How Many Of You Have Never Committed A Crime?

Have you broken the law some time in your life?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I'm a Democrat so the law doesn't apply to me the way it does to Republicans

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How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.

1990's are calling and asking do you remember Whitewater and how in the end all they got Slick Willy for is lying about a blow job under oath?

Edit note:

I have broken the law so many times by only spent one day in jail.
At least they started with an actual crime.
They don't even have one in this case.

Trump wasn't even officially under investigation.

They even recommended Comey's firing.

What this has turned into is nothing more than and endless search for crimes and political harassment. Congress will try to talk us into allowing impeachment, but thanks to Mad Maxine, they've already shown their hand. So, they're harassing Trump into cleaning house. Until he does, they'll just keep breaking into people's homes without probable-cause.
More trump garbage.
They did not "break into his home"
Try some research
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
this is the level of pathetic desperation that Trump lovers have come to?

After years of making excuses for Hillary and Obama you best defense is ignore the facts and claim that Trump supporters are as sycophantic as you are.
I didn't investigate the Clintons for over 20 years and only come back with a perjury charge over something that had ZERO to do with a land deal....

Neither did I make whine posts about it basically saying "aren't we all guilty somehow??"

This is all you, own it
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
this is the level of pathetic desperation that Trump lovers have come to?

The basic TardLogic™ of Trump's piss drinkers.

"Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!"

But don't lock up Traitor Trump because we have all broken the speed limit at some time or another.

It's downright Orwellian.

The reason these tards' heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance due to their own contradictions is because that would require cognition.

They are just brainless parrots.
I like to refer to them as reprogrammable meat-bags...

When the time comes, their software will be wiped clean and reprogrammed to worship a new cult leader...and they will forget everything they said or supported before that....

They did it with Bush, McCain, Romney, etc...
That's rich!!!

Considering you are probably one of those piss drinkers that swallowed every scheme the left comes up with. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.
Well, we know where our zero college white boy is coming from.
Nothing like a made up mind
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
this is the level of pathetic desperation that Trump lovers have come to?

The basic TardLogic™ of Trump's piss drinkers.

"Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!"

But don't lock up Traitor Trump because we have all broken the speed limit at some time or another.

It's downright Orwellian.

The reason these tards' heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance due to their own contradictions is because that would require cognition.

They are just brainless parrots.
I like to refer to them as reprogrammable meat-bags...

When the time comes, their software will be wiped clean and reprogrammed to worship a new cult leader...and they will forget everything they said or supported before that....

They did it with Bush, McCain, Romney, etc...
That's rich!!!

Considering you are probably one of those piss drinkers that swallowed every scheme the left comes up with. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.
Not at all, I support policies, not politicians -- this is why idiots like you look like idiots constantly...

None of this is about policy for you cult followers, its all about trying to defend anything your cult leader does, even when it DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS whatever policies you idiots claimed to support....

You did it with Bush -- first you claimed you were all for Iraq until Trump told you to be against you folks pretend Bush didn't exist, because Trump told you to.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.

1990's are calling and asking do you remember Whitewater and how in the end all they got Slick Willy for is lying about a blow job under oath?

Edit note:

I have broken the law so many times by only spent one day in jail.
At least they started with an actual crime.
They don't even have one in this case.

Trump wasn't even officially under investigation.

They even recommended Comey's firing.

What this has turned into is nothing more than and endless search for crimes and political harassment. Congress will try to talk us into allowing impeachment, but thanks to Mad Maxine, they've already shown their hand. So, they're harassing Trump into cleaning house. Until he does, they'll just keep breaking into people's homes without probable-cause.[/QUOTE
Star Wars, talk about living in the past.
Another old white fart sucking off his socialist Medicare, SS VA benefits
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
this is the level of pathetic desperation that Trump lovers have come to?

After years of making excuses for Hillary and Obama you best defense is ignore the facts and claim that Trump supporters are as sycophantic as you are.
I didn't investigate the Clintons for over 20 years and only come back with a perjury charge over something that had ZERO to do with a land deal....

Neither did I make whine posts about it basically saying "aren't we all guilty somehow??"

This is all you, own it

Remember the 12 Benghazi sweaty trey investigations.
Got nothing.
4 years
And the trumpies whine about M?
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
this is the level of pathetic desperation that Trump lovers have come to?

After years of making excuses for Hillary and Obama you best defense is ignore the facts and claim that Trump supporters are as sycophantic as you are.
And how many violations did ken Starr and our recent supreme guy charge Hillary with?
How many years, how much $ ?
Yeah, they've already racked up a few indictments and guilty pleas, so they haven't had to search for a crime very hard.

