How many hospitals will close

Typical Texas. I wouldn't want to be treated where significant numbers of staff did not believe in modern established science and medicine. Glad I don't live there.
Yeah right.........I'm sure the first words out of your mouth in the middle of a heart attack would be are you vaxxed.....lllmmmaooo
Yeah right.........I'm sure the first words out of your mouth in the middle of a heart attack would be are you vaxxed.....lllmmmaooo
Nope. Our hospital has instituted same requirements for staff to be vaccinated by a certain date or have waiver. Besides, I have had a full cardiac work up, including stress test, ultra sound, the works, with a top flight cardiologist, along with lung X-rays and CT scan within the last 5 years, just to be sure. I have the circulatory system of a 45 year old. I leave very little to chance.
Nope. Our hospital has instituted same requirements for staff to be vaccinated by a certain date or have waiver. Besides, I have had a full cardiac work up, including stress test, ultra sound, the works, with a top flight cardiologist, along with lung X-rays and CT scan within the last 5 years, just to be sure. I have the circulatory system of a 45 year old. I leave very little to chance.
You would still be crying Dr save me instead of worrying about his vax. And some of you staff will walk or retire....tick tock
Science like natural immunity...
You never know if you have any natural immunity until you get the disease and fight it off without serious complications, like I did. There is no test for that, I am aware of. I have enhanced immunity, due to having the disease early, the antibodies and now being fully vaccinated.
Or maybe they know something you don’t.
Possible, but I went with the science and best recommendation, like I always have and like 179,695,287 people in this country or 55% of the population of the United States that are fully vaccinated. 64% or at least 210,361,099 have had at least one dose. On medical or science, I rarely side with the minority view. Works for me.
Via vax mandate? You are safe now citizen

Always glad to see Biddum stick his old, spotted, bald, stupid head into one more thing and royally fuck it up with good intentions! I hope the idiot closes many hospitals and finally causes a widespread health crisis on top of already having one!

At least he's not Trump, right? :smoke:
You would still be crying Dr save me instead of worrying about his vax. And some of you staff will walk or retire....tick tock
I just take precautions and look at all the available info the way you paid me to and still take positive steps to stand the best chance of walking out of anything I walk into, and do my best to keep options open.
Typical Texas. I wouldn't want to be treated where significant numbers of staff did not believe in modern established science and medicine. Glad I don't live there.
“Modern established science”?

There are no long term studies for these WuFlu vaccines. There is nothing “established” about them.
“Modern established science”?

There are no long term studies for these WuFlu vaccines. There is nothing “established” about them.
I just don't believe in siding with the minority opinion. It's not a matter of everybody's out of step but little Johnny. The rugged individualists are filling up the ICUs and the portable overflow refrigerated morgue vans.
I just don't believe in siding with the minority opinion. It's not a matter of everybody's out of step but little Johnny. The rugged individualists are filling up the ICUs and the portable overflow refrigerated morgue vans.
The ICUs are full of obese people. The news just won’t talk about that though. And hey, if you are obese and/or old with other health issues, then sure, go ahead and get the shot.

Young healthy people however, have no need for it.
White 6
The virus has exploded due to the hundreds of thousands of illegal filth your fake president let in
Also many folks with previous lung and heart problems
It’s a minor pandemic compared to the “Spanish Flu”
The ICUs are full of obese people. The news just won’t talk about that though. And hey, if you are obese and/or old with other health issues, then sure, go ahead and get the shot.

Young healthy people however, have no need for it.
There were 5 anti-vax radio talk show hosts up until last month and this month that agreed with you. Did you send flowers?

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