How Many Of You Have Never Committed A Crime?

Have you broken the law some time in your life?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I'm a Democrat so the law doesn't apply to me the way it does to Republicans

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So how is it you got inside the Mueller investigation to learn all this?

More "sources you already gave me" but didn't?

It's all public access, all you need do is pay attention.

Charges of bank fraud and tax evasion have been floating around for some time against President Donald Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort, but the Department of Justice passed on his prosecution a few years ago, National Review contributing editor Andrew McCarthy noted Tuesday.

Andrew McCarthy: DOJ Passed on Manafort's Prosecution Until Now

BTW, it was Rosenstein that declined that prosecution earlier.

they didn't pass on it, Manafort was still under a counter intelligence investigation of the FBI's, when Mueller was appointed, the FBI passed their investigation on to him

What did that have to do with his actions a decade ago? Like I said, Mueller named the people and sent his team looking for anything to squeeze them. That's not how it's suppose to work.

they passed Manafort over to Mueller because their counter intelligence on him involved Russians in the Ukraine and he was Trump's campaign Manager... he was a likely 'mole' for the Russians that had infiltrated himself in to Trump's campaign.... so instead of keeping the two investigations separate from each other, they joined them.... gave it all to Mueller's team....

Bull crap, Rosenstein closed the books on Manafort more than 4 years ago, it's just your imagination that there was any connection. Mueller resurrected a 4 year old case simply because Manafort was connected to Trump. People forget Mueller had a job interview to be the FBI director and was rejected less than 24 hours of being appointed special counsel. Ya think there might have been a conflict there?

Bull crap, Rosenstein closed the books on Manafort more than 4 years ago

Link required. Oh wait. You don't do links

Earlier in this thread you told a far different story:

Then: a 2 decade history of Trump paying off people to keep quiet
Now: Cohen suggested it

Perhaps I’ll buy you a mirror so you can debate yourself.

Once again, reading is fundamental, Cohen suggested the company to consolidate all the stories they planned to purchase. Using it for Daniels NDA made sense in that scenario. Now feel free to spin that too.


So Trump used this scenario for 2 decades according to you but had to have it suggested to him this time? Yeah...that’s a crazy scenario you’re trying to sell

Feel free to point where I said Cohen suggested a company to consolidate material 2 decades ago. Hint, when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.


Feel free to explain why Trump (having done this for 20 years as you said) would have had to have his attorney who has done this for him time and again suggest this. Hint; when you have surf and turf, you can have it both ways; when you are talking about conspiracy to commit election fraud….you can’t.

Too bad you haven't been paying attention, that has been addressed more than once in this thread. Go back and review.


I was paying attention.
First you said Trump did this for decades
You said Cohen had the idea to do this

Meanwhile, you still support a guy who is banging women he isn’t married to and making illegal payments to buy their silence. In that light; your opinion means very little since you have zero principles.
I have never committed a crime

like so many here

to drive faster's not a crime
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
I don't remember any pseudocons asking if anyone had never committed a crime when Clinton was being impeached.

Because the fucker was caught red handed for perjury and obstruction and plead to both.

So let's put Trump under oath and see what shakes out.

He's already been there with the written responses, that carries the same jeopardy as an oral interview.

How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.

wow, amazing what you rightwing tools tell yourselfs when faced with a simple fact that you voted for a fraudster duechebag like Trump.

And he could leave office tomorrow and I still wouldn't regret my vote, he kept the bitch out of the WH, mission accomplished.


In your narrow tunnel vision you only see the politics of now and not the steep long term cost to the conservative brand.

The movement is a joke at this point and whatever you think you've accomplished by hitching your wagon to this amoral huckster will be undone three-fold in just a few election seasons.

Screw yourself, I helped prevent more long term damage to my country at the hands of you commies. Trump has done a lot of good reversing much of the programs you commies instituted that was harming the country. I care about his actions, nothing else, don't like it, tough.


"Commies"? You are nuts.

No, but evidently you are.

It's all public access, all you need do is pay attention.

Charges of bank fraud and tax evasion have been floating around for some time against President Donald Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort, but the Department of Justice passed on his prosecution a few years ago, National Review contributing editor Andrew McCarthy noted Tuesday.

