How many millions did Dems spend on impeachment?

The last thing Trump wanted was a nice long investigation while his obstruction of Congressional subpoenas worked their way up to the Supreme Court where he would have had his balls hand to him by the judges.

Then we'd be hearing even more sordid details of his extortion racket.
A lot less than they spent investigating and impeaching Clinton for a blowjob.

At least he got a FAIR INVESTIGATION and TRIAL, and it wasn't for a BLOW JOB, you lying sack of shit. He LIED TO CONGRESS, UNDER OATH.

Clean up your act and quit LYING.
Clinton was impeached for totally unimportant nonsense.

"Fair investigation"? :auiqs.jpg:

Let's force Trump under oath and grill him about his sex life.
Hey... I might even agree that I don't give a flyin' fuck who was sucking that shysters johnson, but the fact of the matter remains, he DID IT IN THE OVAL OFFICE, and then LIED TO CONGRESS ABOUT IT UNDER OATH. He'd have been FAR better off had he just ADMITTED IT, like has been said for decades now.

And yes, the investigation took 1,500 DAYS, and he was ALLOWED to CALL WITNESSES, CROSS EXAMINE, YOU KNOW, all the things that TRUMP WASN'T ALLOWED in ScHITt's KANGAROO IMPEACHMENT.
It's funny. Out of one side of your mouths, you whine the impeachment went too fast. Out of the other side of your mouths, you whine Trump's impeachment started three years ago.

The Republicans investigated Clinton for four years. They started in his FIRST term, and continued well into his SECOND term. They went on a wild witch hunt. Whitewater, Troopergate, Travelgate, Vince Foster.

After chowing down on nothing burgers for FOUR YEARS, they finally landed on a blue dress and nailed him for a blowjob.

Pretty pathetic. They impeached him over totally unimportant nonsense.
Can't help it if the clintons are some of the most corrupt trash to ever soil Washington, and they still are.

Here they are: Hillary's 22 biggest scandals ever - WND

Corruption and collusion

And try and cross them either, or your name will appear on their list of those who did that now are taking a dirt nap...

UPDATED: The Clinton Kill List: Full list of people "mysteriously dead" after working with Clintons

Funny how you worship such filthy corrupt bastards.
Oh wow. There's always a whackjob conspiracy theorist inside every Trumptard.

Careful. There's a homophobe on this forum who thinks people who peddle conspiracy theories should be jailed.
So, in other words, nowhere near close to the money the pubes wasted on the endless Benghazi hearings.
What a STUPID comment. FOUR PEOPLE DIED a HORRENDOUS DEATH while Hitlery and the Kenyan FINGER FUCKED THEMSELVES, and then they LIED about it.

There is no comparison. For Christ sake, get a fucking clue.
And yet after THIRTY-THREE HEARINGS, the Republicans couldn't pin anything on Obama or Hillary.

House Republican says Benghazi committee was "designed" to hit Clinton

Benghazi committee meant to hurt Hillary Clinton, says GOP congressman

Well duhh. What did you think would happen with an Obama-sympathetic DOJ?

I suppose you'll be saying AG Barr is "biased" when he starts locking people up?
The hearings were done by the Republicans in Congress, dumbass.


They came up with jackshit.
Matters not. What was the reason for the investigations to begin ? Matters not the outcomes neither.
As it says in plain text. The reason was to try to stain Hillary for the 2016 election. It was political.

At least he got a FAIR INVESTIGATION and TRIAL, and it wasn't for a BLOW JOB, you lying sack of shit. He LIED TO CONGRESS, UNDER OATH.

Clean up your act and quit LYING.
Clinton was impeached for totally unimportant nonsense.

"Fair investigation"? :auiqs.jpg:

Let's force Trump under oath and grill him about his sex life.
Hey... I might even agree that I don't give a flyin' fuck who was sucking that shysters johnson, but the fact of the matter remains, he DID IT IN THE OVAL OFFICE, and then LIED TO CONGRESS ABOUT IT UNDER OATH. He'd have been FAR better off had he just ADMITTED IT, like has been said for decades now.

And yes, the investigation took 1,500 DAYS, and he was ALLOWED to CALL WITNESSES, CROSS EXAMINE, YOU KNOW, all the things that TRUMP WASN'T ALLOWED in ScHITt's KANGAROO IMPEACHMENT.
It's funny. Out of one side of your mouths, you whine the impeachment went too fast. Out of the other side of your mouths, you whine Trump's impeachment started three years ago.

The Republicans investigated Clinton for four years. They started in his FIRST term, and continued well into his SECOND term. They went on a wild witch hunt. Whitewater, Troopergate, Travelgate, Vince Foster.

After chowing down on nothing burgers for FOUR YEARS, they finally landed on a blue dress and nailed him for a blowjob.

Pretty pathetic. They impeached him over totally unimportant nonsense.
Can't help it if the clintons are some of the most corrupt trash to ever soil Washington, and they still are.

Here they are: Hillary's 22 biggest scandals ever - WND

Corruption and collusion

And try and cross them either, or your name will appear on their list of those who did that now are taking a dirt nap...

UPDATED: The Clinton Kill List: Full list of people "mysteriously dead" after working with Clintons

Funny how you worship such filthy corrupt bastards.
Oh wow. There's always a whackjob conspiracy theorist inside every Trumptard.

Careful. There's a homophobe on this forum who thinks people who peddle conspiracy theories should be jailed.
Ran out of steam, didn't ya, demtard... :lol:

Back to just talking your usual bull shit now.
Whenever someone out here in real life goes into histrionics and cries alligator tears over the Four Dead Americans™, I like to ask them what their names were.

