How Many Of You Have Never Committed A Crime?

Have you broken the law some time in your life?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I'm a Democrat so the law doesn't apply to me the way it does to Republicans

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How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.

Look at you - apologist for a treasonous rat. Trump sold out his country to the Russians for money. They executed Benedict Arnold for less.

Republicans were warned that he was involved with Russia BEFORE the election, and they didn't care. Yesterday, the Senate issued a couple of scathing reports that said that Russia intervened heavily to suppress the Democratic vote before the mid-terms, and that since Trump's election, the attacks by Russian troll farmers have INCREASED, substantially, as Russians defend this Presidency.

One of those attacks is to post lies about Robert Mueller, and calling his investigation "illegimate". Is that what you're doing Gramps?
When I was 7 yrs old, living on an AF Base, walking home from school, I crossed the street in the middle of the road and not the corner....

A Military Police Airman spotted me doing this, and basically took me in to his custody, explained to me I was breaking the law, by Jaywalking and in his custody, walked me home to my house and turned me over to my mother's custody!!! It scared the pajesus out of me!! And I never jaywalked again, so help me God!!! Even now, as an adult.... I cross the street only at legal corner crossroads!!!

So, you are claiming you never drank alcohol before you were of legal age? Never went one mile per hour over the speed limit? Never failed to come to a complete stop at a stop sign?
not in the least... when I was young/a child I did things that everyone else did.... and surely I've sped as an adult....

but this thread is not about civil offenses, it was started to give excuses for Trump committing CRIMINAL offenses....
You said you never broke a law. You lied, of course.
For about the millionth time-----big deal. The hyper partisan house impeached him; they had been looking for any excuse to do that for a long time, anyway. The senate didn't convict him. All over a blowjob. What did a blowjob have to do with Starr's investigation into Whitewater, anyway?

Not a BJ, but lying under oath.

Is that why President Trump won't go under oath?

He has, the written answers he provided carry the same pitfalls as an oral interview.

Except that his lawyers vetted all his answers, if he was even present when they were written.

Do you seriously think lawyers wouldn't be present for an oral interview? You're just not very smart, are ya?

Well no, they would definitely be there. Why would you think they wouldn't be? But how much control do you think they have over Cheeto Jesus's mouth once he gets started? He's a perjury machine with a hair trigger and the whole world knows it.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.

Look at you - apologist for a treasonous rat. Trump sold out his country to the Russians for money. They executed Benedict Arnold for less.

Republicans were warned that he was involved with Russia BEFORE the election, and they didn't care. Yesterday, the Senate issued a couple of scathing reports that said that Russia intervened heavily to suppress the Democratic vote before the mid-terms, and that since Trump's election, the attacks by Russian troll farmers have INCREASED, substantially, as Russians defend this Presidency.

One of those attacks is to post lies about Robert Mueller, and calling his investigation "illegimate". Is that what you're doing Gramps?
Russian Collusion is yet another fraud the left has created for idiots like you.
We have tons of evidence that Hillary was working with the Russians and not one scrap of proof that Trump did.
Whistleblowers revealed that The Clinton Foundation was acting as a for profit foreign agent selling weapons technology to China. They also sold 20% of our Uranium rights to Russia while Hillary was Secretary Of State.
Why else would she try to hide her communications with a unauthorized private server?
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.

Look at you - apologist for a treasonous rat. Trump sold out his country to the Russians for money. They executed Benedict Arnold for less.

Republicans were warned that he was involved with Russia BEFORE the election, and they didn't care. Yesterday, the Senate issued a couple of scathing reports that said that Russia intervened heavily to suppress the Democratic vote before the mid-terms, and that since Trump's election, the attacks by Russian troll farmers have INCREASED, substantially, as Russians defend this Presidency.

One of those attacks is to post lies about Robert Mueller, and calling his investigation "illegimate". Is that what you're doing Gramps?
Russian Collusion is yet another fraud the left has created for idiots like you.
We have tons of evidence that Hillary was working with the Russians and not one scrap of proof that Trump did.
Whistleblowers revealed that The Clinton Foundation was acting as a for profit foreign agent selling weapons technology to China. They also sold 20% of our Uranium rights to Russia while Hillary was Secretary Of State.
Why else would she try to hide her communications with a unauthorized private server?

