How many of you would have fired General Patton


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
...for his intemperate remarks? How was he different from President Trump? Would you rather that America be a loser instead of a winner? Please enlighten me.
I wouldn't have fired him. He was a great general. A man who knew how to get things done.

He wasn't always a nice man but then he didn't need to be. His death should still be under investigation.
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...for his intemperate remarks? How was he different from President Trump? Would you rather that America be a loser instead of a winner? Please enlighten me.

...for his intemperate remarks? How was he different from President Trump? Would you rather that America be a loser instead of a winner? Please enlighten me.

"Intemperate remarks" such as?

I ain't firing anybody just because some message board wag says "he said intemperate remarks". I need something sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiightly more tangible.
I wouldn't have fired him. I quite ppossibly would have permitted him to march on Moscow.
...for his intemperate remarks? How was he different from President Trump? Would you rather that America be a loser instead of a winner? Please enlighten me.

"Intemperate remarks" such as?

I ain't firing anybody just because some message board wag says "he said intemperate remarks". I need something sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiightly more tangible.

From Wikipedia:

Patton developed an ability to deliver charismatic speeches.[80] He used profanity heavily in his speech, which generally was enjoyed by troops under his command, but it offended other generals, including Bradley.[203] The most famous of his speeches were a series he delivered to the Third Army prior to Operation Overlord.[204] When speaking, he was known for his bluntness and witticism; he once said, "The two most dangerous weapons the Germans have are our own armored halftrack and jeep. The halftrack because the boys in it go all heroic, thinking they are in a tank. The jeep because we have so many God-awful drivers. "[205] During the Battle of the Bulge, he famously remarked that the Allies should "let the sons-of-bitches [Germans] go all the way to Paris, then we'll cut them off and round them up."[205] He also suggested facetiously that his Third Army could "drive the British back into the sea for another Dunkirk."[205]

As media scrutiny on Patton increased, his bluntness stirred controversy. These began in North Africa when some reporters worried that he was becoming too close to former Vichy officials with Axis sympathies.[206] His public image was more seriously damaged after word of the slapping incidents broke.[207] Another controversy occurred prior to Operation Overlord when Patton spoke at a British welcoming club at Knutsford in England, and said, in part, "since it is the evident destiny of the British and Americans, and of course, the Russians, to rule the world, the better we know each other, the better job we will do." The next day news accounts misquoted Patton by leaving off the Russians.[208]

On a visit home after the war he again made headlines when he attempted to honor several wounded veterans in a speech by calling them "the real heroes" of the war, unintentionally offending the families of soldiers who had been killed in action.[181] His final media blowup occurred in September 1945, when goaded by reporters about denazification, he said "[d]enazification would be like removing all the Republicans and all the Democrats who were in office, who had held office or were quasi-Democrats or Republicans and that would take some time." This caused Eisenhower to relieve Patton from command of the Third Army.[209]
Patton should have been in prison (MacArthur too) for his participation in the Bonus Army attacks upon US military veterans, and their families, during the summer of 1932.

If that would have happened, Patton would have never made his asinine remarks.
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...for his intemperate remarks? How was he different from President Trump? Would you rather that America be a loser instead of a winner? Please enlighten me.

"Intemperate remarks" such as?

I ain't firing anybody just because some message board wag says "he said intemperate remarks". I need something sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiightly more tangible.

From Wikipedia:

Patton developed an ability to deliver charismatic speeches.[80] He used profanity heavily in his speech, which generally was enjoyed by troops under his command, but it offended other generals, including Bradley.[203] The most famous of his speeches were a series he delivered to the Third Army prior to Operation Overlord.[204] When speaking, he was known for his bluntness and witticism; he once said, "The two most dangerous weapons the Germans have are our own armored halftrack and jeep. The halftrack because the boys in it go all heroic, thinking they are in a tank. The jeep because we have so many God-awful drivers. "[205] During the Battle of the Bulge, he famously remarked that the Allies should "let the sons-of-bitches [Germans] go all the way to Paris, then we'll cut them off and round them up."[205] He also suggested facetiously that his Third Army could "drive the British back into the sea for another Dunkirk."[205]