Much hilarity follows.

I bet none of you know, either. You are all full of shit. You just wanted to see Clinton damaged. You don't give a flying fuck about the dead guys.
Clinton was impeached for totally unimportant nonsense.

"Fair investigation"? :auiqs.jpg:

Let's force Trump under oath and grill him about his sex life.
Hey... I might even agree that I don't give a flyin' fuck who was sucking that shysters johnson, but the fact of the matter remains, he DID IT IN THE OVAL OFFICE, and then LIED TO CONGRESS ABOUT IT UNDER OATH. He'd have been FAR better off had he just ADMITTED IT, like has been said for decades now.

And yes, the investigation took 1,500 DAYS, and he was ALLOWED to CALL WITNESSES, CROSS EXAMINE, YOU KNOW, all the things that TRUMP WASN'T ALLOWED in ScHITt's KANGAROO IMPEACHMENT.
It's funny. Out of one side of your mouths, you whine the impeachment went too fast. Out of the other side of your mouths, you whine Trump's impeachment started three years ago.

The Republicans investigated Clinton for four years. They started in his FIRST term, and continued well into his SECOND term. They went on a wild witch hunt. Whitewater, Troopergate, Travelgate, Vince Foster.

After chowing down on nothing burgers for FOUR YEARS, they finally landed on a blue dress and nailed him for a blowjob.

Pretty pathetic. They impeached him over totally unimportant nonsense.
Can't help it if the clintons are some of the most corrupt trash to ever soil Washington, and they still are.

Here they are: Hillary's 22 biggest scandals ever - WND

Corruption and collusion

And try and cross them either, or your name will appear on their list of those who did that now are taking a dirt nap...

UPDATED: The Clinton Kill List: Full list of people "mysteriously dead" after working with Clintons

Funny how you worship such filthy corrupt bastards.
Oh wow. There's always a whackjob conspiracy theorist inside every Trumptard.

Careful. There's a homophobe on this forum who thinks people who peddle conspiracy theories should be jailed.
Ran out of steam, didn't ya, demtard... :lol:

Back to just talking your usual bull shit now.
I don't waste my time with idiot whackjobs who subscribe to retarded conspiracy theories. You are too mentally ill.
"Look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. They tried to impeach him, which was nonsense." - Donald J. Trump
How many millions of dollars did the Dems waste on this circus? Anyone have a figure? All because of Hate. Their hate of anything Trump has cost millions. Wouldn't Dems have rather spent the money benefitting something they believe in... Like social programs, abortion rights, the LGBTQ+ community, citizenship for illegal immigrants, and all that they consider scared? Hey, its YOUR money, too bad your HATE wasted all this money on nothing. Trump is still going to be Pres, and probably be reelected.

What a shame that Dems wasted so much money out of sheer hatred.

Worse than that, it is essentially tax payer money being spent on their campaign, because this whole farce is a campaign stunt to make Trump look bad. The Democrats should be sued by the GOP for whatever the amount is so that they can spend the same amounts on their campaigns
Whenever someone out here in real life goes into histrionics and cries alligator tears over the Four Dead Americans™, I like to ask them what their names were.

Much hilarity follows.

I bet none of you know, either. You are all full of shit. You just wanted to see Clinton damaged. You don't give a flying fuck about the dead guys.
Hitlery and the kenyan sure didn't give a fuck about them either... they're the ones that let them die a horrific death... and then lied about it.

Benghazi Attack Talking Points from CIA Edited by White House, Obama Administration

Trump believes Clinton was impeached over totally unimportant nonsense.

Yet he wanted Bush impeached by his friend Nancy Pelosi and forcibly removed from office for lying about WMDs. He's even got all you cucks to shut up about WMDs and to trash Bush.

Trump also spent several years as a birther trying to get Obama forcibly removed from office.

What you are seeing, ladies and gentlemen, is the hand of karma bitch slapping the New York con artist in the mouth.

The end.
"Look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. They tried to impeach him, which was nonsense." - Donald J. Trump
In context, karma-wise, it's even worse for Trump:

That Time Trump Called for George W Bush's Impeachment - and Dismissed Bill Clinton's as 'Nonsense' (Video)

Wolf Blitzer on Twitter


BLITZER: Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker?

TRUMP: When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I'm very impressed by her. I think she's a very impressive person, I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It just seemed like she was really going to look to impeach Bush and get him out of office. Which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing.

BLITZER: To impeach him?

TRUMP: For the war! For the war! Well, he lied! He got us into the war with lies! I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. They tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying. By saying they had weapons of mass destruction.
Last edited:
Whenever someone out here in real life goes into histrionics and cries alligator tears over the Four Dead Americans™, I like to ask them what their names were.

Much hilarity follows.

I bet none of you know, either. You are all full of shit. You just wanted to see Clinton damaged. You don't give a flying fuck about the dead guys.
Hitlery and the kenyan sure didn't give a fuck about them either... they're the ones that let them die a horrific death... and then lied about it.

Benghazi Attack Talking Points from CIA Edited by White House, Obama Administration

The case needs to be ongoing until justice prevails. Many cases run for years as the wheels of justice grind ever so slowly.
How many millions did Dems spend on impeachment?
Much less than taxpayers have spent on Trump's golf trips.
Ohhh bullcrap.

See for yourself: Trump Golf Count


“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016


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