How many new wars has Trump started?

Trump is too chicken to do anything, just ask the Iranians...
Ask the now-dead commander of the Iranian Republican Guard.
That war was started during Carter..
And how many presidents later before their commander was taken out?
Which commander there has been several.
You aren’t serious? Or maybe you are...
I bet he is already replaced by his second in command.
The last 40 2nds in command have all been killed; they're up to the 41st 2nd in command.
Of course that means nothing because Trump has a R next to his name.
No, it doesn't mean anything no matter what name is used. Just like when we lose a general there is another to take their place and life continues as it has before.
I no longer believe you since the only politician you seem to have a beef with is Trump.
Trump is too chicken to do anything, just ask the Iranians...
Ask the now-dead commander of the Iranian Republican Guard.
That war was started during Carter..
And how many presidents later before their commander was taken out?
Which commander there has been several.
You aren’t serious? Or maybe you are...
I bet he is already replaced by his second in command.
The last 40 2nds in command have all been killed; they're up to the 41st 2nd in command.
Of course that means nothing because Trump has a R next to his name.
No, it doesn't mean anything no matter what name is used. Just like when we lose a general there is another to take their place and life continues as it has before.
You have no idea the value of Soleimani to Iran...
Trump is too chicken to do anything, just ask the Iranians...
Like dropping the MOAB on ISIS?
Why are you so full of shit lately?
Yes, that war had already been engaged since before Trump..
And Trump stopped it with one bomb...and no one died.
ISIS still exist, ah yes...
Trump got them on the run.
And you are claiming that recent the international elimination of their leaders is pointless?
You have become very intellectually dishonest.
Running is not the same as dead is it?
Did I say ISIS was dead or did I say Trump wasn't shy about attempting to bomb the shit out of them once and for all?
Obama was a pussy,
Trump claimed ISIS was 100% dead..

... as a fighting force!

Why do you leave that out?
Trump is too chicken to do anything, just ask the Iranians...
Like dropping the MOAB on ISIS?
Why are you so full of shit lately?
Yes, that war had already been engaged since before Trump..
And Trump stopped it with one bomb...and no one died.
ISIS still exist, ah yes...
Trump got them on the run.
And you are claiming that recent the international elimination of their leaders is pointless?
You have become very intellectually dishonest.
Running is not the same as dead is it?
Did I say ISIS was dead or did I say Trump wasn't shy about attempting to bomb the shit out of them once and for all?
Obama was a pussy,
Trump claimed ISIS was 100% dead..
Give me the names of those still alive.

Trump is too chicken to do anything, just ask the Iranians...
Like dropping the MOAB on ISIS?
Why are you so full of shit lately?
Yes, that war had already been engaged since before Trump..
And Trump stopped it with one bomb...and no one died.
ISIS still exist, ah yes...
Trump got them on the run.
And you are claiming that recent the international elimination of their leaders is pointless?
You have become very intellectually dishonest.
Running is not the same as dead is it?
Did I say ISIS was dead or did I say Trump wasn't shy about attempting to bomb the shit out of them once and for all?
Obama was a pussy,
Trump claimed ISIS was 100% dead..
Give me the names of those still alive.

Why don't you since you know everything, yet ISIS is still active and is existing.
Trump is too chicken to do anything, just ask the Iranians...
Like dropping the MOAB on ISIS?
Why are you so full of shit lately?
Yes, that war had already been engaged since before Trump..
And Trump stopped it with one bomb...and no one died.
ISIS still exist, ah yes...
Trump got them on the run.
And you are claiming that recent the international elimination of their leaders is pointless?
You have become very intellectually dishonest.
Running is not the same as dead is it?
Did I say ISIS was dead or did I say Trump wasn't shy about attempting to bomb the shit out of them once and for all?
Obama was a pussy,
Trump claimed ISIS was 100% dead..
Give me the names of those still alive.