As media scrutiny on Patton increased, his bluntness stirred controversy. These began in North Africa when some reporters worried that he was becoming too close to former Vichy officials with Axis sympathies.[206] His public image was more seriously damaged after word of the slapping incidents broke.[207] Another controversy occurred prior to Operation Overlord when Patton spoke at a British welcoming club at Knutsford in England, and said, in part, "since it is the evident destiny of the British and Americans, and of course, the Russians, to rule the world, the better we know each other, the better job we will do." The next day news accounts misquoted Patton by leaving off the Russians.[208]

On a visit home after the war he again made headlines when he attempted to honor several wounded veterans in a speech by calling them "the real heroes" of the war, unintentionally offending the families of soldiers who had been killed in action.[181] His final media blowup occurred in September 1945, when goaded by reporters about denazification, he said "[d]enazification would be like removing all the Republicans and all the Democrats who were in office, who had held office or were quasi-Democrats or Republicans and that would take some time." This caused Eisenhower to relieve Patton from command of the Third Army.[209]

Stalin knew that Patton was our best general and did what he could to neutralize him. That was why he and Bradley switched roles after the "Slap".

Had Patton been in command, he would have closed the Falaise Pocket and been in Berlin 6 to 12 months ahead of "Uncle" Joe.

Patton correctly labeled the final disposition of Europe after WWII as a strategic failure for the US and Brits because all we did was replace Hitler with someone far more evil in FDR's "Uncle"
For those of us that still believe in the rule of law, and there are fewer and fewer of us these days, if you are insubordinate and refuse to follow orders you get fired. He was a hellava general. But you follow the rules and the chain of command. These are alien concepts for the Trumplican so I would advise that you go to your bathroom cabinet and get out the Bayer before reflecting too hard on this.
For those of us that still believe in the rule of law, and there are fewer and fewer of us these days, if you are insubordinate and refuse to follow orders you get fired. He was a hellava general. But you follow the rules and the chain of command. These are alien concepts for the Trumplican so I would advise that you go to your bathroom cabinet and get out the Bayer before reflecting too hard on this.

Having the US intel agencies spy on a Presidential candidate is the new "rule of law"

Look at the way Hollywood portrayed Patton as an almost comic figure by George C. Scott. In contrast the pompous ass, MacArthur who lost an entire freaking army in the first three months of the war was portrayed by a dignified Gregory Peck. Soft propaganda.
For those of us that still believe in the rule of law, and there are fewer and fewer of us these days, if you are insubordinate and refuse to follow orders you get fired. He was a hellava general. But you follow the rules and the chain of command. These are alien concepts for the Trumplican so I would advise that you go to your bathroom cabinet and get out the Bayer before reflecting too hard on this.

Having the US intel agencies spy on a Presidential candidate is the new "rule of law"

Oh, not this BS again. The moron Trump contacts Russians who are being monitored by US intelligence and you blame the intelligence agencies for Trump's stupidity.
Yeah, sounds like Trumpist logic.
For those of us that still believe in the rule of law, and there are fewer and fewer of us these days, if you are insubordinate and refuse to follow orders you get fired. He was a hellava general. But you follow the rules and the chain of command. These are alien concepts for the Trumplican so I would advise that you go to your bathroom cabinet and get out the Bayer before reflecting too hard on this.

Having the US intel agencies spy on a Presidential candidate is the new "rule of law"

Oh, not this BS again. The moron Trump contacts Russians who are being monitored by US intelligence and you blame the intelligence agencies for Trump's stupidity.
Yeah, sounds like Trumpist logic.

Had Hillary won, you wouldn't even have needed a fake Steel dossier anymore
Patton's post-war problem was that he was a war monger without a war. I consider it fortunate that nobody was willing to create a new one for him.
...for his intemperate remarks? How was he different from President Trump? Would you rather that America be a loser instead of a winner? Please enlighten me.
You do realize that the President outranks everyone in the military. Shit doesn't roll up hill. By the way the economy says we are not losing.
MacArthur should have been fired at the outset of the war.

Ike should have been fired in 1942.

Patton could have been fired numerous times, for his mouth.
He still had to obey orders whether he liked them or not.

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