How Many Gays Must God Create Before We Accept That He Wants Them Around?

God may have not indeed ‘created’ gays; fortunately the question is Constitutionally irrelevant, as one is entitled to choose in the context of the right to privacy how to best conduct his personal life, free from interference from the state:

[Homosexuals] seek to control a personal relationship that, whether or not entitled to formal recognition in the law, is within the liberty of persons to choose without being punished as criminals. The liberty protected by the Constitution allows homosexual persons the right to choose to enter upon relationships in the confines of their homes and their own private lives and still retain their dignity as free persons.


The Constitution as nothing to do with the OP so try try try again

How Many Gays Must God Create Before We Accept That He Wants Them Around?
Leviticus also says homosexuals should be stoned to death - why do you cherry pick your Bible?
And back in those days they did so. They also used to hang people in the streets but they do not do that anymore either. They used to put women out of the village when they had their menstral cycle also the lepers but we don't do many things the law spoke of then. It doesn't mean that the guidelines were wrong. What is created by two of the same gender? No children. Even many trees have to have a male and female to bear fruit so what good comes of a same gender union? The rectum is not designed for that activity. If it was it would be functional as such.

Straight people engage in anal sex, and infertile couples still have sex, even though no kids are produced.
Yes they do and again not a good idea. And yes infertile couples have sex with no children but their bodies function properly for sexual activity. Anal intercourse involves a lot of artificial means to make it happen and a good prayer that no damage is done because after you make a rip in your anal cavity there are more problems than just the embarrassment of being found out. It was bit designed for the purpose of sex and there is a lot of bacteria there and if it is damaged or torn there is a good possibility of wearing a diaper for the Reston your life and massive infection leaking into the rest of your body.
Anyone that quotes those old 3000 year old Jewish laws in the Bible as what God wants has to be a little out there.
There are so many whacky things they DO NOT LIVE BY there also.
Gay folks are the easy target. So folks single them out and go about their way and IGNORE the dozens of rules in the Old Testament.
God and especially Jesus is going to BE PISSED at how gay folk are treated.
There is no mention of them in The New Testament.

At least be honest about your lies.
Anyone that quotes those old 3000 year old Jewish laws in the Bible as what God wants has to be a little out there.
There are so many whacky things they DO NOT LIVE BY there also.
Gay folks are the easy target. So folks single them out and go about their way and IGNORE the dozens of rules in the Old Testament.
God and especially Jesus is going to BE PISSED at how gay folk are treated.
There is no mention of them in The New Testament.

At least be honest about your lies.

Honest about lies.

That's funny right there!
Anyone that quotes those old 3000 year old Jewish laws in the Bible as what God wants has to be a little out there.
There are so many whacky things they DO NOT LIVE BY there also.
Gay folks are the easy target. So folks single them out and go about their way and IGNORE the dozens of rules in the Old Testament.
God and especially Jesus is going to BE PISSED at how gay folk are treated.
There is no mention of them in The New Testament.

At least be honest about your lies.

Anyone that quotes those old 3000 year old Jewish laws in the Bible as what God wants has to be a little out there.
There are so many whacky things they DO NOT LIVE BY there also.
Gay folks are the easy target. So folks single them out and go about their way and IGNORE the dozens of rules in the Old Testament.
God and especially Jesus is going to BE PISSED at how gay folk are treated.
There is no mention of them in The New Testament.
Try a little hard.
Romans 1
1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

You need to try a little harder.
That is Paul speaking in Romans to the Jews who he is trying to sweet talk.
That was not God speaking in Romans.

I have a hard time following your logic. Old Testament is attributed to Jewish laws of which some are ignored or irrelevant. The New Testament is attributed to the authors themselves and you place Romans in a context to suit your own beliefs, thus dismissing your earlier inaccurate statement that the New Testament does not address homosexuality.

Although the Bible was written by men, the Bible states all scripture is inspired by God.

In answer to the thread question of how many homosexuals must God create the answer would be one. One might as well question how many pedophiles must God create, or how many murderers, or how many thieves. The fact is, that according to the Bible we live in a fallen world and because of this sin abounds. One of those sins, as mentioned in the Bible, is homosexuality.

