
All Lies that you believe, yet facts prove opposite. That's why you avoided the welfare chart. Repubtards flood military with money, demand you obey police or die! They want to tell you how to have sex, who with & control woman's body. Since Reagan took office, every Republican President exported manufacturing jobs to screw workers & reward their corporate oligarch donors.

Democrats slash government, military to spend on educating the citizens so they are productive, live better & make more money. Republicans hate education & want to keep US stupid slaves!
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The debate has already been settled by history. Progressive nations, states, and cities collapse. Conservative nations, states, and cities thrive.

And yet - progressives always attempt to blame conservatives for their own failures. Take Detroit for instance. The ultimate progressive utopia. Over 60 years of a Democrat Mayor, over 60 years of a Democrat City Council. And the most powerful unions in the world. And what did that result in? A city that resembles a 3rd world hell-hole. A city that filed for bankruptcy. And the left desperately tries to pin it on Reagan or Bush (which fails miserably since tens of thousands of other cities all existed under the exact same laws and policies of Reagan and Bush and are thriving).

Now California is going to provide ā€œfree incomeā€ (which in itself is hysterical considering weā€™ve had that for 80 years now - itā€™s called ā€œwelfareā€). As the debt in California grows and the inevitable collapse occurs, how many different ways will the left attempt to pin the failure of their left-wing policies on the right?

California low-income residents will soon receive $500 per month, no-strings-attached income
And conservative policy got us the 2008 economic meltdown.
The debate has already been settled by history. Progressive nations, states, and cities collapse. Conservative nations, states, and cities thrive.

And yet - progressives always attempt to blame conservatives for their own failures. Take Detroit for instance. The ultimate progressive utopia. Over 60 years of a Democrat Mayor, over 60 years of a Democrat City Council. And the most powerful unions in the world. And what did that result in? A city that resembles a 3rd world hell-hole. A city that filed for bankruptcy. And the left desperately tries to pin it on Reagan or Bush (which fails miserably since tens of thousands of other cities all existed under the exact same laws and policies of Reagan and Bush and are thriving).

Now California is going to provide ā€œfree incomeā€ (which in itself is hysterical considering weā€™ve had that for 80 years now - itā€™s called ā€œwelfareā€). As the debt in California grows and the inevitable collapse occurs, how many different ways will the left attempt to pin the failure of their left-wing policies on the right?

California low-income residents will soon receive $500 per month, no-strings-attached income
The first thing they will claim is 500 isnā€™t enough and bump it to 2,000.
That's why you avoided the welfare chart. Repubtards flood military with money, demand you obey police or die!
The left demands (through government) that private enterprise serve (like slaves) homosexuals - an egregious violation of 1st Amendment rights. The left demands (through government) that private citizens perpetuate a lie and call a man a ā€œwomanā€ - an egregious violation of 1st Amendment rights. The left prevents (through violence, intimidation, and coercion) free speech and the open exchange of ideas - an egregious violation of 1st Amendment rights.

It goes on and on and on. The left wants to prevent or limit religious freedom. The left wants to prevent or limit 2nd Amendment rights. The left wants to prevent or limit free speech through political correctness and other nonsense.
The Right supports police state
Uh...the left supports the police state. The right denounces it. It was Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats who expanded the Patriot Act. It was Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats who spied on reporters like Sharyl Attkisson.
worship government
Again...itā€™s the left that worships government. Itā€™s the left that feels they canā€™t survive a single day without government. Itā€™s the left that expands government. Itā€™s the left that demands more power and more money for government. The right is constantly trying to limit government to its constitutional responsibilities.
They demand people pledge allegiance to the government flag.
First of all, the right demands no such thing. They never have and they never will. Second, the flag does not belong to the government nor does it even represent the government. The flag belongs to the United States. A nation. Not a government.
They conspire with globalist oligarchs to reduce wages & force hard working people on the government dole so they can control how they spend their money.
Oh Lord...a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist. :eusa_doh:

Capitalism requires regular bailouts from government. Looks like you bought into the ronald reagan's malarky about government is the problem. The European socialist system works much better than ours. Affordable education including higher education, and decent affordable health care through higher taxation. Of course the europeans don't spend all the money on wars for corporate profit like we do either. That's one of our biggest money drains. Anyway, remember how the socialist europeans laughed when trump said we need more immigrants from countries like Norway, not from shithole countries? Those people laugh at that. We are a shithole country compared to the Europe ones. We're more and more becoming a shithole country because of the inequality of wealth problem we have here, with most of the gains going to the ones at the very top.

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