How Many Gays Must God Create Before We Accept That He Wants Them Around?

Homosexuality is not a biological trait that can be genetically passed down to your children.

But it can be passed down as a learned behavior to the children raised by a gay parent(s)

Clearly gay parentage is not requisite.

No, but fucked-up relations with the adults in your life seems to be.

It seems that is a progenitor. Discipline and reinforcement of gender identity(too much/too little) can be cited. Open acceptance of homosexuality or homophobia in the home could lend to homosexuality. Most of the lesbians I know were raped or sexually abused by men.

There's lots of nurture arguments and very few nature arguments which I can appreciate.
Clearly gay parentage is not requisite.

No, but fucked-up relations with the adults in your life seems to be.

It seems that is a progenitor. Discipline and reinforcement of gender identity(too much/too little) can be cited. Open acceptance of homosexuality or homophobia in the home could lend to homosexuality. Most of the lesbians I know were raped or sexually abused by men.

There's lots of nurture arguments and very few nature arguments which I can appreciate.

Interestingly, it seems to me as though it's the relationship with the father and/or male adults in a child's life that really influence this, regardless of whether the person identifying as gay is male or female. Coincidentally (or not, apparently), the age of widespread single-motherhood is accompanied by more and more homosexuality and orientation confusion.
Lots of rank speculation here.
No evidence whatsoever.
I was attracted to the opposite sex FROM BIRTH.
Nothing in my upbringing would make me gay.
Interesting that there are many here that believe they were interested in being homosexual but their upbringing changed their mind.
No, but fucked-up relations with the adults in your life seems to be.

It seems that is a progenitor. Discipline and reinforcement of gender identity(too much/too little) can be cited. Open acceptance of homosexuality or homophobia in the home could lend to homosexuality. Most of the lesbians I know were raped or sexually abused by men.

There's lots of nurture arguments and very few nature arguments which I can appreciate.

Interestingly, it seems to me as though it's the relationship with the father and/or male adults in a child's life that really influence this, regardless of whether the person identifying as gay is male or female. Coincidentally (or not, apparently), the age of widespread single-motherhood is accompanied by more and more homosexuality and orientation confusion.

Any facts anywhere to back up that hog wash?
It seems that is a progenitor. Discipline and reinforcement of gender identity(too much/too little) can be cited. Open acceptance of homosexuality or homophobia in the home could lend to homosexuality. Most of the lesbians I know were raped or sexually abused by men.

There's lots of nurture arguments and very few nature arguments which I can appreciate.

Interestingly, it seems to me as though it's the relationship with the father and/or male adults in a child's life that really influence this, regardless of whether the person identifying as gay is male or female. Coincidentally (or not, apparently), the age of widespread single-motherhood is accompanied by more and more homosexuality and orientation confusion.

Any facts anywhere to back up that hog wash?

Just as soon as you prove your claim that gays aren't mentioned in the NT

Interestingly, it seems to me as though it's the relationship with the father and/or male adults in a child's life that really influence this, regardless of whether the person identifying as gay is male or female. Coincidentally (or not, apparently), the age of widespread single-motherhood is accompanied by more and more homosexuality and orientation confusion.

Any facts anywhere to back up that hog wash?

Just as soon as you prove your claim that gays aren't mentioned in the NT


That was debunked a while back, he then moved the goal post and said it wasn't God saying it. As a matter of fact gays are mentioned several times in the NT.
Interestingly, it seems to me as though it's the relationship with the father and/or male adults in a child's life that really influence this, regardless of whether the person identifying as gay is male or female. Coincidentally (or not, apparently), the age of widespread single-motherhood is accompanied by more and more homosexuality and orientation confusion.

Any facts anywhere to back up that hog wash?

Just as soon as you prove your claim that gays aren't mentioned in the NT


Uh, already cleared that up Moe.
My thoughts were that GOD did not mention homosexuality in the NT.
You know that but you arguments are so weak and juvenile on this subject you have to go back to a sliught error on my part.
The subject matter then was what God was saying in the OT and I said that homosexuality was not mentioned in the NT in that discussion.
Understand now or do I have to go short bus version for you?
Or are you just stuck on stupid?
Any facts anywhere to back up that hog wash?

Just as soon as you prove your claim that gays aren't mentioned in the NT


That was debunked a while back, he then moved the goal post and said it wasn't God saying it. As a matter of fact gays are mentioned several times in the NT.

I meant God did not mention homosexuality in the NT.
You know it also but are also stuck on stupid.
Is that the best you have reb?
Thought you had more than that, know you have more than that.
Nice try though. I do not move goal posts. However, when I was on the field they kept getting further and further away from the offense.
Any facts anywhere to back up that hog wash?

Just as soon as you prove your claim that gays aren't mentioned in the NT


Uh, already cleared that up Moe.
My thoughts were that GOD did not mention homosexuality in the NT.
You know that but you arguments are so weak and juvenile on this subject you have to go back to a sliught error on my part.
The subject matter then was what God was saying in the OT and I said that homosexuality was not mentioned in the NT in that discussion.
Understand now or do I have to go short bus version for you?
Or are you just stuck on stupid?