It is one thing to make argument that since there is freedom of religion, adherring to Biblical principles to not grant homosexual marriage is a breach of this freedom. The counter argument is that such prohibition is for the good of society and is common to multiple religions. However, attempting to shape Christianity to suit one's lifestyle is dishonest.
Anyone that quotes those old 3000 year old Jewish laws in the Bible as what God wants has to be a little out there.
There are so many whacky things they DO NOT LIVE BY there also.
Gay folks are the easy target. So folks single them out and go about their way and IGNORE the dozens of rules in the Old Testament.
God and especially Jesus is going to BE PISSED at how gay folk are treated.
There is no mention of them in The New Testament.

At least be honest about your lies.

God did not mention them in the New Testament.
Go ahead and treat gay folk like 2nd class citizens if it makes you feel more like a macho man.
I do not need to.
Try a little hard.
Romans 1
1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

You need to try a little harder.
That is Paul speaking in Romans to the Jews who he is trying to sweet talk.
That was not God speaking in Romans.

I have a hard time following your logic. Old Testament is attributed to Jewish laws of which some are ignored or irrelevant. The New Testament is attributed to the authors themselves and you place Romans in a context to suit your own beliefs, thus dismissing your earlier inaccurate statement that the New Testament does not address homosexuality.

Although the Bible was written by men, the Bible states all scripture is inspired by God.

In answer to the thread question of how many homosexuals must God create the answer would be one. One might as well question how many pedophiles must God create, or how many murderers, or how many thieves. The fact is, that according to the Bible we live in a fallen world and because of this sin abounds. One of those sins, as mentioned in the Bible, is homosexuality.

It is one thing to make argument that since there is freedom of religion, adherring to Biblical principles to not grant homosexual marriage is a breach of this freedom. The counter argument is that such prohibition is for the good of society and is common to multiple religions. However, attempting to shape Christianity to suit one's lifestyle is dishonest.

Go ahead and believe what you want, fine with me.
But my church does not believe that and we are not so arrogant to claim that we are right and you are wrong.
Go ahead and hold the Bible and claim what you want. Have at it.
I believe differently. You are an arrogant son of a bitch to call my beliefs dishonest while demanding respect for yours.
You need to try a little harder.
That is Paul speaking in Romans to the Jews who he is trying to sweet talk.
That was not God speaking in Romans.

I have a hard time following your logic. Old Testament is attributed to Jewish laws of which some are ignored or irrelevant. The New Testament is attributed to the authors themselves and you place Romans in a context to suit your own beliefs, thus dismissing your earlier inaccurate statement that the New Testament does not address homosexuality.

Although the Bible was written by men, the Bible states all scripture is inspired by God.

In answer to the thread question of how many homosexuals must God create the answer would be one. One might as well question how many pedophiles must God create, or how many murderers, or how many thieves. The fact is, that according to the Bible we live in a fallen world and because of this sin abounds. One of those sins, as mentioned in the Bible, is homosexuality.

It is one thing to make argument that since there is freedom of religion, adherring to Biblical principles to not grant homosexual marriage is a breach of this freedom. The counter argument is that such prohibition is for the good of society and is common to multiple religions. However, attempting to shape Christianity to suit one's lifestyle is dishonest.

Go ahead and believe what you want, fine with me.
But my church does not believe that and we are not so arrogant to claim that we are right and you are wrong.
Go ahead and hold the Bible and claim what you want. Have at it.
I believe differently. You are an arrogant son of a bitch to call my beliefs dishonest while demanding respect for yours.

Your church, and you call him an arrogant son of a bitch? You're no fucking better than me a sinner. If you are a witness for your church I will never attend it.
Anyone that quotes those old 3000 year old Jewish laws in the Bible as what God wants has to be a little out there.
There are so many whacky things they DO NOT LIVE BY there also.
Gay folks are the easy target. So folks single them out and go about their way and IGNORE the dozens of rules in the Old Testament.
God and especially Jesus is going to BE PISSED at how gay folk are treated.
There is no mention of them in The New Testament.

At least be honest about your lies.

God did not mention them in the New Testament.
Go ahead and treat gay folk like 2nd class citizens if it makes you feel more like a macho man.
I do not need to.

1st sentence: That isn't what you said, originally. Put the goal posts back where you found them

2nd sentence: You have no clue how I treat "gay folk"

3rd sentence: No. You're OVER compensating

I love a gay person in the same way I love any other person. I'm commanded to.
Anyone that quotes those old 3000 year old Jewish laws in the Bible as what God wants has to be a little out there.
There are so many whacky things they DO NOT LIVE BY there also.
Gay folks are the easy target. So folks single them out and go about their way and IGNORE the dozens of rules in the Old Testament.
God and especially Jesus is going to BE PISSED at how gay folk are treated.
There is no mention of them in The New Testament.
Try a little hard.
Romans 1
1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

You need to try a little harder.
That is Paul speaking in Romans to the Jews who he is trying to sweet talk.
That was not God speaking in Romans.