Andrew McCarthy: DOJ Passed on Manafort's Prosecution Until Now

BTW, it was Rosenstein that declined that prosecution earlier.

they didn't pass on it, Manafort was still under a counter intelligence investigation of the FBI's, when Mueller was appointed, the FBI passed their investigation on to him

What did that have to do with his actions a decade ago? Like I said, Mueller named the people and sent his team looking for anything to squeeze them. That's not how it's suppose to work.

they passed Manafort over to Mueller because their counter intelligence on him involved Russians in the Ukraine and he was Trump's campaign Manager... he was a likely 'mole' for the Russians that had infiltrated himself in to Trump's campaign.... so instead of keeping the two investigations separate from each other, they joined them.... gave it all to Mueller's team....

Bull crap, Rosenstein closed the books on Manafort more than 4 years ago, it's just your imagination that there was any connection. Mueller resurrected a 4 year old case simply because Manafort was connected to Trump. People forget Mueller had a job interview to be the FBI director and was rejected less than 24 hours of being appointed special counsel. Ya think there might have been a conflict there?

Bull crap, Rosenstein closed the books on Manafort more than 4 years ago

Link required. Oh wait. You don't do links

There's one in this very string dumbass.

Look here,,,,,Crime is when you kill and or dismembered somebody ...

that's a crime

but to pass a red light?

Lord no!

that is not a crime.....

what sort of morons are we talking to here I mean.....
We aren't talking about traffic violations here and this is the lamest most cynical bullshit I ever heard.

I guess you've got nothing left though...
We aren't talking about traffic violations here and this is the lamest most cynical bullshit I ever heard.

I guess you've got nothing left though...


what are we talking about here...???
Once again, reading is fundamental, Cohen suggested the company to consolidate all the stories they planned to purchase. Using it for Daniels NDA made sense in that scenario. Now feel free to spin that too.


So Trump used this scenario for 2 decades according to you but had to have it suggested to him this time? Yeah...that’s a crazy scenario you’re trying to sell

Feel free to point where I said Cohen suggested a company to consolidate material 2 decades ago. Hint, when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.


Feel free to explain why Trump (having done this for 20 years as you said) would have had to have his attorney who has done this for him time and again suggest this. Hint; when you have surf and turf, you can have it both ways; when you are talking about conspiracy to commit election fraud….you can’t.

Too bad you haven't been paying attention, that has been addressed more than once in this thread. Go back and review.


I was paying attention.
First you said Trump did this for decades
You said Cohen had the idea to do this

Meanwhile, you still support a guy who is banging women he isn’t married to and making illegal payments to buy their silence. In that light; your opinion means very little since you have zero principles.

First I said Trump and friends have been buying and killing stories for almost two decades (a link was provided). Second Cohen RECENTLY came up with the Idea to buy all those stories and consolidate all of them under Trumps control in one company. And there's nothing illegal about executing an NDA which is a civil contract. Once again a dual purpose expenditure which benefits a candidate personally and politically is NOT a valid campaign expense. Trump would have violated campaign finance law if he had used campaign funds to execute the NDAs, he didn't.

How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.

Logic failure here, I find that interesting.

If Mueller goes and prosecutes Trump for jaywalking or speeding we'll see Trump is no more guilty than a jaywalker or speeder.
So Trump used this scenario for 2 decades according to you but had to have it suggested to him this time? Yeah...that’s a crazy scenario you’re trying to sell

Feel free to point where I said Cohen suggested a company to consolidate material 2 decades ago. Hint, when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.


Feel free to explain why Trump (having done this for 20 years as you said) would have had to have his attorney who has done this for him time and again suggest this. Hint; when you have surf and turf, you can have it both ways; when you are talking about conspiracy to commit election fraud….you can’t.

Too bad you haven't been paying attention, that has been addressed more than once in this thread. Go back and review.


I was paying attention.
First you said Trump did this for decades
You said Cohen had the idea to do this

Meanwhile, you still support a guy who is banging women he isn’t married to and making illegal payments to buy their silence. In that light; your opinion means very little since you have zero principles.

First I said Trump and friends have been buying and killing stories for almost two decades (a link was provided). Second Cohen RECENTLY came up with the Idea to buy all those stories and consolidate all of them under Trumps control in one company.