There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that the Clinton Campaign was working with the Russians. NONE. Other than hundreds of posts from Russian troll farmers here to the effect that she was. Russian posts are not evidence. When the Campaign purchased the dossier, it was done through their lawyers - the campaign didn't know who was doing the research, nor did they speak to Steele, or Fusion GPS.

There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that Clinton did ANYTHING that was illegal. No evidence, no witnesses, and no charges. The evidence is a figment of Republican imaginations, which is promoted by Russian posters here.

Clinton used a private server. The Bush Administration used a high capacity private server. Government servers are very limited in storage - something like 25 megabytes per employee. Trump has a private server as well. That's why Clinton had a private server. I can see a dozen legitimate reasons why Clinton would want a private server, but you can only see a nafarious purpose.

Everything that you are suggestion the Clintons have done has been investigated dozens of times, and what they found is that your whole story is a series of Republican smears and lies, and that Russian troll farmers have been amplifying and repeating these lies to support Trump.

I've noticed that Trumpbots and the Russians have been attacking the Clintons like maniacs over the past couple of days - ever since the proof of collusion has been made public, Pecker confirmed that Trump was in the room talking about paying off women and suppressing their stories as a campaign strategy, and Cohen was sentenced and impeachment is no longer an option, but a responsibility of government.

Stop shilling for the Russians Gramps!
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.

Look at you - apologist for a treasonous rat. Trump sold out his country to the Russians for money. They executed Benedict Arnold for less.

Republicans were warned that he was involved with Russia BEFORE the election, and they didn't care. Yesterday, the Senate issued a couple of scathing reports that said that Russia intervened heavily to suppress the Democratic vote before the mid-terms, and that since Trump's election, the attacks by Russian troll farmers have INCREASED, substantially, as Russians defend this Presidency.

One of those attacks is to post lies about Robert Mueller, and calling his investigation "illegimate". Is that what you're doing Gramps?
Russian Collusion is yet another fraud the left has created for idiots like you.
We have tons of evidence that Hillary was working with the Russians and not one scrap of proof that Trump did.
Whistleblowers revealed that The Clinton Foundation was acting as a for profit foreign agent selling weapons technology to China. They also sold 20% of our Uranium rights to Russia while Hillary was Secretary Of State.
Why else would she try to hide her communications with a unauthorized private server?

There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that the Clinton Campaign was working with the Russians. NONE. Other than hundreds of posts from Russian troll farmers here to the effect that she was. Russian posts are not evidence. When the Campaign purchased the dossier, it was done through their lawyers - the campaign didn't know who was doing the research, nor did they speak to Steele, or Fusion GPS.

There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that Clinton did ANYTHING that was illegal. No evidence, no witnesses, and no charges. The evidence is a figment of Republican imaginations, which is promoted by Russian posters here.

Clinton used a private server. The Bush Administration used a high capacity private server. Government servers are very limited in storage - something like 25 megabytes per employee. Trump has a private server as well. That's why Clinton had a private server. I can see a dozen legitimate reasons why Clinton would want a private server, but you can only see a nafarious purpose.

Everything that you are suggestion the Clintons have done has been investigated dozens of times, and what they found is that your whole story is a series of Republican smears and lies, and that Russian troll farmers have been amplifying and repeating these lies to support Trump.

I've noticed that Trumpbots and the Russians have been attacking the Clintons like maniacs over the past couple of days - ever since the proof of collusion has been made public, Pecker confirmed that Trump was in the room talking about paying off women and suppressing their stories as a campaign strategy, and Cohen was sentenced and impeachment is no longer an option, but a responsibility of government.

Stop shilling for the Russians Gramps!
James Comey laid out the crimes Hillary committed in detail......and his recommendation was that no prosecutor would take the case, not because they weren't provable, because he proved them, but because nobody wants to prosecute Hillary.

