How Many Gays Must God Create Before We Accept That He Wants Them Around?

No facts to back any of this up as usual.
Thought so.
All rank speculation.
Carry on.

Here G dawg
2 Timothy 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Reb, I was asking for facts about the posts that parental relationships caused the gay.
There is no evidence of that.
I know MANY men that had terrible fathers and none are gay.
My posts were directed at that, not any Biblical teachings.
I do not judge gay folks and treat them as 2nd class citizens because The Bible says this or that about them.
The Bible is full of contradictions, stuff that is bad stuff that no one should believe is right.

GDawg I am not trying to condemn or belittle you of your faith in your church, but even I as a sinner can see the contradictions of what your church teaches and what the Bible actually says. I think the Bible says to test the spirits to know if you are in the will of God. But that's just me, I would hate to know I placed my faith in the wrong faith or teaching.
People make stupid and ridiculous choices all the time.

They sure do (duh?) and some people are born differently than others.

Odd that so many are being born in this politically correct, "new normal" era.

Is it odd or are you really just that short-sighted? You think "more are being born"? Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe the same number are being born and that they (homosexuals) realize that society is becoming increasing more open-minded?
No. I believe the opposite. I don't believe that tons of gays are being born all of a sudden.
I believe that political correctness is manufacturing gays at a fevered pitch.
We are glorifying homosexuality, as being the "new normal". We are brainwashing our children and advocating the urge for unnatural flesh.
The Bible states that in the end times right would be wrong and wrong would be right, and this is one area that fits that description.
Our liberal school systems are targeting our children. Instead of taking them to the zoo, they are taking elementary school field trips to gay weddings. It is an agenda we are pushing, not an evolution of sexual awakening.
No. I believe the opposite. I don't believe that tons of gays are being born all of a sudden.
I believe that political correctness is manufacturing gays at a fevered pitch.
We are glorifying homosexuality, as being the "new normal". We are brainwashing our children and advocating the urge for unnatural flesh.
The Bible states that in the end times right would be wrong and wrong would be right, and this is one area that fits that description.
Our liberal school systems are targeting our children. Instead of taking them to the zoo, they are taking elementary school field trips to gay weddings. It is an agenda we are pushing, not an evolution of sexual awakening.

People are born gay or straight.
No school is taking kids to gay weddings, what did you find ONE instance of this and are making a blanket statement?
If you believe PC is manufacturing gays you are BAT SHIT CRAZY.
No one can teach you, I or anyone how to fall in love with someone.
See, that distinguishes you from those of us with a brain. You do not even know that gay folk FALL IN LOVE with other gay folk.
No one can teach anyone to be gay.
Sad that YOU are the one that is the robot indoctrinated ZOMBIE that repeats what someone at your church has taught you because you are incapabale of rational thought on your own.
Here G dawg
2 Timothy 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Reb, I was asking for facts about the posts that parental relationships caused the gay.
There is no evidence of that.
I know MANY men that had terrible fathers and none are gay.
My posts were directed at that, not any Biblical teachings.
I do not judge gay folks and treat them as 2nd class citizens because The Bible says this or that about them.
The Bible is full of contradictions, stuff that is bad stuff that no one should believe is right.

GDawg I am not trying to condemn or belittle you of your faith in your church, but even I as a sinner can see the contradictions of what your church teaches and what the Bible actually says. I think the Bible says to test the spirits to know if you are in the will of God. But that's just me, I would hate to know I placed my faith in the wrong faith or teaching.

Ok, and I see the contradictions of what your church teaches also.
Love thy neighbor is said over 250 times in the Bible.
How many times are gay folk mentioned?
Reb, I was asking for facts about the posts that parental relationships caused the gay.
There is no evidence of that.
I know MANY men that had terrible fathers and none are gay.
My posts were directed at that, not any Biblical teachings.
I do not judge gay folks and treat them as 2nd class citizens because The Bible says this or that about them.
The Bible is full of contradictions, stuff that is bad stuff that no one should believe is right.

GDawg I am not trying to condemn or belittle you of your faith in your church, but even I as a sinner can see the contradictions of what your church teaches and what the Bible actually says. I think the Bible says to test the spirits to know if you are in the will of God. But that's just me, I would hate to know I placed my faith in the wrong faith or teaching.

Ok, and I see the contradictions of what your church teaches also.
Love thy neighbor is said over 250 times in the Bible.
How many times are gay folk mentioned?