So according to you Trump and friends have been doing this for 2 decades going back to 1998. The LLC that Cohen Formed to consolidate all of them (according to you) was formed on 10/17/16 (2 weeks before the election). Why would you have to “consolidate” agreements that are 18 years old, 15 years old, 5 years old or even 5 days old? So that explanation is comical at best. I’m sure you just pulled it out of thin air.

And there's nothing illegal about executing an NDA which is a civil contract. Once again a dual purpose expenditure which benefits a candidate personally and politically is NOT a valid campaign expense. Trump would have violated campaign finance law if he had used campaign funds to execute the NDAs, he didn't.

Judge Napalitano explained (again) that the clear attempt to conceal campaign expenditures is what has Trump in hot water on this front. The Russian hacking conspiracy, the obstruction of justice, and the other scandals are other matters.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.

Logic failure here, I find that interesting.

If Mueller goes and prosecutes Trump for jaywalking or speeding we'll see Trump is no more guilty than a jaywalker or speeder.
So far Mueller has prosecuted Trumps associates...
...for what amounts to, in the legal field, jaywalking and speeding...
....but you libroids think it proves Trump colluded with Russians.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
You people reek of desperation
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.

Logic failure here, I find that interesting.

If Mueller goes and prosecutes Trump for jaywalking or speeding we'll see Trump is no more guilty than a jaywalker or speeder.
So far Mueller has prosecuted Trumps associates...
...for what amounts to, in the legal field, jaywalking and speeding...
....but you libroids think it proves Trump colluded with Russians.

Nope, and you are a name caller unable to rationalize your opening statement. I've noted how far you are going to make excuses for your heroes, your team, your ideology and will mark everything you type in the future accordingly reminding folks about this thread for decades.

These men are professionals in their fields for a reason and the punishments are more intense than jaywalking for a reason.
Feel free to point where I said Cohen suggested a company to consolidate material 2 decades ago. Hint, when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.


Feel free to explain why Trump (having done this for 20 years as you said) would have had to have his attorney who has done this for him time and again suggest this. Hint; when you have surf and turf, you can have it both ways; when you are talking about conspiracy to commit election fraud….you can’t.

Too bad you haven't been paying attention, that has been addressed more than once in this thread. Go back and review.


I was paying attention.
First you said Trump did this for decades
You said Cohen had the idea to do this

Meanwhile, you still support a guy who is banging women he isn’t married to and making illegal payments to buy their silence. In that light; your opinion means very little since you have zero principles.

First I said Trump and friends have been buying and killing stories for almost two decades (a link was provided). Second Cohen RECENTLY came up with the Idea to buy all those stories and consolidate all of them under Trumps control in one company.

So according to you Trump and friends have been doing this for 2 decades going back to 1998. The LLC that Cohen Formed to consolidate all of them (according to you) was formed on 10/17/16 (2 weeks before the election). Why would you have to “consolidate” agreements that are 18 years old, 15 years old, 5 years old or even 5 days old? So that explanation is comical at best. I’m sure you just pulled it out of thin air.

And there's nothing illegal about executing an NDA which is a civil contract. Once again a dual purpose expenditure which benefits a candidate personally and politically is NOT a valid campaign expense. Trump would have violated campaign finance law if he had used campaign funds to execute the NDAs, he didn't.

Judge Napalitano explained (again) that the clear attempt to conceal campaign expenditures is what has Trump in hot water on this front. The Russian hacking conspiracy, the obstruction of justice, and the other scandals are other matters.

You might want to read up on FEC decisions and previous court cases on dual benefit expenditures. Even Napalitano doesn't get it right 100% of the time. The history of pre-campaign purchases and NDAs go in Trumps favor. BTW the link I posted about AMI said they have been buying and killing stories for ALMOST two decades, I said that every time I mentioned it, yet you can't seem to grasp the definition of "almost".

Feel free to explain why Trump (having done this for 20 years as you said) would have had to have his attorney who has done this for him time and again suggest this. Hint; when you have surf and turf, you can have it both ways; when you are talking about conspiracy to commit election fraud….you can’t.

Too bad you haven't been paying attention, that has been addressed more than once in this thread. Go back and review.


I was paying attention.
First you said Trump did this for decades
You said Cohen had the idea to do this

Meanwhile, you still support a guy who is banging women he isn’t married to and making illegal payments to buy their silence. In that light; your opinion means very little since you have zero principles.