And the only reason we are talking about the Clintons is because everything that has been going on in the Mueller probe points directly back to Hillary. The source of the Steel Dossier said yesterday that the DNC and Hillary paid him to dig up dirt on Trump. And that dossier turned out to be total bunk. If it hadn't been crapola you'd already know it by now. Trump would already be they're left to trying to destroy everyone around Trump instead, hopefully idiots like you will think that crimes that Manafort and others committed will rub off on Trump.
The dossier was the predicate to beginning the Russian investigation in the first place.
So what we have is Hillary provided the excuse to begin a never ending investigation searching for crimes against an innocent president by the people that supported the woman he beat.
And you wanted it so much that you totally bought it.
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How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
I don't remember any pseudocons asking if anyone had never committed a crime when Clinton was being impeached.

Because the fucker was caught red handed for perjury and obstruction and plead to both.

So let's put Trump under oath and see what shakes out.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.

1990's are calling and asking do you remember Whitewater and how in the end all they got Slick Willy for is lying about a blow job under oath?

Edit note:

I have broken the law so many times by only spent one day in jail.
White privilege career criminal^^

Don't hate me...
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
this is the level of pathetic desperation that Trump lovers have come to?

How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
By the way, Clinton lying about an affair under oath was in no way remotely connected to a 10 year old land deal in Arkansas...
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
this is the level of pathetic desperation that Trump lovers have come to?

The basic TardLogic™ of Trump's piss drinkers.

"Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!"

But don't lock up Traitor Trump because we have all broken the speed limit at some time or another.

It's downright Orwellian.

The reason these tards' heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance due to their own contradictions is because that would require cognition.

They are just brainless parrots.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
this is the level of pathetic desperation that Trump lovers have come to?

The basic TardLogic™ of Trump's piss drinkers.

"Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!"

But don't lock up Traitor Trump because we have all broken the speed limit at some time or another.

It's downright Orwellian.

The reason these tards' heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance due to their own contradictions is because that would require cognition.

They are just brainless parrots.
I like to refer to them as reprogrammable meat-bags...

When the time comes, their software will be wiped clean and reprogrammed to worship a new cult leader...and they will forget everything they said or supported before that....

They did it with Bush, McCain, Romney, etc...
I never saw any of these tards start a topic saying Hillary shouldn't be locked up "because jaywalking".

How DO they stand the stench of their own hypocrisy?
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
this is the level of pathetic desperation that Trump lovers have come to?

After years of making excuses for Hillary and Obama you best defense is ignore the facts and claim that Trump supporters are as sycophantic as you are.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
By the way, Clinton lying about an affair under oath was in no way remotely connected to a 10 year old land deal in Arkansas...
No shit Sherlock.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
this is the level of pathetic desperation that Trump lovers have come to?

The basic TardLogic™ of Trump's piss drinkers.

"Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!"

But don't lock up Traitor Trump because we have all broken the speed limit at some time or another.

It's downright Orwellian.

The reason these tards' heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance due to their own contradictions is because that would require cognition.

They are just brainless parrots.
I like to refer to them as reprogrammable meat-bags...

When the time comes, their software will be wiped clean and reprogrammed to worship a new cult leader...and they will forget everything they said or supported before that....

They did it with Bush, McCain, Romney, etc...
That's rich!!!

Considering you are probably one of those piss drinkers that swallowed every scheme the left comes up with. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.

1990's are calling and asking do you remember Whitewater and how in the end all they got Slick Willy for is lying about a blow job under oath?

Edit note:

I have broken the law so many times by only spent one day in jail.
At least they started with an actual crime.
They don't even have one in this case.

Trump wasn't even officially under investigation.

They even recommended Comey's firing.

What this has turned into is nothing more than and endless search for crimes and political harassment. Congress will try to talk us into allowing impeachment, but thanks to Mad Maxine, they've already shown their hand. So, they're harassing Trump into cleaning house. Until he does, they'll just keep breaking into people's homes without probable-cause.
Last edited:
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.

Not quite the same darlin.
Think they closed down the Trump foundation and Trump U just for the hell of it
17? Indictments?

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