Yes, it was God speaking. And he didn't change his mind in an effort to be politically correct.
He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Must be some other spirit convincing men that they should sleep with men.
You need to try a little harder.
That is Paul speaking in Romans to the Jews who he is trying to sweet talk.
That was not God speaking in Romans.

I have a hard time following your logic. Old Testament is attributed to Jewish laws of which some are ignored or irrelevant. The New Testament is attributed to the authors themselves and you place Romans in a context to suit your own beliefs, thus dismissing your earlier inaccurate statement that the New Testament does not address homosexuality.

Although the Bible was written by men, the Bible states all scripture is inspired by God.

In answer to the thread question of how many homosexuals must God create the answer would be one. One might as well question how many pedophiles must God create, or how many murderers, or how many thieves. The fact is, that according to the Bible we live in a fallen world and because of this sin abounds. One of those sins, as mentioned in the Bible, is homosexuality.

It is one thing to make argument that since there is freedom of religion, adherring to Biblical principles to not grant homosexual marriage is a breach of this freedom. The counter argument is that such prohibition is for the good of society and is common to multiple religions. However, attempting to shape Christianity to suit one's lifestyle is dishonest.

Go ahead and believe what you want, fine with me.
But my church does not believe that and we are not so arrogant to claim that we are right and you are wrong.
Go ahead and hold the Bible and claim what you want. Have at it.
I believe differently. You are an arrogant son of a bitch to call my beliefs dishonest while demanding respect for yours.

It is sad when one results to name calling and it is an indication that they have run out of ideas. Your belief that homosexuality in not mentioned in the New Testament when it clearly does state homosexuality is wrong is dishonest and I believe is an attempt to shape your belief to your life style. When one does so, one is shaping God to their own image of what they believe God should be, an act of convenience and ultimately arrogant as the creator of the universe does not revolve around your lifestyle.

And why the name calling? Simply because I stated my beliefs which are derived from the clear text of the Bible. It would appear that anyone who states an opinion that differs from your own or that of the church you attend is branded arrogant by you.

I can understand frustration of homosexuals being denied the right to marry. They desire a similar right that heterosexuals have in our society, not the same, but similar. However such an argument should not be a religious one. My concern is when homosexuals argue the Bible does not state what it actually does state and when they brand Christians as intolerant and hateful for simply following what they believe to be the clear instruction of the Bible. It would seem that the homosexual community, which claims victimhood of intolerance, is itself intolerant.
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chic fil a anyone? Homosexuals are demanding that heterosexuals accept their definition of a couple, with no regard for the opinions of others. What just happened at chic fil a is a classic example.
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What god? :lmao:

The one who was made flesh, born of a virgin, taught in Judea and Samaria, called Twelve Apostles, organized a Church, Atoned and died for the sins of the world, rising on the Third day.

He sacrificed Himself for you, for rdean, for every gay man and woman, indeed, everyone who has ever and will ever live. The one who loves you even when you spit in His eyes and mock Him.
God didn't create gays

They "chose" the perversion of homosexuality as their lifestyle all by themselves.

No they didn't. Why would anyone "choose" to be homosexual in a culture that, for the most part, is against their very way of life?

Being against something you don't understand, that's pretty typical bud.
God didn't create gays

They "chose" the perversion of homosexuality as their lifestyle all by themselves.

No they didn't. Why would anyone "choose" to be homosexual in a culture that, for the most part, is against their very way of life?

Being against something you don't understand, that's pretty typical bud.

People make stupid and ridiculous choices all the time.
God didn't create gays

They "chose" the perversion of homosexuality as their lifestyle all by themselves.

No they didn't. Why would anyone "choose" to be homosexual in a culture that, for the most part, is against their very way of life?

Being against something you don't understand, that's pretty typical bud.

People make stupid and ridiculous choices all the time.

They sure do (duh?) and some people are born differently than others.
What god? :lmao:

The one who was made flesh, born of a virgin, taught in Judea and Samaria, called Twelve Apostles, organized a Church, Atoned and died for the sins of the world, rising on the Third day.

He sacrificed Himself for you, for rdean, for every gay man and woman, indeed, everyone who has ever and will ever live. The one who loves you even when you spit in His eyes and mock Him.

You're just going to confuse him

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