First I said Trump and friends have been buying and killing stories for almost two decades (a link was provided). Second Cohen RECENTLY came up with the Idea to buy all those stories and consolidate all of them under Trumps control in one company.

So according to you Trump and friends have been doing this for 2 decades going back to 1998. The LLC that Cohen Formed to consolidate all of them (according to you) was formed on 10/17/16 (2 weeks before the election). Why would you have to “consolidate” agreements that are 18 years old, 15 years old, 5 years old or even 5 days old? So that explanation is comical at best. I’m sure you just pulled it out of thin air.

And there's nothing illegal about executing an NDA which is a civil contract. Once again a dual purpose expenditure which benefits a candidate personally and politically is NOT a valid campaign expense. Trump would have violated campaign finance law if he had used campaign funds to execute the NDAs, he didn't.

Judge Napalitano explained (again) that the clear attempt to conceal campaign expenditures is what has Trump in hot water on this front. The Russian hacking conspiracy, the obstruction of justice, and the other scandals are other matters.

You might want to read up on FEC decisions and previous court cases on dual benefit expenditures. Even Napalitano doesn't get it right 100% of the time. The history of pre-campaign purchases and NDAs go in Trumps favor. BTW the link I posted about AMI said they have been buying and killing stories for ALMOST two decades, I said that every time I mentioned it, yet you can't seem to grasp the definition of "almost".


Again, if the NDA is signed; it need not be “consolidated”. So almost 20 years is immaterial. Twenty seconds after it’s signed, the check or whatever was given to the young lady he just molested has another entity’s name on it if it was done before 10/17/2016. Now all the ones he’s molested after may have the LLC’s name on it but the “consolidation” argument you’re making is ridiculous.

Devious intent to conceal campaign expenditures…doesn’t sound good for the blob.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.

Logic failure here, I find that interesting.

If Mueller goes and prosecutes Trump for jaywalking or speeding we'll see Trump is no more guilty than a jaywalker or speeder.
So far Mueller has prosecuted Trumps associates...
...for what amounts to, in the legal field, jaywalking and speeding...
....but you libroids think it proves Trump colluded with Russians.

Conspired with Russia…colluded is a term the blob came up with.
Too bad you haven't been paying attention, that has been addressed more than once in this thread. Go back and review.


I was paying attention.
First you said Trump did this for decades
You said Cohen had the idea to do this

Meanwhile, you still support a guy who is banging women he isn’t married to and making illegal payments to buy their silence. In that light; your opinion means very little since you have zero principles.

First I said Trump and friends have been buying and killing stories for almost two decades (a link was provided). Second Cohen RECENTLY came up with the Idea to buy all those stories and consolidate all of them under Trumps control in one company.

So according to you Trump and friends have been doing this for 2 decades going back to 1998. The LLC that Cohen Formed to consolidate all of them (according to you) was formed on 10/17/16 (2 weeks before the election). Why would you have to “consolidate” agreements that are 18 years old, 15 years old, 5 years old or even 5 days old? So that explanation is comical at best. I’m sure you just pulled it out of thin air.

And there's nothing illegal about executing an NDA which is a civil contract. Once again a dual purpose expenditure which benefits a candidate personally and politically is NOT a valid campaign expense. Trump would have violated campaign finance law if he had used campaign funds to execute the NDAs, he didn't.

Judge Napalitano explained (again) that the clear attempt to conceal campaign expenditures is what has Trump in hot water on this front. The Russian hacking conspiracy, the obstruction of justice, and the other scandals are other matters.

You might want to read up on FEC decisions and previous court cases on dual benefit expenditures. Even Napalitano doesn't get it right 100% of the time. The history of pre-campaign purchases and NDAs go in Trumps favor. BTW the link I posted about AMI said they have been buying and killing stories for ALMOST two decades, I said that every time I mentioned it, yet you can't seem to grasp the definition of "almost".


Again, if the NDA is signed; it need not be “consolidated”. So almost 20 years is immaterial. Twenty seconds after it’s signed, the check or whatever was given to the young lady he just molested has another entity’s name on it if it was done before 10/17/2016. Now all the ones he’s molested after may have the LLC’s name on it but the “consolidation” argument you’re making is ridiculous.

Devious intent to conceal campaign expenditures…doesn’t sound good for the blob.

Just go away child, now you're claiming consensual contact is molestation? You're not worth my time.


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