So God was speaking in the old testament but not the new testament? Why would God change his mind on the homosexual lifestyle? Or did gays change mans mind on God?
I will have to point out one more time that was not what you said about it being God saying it. You said their is nothing mentioned about gays in the New Testament.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness
Let me make myself perfectly clear.
Jesus doesn't either.
Christianity IS JESUS.
Not homosexuals and eating pork, shrimp and stoning women to death that run off with traveling salesman.
Just as soon as you prove your claim that gays aren't mentioned in the NT


Uh, already cleared that up Moe.
My thoughts were that GOD did not mention homosexuality in the NT.
You know that but you arguments are so weak and juvenile on this subject you have to go back to a sliught error on my part.
The subject matter then was what God was saying in the OT and I said that homosexuality was not mentioned in the NT in that discussion.
Understand now or do I have to go short bus version for you?
Or are you just stuck on stupid?

So God was speaking in the old testament but not the new testament? Why would God change his mind on the homosexual lifestyle? Or did gays change mans mind on God?
I will have to point out one more time that was not what you said about it being God saying it. You said their is nothing mentioned about gays in the New Testament.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness

Ask God yourself next time you run into him.
Love thy neighbor is what I go by.
Could care less about their sex life.
If you are infatuated with that then have at it.
Could care less. Gay boogeyman issues are NON ISSUES.
Here we have 2 wars and all the other problems in this country and busy body mother hens are worried about gay folk.
Most all secipture was translated by normal humans, 100s of them and they were not inspired by God.
That is made up goobly gook.
And I believe The Bible is the greatest book on earth.
We disagree. I respect your opinion and you do not respect mine.
Quit lecturing others and preaching at them.
That is NOT what Christ wants us to do.
Let me make myself perfectly clear.
Jesus doesn't either.
Christianity IS JESUS.
Not homosexuals and eating pork, shrimp and stoning women to death that run off with traveling salesman.

God does not mention hardly anything throughout the bible

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."
No facts to back any of this up as usual.
Thought so.
All rank speculation.
Carry on.

Here G dawg
2 Timothy 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Let me make myself perfectly clear.
Jesus doesn't either.
Christianity IS JESUS.
Not homosexuals and eating pork, shrimp and stoning women to death that run off with traveling salesman.

God does not mention hardly anything throughout the bible

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."

Reb, if you really want me to teach you about The Bible then I will.
Biblical teaching on homosexuality is sparce, limited to A FEW OT texts in Genesis and Leviticus and writings associated with Paul as Corinthians that you just posted.

I went to military school in the late 60s at the old Sewanee Military Academy and took religion in high school. A former Viet Nam combat vet taught us.
Again, MY OPINION and we were taught both sides but the translation of ANCIENT texts on homosexuality versus man/boy relationships in Roman times is NOT distinguishable in Greek translations for The King James version.
So how do YOU know for sure if the King James verison IS VERBATIM from ANCIENT texts?
Ever done any translating reb? Ever seen it done? Ever heard it done?
No facts to back any of this up as usual.
Thought so.
All rank speculation.
Carry on.

Here G dawg
2 Timothy 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Reb, I was asking for facts about the posts that parental relationships caused the gay.
There is no evidence of that.
I know MANY men that had terrible fathers and none are gay.
My posts were directed at that, not any Biblical teachings.
I do not judge gay folks and treat them as 2nd class citizens because The Bible says this or that about them.
The Bible is full of contradictions, stuff that is bad stuff that no one should believe is right.
Uh, already cleared that up Moe.
My thoughts were that GOD did not mention homosexuality in the NT.
You know that but you arguments are so weak and juvenile on this subject you have to go back to a sliught error on my part.
The subject matter then was what God was saying in the OT and I said that homosexuality was not mentioned in the NT in that discussion.
Understand now or do I have to go short bus version for you?
Or are you just stuck on stupid?

So God was speaking in the old testament but not the new testament? Why would God change his mind on the homosexual lifestyle? Or did gays change mans mind on God?
I will have to point out one more time that was not what you said about it being God saying it. You said their is nothing mentioned about gays in the New Testament.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness

Ask God yourself next time you run into him.
Love thy neighbor is what I go by.
Could care less about their sex life.
If you are infatuated with that then have at it.
Could care less. Gay boogeyman issues are NON ISSUES.
Here we have 2 wars and all the other problems in this country and busy body mother hens are worried about gay folk.
Most all secipture was translated by normal humans, 100s of them and they were not inspired by God.
That is made up goobly gook.
And I believe The Bible is the greatest book on earth.
We disagree. I respect your opinion and you do not respect mine.
Quit lecturing others and preaching at them.
That is NOT what Christ wants us to do.

It seems you use the guise that Scripture was translated by men to pick and choose that scripture that is important (AKA - what fits your opinion). If someone disagrees with you they are disrespecting you, but it is you who engage in name calling with those who disagree with you. Yet you claim to love your neighbor?

Now you tell others what Christ does and does not want them to do.........

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