Why don't you since you know everything, yet ISIS is still active and is existing.
And because 1/3rd of Muslims believe in Jihad, Trump is to blame.
Are you and your Liberal pals that stupid?
Trump is too chicken to do anything, just ask the Iranians...
Like dropping the MOAB on ISIS?
Why are you so full of shit lately?
Yes, that war had already been engaged since before Trump..
And Trump stopped it with one bomb...and no one died.
ISIS still exist, ah yes...
Trump got them on the run.
And you are claiming that recent the international elimination of their leaders is pointless?
You have become very intellectually dishonest.
Running is not the same as dead is it?
Did I say ISIS was dead or did I say Trump wasn't shy about attempting to bomb the shit out of them once and for all?
Obama was a pussy,
Trump claimed ISIS was 100% dead..
Give me the names of those still alive.

Why don't you since you know everything, yet ISIS is still active and is existing.
And because 1/3rd of Muslims believe in Jihad, Trump is to blame.
Are you and your Liberal pals that stupid?
Nobody but you is blaming Trump for what Muslims do..
Trump is too chicken to do anything, just ask the Iranians...
Ask the now-dead commander of the Iranian Republican Guard.
That war was started during Carter..
And how many presidents later before their commander was taken out?
Which commander there has been several.
You aren’t serious? Or maybe you are...
I bet he is already replaced by his second in command.
The last 40 2nds in command have all been killed; they're up to the 41st 2nd in command.
Of course that means nothing because Trump has a R next to his name.
No, it doesn't mean anything no matter what name is used. Just like when we lose a general there is another to take their place and life continues as it has before.
I no longer believe you since the only politician you seem to have a beef with is Trump.
I have a beef with all of them but since Trump is currently the president I have a beef with him-Derpa...
Trump is too chicken to do anything, just ask the Iranians...
Like dropping the MOAB on ISIS?
Why are you so full of shit lately?
Yes, that war had already been engaged since before Trump..
And Trump stopped it with one bomb...and no one died.
ISIS still exist, ah yes...
Trump got them on the run.
And you are claiming that recent the international elimination of their leaders is pointless?
You have become very intellectually dishonest.
Running is not the same as dead is it?
Did I say ISIS was dead or did I say Trump wasn't shy about attempting to bomb the shit out of them once and for all?
Obama was a pussy,
Trump claimed ISIS was 100% dead..
Give me the names of those still alive.

Why don't you since you know everything, yet ISIS is still active and is existing.
And because 1/3rd of Muslims believe in Jihad, Trump is to blame.
Are you and your Liberal pals that stupid?
Nobody but you is blaming Trump for what Muslims do..
Thanks for admitting your ISIS related posts have been pointless.
Trump is too chicken to do anything, just ask the Iranians...
Ask the now-dead commander of the Iranian Republican Guard.
That war was started during Carter..
And how many presidents later before their commander was taken out?
Which commander there has been several.
You aren’t serious? Or maybe you are...
I bet he is already replaced by his second in command.
The last 40 2nds in command have all been killed; they're up to the 41st 2nd in command.
Of course that means nothing because Trump has a R next to his name.
No, it doesn't mean anything no matter what name is used. Just like when we lose a general there is another to take their place and life continues as it has before.
I no longer believe you since the only politician you seem to have a beef with is Trump.
I have a beef with all of them but since Trump is currently the president I have a beef with him-Derpa...
What's your beef?
Too many offers coming in?
Too much construction here in NYS too...and Florida...and almost everywhere else!
Trump really sucks causing so many people to make money...worst President ever!
Trump is too chicken to do anything, just ask the Iranians...
Like dropping the MOAB on ISIS?
Why are you so full of shit lately?
Yes, that war had already been engaged since before Trump..
And Trump stopped it with one bomb...and no one died.
ISIS still exist, ah yes...
Trump got them on the run.
And you are claiming that recent the international elimination of their leaders is pointless?
You have become very intellectually dishonest.
Running is not the same as dead is it?
Did I say ISIS was dead or did I say Trump wasn't shy about attempting to bomb the shit out of them once and for all?
Obama was a pussy,
Trump claimed ISIS was 100% dead..
Give me the names of those still alive.

