How many had heard of Obama before he ran for President?

How many had heard of Obama before he ran for President.

  • I had

    Votes: 24 60.0%
  • Never heard of him

    Votes: 16 40.0%

  • Total voters
How many had heard of Obama before he ran for President.

You don't like that no one heard of Palin before McCain annointed her so did this thread? That's so cute.

As the others said, Obama spoke at the convention in 2004.

She was picked b/c McCain thought women are stupid and would vote for anyone if they were female.

Yeah...uh...of course you'd have to had have been interested enough in the DNC convention coverage to watch. if setting a precident for other support speeches...his speech for John Kerry didn't help a bit. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Ironically, there were TONS of voters who willingly admitted to not knowing who he was but that they liked him. That always made me laugh.
YOu'd have to be pretty isolated not to of heard of him. Since the 2004 election there was talk of him being a likely presidential candidate

By who???? Even the main stream media was admitting to not knowing about him when he announced his bid and the kept on with that position through most of the campaign. Then they figured out that it was probably bad to keep saying he was hardly known so they started changing their approach.

I'm sure there was SOME article written or some story aired right after the 2004 DNC that mentioned his potential place in the 2008 campaign, but it was hardly a flood of exposure.
YOu'd have to be pretty isolated not to of heard of him. Since the 2004 election there was talk of him being a likely presidential candidate

By who???? Even the main stream media was admitting to not knowing about him when he announced his bid and the kept on with that position through most of the campaign. Then they figured out that it was probably bad to keep saying he was hardly known so they started changing their approach.

I'm sure there was SOME article written or some story aired right after the 2004 DNC that mentioned his potential place in the 2008 campaign, but it was hardly a flood of exposure.

By the media. Admit all they want, where the hell would i have heard about him if not from the media?
YOu'd have to be pretty isolated not to of heard of him. Since the 2004 election there was talk of him being a likely presidential candidate

By who???? Even the main stream media was admitting to not knowing about him when he announced his bid and the kept on with that position through most of the campaign. Then they figured out that it was probably bad to keep saying he was hardly known so they started changing their approach.

I'm sure there was SOME article written or some story aired right after the 2004 DNC that mentioned his potential place in the 2008 campaign, but it was hardly a flood of exposure.

By the media. Admit all they want, where the hell would i have heard about him if not from the media?

Well, if you got your first exposure to him at the DNC, then decided to look up more info, it would probably be easy to locate. I'm just curious as to why MORE people didn't have the same knowledge base you did.

The same with Palin...She was a political figure before BO was and we didn't hear anything about her until the day they dropped her in our laps for the campaign.
How many had heard of Obama before he ran for President.

not directly by name other than as a minor Chicago/Illinois politician, but he is clearly alluded to in a novel 'When the Almond Tree Blossoms' as part a marxist junta ruling in NYC after the USA suffers a castrophic defeat during an invasion of Iran and a nation wide uprising by a marxist militia disgusive as a gaggle of community organisers (ACORN????). Book was written around 1995 & is set in the early 2000's
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I'm just wondering what weight I should give to people's political opinions if they confess tonever having heard of Obama before he announced his candidacy for POTUS.

I mean, if you aren't really keeping up with what's going on politically, then what value is your opinion on what is going on politically?
I can't stand the man's politics, but this is hands down one of my favorite quotes from a politician.

Barack Obama's 2004 DNC speech said:
The pundits, the pundits like to slice and dice our country into red states and blue States: red states for Republicans, blue States for Democrats. But I've got news for them, too. We worship an awesome God in the blue states, and we don't like federal agents poking around our libraries in the red states. We coach little league in the blue states and, yes, we've got some gay friends in the red states. There are patriots who opposed the war in Iraq, and there are patriots who supported the war in Iraq. We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America.
Well, if you got your first exposure to him at the DNC, then decided to look up more info, it would probably be easy to locate. I'm just curious as to why MORE people didn't have the same knowledge base you did.

The same with Palin...She was a political figure before BO was and we didn't hear anything about her until the day they dropped her in our laps for the campaign.

I think when it comes to Palin and Obama, most political junkies had heard of them prior to their entrance to the national spotlight. Obama was fairly well known among Democrats (and some Republicans) after his speech at the DNC, and even prior to that some folks were already talking about a bright future for him. Oprah's said in some places that she'd been watching him for a while as a rising star in politics.

Palin, by the same note, wasn't a full unknown. She had been interviewed about a possible running mate spot prior to McCain's 11th hour selection, and she had a reputation among Republicans (and some Democrats) as a reformer and rising star. I do recall hearing about her pregnancy while governor a couple of times.

In general, folks don't just "come out of no where" in politics. Its impossible to do so. If you're going to get the funding and backing you need someone has to believe in you first. That's why political junkies can talk about some of the rising stars in the 2012 election field (Tim Pawlenty, etc) and even some of the rising stars in 2016 election field (Evan Bayh). I'd even go so far to say that if you're really into politics, that you probably have already heard of all the potetnial GOP nominees in 2012 already.
Yes. I heard about him when he gave the keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004

I think your sig. is bullshit....

the quote is taken from the US treaty with Tripoli, written by diplomat Joel Barlow....obviously an appeasement to the Muslims at the time.
"Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in....etc.

