How Many Of Hillary's 'Emails' Were Classified?

May 4, 2022

How Many Of 'Her Emails' Were Classified? Actually, Zero​


Nearly every day fresh revelations emerge in the federal investigation of the national security and presidential records that Donald Trump purloined from the White House. So far, his alibis have been exposed one after another as empty, and we have seen no adequate public reckoning of why he took those papers, what he meant to do with them, how some went missing, or even exactly how many documents he hijacked to his Florida estate.

As more and more evidence of the former president’s reckless and potentially criminal misconduct comes to light, he and his defenders keep pointing to “her emails.” They insist that because the Justice Department declined prosecution of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after a long and thorough probe of how she handled allegedly classified information, there should be no investigation, let alone indictment or conviction of Trump.

But while we don’t yet know the extent or nature of Trump’s abuse of classified documents, we can determine how many were found by investigators, after exhaustive searches, among Clinton’s thousands of State Department emails.

nuf said
How would we know?

30,000 emails, on an illegal hidden server, were erased. The fact that they existed at all and were erased is illegal in itself.
Well you know by looking up what evidence was found. Playing the magic mystery game is a dead end

How Many Of 'Her Emails' Were Classified? Actually, Zero​

View attachment 823902

Nearly every day fresh revelations emerge in the federal investigation of the national security and presidential records that Donald Trump purloined from the White House. So far, his alibis have been exposed one after another as empty, and we have seen no adequate public reckoning of why he took those papers, what he meant to do with them, how some went missing, or even exactly how many documents he hijacked to his Florida estate.

As more and more evidence of the former president’s reckless and potentially criminal misconduct comes to light, he and his defenders keep pointing to “her emails.” They insist that because the Justice Department declined prosecution of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after a long and thorough probe of how she handled allegedly classified information, there should be no investigation, let alone indictment or conviction of Trump.

But while we don’t yet know the extent or nature of Trump’s abuse of classified documents, we can determine how many were found by investigators, after exhaustive searches, among Clinton’s thousands of State Department emails.

nuf said
Actually you're a liar.

FBI Directory Comey said there was a shitload of them that were classified......and if they were ever planning on enforcing the law, they would have arrested her and charged her with obstruction of justice and destroying classified information.

Hillary wasn't the GD president for Christ's sakes.

Yet they have the nerve to charge Trump with that for documents they already knew he had and never tried to hide.

How Many Of 'Her Emails' Were Classified? Actually, Zero​

View attachment 823902

Nearly every day fresh revelations emerge in the federal investigation of the national security and presidential records that Donald Trump purloined from the White House. So far, his alibis have been exposed one after another as empty, and we have seen no adequate public reckoning of why he took those papers, what he meant to do with them, how some went missing, or even exactly how many documents he hijacked to his Florida estate.

As more and more evidence of the former president’s reckless and potentially criminal misconduct comes to light, he and his defenders keep pointing to “her emails.” They insist that because the Justice Department declined prosecution of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after a long and thorough probe of how she handled allegedly classified information, there should be no investigation, let alone indictment or conviction of Trump.

But while we don’t yet know the extent or nature of Trump’s abuse of classified documents, we can determine how many were found by investigators, after exhaustive searches, among Clinton’s thousands of State Department emails.

nuf said
She destroyed them with bleach bit, and the DOJ snickered.
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Actually you're a liar.

FBI Directory Comey said there was a shitload of them that were classified......and if they were ever planning on enforcing the law, they would have arrested her and charged her with obstruction of justice and destroying classified information.

Hillary wasn't the GD president for Christ's sakes.

Yet they have the nerve to charge Trump with that for documents they already knew he had and never tried to hide.
Lisping Weirdo Mudtwithle Alert!

I know. We all know. You have a long history of spouting nonsensical protests, of making ignorant comments, and worse: you hardly read/view/listen to things you comment upon.

The accurate and definitive answer is zero – although few if any news outlets have informed the public of that startling fact. Moreover, it is a fact that the Trump administration itself confirmed three years ago.

In the recent coverage that references her emails, former FBI Director James Comey is sometimes quoted as saying that of the 33,000 Clinton emails examined by bureau investigators, three had classification markings. That’s less than one-hundredth of one percent, and not worth comparing to Trump’s malfeasance anyway, but it’s still false -- apparently meant to bolster Comey’s absurd claim that other Clinton emails were “classified” although never marked as such.