Also, Mueller doesn't have the goal or the ability to overturn the election results. Even if President Trump gets impeached and removed tomorrow, it won't automagically make Hillary Clinton President.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
this is the level of pathetic desperation that Trump lovers have come to?

After years of making excuses for Hillary and Obama you best defense is ignore the facts and claim that Trump supporters are as sycophantic as you are.
I didn't investigate the Clintons for over 20 years and only come back with a perjury charge over something that had ZERO to do with a land deal....

Neither did I make whine posts about it basically saying "aren't we all guilty somehow??"

This is all you, own it

Remember the 12 Benghazi sweaty trey investigations.
Got nothing.
4 years
And the trumpies whine about M?
Memory is kryptonite to a Trump supporter...

Deep down, I believe they know how delusional they must appear to sane people -- but they will gladly remain delusional if they think it pisses off the libs

Meanwhile, when the dust settles on the Trump presidency, they will pretend they never really supported Trump like that, they were just against Hillary...and then the cycle repeats with their next cult leader...
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
this is the level of pathetic desperation that Trump lovers have come to?

After years of making excuses for Hillary and Obama you best defense is ignore the facts and claim that Trump supporters are as sycophantic as you are.
I didn't investigate the Clintons for over 20 years and only come back with a perjury charge over something that had ZERO to do with a land deal....

Neither did I make whine posts about it basically saying "aren't we all guilty somehow??"

This is all you, own it

Remember the 12 Benghazi sweaty trey investigations.
Got nothing.
4 years
And the trumpies whine about M?
Memory is kryptonite to a Trump supporter...

Deep down, I believe they know how delusional they must appear to sane people -- but they will gladly remain delusional if they think it pisses off the libs

Meanwhile, when the dust settles on the Trump presidency, they will pretend they never really supported Trump like that, they were just against Hillary...and then the cycle repeats with their next cult leader...

You can't find a single Romney or McCain supporter any more.

Someday, you won't be able to find a Trump supporter.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.

I've never lied to federal investigators. I've never commited Conspiracy against the United States. I've never lied to Congress. I've never cheated on my taxes. Or cheated on my taxes to the tune of millions of dollars. I've never embezzled money. I've never made secret payments to pornstars to try and circumvent Campaign Finance Laws.

Which puts me head and shoulders above so many of Trump's 'best people'.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
I don't remember any pseudocons asking if anyone had never committed a crime when Clinton was being impeached.

Because the fucker was caught red handed for perjury and obstruction and plead to both.

So let's put Trump under oath and see what shakes out.
Let's not, you fucking douchebag. Let's indict Hillary instead.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
I don't remember any pseudocons asking if anyone had never committed a crime when Clinton was being impeached.

Because the fucker was caught red handed for perjury and obstruction and plead to both.

So let's put Trump under oath and see what shakes out.
Let's not, you fucking douchebag. Let's indict Hillary instead. know that Trump wouldn't be able to keep from perjuring himself on the stand for even 5 minutes.

Its one of the major downsides of being a pathological liar who is easily flustered.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.

wow, amazing what you rightwing tools tell yourselfs when faced with a simple fact that you voted for a fraudster duechebag like Trump.

And he could leave office tomorrow and I still wouldn't regret my vote, he kept the bitch out of the WH, mission accomplished.


In your narrow tunnel vision you only see the politics of now and not the steep long term cost to the conservative brand.

The movement is a joke at this point and whatever you think you've accomplished by hitching your wagon to this amoral huckster will be undone three-fold in just a few election seasons.

Screw yourself, I helped prevent more long term damage to my country at the hands of you commies. Trump has done a lot of good reversing much of the programs you commies instituted that was harming the country. I care about his actions, nothing else, don't like it, tough.


"Commies"? You are nuts.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
this is the level of pathetic desperation that Trump lovers have come to?

After years of making excuses for Hillary and Obama you best defense is ignore the facts and claim that Trump supporters are as sycophantic as you are.
I didn't investigate the Clintons for over 20 years and only come back with a perjury charge over something that had ZERO to do with a land deal....

Neither did I make whine posts about it basically saying "aren't we all guilty somehow??"

This is all you, own it
Who's been investigating the Clintons for 20 years??
And the only reason the Clintons haven't gone to jail before now is because they either buy their way out of it or the witnesses end up committing suicide.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
this is the level of pathetic desperation that Trump lovers have come to?