Its true as far as it goes, but misleading...
The Declaration of Independence is the nations founding document...and it mentions God, the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God, the Creator, Supreme Judge of the world, and even calls on the protection of Divine Providence.

Now all that may not be specific to Christianity but it certainly implies a country that recognized God from its inception....
To deny this obvious fact is just the re-writing of history and a lie.
I'm just wondering what weight I should give to people's political opinions if they confess tonever having heard of Obama before he announced his candidacy for POTUS.

I mean, if you aren't really keeping up with what's going on politically, then what value is your opinion on what is going on politically?

oh shutup. personally, I don't give a rat's ass what "weight" you give to my political opinion or anybody who didn't keep up with community organizers and jr. senators. But if you're going to come out against some of them, you need to take 'em all down. So you can start with those who voted for him and didn't know who he was.
I can't stand the man's politics, but this is hands down one of my favorite quotes from a politician.

Barack Obama's 2004 DNC speech said:
The pundits, the pundits like to slice and dice our country into red states and blue States: red states for Republicans, blue States for Democrats. But I've got news for them, too. We worship an awesome God in the blue states, and we don't like federal agents poking around our libraries in the red states. We coach little league in the blue states and, yes, we've got some gay friends in the red states. There are patriots who opposed the war in Iraq, and there are patriots who supported the war in Iraq. We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America.

Wow...i wonder who wrote that line for him?
How many had heard of Obama before he ran for President.

When he appeared at the Democratic national Convention in 2004, I knew he would be the chosen one, I mean that was his coming out party. The new and improved liberal. They set set Hillary aside for younger and more charismatic. The new liberal media darling

He had been a freshman senator. I said out loud, OMG, this is the lefts new tool, watch the faces of those on the floor listening to him :rolleyes:

LOL, he talks about jobs and Government is not the answer :lol:

[ame=""]YouTube - Barack Obama 2004 DNC Speech Part 1[/ame]

Oh, and he said he is "a believer in knowing what you are doing, when you apply for a job"

[ame=]YouTube - Obama 2004: I can't see running for president[/ame]

Of course you realize that at this point that Chrissy Matthews got that tingle that ran up his leg and straight into his brain.
I bet many of bankers he is making rich today heard of him back in 1993. I knew nothing of him until he ran for pres. His relationship to the banking industry has been kept in the dark.

As have his college papers, grades and lots of other things he keeps hidden. Why?
Yes. I heard about him when he gave the keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004

I think your sig. is bullshit....

the quote is taken from the US treaty with Tripoli, written by diplomat Joel Barlow....obviously an appeasement to the Muslims at the time.
"Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in....etc.

Its true as far as it goes, but misleading...
The Declaration of Independence is the nations founding document...and it mentions God, the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God, the Creator, Supreme Judge of the world, and even calls on the protection of Divine Providence.

Now all that may not be specific to Christianity but it certainly implies a country that recognized God from its inception....
To deny this obvious fact is just the re-writing of history and a lie.

You mean like how Thomas Jefferson was a Deist who believed in a completely non-interventionalist God, going as far as writing his own version of the Bible with all the miracles removed?
Yes. I heard about him when he gave the keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004

I think your sig. is bullshit....

the quote is taken from the US treaty with Tripoli, written by diplomat Joel Barlow....obviously an appeasement to the Muslims at the time.
"Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in....etc.

Its true as far as it goes, but misleading...
The Declaration of Independence is the nations founding document...and it mentions God, the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God, the Creator, Supreme Judge of the world, and even calls on the protection of Divine Providence.

Now all that may not be specific to Christianity but it certainly implies a country that recognized God from its inception....
To deny this obvious fact is just the re-writing of history and a lie.

You mean like how Thomas Jefferson was a Deist who believed in a completely non-interventionalist God, going as far as writing his own version of the Bible with all the miracles removed?

Thats got nothing to do with my post...try staying on topic or just STFU and admit you made a mistake.
I think your sig. is bullshit....

the quote is taken from the US treaty with Tripoli, written by diplomat Joel Barlow....obviously an appeasement to the Muslims at the time.
"Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in....etc.

Its true as far as it goes, but misleading...
The Declaration of Independence is the nations founding document...and it mentions God, the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God, the Creator, Supreme Judge of the world, and even calls on the protection of Divine Providence.

Now all that may not be specific to Christianity but it certainly implies a country that recognized God from its inception....
To deny this obvious fact is just the re-writing of history and a lie.

You mean like how Thomas Jefferson was a Deist who believed in a completely non-interventionalist God, going as far as writing his own version of the Bible with all the miracles removed?

Thats got nothing to do with my post...try staying on topic or just STFU and admit you made a mistake.

A mistake?

By directly and correctly quoting a document bearing John Adam's signature?

Not quite, try again.

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