Those three State Department documents were “call sheets,” innocuous memos reminding Clinton to make scheduled phone calls. During her FBI interview, investigators showed her one of those memos, reminding her to place a condolence call to the president of Malawi--not exactly a top secret matter. As Comey himself later admitted, any classification marking on that sheet had been wrongly applied.
How would we know?

30,000 emails, on an illegal hidden server, were erased. The fact that they existed at all and were erased is illegal in itself.
The server was not illegal :auiqs.jpg:

When it comes to Hillary, you people just cannot help making shit up. It's a sport for normal people -- watching you all enter the conspiracy zone.
She had no need to keep a private server if she wasn't doing anything corrupt.

Hillary Clinton has been cleared for a second time by the FBI over her use of a private email server while secretary of state. What's it all about?
In July, an FBI investigation concluded no "reasonable prosecutor" would bring a criminal case against Mrs Clinton, but that she and her aides were "extremely careless" in their handling of classified information.

Then the FBI surprised everyone, 11 days before the election, by announcing it was examining newly discovered emails sent or received by Hillary Clinton.

Two days before voting booths opened across the nation, FBI Director James Comey announced he was standing by his original assessment - that Mrs Clinton should not face criminal charges.
So how did we get here?

We don’t know and will never know because they went through and clean the devices before handing them over Voice text. I will stop Someday, Someday soon

Hillary Clinton has been cleared for a second time by the FBI over her use of a private email server while secretary of state. What's it all about?
In July, an FBI investigation concluded no "reasonable prosecutor" would bring a criminal case against Mrs Clinton, but that she and her aides were "extremely careless" in their handling of classified information.

Then the FBI surprised everyone, 11 days before the election, by announcing it was examining newly discovered emails sent or received by Hillary Clinton.

Two days before voting booths opened across the nation, FBI Director James Comey announced he was standing by his original assessment - that Mrs Clinton should not face criminal charges.
So how did we get here?

Bag of stupid feces the entire government is in the pocket of the communist takeover don’t come to us with criminals, investigating, criminals and clearing, criminals custom royal but you scam. Voice text
We don’t know and will never know because they went through and clean the devices before handing them over Voice text. I will stop Someday, Someday soon
The server was not illegal

When it comes to Hillary, you people just cannot help making shit up. It's a sport for normal people -- watching you all enter the conspiracy zone.
The server was not illegal

When it comes to Hillary, you people just cannot help making shit up. It's a sport for normal people -- watching you all enter the conspiracy zone.

Fag, it’s probably a violation to conduct foreign business behind a unmonitored email address, whereas if she could use the government 8 AM email I would have a complete record of every send out receive instead they have what’s up in your head nothingness
This is how you make deals selling them or uranium set it all up in the secret to Hillaryclinton Atlee No one’s all the wiser until the press gets a hold of it six months later.
Don’t go down for it down to Dante Tontitown to Dante Dante, Dante, Dante, Dante why are you bringing up Hillary Clinton is some sort of deflection from what you evil busterds are going to President Trump. It won’t work douche

How Many Of 'Her Emails' Were Classified? Actually, Zero​

View attachment 823902

Nearly every day fresh revelations emerge in the federal investigation of the national security and presidential records that Donald Trump purloined from the White House. So far, his alibis have been exposed one after another as empty, and we have seen no adequate public reckoning of why he took those papers, what he meant to do with them, how some went missing, or even exactly how many documents he hijacked to his Florida estate.

As more and more evidence of the former president’s reckless and potentially criminal misconduct comes to light, he and his defenders keep pointing to “her emails.” They insist that because the Justice Department declined prosecution of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after a long and thorough probe of how she handled allegedly classified information, there should be no investigation, let alone indictment or conviction of Trump.

But while we don’t yet know the extent or nature of Trump’s abuse of classified documents, we can determine how many were found by investigators, after exhaustive searches, among Clinton’s thousands of State Department emails.

nuf said
Hillary's emails didn't go through proper channels to BE classified so technically you're right but that doesn't change the fact that she had sensitive information on her servers even after paying a professional to "bleach" them! Nuf said? Hillary broke the law and even that POS James Comey admitted that when he was letting her off the hook for what she'd done!

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