How many of you libs going to take care of these children in your home

I agree that the apparent current solution is ridiculous, insulting, and downright potentially damaging to citizens. Although, I don't think you can just send kids back to where they came from especially if they are fleeing violence, from a non contiguous country, etc...

BUT, that doesn't mean they have to just be taken in and given citizenship by the thousands! Countries around the world deal with refugee problems. Usually if the numbers are smaller, they trickle in and are dealt with via asylum hearings. When they come in in large groups, they may be granted temporary refugee status.

Refugee camps are set up to provide basic human needs, the UN comes in either physically or with financial support, and when the violence dies down, the refugees are deported back to their country. Some may, in the mean time, qualify for permanent asylum, some never will... But the refugees would not be integrated into society and into the system en masse, the camps could be fenced in and protected. Why is this not an option?

This could be a solution that could really help these people,(it is done all over the world!) if that's what they need- basic human needs and safety would be met. But not a free pass to citizenship. We should protect our citizens and our economy while retaining our humanity. If it's truly a humanitarian crisis, this would solve it. If it's people looking for a better life and economic opportunity... Get in line.
Just wondering. Since I have seen a lot of libs think its ok for these illegal kids to be here. How many are you going to take care of.. If you are going to talk the talk then you better walk the walk..

If you get your way and make abortion illegal, how many of you conservatives are going to take into your homes all the unwanted babies that are born, especially those with horrific birth defects or those who are not white and perfect? How many of your are ready to raise all those children born to women who cannot afford to care for them?
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