How many lies are in this Trump tweet???

It's the tremendous bragging on himself that floors me. All the lies are just right wing propaganda he heard on Fox. To pat himself on the back THAT hard in public...I'm just plain embarrassed for him.
how much dumbshit is in nat's threads?

Of course, the above moron cannot address the question posed.....But, he is "good " at bumping a
The good news is there are no lies in his post
Your post, like so many posts that defend Trump, is a lie in itself. Everything in the OP tweet is false and Trump standard lies.
but hating America/whites/cops like Obama does is OK????!!!
It's baffling how libs have not figured out the purpose of many of TRUMP's tweets is to mess with you guys and get you all worked up in a frenzy, simply for our amusement.

how much dumbshit is in nat's threads?

Of course, the above moron cannot address the question posed.....But, he is "good " at bumping a
The good news is there are no lies in his post
Your post, like so many posts that defend Trump, is a lie in itself. Everything in the OP tweet is false and Trump standard lies.
but hating America/whites/cops like Obama does is OK????!!!
You are a delusional liar and America has rejected your kind. Your time has passed and your kind will continue to grow weaker as time goes by.
It's the tremendous bragging on himself that floors me. All the lies are just right wing propaganda he heard on Fox. To pat himself on the back THAT hard in public...I'm just plain embarrassed for him.
...well--winning the election against great odds with the powerful MSM against him--I'd say he has room to brag
It's baffling how libs have not figured out the purpose of many of TRUMP's tweets is to mess with you guys and get you all worked up in a frenzy, simply for our amusement.

Purpose of Trump's lies is to continue to dupe and con his base.
how much dumbshit is in nat's threads?

Of course, the above moron cannot address the question posed.....But, he is "good " at bumping a
The good news is there are no lies in his post
Your post, like so many posts that defend Trump, is a lie in itself. Everything in the OP tweet is false and Trump standard lies.
but hating America/whites/cops like Obama does is OK????!!!
You are a delusional liar and America has rejected your kind. Your time has passed and your kind will continue to grow weaker as time goes by.
so you are ok with racists?!!!
Jeremiah Wright: Revisiting Obama’s anti-Semitic pastor
Gingrich: Obama got a 'pass' on Rev. Wright controversy
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America
hahahahhahah--slam dunk
Of course, the above moron cannot address the question posed.....But, he is "good " at bumping a
The good news is there are no lies in his post
Your post, like so many posts that defend Trump, is a lie in itself. Everything in the OP tweet is false and Trump standard lies.
but hating America/whites/cops like Obama does is OK????!!!
You are a delusional liar and America has rejected your kind. Your time has passed and your kind will continue to grow weaker as time goes by.
so you are ok with racists?!!!
Jeremiah Wright: Revisiting Obama’s anti-Semitic pastor
Gingrich: Obama got a 'pass' on Rev. Wright controversy
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America
hahahahhahah--slam dunk
Only true losers have to deflect to Obama and Hillary to defend Trump. Old boring nonsense "What about" nonsense echoes of defeat and desperation. I informed you, your kinds time is over and done.
It's baffling how libs have not figured out the purpose of many of TRUMP's tweets is to mess with you guys and get you all worked up in a frenzy, simply for our amusement.

And you think that kind of juvenile behavior is dignified and Presidential?
Well, actually we are by now kind of used to the liar-in-chief's bullshit, but just for fum, can you spot the several inaccuracies in this latest tirade by the megalomaniac?

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

How do you impeach a president who has won perhaps the greatest election of all time, done nothing wrong (no Collusion with Russia, it was the Dems that Colluded), had the most successful first two years of any president, and is the most popular Republican in party history 93%?

5:16 AM - 4 Jan 2019
All four of Trump's claim are untrue. Call them exaggerations or lies, they are untrue assertions and distortions of truth.
Not really, you think it wasn't the greatest election because you lost. But i think it was because Hillary lost. So he is telling the truth, even if you don't think so.

Tale care of your orange-tainted
Natty WTF?

There is no doubt Donnie is a narcissistic blowhard but so was Big Ears, and you absolutely ADORED Him. So again, WTF?

First, I don't "adore" any politician....

BUT, much more important, where the fuck di Obama EVER told such an amount of continuous lies direct solely toward you cult members?
Not really, you think it wasn't the greatest election because you lost. But i think it was because Hillary lost. So he is telling the truth, even if you don't think so.

Tale care of your orange-tainted
How are those brown lips looking on you? I'm sure they are permanently colored for the eight years you polished Obama's knob 24/7. Anyway it's very amusing how Trump is making liberals lose what little bit of a mind you have. Go Trump!
The President is just feeding those who have become dependent on his morning Tweets. What would Liberals and their Media do without them? If he stopped, you would all go into Tweet withdrawal.
It's baffling how libs have not figured out the purpose of many of TRUMP's tweets is to mess with you guys and get you all worked up in a frenzy, simply for our amusement.

NO, you fucking moron, Trump's tweets are not to "work us up".....His tweets is to remind YOU cult members that you simply CANNOT use common sense and you MUST swallow his crap without ever using logic........Keep your mouth wide-open and keep swallowing his bullshit and "cheer.".

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