how many lies will trump supporters swallow and defend

poor things....the lies are the only transparent thing in trumps white house...

obama has a 10 ft wall around his house....

even with photos proving otherwise
dunno. but after the left has defended:
33k e-mail deletions
secret tarmac meetings
hate txt messages
FISA warnings of improper procedure
comey not even validating the steele report
spying on journalists and breaking into their computers
spying on congress itself

and hell, i can go on and on and on. all this is defended by the left, you've given the right a lot of leeway to do just about anything w/o question cause that's the precedent set.

The answer to your question is easy. Many Trump supporters not only do not care that Trump lies, but they relish it. They bathe in his lies. That many Trump supporters are led by lies only makes them more dependent on Trump. Like a drug they need more lies to get their high of maybe like an abused spouse they just accept it.
what you refuse to accept is the left does the very same thing to their own lies.

we've made right and wrong purely emotional based on whether or not we like you. what is wrong for me could be right for you if you want it to be. kinda dangerous and has nothing to do with one side or the other but all of us playing some stupid child like game of "they did it first".


Washington Post Falsely Denies Existence of Wall Around Obama Home

Maybe it's more like 7 or 8 feet? Some more of those metal slats, huh? Neighbors say the fencing that's been added is exactly like the fencing around their homes, fitting in nicely.

I will note that the Secret Service insisted the fencing/walls be added when the Obamas bought the place. Even they don't want to play tag with people violating the property line. In areas where there is a lot of foot traffic, there is no reason we shouldn't have a physical barrier on the border. BOTH enhanced security equipment and more personnel AND fencing/walls. BOTH. I don't see why people in D.C. keep insisting it be either/or. BOTH.

Looks like a wall to me ...
I see none of the TDS'rs want to comment
On the pic. Also in the article it was noted that there is an added security booth. Hmm
Maybe the op didn't read the whole link before posting it?

Another day....

More blatant hypocrisy and lies from the left wing sheep.

Why is a negro like obama living in a predominantly white neighborhood?

Is his man wife proud now?
Seriously I have to laugh about those comparing a wall around a House and a 2000 mile wall on the southern border. It is like comparing constructing a toothpick house to constructing the empire state building.
Its the principal. Especially when mst of the politicians spouted a wall is needed. Personally, if I had a daughter who was a child and needed to go to a public bathroom, I would build a wall around her so a man with a dress on can not molest her. But that is just me. We all make comparisons.
You guys are totally missing the big picture and the brilliance of Trumps strategy, with the faux "Obama Wall" trial balloon he's just proven one thing.

He doesn't actually have to build a wall on the border, he just has to say that he's built a wall on the border, his base will believe it no matter what evidence is presented to the contrary, the Democrats will run around pulling their hair out, screaming "THERE'S NO FUCKING WALL THERE !" and it'll be just as an effective deterrent to illegal entry as if he had built a wall on the border.


He will have to show some physical progress.
Why? As we've just seen, his base will believe there is a wall even if it doesn't really exist or heck he can just tell 'em it's an invisible wall and they'll buy that too.

And btw the Obama's do have extraordinary security.... Many people who did not know that will know it now.

Yeah I know the Obama's have "extraordinary security", for example, they've apparently got invisible 10 foot high deflector shields surrounding their home.

"Raise Shields!" -- James T. Kirk, The Wrath of Khan
Wow looks like this thread backfired pretty big. Lol


Not in the least, all of the Trump sheep came out and defended their god. Then the racist Trump sheep got involved and made it about race.

Pretty typical day for the Trump sheep.

Washington Post Falsely Denies Existence of Wall Around Obama Home

Maybe it's more like 7 or 8 feet? Some more of those metal slats, huh? Neighbors say the fencing that's been added is exactly like the fencing around their homes, fitting in nicely.

I will note that the Secret Service insisted the fencing/walls be added when the Obamas bought the place. Even they don't want to play tag with people violating the property line. In areas where there is a lot of foot traffic, there is no reason we shouldn't have a physical barrier on the border. BOTH enhanced security equipment and more personnel AND fencing/walls. BOTH. I don't see why people in D.C. keep insisting it be either/or. BOTH.
Wow looks like this thread backfired pretty big. Lol


Not in the least, all of the Trump sheep came out and defended their god. Then the racist Trump sheep got involved and made it about race.

Pretty typical day for the Trump sheep.

Yeah um nope....


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You guys are totally missing the big picture and the brilliance of Trumps strategy, with the faux "Obama Wall" trial balloon he's just proven one thing.

He doesn't actually have to build a wall on the border, he just has to say that he's built a wall on the border, his base will believe it no matter what evidence is presented to the contrary, the Democrats will run around pulling their hair out, screaming "THERE'S NO FUCKING WALL THERE !" and it'll be just as an effective deterrent to illegal entry as if he had built a wall on the border.


He will have to show some physical progress.
Why? As we've just seen, his base will believe there is a wall even if it doesn't really exist or heck he can just tell 'em it's an invisible wall and they'll buy that too.

And btw the Obama's do have extraordinary security.... Many people who did not know that will know it now.

Yeah I know the Obama's have "extraordinary security", for example, they've apparently got invisible 10 foot high deflector shields surrounding their home.

"Raise Shields!" -- James T. Kirk, The Wrath of Khan
Even if doesn't "really exist?"

Please explain.

Seems to me that you don't believe the proof and you drone on about us?

I will be waiting for you to explain how a wall doesn't "really exist" around the negro marxist elite home in a predominantly white neighborhood, when there is a wall around the negro marxists house in a predominantly white neighborhood.

Certainly does not have one in a shithole neighborhood or shithole country, now does he. When I say shithole, you know what I am referring to....right?

Certainly not one in those shitholes.

Lol at liberals and the bullshit they spread.
You guys are totally missing the big picture and the brilliance of Trumps strategy, with the faux "Obama Wall" trial balloon he's just proven one thing.

He doesn't actually have to build a wall on the border, he just has to say that he's built a wall on the border, his base will believe it no matter what evidence is presented to the contrary, the Democrats will run around pulling their hair out, screaming "THERE'S NO FUCKING WALL THERE !" and it'll be just as an effective deterrent to illegal entry as if he had built a wall on the border.


He will have to show some physical progress.
Why? As we've just seen, his base will believe there is a wall even if it doesn't really exist or heck he can just tell 'em it's an invisible wall and they'll buy that too.

And btw the Obama's do have extraordinary security.... Many people who did not know that will know it now.

Yeah I know the Obama's have "extraordinary security", for example, they've apparently got invisible 10 foot high deflector shields surrounding their home.

"Raise Shields!" -- James T. Kirk, The Wrath of Khan
Even if doesn't "really exist?"

Please explain.

Seems to me that you don't believe the proof and you drone on about us?

I will be waiting for you to explain how a wall doesn't "really exist" around the negro marxist elite home in a predominantly white neighborhood, when there is a wall around the negro marxists house in a predominantly white neighborhood.

Certainly does not have one in a shithole neighborhood or shithole country, now does he. When I say shithole, you know what I am referring to....right?

Certainly not one in those shitholes.

Lol at liberals and the bullshit they spread.

Yeah I mean did this jamoke even check to see before he busted in here thumping his chest about a claim? The only thing the Washington Post story did was make more people look at a wall that does indeed exist that they may not have known about but know about now.


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