Why don't you since you know everything, yet ISIS is still active and is existing.
And because 1/3rd of Muslims believe in Jihad, Trump is to blame.
Are you and your Liberal pals that stupid?
Nobody but you is blaming Trump for what Muslims do..
Thanks for admitting your ISIS related posts have been pointless.
I can't help if Trump is scared to go to war.
Trump is too chicken to do anything, just ask the Iranians...
Ask the now-dead commander of the Iranian Republican Guard.
That war was started during Carter..
And how many presidents later before their commander was taken out?
Which commander there has been several.
You aren’t serious? Or maybe you are...
I bet he is already replaced by his second in command.
The last 40 2nds in command have all been killed; they're up to the 41st 2nd in command.
Of course that means nothing because Trump has a R next to his name.
No, it doesn't mean anything no matter what name is used. Just like when we lose a general there is another to take their place and life continues as it has before.
I no longer believe you since the only politician you seem to have a beef with is Trump.
I have a beef with all of them but since Trump is currently the president I have a beef with him-Derpa...
What's your beef?
Too many offers coming in?
Too much construction here in NYS too...and Florida...and almost everywhere else!
Trump really sucks causing so many people to make money...worst President ever!
I worked in construction for forty years is Trump supposed to get credit for the past forty years also? Do you have shrines erected for presidential worship?
When did Trumpetes stop being colonial imperialist?
When we’re we ever? How many times do we have to tell you we don’t give a shit about these other countries before you finally understand?

What is amazingly stupid about his remark is that this is one of the reasons Trump was elected, because he flat out said "I don't care about these countries, why are we fighting for them?"
Trump is too chicken to do anything, just ask the Iranians...
Iranians aren't harassing our navy like they were when Obungo was President.
So, what is Trump going to do to stop it?
If he attacks them, you'll say he's a war monger and if he does nothing, you'll say he's a wimp.
In other words, Orange Man Bad!
Show me where I said he was a war monger, I have said the opposite that you can find coming from my keyboard not what you try to project.
Trump is too chicken to do anything, just ask the Iranians...
Ask the now-dead commander of the Iranian Republican Guard.
That war was started during Carter..
And how many presidents later before their commander was taken out?
Which commander there has been several.
You aren’t serious? Or maybe you are...
I bet he is already replaced by his second in command.
The last 40 2nds in command have all been killed; they're up to the 41st 2nd in command.
Of course that means nothing because Trump has a R next to his name.
No, it doesn't mean anything no matter what name is used. Just like when we lose a general there is another to take their place and life continues as it has before.
I no longer believe you since the only politician you seem to have a beef with is Trump.
I have a beef with all of them but since Trump is currently the president I have a beef with him-Derpa...
What's your beef?
Too many offers coming in?
Too much construction here in NYS too...and Florida...and almost everywhere else!
Trump really sucks causing so many people to make money...worst President ever!
I worked in construction for forty years is Trump supposed to get credit for the past forty years also? Do you have shrines erected for presidential worship?
For the 100th time, my son-in-law is in Commercial Real Estate and until Trump eliminated a ton of bullshit regulations, Commercial and Residential construction was dead from 2008 and on.
Yep, fancy apartment buildings were going up in major cities, but that was relegated to the super wealthy who were using illegals to build them.
Hell, seeing residential buildings going up in Miami during Obama when the workers were illegals and the apartments cost 50 million a piece wasn't helping American citizens.
Trump is too chicken to do anything, just ask the Iranians...
Iranians aren't harassing our navy like they were when Obungo was President.
So, what is Trump going to do to stop it?
If he attacks them, you'll say he's a war monger and if he does nothing, you'll say he's a wimp.
In other words, Orange Man Bad!
Show me where I said he was a war monger, I have said the opposite that you can find coming from my keyboard not what you try to project.
Tell us something you like about Trump.

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