I don't have a church, but I know the bible also says homosexuality is wrong. It's not saying reject the person just the lifestyle,
I don't believe your premise.
Schools are promoting homosexuality.
Our liberal school systems believe they CAN teach, our children to choose homosexuality as an accepted norm.
If pc embraced having sex with animals, we'd have children humping sheep. Children are vulnerable. They believe what teachers tell them.
Gays may indeed fall in love with each other, just as a married man or woman may fall in love with someone other than their spouse.
You certainly can teach someone to be gay.
I worked for a man that was gay who had a friend who was also gay. The friend had a biological son and a son he adopted. They liked to sit in front of the fire and watch the 2 naked boys kissing and licking each other. Since the boys were too young to obtain an erection, they used their fingers. They are gay adults now. Had those two boys been raised in a conventional home, I think the outcome would be different.
I don't remember homosexuality ever being a topic of any sermons I have heard in church, but I have read the Bible.
I don't believe your premise.
Schools are promoting homosexuality.
Our liberal school systems believe they CAN teach, our children to choose homosexuality as an accepted norm.
If pc embraced having sex with animals, we'd have children humping sheep. Children are vulnerable. They believe what teachers tell them.
Gays may indeed fall in love with each other, just as a married man or woman may fall in love with someone other than their spouse.
You certainly can teach someone to be gay.
I worked for a man that was gay who had a friend who was also gay. The friend had a biological son and a son he adopted. They liked to sit in front of the fire and watch the 2 naked boys kissing and licking each other. Since the boys were too young to obtain an erection, they used their fingers. They are gay adults now. Had those two boys been raised in a conventional home, I think the outcome would be different.
I don't remember homosexuality ever being a topic of any sermons I have heard in church, but I have read the Bible.

You are an idiot. Even The Southern Baptist Convention acknowledges homosexuality is same sex attraction.
You can not teach sexual attraction or learn it. YOU are born with it.
Studies of twins that were seperated by adoption and adopted by seperate parents and lived 1000 miles away with NO contact over the years prove you wrong.
SBC acknowledges the attaction gay folk are born with. They state that acting on that attraction is the sin.
I do not believe your stupid ass story about the licking of each other.
Try telling the truth and get back to us. Someone needs to wash your mouth out with soap for telling stories.
From your posts that reflect how naive and gullible you are I do believe you could be influenced into believing and doing anything.
So maybe you are the missing link that COULD be taught to be gay.
I don't care how the baptists define it, although same sex attraction works just fine. If they said you had no choice considering you were born that way, I would refer them to their Bibles for correction.
You can teach a child anything. Ask Hitler.
How many twins were studied and did the study leave room for coincidence?
False doctrine is abundant in religion, so just because SBC says it's so, it doesn't MAKE it so.. Compare what you hear to what the Bible says.
Love the sinner, hate the sin. They are correct about not acting on your feelings, just as a married man or woman, tho tempted by others, should not act on their desires either.
Doesn't matter whether you believe what happened or not. It happened. No need for soap.
I don't know, you haven't been very successful in making me believe that God is responsible for your attraction to the same sex.
There is no elusive missing link.
For me to be taught something, requires you present me with facts, not wishful thinking that God wants you to be gay, because you exist and your gay. Does He condone lying because liars exist?
Does God want us to be thieves because He "created" thieves?
No. I believe the opposite. I don't believe that tons of gays are being born all of a sudden.
I believe that political correctness is manufacturing gays at a fevered pitch.
We are glorifying homosexuality, as being the "new normal". We are brainwashing our children and advocating the urge for unnatural flesh.
The Bible states that in the end times right would be wrong and wrong would be right, and this is one area that fits that description.
Our liberal school systems are targeting our children. Instead of taking them to the zoo, they are taking elementary school field trips to gay weddings. It is an agenda we are pushing, not an evolution of sexual awakening.

I see what you're saying, IR.
It's the "cool" thing nowadays. Kids are doing it for the shock value.

*No Family* has twin daughters. Never had any indication she was "gay".
She's since been with two different females but says, "I ain't going down on no girl. If she wants to do me, that's fine".

It's all just demented sexual gratification.
I see what you're saying, IR.
It's the "cool" thing nowadays. Kids are doing it for the shock value.

*No Family* has twin daughters. Never had any indication she was "gay".
She's since been with two different females but says, "I ain't going down on no girl. If she wants to do me, that's fine".

It's all just demented sexual gratification.

It is about sexual gratification. People want to define themselves by the way their satisfy themselves sexually. It doesnt make sense to me. I dont define myself as a hetrosexual just because love a beautiful woman. Im just a man.

Id much rather be defined by my character.
I see what you're saying, IR.
It's the "cool" thing nowadays. Kids are doing it for the shock value.