The basic TardLogic™ of Trump's piss drinkers.

"Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!"

But don't lock up Traitor Trump because we have all broken the speed limit at some time or another.

It's downright Orwellian.

The reason these tards' heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance due to their own contradictions is because that would require cognition.

They are just brainless parrots.
I like to refer to them as reprogrammable meat-bags...

When the time comes, their software will be wiped clean and reprogrammed to worship a new cult leader...and they will forget everything they said or supported before that....

They did it with Bush, McCain, Romney, etc...
That's rich!!!

Considering you are probably one of those piss drinkers that swallowed every scheme the left comes up with. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.
Not at all, I support policies, not politicians -- this is why idiots like you look like idiots constantly...

None of this is about policy for you cult followers, its all about trying to defend anything your cult leader does, even when it DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS whatever policies you idiots claimed to support....

You did it with Bush -- first you claimed you were all for Iraq until Trump told you to be against you folks pretend Bush didn't exist, because Trump told you to.
Considering the fact that I've been in Kuwait, trained some of their troops, and seen what Saddam did to that place, I felt he needed payback for all of the rapes, murder, and Biblical level pillaging he did there.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
I don't remember any pseudocons asking if anyone had never committed a crime when Clinton was being impeached.

Because the fucker was caught red handed for perjury and obstruction and plead to both.

So let's put Trump under oath and see what shakes out.
Let's not, you fucking douchebag. Let's indict Hillary instead. know that Trump wouldn't be able to keep from perjuring himself on the stand for even 5 minutes.

Its one of the major downsides of being a pathological liar who is easily flustered.
More horseshit supported by nothing.
Mueller pulled up every DOJ file he could find on anyone associated with Trump. Manafort had been investigated earlier and the DOJ passed on a prosecution. Several of Manaforts "crimes" and already ran the clock on the statute of limitations. Mueller got a judge to resurrect them. No they named the people and went in search of crimes.

So how is it you got inside the Mueller investigation to learn all this?

More "sources you already gave me" but didn't?

It's all public access, all you need do is pay attention.

Charges of bank fraud and tax evasion have been floating around for some time against President Donald Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort, but the Department of Justice passed on his prosecution a few years ago, National Review contributing editor Andrew McCarthy noted Tuesday.

Andrew McCarthy: DOJ Passed on Manafort's Prosecution Until Now

BTW, it was Rosenstein that declined that prosecution earlier.

they didn't pass on it, Manafort was still under a counter intelligence investigation of the FBI's, when Mueller was appointed, the FBI passed their investigation on to him

What did that have to do with his actions a decade ago? Like I said, Mueller named the people and sent his team looking for anything to squeeze them. That's not how it's suppose to work.

they passed Manafort over to Mueller because their counter intelligence on him involved Russians in the Ukraine and he was Trump's campaign Manager... he was a likely 'mole' for the Russians that had infiltrated himself in to Trump's campaign.... so instead of keeping the two investigations separate from each other, they joined them.... gave it all to Mueller's team....

Bull crap, Rosenstein closed the books on Manafort more than 4 years ago, it's just your imagination that there was any connection. Mueller resurrected a 4 year old case simply because Manafort was connected to Trump. People forget Mueller had a job interview to be the FBI director and was rejected less than 24 hours of being appointed special counsel. Ya think there might have been a conflict there?

His lawyer told him it was the best way to go, Cohen suggested it. Heaven forbid people rely on their lawyers to do something correctly.



Earlier in this thread you told a far different story:

Ok, but you continue to ignore an almost two decade history of Trump and friends buying stories and using NDAs to keep people quiet. Like I said before, this was NOT UNIQUE ….

Then: a 2 decade history of Trump paying off people to keep quiet
Now: Cohen suggested it

Perhaps I’ll buy you a mirror so you can debate yourself.

Once again, reading is fundamental, Cohen suggested the company to consolidate all the stories they planned to purchase. Using it for Daniels NDA made sense in that scenario. Now feel free to spin that too.


So Trump used this scenario for 2 decades according to you but had to have it suggested to him this time? Yeah...that’s a crazy scenario you’re trying to sell

Feel free to point where I said Cohen suggested a company to consolidate material 2 decades ago. Hint, when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.


Feel free to explain why Trump (having done this for 20 years as you said) would have had to have his attorney who has done this for him time and again suggest this. Hint; when you have surf and turf, you can have it both ways; when you are talking about conspiracy to commit election fraud….you can’t.

Too bad you haven't been paying attention, that has been addressed more than once in this thread. Go back and review.


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