*No Family* has twin daughters. Never had any indication she was "gay".
She's since been with two different females but says, "I ain't going down on no girl. If she wants to do me, that's fine".

It's all just demented sexual gratification.

It is about sexual gratification. People want to define themselves by the way their satisfy themselves sexually. It doesnt make sense to me. I dont define myself as a hetrosexual just because love a beautiful woman. Im just a man.

Id much rather be defined by my character.

If the law banned you from marrying who you legally love and you spoke up for your rights you also would be labeled as defining yourself by your sexual orientation.
Being treated as 2nd class citizens has nothing to do with "gratification".
How do you expect people to take you seriously when you consistently mock people of faith, but then have no problem using it when it suits your agenda?? FUBAR

Too many "people of faith" mock common sense.
I think Satan created gays. They are an abomination. Just like Sookie and her Fairy Light.
How do you expect people to take you seriously when you consistently mock people of faith, but then have no problem using it when it suits your agenda?? FUBAR

Too many "people of faith" mock common sense.

How does that justify your mocking of common sense?

He knows it doesnt.

Its just a rhetorical dodge because he is a troll and has no sincere desire to engage in two way conversation. You are supposed to hear him and think about what he says while he just ignores anything you say. If you dont and talk back, he insults you and tries to show you are deficient in some way or else you would think like he does.

He is a schizo narcisist megalomaniac.
Children are born neither gay nor straight...

... they are born 'gender preference' neutral...

... they choose which preference to be...

... based on learning, degree of development, and life experiences.
Children are born neither gay nor straight...

... they are born 'gender preference' neutral...

... they choose which preference to be...

... based on learning, degree of development, and life experiences.


All normal people are born to enjoy pleasure. If they are taught to indulge ever pleasure to the fullest, then after a while normal pleasures are insufficient and they look for new ways to find eros.

Nature does push us to engage in sexual pleasure as this is how the species propogates, obviously, but everything outside of heterosexual sex and masturbation is an acquired taste and not an instinctive one.

I used to have a lot of gay friends back before you had to be pro-gay marriage to be a friend to most homosexuals. I have heard dozens of stories about sexual awakenings, I guess because at the time (60's through 80s) very few heterosexuals would listen to them talk about such things.

Every one of them were addicted to pornography before they had had their first homosexual experience and it was with an older homosexual. They all had issues with the relationship they had with their father, usually the father had left their family.

This isnt always the case, but based on my personal experience hearing this stuff prior to homosexuals all politicizing their sexuallity I had the strong impression that its probably a huge segment of the gay community.

Now they were all born this way and felt it from prior to puberty, lolol.
Children are born neither gay nor straight...

... they are born 'gender preference' neutral...

... they choose which preference to be...

... based on learning, degree of development, and life experiences.

Tell us about when you were choosing your sexual preference.
Your choices are straight, gay, bisexual.
How long did you contemplate choosing gay? What were your thoughts about it and how long did you think about having sex with the same sex? How long did you think about how a cock would be to have as your play thing? How it would be to have anal sex and if you would like it or not.
After all, according to you it is a choice and when you have choices you consider, weigh the pros and cons of your choices and make a choice.
Ditto for straight and bi-sexual.
So how long did you consider schlong?
Never happened that way with me Moe but if it did with you that is okay. I was born attracted to the opposite sex. Sometimes I guess folks like you are born with no sexual attraction so they have to choose between schlong and snatch and make up their minds as to what they may like.
Never in a million years here Moe. Not a chance. Doesn't work that way.
Children are born neither gay nor straight...

... they are born 'gender preference' neutral...

... they choose which preference to be...

... based on learning, degree of development, and life experiences.


All normal people are born to enjoy pleasure. If they are taught to indulge ever pleasure to the fullest, then after a while normal pleasures are insufficient and they look for new ways to find eros.

Nature does push us to engage in sexual pleasure as this is how the species propogates, obviously, but everything outside of heterosexual sex and masturbation is an acquired taste and not an instinctive one.

I used to have a lot of gay friends back before you had to be pro-gay marriage to be a friend to most homosexuals. I have heard dozens of stories about sexual awakenings, I guess because at the time (60's through 80s) very few heterosexuals would listen to them talk about such things.

Every one of them were addicted to pornography before they had had their first homosexual experience and it was with an older homosexual. They all had issues with the relationship they had with their father, usually the father had left their family.

This isnt always the case, but based on my personal experience hearing this stuff prior to homosexuals all politicizing their sexuallity I had the strong impression that its probably a huge segment of the gay community.

Now they were all born this way and felt it from prior to puberty, lolol.

Quit sharing your porn with your gay friends and making them homosexual.

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